Corporate Policy and Governance
How Organizations Self-Organize
Translated from German by Jutta Scherer, JS textworks (Munich, Germany)
Campus Verlag
Frankfurt/New York
About the Book
In Corporate Policy and Governance, Fredmund Malik offers insight into his cybernetic toolkit along with instructions for its use. He argues that businesses and other societal institutions can function “autodynamically” – in much the same fashion that modern technology steers, controls, and regulates itself – by adopting general systems policies. Explaining the way that organizations must be structured so they can organize themselves, Malik presents his cybernetic general management system for the age of complexity in this compelling book that every corporate executive should read.
About the Author
Prof. Fredmund Malik numbers among Europe’s leading management thinkers. As a consultant and management instructor for the last 30 years he has advised, educated and shaped executives at all levels and in all industries. He himself has been a successful entrepreneur for decades as CEO and principal of Malik Managementzentrum St. Gallen, with roughly 200 employees in St. Gallen, Zurich,London, Vienna, Shanghai and Toronto.
“Fredmund Malik has become the leading analyst of, and expert on, management in Europe. He is a commanding figure – in theory as well as in the practice of management.” (Peter F. Drucker)
For Hans Ulrich,
who gave me the freedom and the courage
to think beyond limits
What This Is All About
Concept and Logic of the Series
Management: Mastering Complexity
Possibilities and Limits
What Readers Need to Understand in Order to Understand this Book
Success Programming Its Own Failure
When Thinking Fails to Grow With Practice…
Problems and Systems
Old and New Sources
Cybernetics as a Source of Relevant Insight
Two Leaps of Evolution
Taking Advantage of Complexity
Right Management Is Cybernetic Management
Part I
From Organization to Self-Organization
1. Manifesto for Corporate REvolution
The REvolutionary Transformation
Categorical Change – Change of Categories
Will the Company Survive?
From Money to Knowledge: Will There Still Be Shareholder Meetings?
From Knowledge to Insight: Mundus Novus.
Right Corporate Policy is Systems Policy
Management in the Age of Complexity
Systemic Corporate Policy
Systems Logic and Subject-Related Issues
Effective Master Controls
Issue Policy vs. Systems Policy
Corporate Policy, Systems Policy, Governance
Remaining Blind for System-Immanent Natural Forces
2. Work Plan for Cybernetic Corporate Policy
Roadmap to a Cybernetic Corporate Policy
Orientation in the General Management Context
3. Hypotheses
4. Terminology
Part II
New Times – New Management
1. Constants through Change: Invariance, Self-Organization, Evolution
Safe Landmarks at the Top Level
Master Control, Cybernetics, and Governance
Two Kinds of Systems – Two Kinds of Management
2. Prototypes of System and Self-Organization
System Prototype: Water
Self-Organization Prototype: Traffic Circle
3. Master Control through Corporate Policy
What Corporate Policy Is
The Core of Functioning
Misconceived Pragmatism
Examples of Complexity-Compatible Corporate Policy
True Leadership and “Great Man Fantasies”
Corporate Policy and Solid System Work
Noncommittal Nature, Overregulation, Openness, Universal Validity
Ethics and Morality
What Should Be Regulated?
4. Navigating in Complexity – Models for Overview, Insight, and Perspective
Brain-Like Models
World → System → Model → Concept
The Model as a Thinking Tool
Realization and Understanding by Means of Regulation Models
Knowing What the Talk Is About: The Babylon Syndrome
Like a Brain: Operations Room – Management GPS
Three Purpose-Oriented Models
Basic Model for Corporate Policy
Farewell to Hierarchy: Embedding Replaces Ranking
Recursive Logic for Cybernetic Systems
Specialists, Generalists, Specialists for General Subjects
Three Subconcepts for Master Control
The Best Media for Master Control
Part III
Instructions for Self-Organization
1. What the Organization Should Do: The Business Concept
The Purpose of the Organization
The Business Mission
Performance of the Institution: The Cockpit
REvolutionizing Corporate Control through CPC towards Brain-Like Processes
The Cybernetic Power of Purpose and Mission
2. Where the Organization Has to Function:
The Environment Concept
What Needs to be Considered? A Common Topographical Map
The Master Control Model for the Environment
Master Controls for the Environment Model
Categorical Change
3. How and With What the Organization Should Function: The Management Concept
The Same Management Everywhere and for All
Tapping the Performance Potential
Inducing Self-Organization
Management Models for Master Control
The General Management Model
The Standard Model of Effectiveness – or “Management Wheel”
The Integrated Management System (IMS)
Navigation instead of Documentation
An Overview of the Master Control “Management Concept”
Implementing Corporate Policy: Order is Law times Application
Management Training and Development: Return on Management Education
Management Education is Critical for Success
Charts of the Malik Management System (MMS)
Part IV
Sovereignty and Leadership through Master Control
1. Order, Time, Peace
Their Working Conditions: Proliferating Complexity
Their Task: Total System Master Control
Their Challenge: Change Leaders
Their Choice: Making Use of Complexity
Their Conflict: Categorical Change
2. Top-Management Frame of Reference for Change Leaders
In the Cross-Hairs of Total System Control
The Future is Created Now – Or It Has Been Missed
3. Mastering the Master Controls – Source of Leadership
Master Control through Corporate Policy
Master Control through Corporate Modes
Master Control through Corporate Issues
4. A Look Forward – Current Top Management Issues
Informing and “Educating” Shareholders and Representatives of the Financial Sector
What is Profit? What is Wealth?
Entrepreneurship and Top Management
The Importance of Knowledge
Thinking through the Strengths
Developing Top Performers
What is a Functioning Society?
What Is the Meaning of Responsibility?
Top Managers’ Compensation
5. The Crisis of Top Executive Bodies and Their REvolution
Lack of Theory for Top Management Structures
Will Formation Works Differently Today
Breeding Ground for Conspiracy Theories
Why Traditional Corporate Governance Is Not Enough
6. REvolution: From Chief Executive Officer to Master Control Function
Supercontrol instead of Superperson
Total System Master Control Function
Functioning instead of Personifying
7. Top Management Teams
Three Prerequisites
Six Rules
8. Master Controls for Leadership
What Distinguishes Leaders
Leadership Arises – From a Situation
Master Controls for True Leadership
9. Heuristics for Winners: The Logic of Succeeding
Principles for Assessing the Situation
Principles for the Ability to Direct and Relate
Principle of Proximity to Information
Principles for the Power of Conviction
The Malik Management System And Its Users
Designations and Identities
History of Development
Applications and Effects
Autonomy for Management and Managers
Modularity and Interfaces
A Management System for Self-Thinkers
Potential for Success Increasing With Qualification
Self-Motivation for Self-Developers
Care versus Kudos
Authors and Acknowledgments
About the Author
There are many ways to systematically solve problems – but only one way to systematically avoid them: the cybernetic way. The design of a system to avoid problems must begin with the permanent realities at the core of all beings and things – their function. At the same time, it needs to integrate today’s perception of the problem if it is to be understood at all. This is why I gave this book a title relevant to most top managers’ world view: Corporate Policy and Governance. Only a few such managers, however, will be familiar with its content: the constants of how complex systems work – how general systems policy and its Master Controls can be used to organize organizations in such a way that whatever needs to be organized in them will organize itself.
Every organization, and indeed every human being, senses the effects of the profound change we have been undergoing ever since the age of complexity dawned. Almost everybody senses that rapid change is increasingly part of everyday life. Many people today – in particular those carrying great responsibility – find they can only fulfill their tasks at the expense of their personal lives. Hardly anybody would doubt that we need new foundations for management that are better suited to meet the new challenges than those still in use.
With this volume of my series Management: Mastering Complexity, I am presenting the key element of what general management needs in this age of complexity: the chief prerequisite for the organizations of the future, organizations that will work autodynamically. However, the concept will only unfold its elementary power, as it were, in conjunction with both the entire book series and the Malik Management System. Only when all other parts of the system work together can it achieve its maximum impact. This is why I start by explaining the concept and the logic of the series on the following pages.
Everything to be said about the subject of this book is much easier to express (and even easier to implement) in models than to put in succinct words without exceeding the scope of a book. Some of the paragraphs may therefore seem superfluous to one reader while another will find them to be precisely what he needs to understand the subject matter well. That is the price of rigorous management writing: it needs to use a language suited for everybody yet sometimes requires newly invented terms.
The questions as to what exactly needs to be done in corporate policy and governance can only be answered individually for each organization. With this book, I am making available a fully equipped toolbox, so to speak, along with the operating instructions for each of the tools, so that top managers will be able to perform the necessary craftsmanship in their organizations.
Directions regarding this volume and the entire series are given before Part I. That part then describes the key premises to be observed in order to master complexity. It also contains a roadmap for developing a corporate policy as I understand it. The roadmap explains how the remaining three parts of the book are structured. Part II explains the concept of a Master Control in complex systems: what it is, how it works and what it is needed for. The modules of Master Control will be presented in Part III. In Part IV, I will address top executives in charge of developing a corporate policy, explaining what needs to be done in order to achieve the system behavior required and what Master Controls managers need to apply to themselves. The appendix provides some concise information on the Malik Management System.
At this point I want to thank Maria Pruckner for her invaluable help in structuring and formulating this manuscript. As a student of Heinz von Foerster and an experienced management practitioner, and with her profound knowledge about the cybernetics of complex systems, she has helped me to better sort out my own thoughts and their cybernetics. The interaction of speech and thinking is one of her specialties. There is hardly anything that could be more important for an author and his readers.
Further, my thanks go to the members of the Board of Directors and the Group Management Board at Malik Management, in particular to Elisabeth Roth, Walter Krieg, and Peter Stadelmann for relieving me of some of my management tasks while I was writing this book.
It is a principle of mine not to publish any of my books until their content has proven valid in years of cooperation with hundreds of managers
This series of six books has a modular structure. The first book, Management. The Essence of the Craft, provides the basis and gives an overview of the series’s overall concept, as well as of my approach to right and good management. The remaining volumes elaborate on the topics of each individual chapter.
In other words, each of the volumes deals with a subject matter en bloc. Each can be read independently of the others, and in any order. Readers of one individual volume may, however, find it helpful to have a look at the introductory volume The Essence of the Craft in order to be able to position an individual topic within the overall context, according to the graph shown in figure 1.
A key concept for this series of books is my “Basic Model of Right and Good Management”, frequently referred to as the “Management Wheel” due to its shape. In my book Managing Performing Living it is described in detail1. The statements I made in that book are a prerequisite for fully understanding the contents of the series Management: Mastering Complexity.
The basis for all my books and papers is Strategie des Managements komplexer Systeme [“Strategy of the Management of Complex Systems”]2, a considerably expanded version of my habilitation treatise. This, in turn, is based on the books Systemmethodik Teil 1 und Teil 2 [“Systems Methodology – Basic Principles of a Method for Researching and Designing Complex Socio-Technological Systems”]3, the joint PhD thesis by Peter Gomez, Karl-Heinz Oeller, and myself. These books cover the theoretical principles of cybernetics and systems science, which represent the cornerstones of all my thinking with regard to management topics.
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Figure 1: Concept of the book series Management: Mastering Complexity
For the present volume on Corporate Policy and Governance, I have expanded figure 1 to make the connections between the six books more transparent. Figure 2 shows how the subject matters of all six books overlap, which corresponds with the systemic relations between the individual topics. Together they form a whole: an inseparable system for the integrated management of a complex societal institution – the General Management System I have developed, and tested in practice, over the past 30 years.
In the inner circle, we have the summary volume Management. The Essence of the Craft. It is embedded in the second volume, Corporate Policy and Governance. The latter, in turn, is embedded in four outer circles: the volumes on strategy, structure, culture, and executives. All are connected to each other in the manner illustrated in figure 2.
The systemic relations between the individual volumes come up against the limits of descripteveness of complex systems – with consequences for both the content and design of the individual volumes. The subject matters of the books stretch to the limits not only of language but also of conceptual comprehension.
While complex systems are relatively quick and easy to demonstrate and even easier to experience in certain ways, they are almost impossible to describe. The medium of language, and thus this book, is not really suitable for describing, capturing, and communicating the complexity of interconnected systems. This is one reason why maps and nautical charts were invented. With complex systems, the everyday maxim “easier said than done” is quickly reversed to “easier shown and done than said…”
What possibilities do we have, then, despite the limitations of language and books, to make complex systems halfway comprehensible and transparent?
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Figure 2: Systemic relations between the volumes of the series Management: Mastering Complexity
As the six volumes describe one system with its subsystems, repetitions are inevitable, and indeed intended.
The first reason why redundancies are inevitable is that the subject matters, while clearly distinguishable, are also inseparable, which is an important but rarely mentioned aspect of systemic thinking. They form one whole and must therefore be understood with regard to their interrelations.
Secondly, redundancy is intended because it is an indispensable tool to ensure certainty of communication and understanding. Thus, according to communication theory, redundancy is by no means superfluous. Not always are these two kinds of redundancy clearly distinguished. Functional redundancy facilitates orientation and comprehension by the reader.
Here, redundancy is not simply repetition but dealing with the same subject matters from different perspectives. One of the reasons why this is necessary is that the interrelations between subsystems are mutual but not symmetrical. For instance, the relation from strategy to structure is not of the same kind as the one from structure to strategy.
As has been pointed out before, descriptions and explanations of complex systems are pushing against the limits of what language is capable to communicate. Language is linear and thus, for all intents and purposes, unsuitable for describing branches, feedback loops, recursions, and other nonlinear concepts. It is also not complex enough to reflect the real complexity of systems.
In order to describe the non-linearity and complexity of systems without resorting to mathematics, the only means that a book has to offer besides textual redundancy is illustrations. But even illustrations can be highly inappropriate for complex systems. Firstly, there is only a two-dimensional surface – the book page – to depict multi-dimensional systems. Secondly, the depictions in a book are static while systems are dynamic by nature.
For representing the systemically constitutive phenomena of complex systems, such as their being embedded, interconnected, and dynamic, the book is basically an outdated medium. More adequate means of depiction include hypertext, hyperlinks, and the whole browser technology which is making ever more rapid advances.
The subject matter of this second volume, Corporate Policy and Governance, more than any other book of the series, requires the use of system models and corresponding illustrations to explain complex systems, and the modern techniques mentioned above would be much better suited for that.
The dynamics of a cybernetic system are best explored in dialog-type interaction. To overcome the limitations of the book medium, interested readers may want to visit the website to explore the Malik Management System, better understand its workings, and use it in practice. This website offers the easiest possible access to the management of complex systems.
With the book series Management: Mastering Complexity I am publicizing my management theory and my management system for the age of complexity. In retrospect, historians will probably date its beginning, as well as the associated emergence of a new society, to the early 21st century, knowing that epochal transformations can hardly be pinned to a fixed date.
It is a fact, though, that as far back as in the late 1940s, at the legendary Josiah Macy Conference, a new science emerged in response to the issue of complexity: the science of cybernetics. The focus of interest for related research is complexity. With his book Cybernetics and Management, published in 1959, the British top manager Stafford Beer laid the groundwork for management cybernetics because the core problem in management is complexity. We later cooperated closely. In 1968, my academic teacher and mentor at St. Gallen University, Prof. Hans Ulrich, took the next decisive step when writing his Systems-Oriented Management Theory. Together with my friend and colleague Walter Krieg, he presented the St. Gallen Management Model in 1972. Hence, ever since my time as a university student, my thinking has been challenged and influenced by thought leaders far ahead of their time. I was privileged enough to work with several of them, research and develop things with them, experiment and discuss with them. My doctoral thesis deals with the methodology used to research and design complex systems, and the title of my habilitation treatise of 1978 translates as Strategy for the Management of Complex Systems.
Against this historical and scientific background, the purpose of Management: Mastering Complexity is to enable the men and women of our New Society to survey and take advantage of the output of the relatively quiet yet enormously fruitful development work that has been going on over the past approximately 60 years. In this book series, the most essential things about complexity, management, and cybernetics will be pointed out in clear and comprehensible language. It is intended as a contribution to support the viability of the New Society, the functioning of its institutions, and the safe orientation of people in a world driven by complexity.
The change that the 21st century brings will be more dramatic than most people can imagine. The conditions for fundamental restructuring are in place. Although this may appear to be a paradox, its main cause is the enormous worldwide success of the kind of Western management practiced to date. This conventional kind of management has been so successful that it is no longer able to understand and control the systems it has generated, as they have become too complex. It is analogous to the protagonist of the famous ballad by Goethe, the Sorcerer’s Apprentice, who was unable to control the spirits he had called. The complex systems of the 21st century cannot be managed with 20th century thinking – because this is what has called them forth.
Never in history has a period of success been permanent. It is inherent in every success that it will systematically overtake itself because it generates the conditions of its own failure. This is one of the many paradoxes of complex systems.
Few people are capable of recognizing previous success as a cause of current problems. Few are capable of understanding that new solutions are required because the previously successful methods, owing to their very success, tend to lose impact or even become counterproductive, further exacerbating the difficulties they bring with them.
Whenever difficulties arise in a period of success, most people try addressing them by doing “more of the same”. This well-known, well-researched human behavior in complex situations is typical. It is also very wrong.
History has shown that periods like this keep demanding new ways of thinking, new methods and systems. Drawing on previous practices has seldom been successful; in most cases, radically new concepts were called for.
Today, we are facing the conditions for radical change on a global scale. The Western world’s practices have been such breakthrough successes that they have spread all over the world. Hence, all over the world there is a challenge to create a new order of systems of organizations, the nature of which cannot be predicted in advance.
The two successful concepts of the West are market and management. Wherever they have been applied so far they have caused the forces of free markets to be unleashed, and all available resources to be used ever more efficiently by management.
The impact of free markets is still being maximized by the elimination of boundaries and of national regulation. The impact of management is being maximized by computers and MBA programs. Unless they are fundamentally changed, both of these success methods will be hard pressed to survive the conditions they have created. A synthesis of both methods can lead to a sweeping success. However, this success will set clear limits for managing it, for simultaneously with the synthesis of market and management a process of gigantic complexification has set in, characterized by a progressive intertwining of an ever greater number of systems. As a result of this side effect, the functionality of societies and their institutions is being pushed to its limits. They become inefficient, which threatens to overstrain society as a whole.
When entire systems keep getting more and more inefficient, clear signals are exhibited. These include:
In other words, the system gets under pressure from its own coercions. What used to be success turns into its opposite and becomes a liability. All the systems of our society are becoming increasingly unstable because the market and management-focused success methods that have been practiced are now generating systemic risks and potential collapses. What used to be healthy growth turns into cancerous tumors.
It is in the nature of problems resulting from success that they cannot be solved with the same methods which led to that success. It is also in their nature that the success methods in practice turn into a problem and, over time, into the underlying problem. A main reason for that is that these methods are based on the knowledge of the 20th, in part even the 19th century. This knowledge stems from a world where the main issues to be dealt with were substance and force or, to put it differently, matter and energy. It was a world consisting of simple systems. They may have been complicated but – another presumed paradox – they were not particularly complex.
The texture of the age of complexity is different: as the name implies it is an unprecedented complexity which was brought about by the success of the approaches so far used. That is the common denominator of today’s societies and their institutions.
Different as commercial enterprises, hospitals, universities, and administrative agencies are, what they all have in common is that they are complex, dynamic, non-linear, probabilistic, networked systems. Their respective environments – complex systems themselves – form an interlaced and interwoven, dynamic, non-linear system ecology. Healthcare, educational, and social systems, utility, energy, transportation, and logistic systems, the field of media and information, the field of information and communication systems, the global financial system, legal and tax systems – to mention just a few – form a network of complex systems which are essentially fuzzy, opaque, and absolutely inscrutable to conventional reason.
Complex systems have their own laws, qualities, and behavioral patterns which are fundamentally different from those of simple systems. Consequently, the focus of management in and of a complex system must be very different from that of the management of a simple system: it must work with the inherent laws of the particular complex system in itself. These laws are what enable us to correctly predict the mode and behavior of a system, at least in its fundamental orientation, and control it accordingly.
For most organizations, operating in the highly complex system ecology of the age of complexity requires a radical redesign of the way they are managed, as well as of their strategies, processes, and structures. However, society and its institutions are presently not equipped to comprehend the natural conditions created by complexity.
Managers intuitively feel that they need to adopt new ways and approaches, although few are able to explain why. Their search for suitable solutions is tedious experimentation and groping around, because they still lack the necessary theories, models, and concepts for dealing with today’s dimensions of complexity.
Successfully mastering this much complexity requires a fundamental reorientation, starting with the basic model of management. This fundamental change of perspective is comparable to the Copernican transition from the geocentric to the heliocentric view of the universe. On the one hand, it requires radically new concepts of management; on the other, taking into account fundamentally new insights about information, systems, and their complexity.
The knowledge required for this reorientation cannot be found where people have been looking for it. It is derived neither from economic science nor from the classical natural sciences. They were the sources of the old solutions – those that are now outdated. The insights about complex system, which will be indispensable in the future, can be derived from systems, bio-, and neurosciences, as well as from evolution theory. Why is that so? Just imagine what it would be like if living organisms were organized in the same manner as our present social organizations. They would not function, they would not be viable. However, as biological systems are amazingly viable and versatile, we need to use them as a reference in designing man-made organizations and complex systems. We can and must learn from them.
It is not enough, however, to simply draw upon the analogies between organisms and organizations, because while organisms are organizations, organizations are not organisms. Insights from the bio- and neurosciences cannot (or can only very rarely) be transferred directly to societal organizations.
Reliable help can only be found where there are regularities that biological and man-made systems have in common. These regularities have been researched and revealed in the context of cybernetic studies. This is how, among other things, computers and modern medical technology, regulation and control systems in cars and airplanes, modern security systems, and satellite navigation were developed. In the entire field of technology and in several other disciplines cybernetics has been used for many years. Wherever that is the case, there have been demonstrable and obviously break-through achievements.
Cybernetics is the science of structuring, controlling, and regulating complex systems by means of information and communication. Related skills are crucial for society and its institutions’ ability to function in today’s complex world, and generally necessary for the management task as such.
Few things are more important for man in the age of complexity. It is not so much different attributes or qualities that distinguish him from the man of previous centuries, but his fundamentally different knowledge and, even more, what he does not know, as well as the conditions in which he needs to act and decide. This is precisely where the insights from cybernetics can be of invaluable use.
There is no doubt that cybernetics works well in technological systems. The management of complex organizations, however, includes much more than technical applications. To achieve the same kind of breakthroughs in management as have been achieved in technology, based on the insights from cybernetics, two evolutionary leaps must be taken simultaneously:
In principle, complex systems are inscrutable and incalculable. Due to their complexity they cannot be analyzed or understood, which is why they cannot be organized and controlled in detail. For particularly complex systems, as those entailed by an organized society, this is all the more valid. Cybernetics with its questions and search routines shows us how to successfully deal with such systems, master their complexity, and even take advantage of them. This is difficult to imagine as long as you assume that man, and in particular a manager, is in complete control of the functioning of systems. It only becomes plausible when you apply one of the most fundamental insights of cybernetics: that complex systems organize themselves, and they do so in accordance with the natural laws defined by cybernetics. Man can either come to terms with them, or otherwise be dominated by them just like he is dominated by any other force of nature.
The second evolutionary leap is a logical consequence of the first: since in principle we cannot know enough to control, regulate, organize and develop a system, we need to make sure it will do all these things by itself – as intelligently as nature is able to. Hence, cybernetic management is the application of cybernetics to management, and the decisive step towards a systematic use of all the “self-concepts” and “self-skills” (as I call them) provided by nature. It is the step from regulating to self-regulating, from organizing to self-organizing, from structuring to self-structuring, from coordinating to self-coordinating, from developing to self-developing – or, in other words, to evolution. In this context, and particular when talking about corporate policy, I also use the term Master Control.
Today’s societies and their institutions are systems which restructure themselves, permanently and unpredictably. They are systems of a particular type. They are characterized by the fact that they are a result of human action but not a result of human intent and purpose, in that these systems are more complex than man could ever plan and design them to be. They generate themselves, and that is the main reason why man will not readily accomplish what he wants and expects. Heinz von Foerster has referred to this circumstance in a manner now legendary when he used the metaphor of “trivial” and “non-trivial machines”.
The two evolutionary leaps mentioned above, which are responses to the hypercomplexity of our self-originating systems and to the self-capabilities of systems, are comparable to the historic transition from the flatearth to the spherical-earth theory in terms of their dimensions and consequences. They have very far-reaching effects.
Cybernetic management does not simply take away the fear of complexity and its consequence, the urge to reduce it. On the contrary, by applying cybernetics to management it becomes possible to take advantage of the properties of complexity and its perpetual self-generation. This is done by creating simple and often ingenuous solutions which enable organizations and society as a whole, to function better and more independently.
All major achievements and advancements result from the increase and better use of complexity, not its reduction. For instance, Ancient Rome drew its superiority from the greater complexity of its traffic routes and from the expertise in orchestrating complex armies. Gothic builders knew better than Romanic ones how to deal with complexity. Global business is facilitated by the complexity of modern communication technology, which is exponentially higher than the technology of the 20th century.
Cybernetic management and the deliberate, systematic use of complexity also help dissolve most of the contradictions and paradoxes that exist in traditional management thinking. Seemingly irreconcilable opposites can effortlessly be integrated by using this way of thinking. Systems managed and regulated by cybernetic principles are able to overcome the paradoxes of simplicity versus complexity, of freedom versus order, of variety versus unity, of autonomy versus centrality, of community versus the individual, of free economy versus control of excesses, of reason versus intuition. Reductionist either-or thinking is replaced or supplemented by systemic as-well-as thinking.
Sixty years of research into complexity and cybernetic phenomena are not that easy to summarize, even more difficult to prepare for a broad audience, and equally difficult to communicate in a credible manner. One could almost say that only those who have experienced and done it themselves may feel reasonably certain. With such certainty, and looking back at my 40 years of research, 30 years heading a business organization, and over 20 years as an entrepreneur, I can say this much: cybernetics – and only cybernetics – helps us recognize what right and what wrong management is under complex conditions. It shows what kind of overall management system complex institutions in complex environments need in order to function, and what subsystems they need to have. It provides insight on what the components of that management system should be, and how these – such as corporate policy, strategy, structure, and culture – should be designed so an organization will be able to deal with complexity. Cybernetic management shows us how, in the age of complexity, power and money need to be replaced by information and knowledge.
Understanding the regularities of complex systems is the key knowledge of the age of complexity. The key skill will be to use these insights gained from cybernetics. Both together provide the fundamental prerequisite for managing and mastering complexity in a system-compatible way. It is naturally required for the functionality of societal institutions, and for the ability of individuals to cope with life.
Mastering and taking advantage of complexity is the purpose of my management system. Only by keeping this purpose in mind, can my management models be studied, evaluated and applied correctly. Where exactly they differ from the management theories of the 20th century is described in the different volumes of the book series Management: Mastering Complexity. The 21st century manager does not need any different qualities. What he needs are different skills, another view of the world, other insights, and another way of acting.
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Two CEOs over late-night drinks
A: This is going to be my last whisky for the day, I’ve got a stack of documents to go through tomorrow.
B: What for? Nobody else knows what they’re all about.
A: That’s why I need to know – otherwise no one will have a clue of what’s going on, complex as everything is these days. Don’t you ever take any work home with you?
B: Pretty much never. In our company, because of all the complexity everyone has to know their stuff at all times. So our folders are usually quiet thin. I can read them at the office.
This book is a program for Revolutionizing top management. Its main focus has to be on top managers, as only they are in a position to take the decisions needed in due time.
Radical changes are managed at the top – or not at all. In the latter case, they simply happen. There is no choice, no option to say yes or no. The only option we have is to carry through this REvolution, well or badly, to be proactive and precipitate it or to be passive and let it happen – in which case we will probably be on the losing end.
The reason for Evolution is simple. Both the world of business and society at large are going through one of the most fundamental transformations that ever occurred in history. What is currently happening is not simply change. It is change of a new logical dimension, a meta- and mega-change. About one-third of the managers I work with are aware of this but do not see a solution. Another third sense the change, but feel uncertain and are unable to pinpoint it. The final third turn a blind eye, believing in today’s world as the only possible one.
The REvolution will not leave any of today’s organizations unscathed, be it commercial enterprises, universities, hospitals, or government. This must be the a basic assumption for top managers. I have been discussing this with top executives for years. They force themselves to accept this premise, in order not to run the risk of underestimating the change ahead. Many organizations will go down, either because they are unable to accomplish the transition or because they are no longer needed. Almost everything will have to be given a new order and many new organizations will emerge, with new purposes and tasks.
Forecasts are useless, but certain outlines are already discernible. One thing that is quite certain is that we are in the midst of the emergence of a new society, which can most accurately be referred to as the society of complexity – in a transition from the information to the knowledge society, from the society of organizations to the society of complex systems. Companies will no longer essentially be engines of force intensification but of intelligence intensification; rather than economic money machines they will be information and communication systems. Steering, regulating, and organizing become self-steering, self-regulating, and self-organizing. Predominant terms will be complexity, system, and cybernetics.
I prefer the term categorical change to the well-worn “paradigm change”, which has become useless for anything save banalities. What is happening is nothing less than a revolution of the fundamental categories in which society and economy have to be perceived in order to understand them – comparable to the Copernican transition from the geocentric to the heliocentric concept of the world, but encompassing many more dimensions.
Few of today’s categories for understanding the economy, organizations, and management will remain useful; they will no longer be able to guide people’s actions in any reliable way. That is true even for the world and for what we call reality, as the sciences teach us ever more spectacularly – in particular the bio- and neurosciences, but lately also physics again.
These sciences and their results are visible and they shape public awareness. By contrast, the sciences truly relevant for top executives in societal institutions have not had that much influence to date, although they are already bringing permanent changes to our lives: specifically the sciences of complexity, cybernetics, bionics, and the systems sciences. From a logical perspective, these sciences rank even “higher” because they will bring a change of categories, thus revolutionizing traditional sciences as well.
Quite certainly, in retrospect historians will speak of an epochal change and of a profound break in thinking, when they attempt to categorize the epoch we live in. And the crucial effects will have been brought about by executives’ actions and by the workings of societal institutions.
In parts of the business sector, enterprises of the current type will continue to exist. But even they will have to restructure radically and redesign their management from scratch.
In the New Society there will be many top managers who will be functioning as the nervous systems and brains, as it were, but “below” them there will not necessarily be companies in the current sense because everything can be sourced from outside. It will not even be necessary to buy resources because it will suffice to control them; it will be possible to source, re- and outsource, to form alliances and other forms of cooperation, create networks, dissolve them, configure and reconfigure them. A substantial share of the smartest top management bodies will confine themselves to “composing and directing” while the “orchestra” will keep changing, as is common in the world of music.
While we might continue to pay with money, the complex world will not be driven by it. It will be driven by knowledge, even though economists and analysts will try to uphold the monetary illusion for quite a while. For instance, the knowledge of how to set up successful business deals in China is several times more important than the money required to invest there, since without such knowledge investments will be lost faster than they are placed. Conversely, those who know how it is done will always be able to raise the necessary funds.
Taking this into account, what kinds of rights should be conceded, for instance, to shareholder meetings largely populated by investors, who – apart from their money – usually have little to contribute to the knowledge and intelligence required for the business, or to the functionality of its complex systems? Let them have generous dividends, let them enjoy handsome share price gains – but why should they have a part in electing the supervisory board, the group of people that is responsible for directing and supervising the company’s fate? So will there be two general meetings, one for investors and one for the owners of knowledge? Imagine, say, three dozen companies cooperating in constantly changing network structures, which jointly establish an integrated management of the entire problem-solving process, from the identification of the customer’s problem to its solution. How is our present form of corporate governance supposed to work in such a structure? Instead of corporate governance we will need systems governance. But how will it have to work when the performance networks of a global society will be systems continually reconfiguring themselves?
Even knowledge is not enough. What we need is perspective, insight, and comprehension. After all, knowledge is nothing but a resource. Only its application, comprehending and understanding how complex systems work, lets us take the decisive step towards exploiting complexity – utilizing it to persist in a new dimension of global competition and to succeed in a new business environment. To create and apply knowledge and transform it into benefits, we also need knowledge – but of another kind: rather than knowledge of the subject matter we need system knowledge.
Most of the ingredients of the New Society are in place for everyone to see, even if not everyone can understand them. Hence, a better comparison than Copernicus, although less known, is Amerigo Vespucci, the Florentine explorer after whom America was named. Amerigo realized that it was a New World, while Columbus, who had discovered the new territory, never until his death understood what he had accomplished. He kept on thinking he had landed in India, and so, regardless of his discovery, he tragically remained a citizen of the Old World. Amerigo Vespucci was the first citizen of the New World because he had understood the significance of the newly discovered territory. Stefan Zweig has left us an impressive account of these events.
As discussions regularly show, seasoned top executives are well able to conjecture how the existing components will reconfigure themselves to form systems of systems. But even they find it difficult to recognize the parts as elements of a new whole, because they still lack the categorization system, the grid, the coordinates of the new dimensions that one would need for true understanding. Hence, many are only able to see a number of puzzle pieces – but they have yet to develop an idea of the image that these pieces will form.
With this book, I am providing the categorization system required for safe navigation, for the reconstruction of societal institutions, and for corporate REvolution. The remaining volumes of the series will describe the thinking devices and tools required.