Everybody’s Superpower is this one: LEARNING, all the time and everything!

Brains love Exercises so they can grow!

For all children!

Because there is a
little mathematician in every child.

And we need those!

- Marion Mohnhaupt -


AHA Moments!

This book wants to reveal a secret to you …

Have you ever thought that math is just too difficult for you? That you don’t have math talent? Have you wondered exactly who those mysterious ‘numbers people’ are? Do you find yourself saying, “I cannot do math”?

Why do you think of yourself in that way? Don’t you think it is a bit harsh? Much too often our inner voice says limiting and unhelpful things when we face obstacles or experience difficulties. This is a natural human response because challenges can make us feel uncomfortable and can indeed be stressful. But there are good reasons to find better and more positive ways of thinking about and talking to yourself …

Imagine that what you have thought or heard is not true. Imagine that math learning is not dependent on such a thing as being a ‘numbers person’ and that math talent is an old myth that has finally been demystified by science. Can you imagine? Well, it is worthwhile imagining that because it is true. Today we know that math learning usually depends on engaged studying along with empowering teaching methods and support.

Naturally, each student has personal preferences and not everyone would choose math puzzles to do in his/her spare time or professional career. However, many more students than we realize can be successful math learners.

Math has a certain image. Sadly, for many it isn’t a good image and above all, it is not accurate. Old myths about being a ‘numbers person’ and about having math talent are hindering math learning without us being aware of it. They lead to feelings of inadequacy, avoidance, disinterest, and anxiety which is unfortunate. In actual fact, learners would often benefit from gaining greater confidence and from receiving more encouragement, enough time, and better supports. These are things that nourish curiosity, perseverance, and progress in math.

By now you have already learned quite a bit. Continue reading and you’ll discover even more about math and learning. As you do this, observe your daily thoughts about math learning with an open heart and mind.

Have fun and enjoy Aha Moments!


Part 1
Tina’s Aha Moments!
A Story with lots of Truth in it

Part 2
Insights into Math Learning
and our Brains

Brains love funny, interesting, and helpful Aha Moments!