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Production and publishing:

BoD - Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt

1st edition

© 2020 fotolulu

Illustrations & text: fotolulu ·

Translation to English: William Ying

ISBN: 9783751962902


Why Covid scares the world

The story of an invisible tiny virus

Many years ago, a small virus called Covid was sitting in a cave in the Chinese province of Hubei. The cave was dark, it was uncomfortably cold, and Covid was alone. A large colony of bats lived on the cave ceiling. They were horseshoe bats, a very sociable bat species. Every night the bats flew out of the cave to hunt insects. Covid was alone in the cave and longed for some warmth.

One morning Covid snuck up to the cave ceiling and waited for the bats to come home. When the sun rose, the horseshoe noses came back. Mr. Wang and Ms. Li landed right next to Covid. They hung their back legs on the cave ceiling, licked their fur and talked about their hunting successes.

It was nice and warm between the bats and Covid made a decision. He crawled down Wang‘s legs unnoticed, slid over the smooth flying skin, and landed in Mr. Wang‘s mouth.