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Herstellung und Verlag: BoD- Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt

ISBN: 9783752864199



It has become a world of networking. At first, progress was made of coal and steel. Then elictricity and digitization, algorythms, were soon followed by self-controlling systems - and always driven by an insatiable hunger for raw materials, that people wondered, how long will destruction of earth probably last, and where we try to live? The real true dream of human kind has not sold properly until today. Many try to get out of their hamster wheel, even if fear and panic kept things moving.

The past can't be changed, but a new life starts right here. People go on so fast, stay lonely, or go really far, what made them sure they came together?

You know, a work that goes back to antiquity can be postponed to tomorrow. It depends on the attitude. If you do not love your feet, you walk on the ground and over the water until you find your feet back again! Being young is hard to judge, but whoever thinks about spontaneous love?

Every hour of day and night it's an unspeakable miracle to discover the meantime between light and dark. It is important to count and to know what counts, to be loved and at the same time to get warned, when feelings warn before doing faults. Beauty in ruins, if man has given much, he gave the gift of his heart. It is not death that spreads lies. One day, there will come times, when death itself would die. Magical, timely, central, irrevocable.

A drop-out called this view to himself, ... since the train had run for him, he grew up curious and angry and rebellious, with the tragedy and inequality he wandered through. I advised him, if his opinion is correct, he will realize a heart will follow and he will be happy! A community without true participation of anyone, evolved into a society that could be humiliated on all sides, right?

A personal story is formed out of the story of everyone - with trimmings, hangings and anxieties. Happiness is not a place.

It's an attitude. It lives in us. The best wishes we send out, will come back! Anyone who quotes in detail, who moves insatiated interests, who lives detached from the opinion of others, has a special gift for loving people, and he deserves a strong hug because he himself serves society!

Let's see it like this. A woman compliments a man.

She knew, what she did not want, and ignored, what she had in love. She can tell an attractive man that he linked her with good memories. However, what's life, it has a motto. It often seems too complicated for her, so she remained in search of herself. Where people doubted and destroyed themselves, they didn't hear an inner voice, because mood or inner state tricked to an eternal desire, and lives only overtaxed, to lie passively in the corner.

What they make of their lives depends on themselves!

They have to approach the perceptible truth through a tunnel and every now and then, have to break a wall again and again.

Some are able to pursue an eternal allure of truth and their quest to unleash a trailblazing chain of responses to their lives of complete art. They make a return to what is truth of almost all.

The majority of people lack this perception of reality, they must be challenged and promoted more. According to science, our progress in democracy, according to our enlightenment and the proclamation of human rights, the ability to choose the right thing. A policy appeals to, it's influenced by the whole population, according to all the benefits of human coexistence. A clergy can never intervene in the state. The private life of its citizens depends on free thinking, its most important good, oppressively, an influence on everything and no individual right is excluded. Because people have to learn, are not left without chance. It is important for a society to learn to defend itself from paternalism instead of spiritually annihilating each other. The story of a solitary hike is meant to do art, the sweetest aphrodisiac of a woman's female spirit. It nourished her wishes. It taught her, who she is.

To recognize, it is wonderful to discover what a soul wants.

Of course, earth is not flat, and moon is not sitting on any tree.

Likewise, the human abyss is not exactly two feet eighty in front.

Man must not misunderstand his body. He now begins to perceive truth through the senses. Man always wants to distrust the things, that once deceived him, but that can be perceived true and at the same time remotely experienced. Everyone knows that world is seen, discovered and delimited with the body. The eye eats, and the spirit keeps awake. It is an intermediate world, which gives us the power to look through and to fathom.

Freedom of a mind goes with experiencing the body, and it is not a great mind without its body. Your imagination gives you a land, the certainty to visit. It's a thread for you, which keeps on spinning.

New form is lost in the wind. Out of sheer mind, the army of travelers flees out. I reach out and sit here on my star and let my feet dangle. I am longing, so moon comes at night.

Thousand faces belong to the children. God wishes God to start learning from each other. Two moons have passed, and days passed, when it was wet and cold. For several years there were no more heroes. So they decided to make new ones, those who have tried their strength and skill, and yet reached their limits. The price of their appearance set them apart, at a distance from the general public and society. They did not even become martyrs. They were never seen by anyone. But imagine, they give their muscle play.

No fictional harlequin, no juggler, who did not talk about it, to invent the founder of rich laurels, in a self-righteousness that Jupiter equals. He fought with angels, this heavenly army, and trying to equalize To become a knight of the stars, in the race for the favor of the chosen ones!

Is it going to be so unpopular in life, to find a refuge on the moon.

Nobody wants to jump on the box. Everyone just stuck out their tongues. One stands lonely in the midst of winter, because the supply of bad manners froze, mattered to attract attention. No matter which side of the people, it's talked about, there was no reason, because morality put it before all things. Yes, the school days of the dumb ones are long gone, and no one had enough spirit, to make up peace, no hate, to make up for the missed homework every day.

The way

Anne ran ahead. She was carrying a backpack and a small bundle in her arms. It was almost midnight when she set off. The road was long and silent before her. She had in mind to flee as quickly as possible with her little savings, as far north as possible, in order to escape her father and that family, which held her groundless for ungrateful and excluded her from their heart. She was only seventeen. Fortunately, she already had papers and became eighteen in the next few days, and she was of age when she could decide for herself.

The darkness had quickly enveloped her as she entered the station.

She inquired about the next train that would take her to north when it was daylight. As long as she was driving with a regional train in direction of Frankfurt, she could change next morning in an ICE.

She boarded the train. The doors closed and she entered a compartment, containing an elderly gentleman, who seemed quite drunk. But she told herself with confidence, that that person in his condition had suffered much, that she had little to fear, and she sat down. He did not even wake up, until she got off in Frankfurt.

She thought, that was just fine. She guessed, that he did not even have a ticket. But no inspector came by. She thought, before she left, he might awake, perhaps telling his gruesome story about money gone, lost work, wife away, no place to stay. So she just wanted to let him sitting there, drunk, asleep, and she could get out without talking.

Anne decided, to wait in the station café, until the sun rose in a few hours, to have breakfast and a warm up with a few cups of coffee.

She was not a bit tired and looked around the cafeteria at the people, waiting and sitting around. She saw, for example, one slightly older man with a curved, black hat, with a big brim, and a pretty wide-brimmed felt coat, sitting in front of his drink. He had a kind of drawing pad in front on the table and scribbled on it.

She watched him. He had an extra-long cigarette hanging carelessly in the corner of his mouth. He sat there, completely concentrated in his work for a while, when he looked up, then smiled directly and asked her to come and sit down. He waved Anne over his table. She let him invite her, eager to see what conversation she would expect.

The stranger spoke -

I have a few words for you. Let me surch something. I'm not sure where they are...

He rummaged in a leather backpack, but did not find, what he was looking for, muttered something to himself and went on -

Wait a moment. Just when I saw you, it occurred to me, what a pretty, brave girl you are. I am an artist here in the city. I like to make the night of day, just like you, as it seems to me. He looked into her eyes and took a deep draft from the cigarette. He took a couple of crayons out of his pocket and began to portray her immediately.

My name is Werner, the brother of us two twins, is at home and sleeps usually at this time. His name is Michael.

You know, if I were really a famous painter, I should paint your laugh. I do not show in my pictures the lust of people, but somehow I bring into the paint, what are the wishes of the people.

I still bite fascinated on my dry lips and do not even earn anything with it, as it is usually the case. Yes, I didn't really earn that much in my art yet ... He winked at her mischievously, taking a measure of her features from a distance. Anne took a sip of coffee and grinned. Then she introduced herself.

Hello Werner. My name is Anne. It's nice, but rare, to find a man like you here. But tomorrow I am gone once and for all, and I have no plans to return here. I have no good memories of the homeland and I have to be careful about my father. But I finally want to start my own way. So far, life has had its certain freedoms, but only far away from home. You can say, what the water gave me by the way, that only my feet could reflect my run, and that should change now!


People are enigmatic but charming. They are composed of depths that even the sea could not fathom. You do not have to give me your whole childhood, because your decision is firm and that's a good thing. This painting, which people try to make of the world, says, they all paint it as they want. If you leave this art to someone, you would never know how to enjoy the picture, as you can find it in yourself.

With a quick movement he had finished the portrait and pushed it under her nose. But one picture followed the next. He finally flipped to the next page, skinning in a fort.


You paint like a big man, that's what I mean. Your heart is also in the right place.

She reached for the drawing pad and looked calm at her picture.


I blinked at the misfortune of the world, as if a shot of the eyelids would clear my misery. Your picture arouses tensions in me, because I don't know, what I'll come across in the future, but I'm confident.


Tension is just how you think you should be. Relaxation is to feel who you are.


If I wanted to feel inside you, the following sentence occurred to me. Not to regard every human being, but every thing as an end itself. This would be a cosmic ethic. This sentence comes from Georg Simmel, from the fragments and essays, that we once mentioned in German lessons.


Stories have time. They demand that you get involved with, immerse yourself so to speak, and that you go as an accomplice again.


A community without true participation of everyone, evolves into a society, that could be denounced on all sides, right?

They both sat contently for another moment. Soon the city seemed to awaken. Businessmen ran from here to there with their briefcases, cleaners, people with bags and suitcases. Anne had to say goodbye to Werner in order to reach her train yet. She held his hands a little tight and looked him one last time into his meek eyes.

He was silent for a moment. Then he just said one sentence - Find the place, where nothing is impossible ...

There is no beginning or end to your dreams or plans. We are all children of many. We learn, and sometimes we teach ourselves to love. But we usually celebrate what we recognize ourselves.

Dear Anne, goodbye and see you again in another life!

She went to the platform a little depressed. She only had ten minutes to say goodbye to her childhood. A few hot tears ran down her cheeks, but they nourished her soul with the promise that everything would be better for her soon. She just needed patience.

Anne swallowed one last time, then her ICE rolled in and she took a seat. Her compartment was empty. She thought that was a good thing at the moment, and she was beginning to regain her composure.

A quick journey into distance began, which she had always longed for. She was sitting in that train, that sent her to a new life right in the afternoon. That made her sigh. Anne took a deep breeze and let her eyes close. The inspector checked her ticket. Werner's portrait lay in front of her on the small table by the window. The train started. She left early in the morning. The inner city scurried past the window, she watched lonely rows of houses on the outskirts of the city, first allotments, and then all travelers were outside, between one place and the other. She saw fields and pastures and already trees that dropped their leaves. The pictures just snap past her. She didn't think about anything anymore, dropped all ballast and fell into a relaxed sleep.

She did not notice that her train was stopping for a long time at the northern station, he took already his drive to Husum. When a conductor cautiously grabbed her shoulder, she came back to herself.


Excuse me, did not you want to get off at Kiel? We are already on the way to the West, good woman. I assume, you should leave the train at the next station. We will stop in three minutes! Anne apologized for the oversight and picked up her luggage and waited at the door for her exit. Somewhat surprised how quick her journey was over time. She ran through autumn Husum. Here time was pretty quiet. Anne tried to understand her situation.

As she walked, she wondered things, that connected her thoughts with her sleep on the train. Were the dreams designed as orbits of electrons and positron antielectrons? Did she observe their movement from left to right through hydrogen? She had to regain her composure. No, she was not at home anymore, and headed for another night. It should cool down in a few hours, not knowing anyone in the area. Her money, a last amount of 300 € was her last reserve. It would not be easy to address someone here. There was probably a storm coming through night. Life wasn't a dream these days.

Where did people go, when they didn't find themselves in a life dream? Would that be a black hole? She felt like a nocturnal creature. But it was no longer easy to switch off. Anne just wanted to sink back into a real bed in her longest sleep. Yet to create a home, was not an easy task. She thought, a human being would face with an almost impossible task, how it must go on.

Her plan had something impossible.

She thought, why did the eye clearly see a thing sharper in the dreams, than the imagination was seen awake? Anne knew, it needed a strong will, and an urgent answer to all these questions, even before she fell asleep in the cold. She knew, she would not progress. It meant for her to face reality altogether!