Organic Chemistry II For Dummies®

Table of Contents


About This Book

Conventions Used in This Book

What You’re Not to Read

Foolish Assumptions

How This Book Is Organized

Part I: Brushing Up on Important Organic Chemistry I Concepts

Part II: Discovering Aromatic (And Not So Aromatic) Compounds

Part III: Carbonyls: Good Alcohols Gone Bad

Part IV: Advanced Topics (Every Student’s Nightmare)

Part V: Pulling It All Together

Part VI: The Part of Tens

Icons Used in This Book

Where to Go from Here

Part I: Brushing Up on Important Organic Chemistry I Concepts

Chapter 1: Organic Chemistry II: Here We Go Again!

Recapping Organic Chemistry I

Intermolecular forces

Functional groups



Isomerism and optical activity

Looking Ahead to Organic Chemistry II

Chapter 2: Remembering How We Do It: Mechanisms

Duck — Here Come the Arrows

Coming Around to Curved Arrows

Getting Ready for Some Basic Moves

Bond → lone pair

Bond → bond

Lone pair → bond

Combining the Basic Moves


Keys to substitution and elimination mechanisms

Revisiting Free-Radical Mechanisms

Part II: Discovering Aromatic (And Not So Aromatic) Compounds

Chapter 3: Alcohols and Ethers: Not Just for Drinking and Sleeping

Getting Acquainted with Alcohols

Structure and nomenclature of alcohols

Physical properties of alcohols

Making moonshine: Synthesis of alcohols

What will they do besides burn? Reactions of alcohols

Introducing Ether (Not the Ether Bunny)

Structure and nomenclature of ethers

Sleepy time: Physical properties of ethers

Synthesis of ethers

Reactions of ethers

Summarizing the Spectra of Alcohols and Ethers

Chapter 4: Conjugated Unsaturated Systems

When You Don’t Have Enough: Unsaturated Systems

Conjugated systems

The allylic radical


Delocalization and Resonance

Resonance rules

Stability of conjugated unsaturated systems

Reactions of Conjugated Unsaturated Systems

Put in the second string: Substitution reactions

Electrophilic addition

More than a tree: Diels-Alder reactions

Passing an Exam with Diels-Adler Questions

Indentifying the product

Identifying the reactants

Chapter 5: "Seeing" Molecules: Spectroscopy Revisited

Chemical Fingerprints: Infrared Spectroscopy

Double bonds

Triple bonds

O-H and N-H stretches

C-H stretches

Suntans and Beyond: Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy

Not Weight Watchers, Mass Watchers: Mass Spectroscopy

The molecular ion


No Glowing Here: NMR Spectroscopy



Chapter 6: Introducing Aromatics

Benzene: Where It All Starts

Figuring out benzene’s structure

Understanding benzene’s resonance

The stability of benzene

Physical properties of benzene

Organic math — Hückel’s Rule

Other aromatics

Smelly Relatives: The Aromatic Family

Nomenclature of the aromatic family

Derivatives of benzene

Branches of aromatic groups

Black Sheep of the Family: Heterocyclic Aromatic Compounds

Aromatic nitrogen compounds

Aromatic oxygen and sulfur compounds

Spectroscopy of Aromatic Compounds




Mass spec

Chapter 7: Aromatic Substitution Part I: Attack of the Electrophiles

Basics of Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

Reactions of Benzene

Halogenation of benzene

Nitration of benzene

Sulfonation of benzene

Friedel-Crafts Reactions



Why Do an Alkylation?

Changing Things: Modifying the Reactivity of an Aromatic

Lights, camera, action: Directing

Turning it on, turning it off: Activating and deactivating

Steric hindrance

Limitations of Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

Chapter 8: Aromatic Substitution Part II: Attack of the Nucleophiles and Other Reactions

Coming Back to Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions

Mastering the Mechanisms of Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions

Losing and Gaining: Mechanisms of Elimination/Addition Reactions


The elimination/addition mechanism

Synthetic Strategies for Making Aromatic Compounds

Briefly Exploring Other Reactions

Part III: Carbonyls: Good Alcohols Gone Bad

Chapter 9: Comprehending Carbonyls

Carbonyl Basics

Considering compounds containing the carbonyl group

Getting to know the acidic carbonyl

Polarity of Carbonyls

Resonance in Carbonyls

Reactivity of the Carbonyl Group

Spectroscopy of Carbonyls

Infrared spectroscopy

Ultraviolet-visible (electronic) spectroscopy

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy

Mass spectroscopy

Chapter 10: Aldehydes and Ketones

Meeting Alcohol’s Relatives: Structure and Nomenclature

Defining Physical Properties of Aldehydes and Ketones

Creating Aldehydes and Ketones with Synthesis Reactions

Oxidation reactions

Reduction reactions

Other reactions

Taking Them a Step Further: Reactions of Aldehydes and Ketones

Nucleophilic attack of aldehydes and ketones

Oxidation of aldehydes and ketones

The Baeyer-Villiger reaction

Checking Out Spectroscopy Specs

Chapter 11: Enols and Enolates

Getting to Know Enols and Enolates

Enough already: Structure of enols and enolates

I thought I saw a tautomer

Studying the Synthesis of Enols and Enolates

Thinking Through Reactions of Enols and Enolates

Haloform reactions

Aldol reactions and condensations

Addition reactions to unsaturated aldehydes and ketones

Other enolate-related reactions

Miscellaneous reactions

Chapter 12: Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives

Seeing the Structure and Nomenclature of Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives



Checking Out Some Physical Properties of Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives

Carboxylic acids



Considering the Acidity of Carboxylic Acids

Determining How Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives Are Synthesized

Synthesizing carboxylic acids

Developing acyl halides with halogen

Removing water to form acid anhydrides

Uniting acids and alcohols to make esters

Bringing acids and bases together to create amides

Exploring Reactions

Generous carboxylic acids

Simple acyl halide and anhydride reactions

Hydrolysis of esters

Amide reactions, ester’s cousins

Other reactions of carboxylic acids and derivatives

Taking a Look at Spectroscopy and Chemical Tests

Identifying compounds with spectral data

Using chemical tests

Part IV: Advanced Topics (Every Student’s Nightmare)

Chapter 13: Amines and Friends

Breaking Down the Structure and Nomenclature of Nitrogen Compounds

Primary amines

Secondary and tertiary amines

Quaternary amines (quaternary ammonium salts)


Sizing Up the Physical Properties

Understanding the Basicity of Nitrogen Compounds

Synthesizing Nitrogen Compounds

Nucleophilic substitution reactions

Reduction preparations

Seeing How Nitrogen Compounds React

Reactions with nitrous acid

Replacement reactions

Coupling reactions of diazonium salts

Reactions with sulfonyl chlorides

Exploring elimination reactions

Mastering Multistep Synthesis

Identifying Nitrogen Compounds with Analysis and Spectroscopy

Chapter 14: Metals Muscling In: Organometallics

Grignard Reagents: Grin and Bear It

Preparation of Grignard reagents

Reactions of Grignard reagents

Organolithium Reagents

Formation of Other Organometallics

Putting It Together

Chapter 15: More Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds

Checking Out the Claisen Condensation and Its Variations

Doing the two-step: Claisen condensation

Circling around: Dieckmann condensation

Doubling Up: Crossed Claisen condensation

Other carbanions

Exploring Acetoacetic Ester Synthesis

Defining Malonic Ester Synthesis

Working with Other Active Hydrogen Atoms

Reacting with Knoevenagel Condensation

Looking at Mannich Reactions

Creating Enamines: Stork Enamine Synthesis

Putting It All Together with Barbiturates

Chapter 16: Living Large: Biomolecules

Delving into Carbohydrate Complexities

Introducing carbohydrates

Examining the many reactions of monosaccharides

Synthesizing and degrading monosaccharides

Meeting the (D-)aldose family

Checking out a few disaccharides

Looking at some polysaccharides

Discovering nitrogen-containing sugars

Lipids: Storing Energy Now So You Can Study Longer Later

Pondering the properties of fats

Soaping up with saponification

Bulking Up on Amino Acids and Proteins

Introducing amino acids

Perusing the physical properties of amino acids

Studying the synthesis of amino acids

Part V: Pulling It All Together

Chapter 17: Overview of Synthesis Strategies

Working with One-Step Synthesis

Tackling Multistep Synthesis

Practicing Retrosynthetic and Synthetic Analysis

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Example 5

Chapter 18: Roadmaps and Predicting Products

Preparing with Roadmap Basics

Practicing Roadmap Problems

Problem one

Solution one

Problem two

Solution two

Problem three

Solution three

Predicting Products

Part VI: The Part of Tens

Chapter 19: Ten Surefire Ways to Fail Organic Chemistry II

Simply Read and Memorize Concepts

Don’t Bother Working the Homework Problems and Exercises

Don’t Buy a Model Kit

Don’t Worry About Falling Behind

Don’t Bother Learning Reactions

If Your Textbook Confuses You, Don’t Bother with Additional Resources

Don’t Bother Reading the Chapter before Attending Class

Attend Class Only When You Feel Like It

Don’t Bother Taking Notes — Just Listen (When You Aren’t Sleeping or Texting)

Don’t Bother Asking Questions

Chapter 20: More than Ten Ways to Increase Your Score on an Organic Chemistry Exam

Don’t Cram the Night before a Test

Try Doing the Problem Sets and Practice Tests Twice

Study the Mistakes You Made on Previous Exams

Know Precisely Where, Why, and How the Electrons Are Moving

Relax and Get Enough Sleep before the Exam

Think Before You Write

Include Formal Charges in Your Structures When Appropriate

Check That You Haven’t Lost Any Carbon Atoms

Include E/Z, R/S, cis/trans Prefixes in Naming Organic Structures

Think of Spectroscopy, Especially NMR, As a Puzzle

Make Sure That Each Carbon Atom Has Four Bonds

Appendix: Named Reactions

Organic Chemistry II For Dummies®

by John T. Moore, EdD, and Richard H. Langley, PhD

About the Authors

John T. Moore, EdD, grew up in the foothills of western North Carolina. He attended the University of North Carolina–Asheville where he received his bachelor’s degree in chemistry. He earned his master’s degree in chemistry from Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina. After a stint in the United States Army, he decided to try his hand at teaching. In 1971 he joined the chemistry faculty of Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas, where he still teaches chemistry. In 1985 he went back to school part time and in 1991 received his doctorate in education from Texas A&M University. For the past several years he has been the co-editor (along with one of his former students) of the “Chemistry for Kids” feature of The Journal of Chemical Education. In 2003 his first book, Chemistry For Dummies, was published by Wiley, soon to be followed by Chemistry Made Simple (Broadway) and Chemistry Essentials For Dummies (Wiley). John enjoys cooking and making custom knife handles from exotic woods.

Richard H. Langley, PhD, grew up in southwestern Ohio. He attended Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, where he received bachelor’s degrees in chemistry and in mineralogy and a master’s degree in chemistry. His next stop was the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, Nebraska, where he received his doctorate in chemistry. Afterwards he took a postdoctoral position at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona, followed by a visiting assistant professor position at the University of Wisconsin–River Falls. In 1982 he moved to Stephen F. Austin State University. For the past several years he and John have been graders for the free-response portion of the AP Chemistry Exam. He and John have collaborated on several writing projects, including 5 Steps to a Five AP Chemistry and Chemistry for the Utterly Confused (both published by McGraw-Hill). Rich enjoys jewelry making and science fiction.


John: I dedicate this book to my wife, Robin; sons, Matthew and Jason; my wonderful daughter-in-law, Sara; and the two most wonderful grandkids in the world, Zane and Sadie. I love you guys.

Rich: I dedicate this book to my mother.

Authors’ Acknowledgments

We would not have had the opportunity to write this book without the encouragement of our agent Grace Freedson. We would also like to thank Chrissy Guthrie for her support and assistance in the early portion of this project and to Sarah Faulkner who helped us complete it. We would also like to thank our copy editor, Caitie Copple, and our technical editors, Susan Klein and Joe Burnell.

Many thanks to our colleagues Russell Franks and Jim Garrett who helped with suggestions and ideas. Rich would also like to acknowledge Danica Dizon for her suggestions, ideas, and inspiration. Thanks to all of the people at Wiley publishing who help bring this project from concept to publication.

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Welcome to Organic Chemistry II For Dummies. We’re certainly happy you decided to delve further into the fascinating world of organic chemistry. It’s a complex area of chemistry, but understanding organic chemistry isn’t really that difficult. It simply takes hard work, attention to detail, some imagination, and the desire to know. Organic chemistry, like any area of chemistry, is not a spectator sport. You need to interact with the material, try different study techniques, and ask yourself why things happen the way they do.

Organic Chemistry II is a more intricate course than the typical freshman introductory chemistry course, and you may find that it’s also more involved than Organic I. You may actually need to use those things you learned (and study habits you developed) in Organic I to be successful in Organic II. But if you work hard, you can get through your Organic II course. More importantly, you may grow to appreciate the myriad chemical reactions that take place in the diverse world of organic chemistry.

About This Book

Organic Chemistry II For Dummies is an overview of the material covered in the second half of a typical college-level organic chemistry course. We have made every attempt to keep the material as current as possible, but the field of chemistry is changing ever so quickly as new reactions are developed and the fields of biochemistry and biotechnology inspire new avenues of research. The basics, however, stay the same, and they are where we concentrate our attention.

As you flip through this book, you see a lot of chemical structures and reactions. Much of organic chemistry involves knowing the structures of the molecules involved in organic reactions. If you’re in an Organic Chemistry II course, you made it through the first semester of organic chemistry, so you recognize many of the structures, or at least the functional groups, from your previous semester’s study.

If you bought this book just to gain general knowledge about a fascinating subject, try not to get bogged down in the details. Skim the chapters. If you find a topic that interests you, stop and dive in. Have fun learning something new.

If you’re taking an organic chemistry course, you can use this rather inexpensive book to supplement that very expensive organic textbook.

Conventions Used in This Book

We have organized this book in a logical progression of topics; your second semester organic chemistry course may progress similarly. In addition, we set up the following conventions to make navigating this book easier:

Italics introduce new terms that you need to know.

Bold text highlights keywords within a bulleted list.

We make extensive use of illustrations of structures and reactions. While reading, try to follow along in the associated figures, whether they be structures or reactions.

What You’re Not to Read

You don’t have a whole lot of money invested in this book, so don’t feel obliged to read what you don’t need. Concentrate on the topic(s) in which you need help. Feel free to skip over any text in a gray shaded box (which we refer to as sidebars). Although interesting, they aren’t required reading.

Foolish Assumptions

We assume — and we all know about the perils of assumptions — that you are one of the following:

A student taking a college-level organic chemistry course.

A student reviewing organic chemistry for some type of standardized exam (the MCAT, for example).

An individual who just wants to know something about organic chemistry.

If you fall into a different category, you’re special and we hope you enjoy this book anyway.

How This Book Is Organized

The topics in this book are divided into six parts. Use the following descriptions and the table of contents to map out your strategy of study.

Part I: Brushing Up on Important Organic Chemistry I Concepts

Part I is really a rapid review of many of the concepts found in an Organic Chemistry I course. It’s designed to review the topics that you need in Organic II. We set the stage by giving you an overview of Organic Chemistry II, and then review mechanisms. Next we cover alcohols and ethers, their properties, synthesis, and reactions; followed by an overview of conjugated unsaturated systems. We end this review section with a discussion of spectroscopy, including IR, UV-visible, mass spec, and, of course, NMR. A whirlwind tour of Organic I!

Part II: Discovering Aromatic (And Not So Aromatic) Compounds

In Part II we concentrate on aromatic systems, starting with the basics of structure and properties of benzene and then moving on to related aromatic compounds. We even throw in a section of spectroscopy of aromatic compounds. Chapters 7 and 8 finish up this part by going into detail about substitution reactions of aromatic compounds. You find out all you ever wanted to know (and maybe more) about electrophilic and nucleophilic substitutions, along with a little about elimination reactions.

Part III: Carbonyls: Good Alcohols Gone Bad

In Part III we cover that broad category of organic compounds called the carbonyls. First we give you an overview of carbonyl basics, including structure, reactivity, and spectroscopy. Then we go into more detail on aldehydes and ketones, enols and enolates, and carboxylic acids and their derivatives.

Part IV: Advanced Topics (Every Student’s Nightmare)

In Part IV we start by taking a closer look at nitrogen compounds and their structure, reactivity, and reactions. Then we move on to organometallic compounds, where we meet the infamous Grignard reaction. We then finish up this part by addressing some more-involved reactions of the carbonyls and biomolecules. You pick up some good hints for synthesis and roadmaps here.

Part V: Pulling It All Together

In Part V we show you how to pull all the previous information together and use it to develop strategies for designing synthesis reactions. We talk about both one-step and multistep synthesis as well as retrosynthetic analysis. Then we tackle the dreaded organic roadmaps. (We all wish we had an organic chemistry GPS here.)

Part VI: The Part of Tens

In this final part of the book we discuss ten surefire ways to flunk your organic chemistry class (so you know what to avoid) along with ten ways to increase your grade on those organic chemistry exams.

Icons Used in This Book

If you have ever read other For Dummies books (such as the wonderful Chemistry For Dummies or Biochemistry For Dummies, written by yours truly and published by Wiley), you recognize the icons used in this book. The following four icons can guide you to certain kinds of information:

This icon is a flag for those really important things that you shouldn’t forget as you go deeper into the world of organic chemistry.

We use this icon to alert you to a tip on the easiest or quickest way to learn a concept. Between the two of us, we have almost 70 years of teaching experience. We’ve learned a few tricks along the way and we don’t mind sharing.

The warning icon points to a procedure or potential outcome that can be dangerous. We call it our Don’t-Try-This-At-Home icon.

We try to avoid getting too technical throughout this book (believe it or not), but every now and then we can’t help but throw something in that is a little more in-depth than you might need. You won’t hurt your education by skipping it.

Where to Go from Here

The answer to this question really depends of your prior knowledge and goals. As with all For Dummies books, this one attempts to make all the chapters independent so that you can dive right into the material that’s causing you trouble without having to read other chapters first. If you feel comfortable with the topics covered in Organic Chemistry I, feel free to skip Part I. If you want a general overview of organic chemistry, skim the remainder of the book. Take a deeper plunge into a chapter when you find a topic that interests you or one in which you really need help.

And for all of you, no matter who you are or why you’re reading this book, we hope you have fun reading it and that it helps you to understand and appreciate organic chemistry.

Part I

Brushing Up on Important Organic Chemistry I Concepts

In this part . . .

Part I is a review of some general chemistry and Organic Chemistry I topics you need a firm grounding in before moving on to Organic Chemistry II. Different books and different instructors break Organic I and Organic II material at different places. We use the most common break, but some Part I material may, in fact, be new to you. Even if you covered these concepts last semester, some of them have a high vapor pressure and may have escaped between semesters.

We begin by bringing you up to speed on mechanisms and reminding you how to push electrons around with those curved arrows. We jog your memory with a discussion of substitution and elimination reactions and their mechanisms, in addition to free radical reactions. Next you review the structure, nomenclature, synthesis, and reactions of alcohols and ethers, and then you get to tackle conjugated unsaturated systems. Finally, we remind you of spectroscopic techniques, from the IR fingerprints to NMR shifts. The review in this part moves at a pretty fast pace, but we’re sure you can keep up.

Chapter 1

Organic Chemistry II: Here We Go Again!

In This Chapter

Reviewing the material you learned in Organic I

Previewing what you find out in Organic II

If you’re looking at this chapter, it’s probably because you’re getting ready to take the second half of organic chemistry, are in the midst of Organic II, or you’re trying to figure out what Organic II covers in time to change your major from pre-med to art history. In any respect, you probably successfully completed Organic Chemistry I. Many of the study techniques (and coping mechanisms) you learned that helped you do well in Organic I are helpful in Organic II. The two primary things to remember are

Never get behind.

Carbon has four bonds.

In this book we use larger, more complex molecules than you may have encountered in Organic I. We chose to do this because, firstly, that’s the nature of Organic II — larger and more complex molecules. Secondly, many of you will be taking biochemistry at some point, and to succeed in that subject you need to become comfortable with large, involved molecules. (If you do take biochemistry, be sure to check out Biochemistry For Dummies by John T. Moore and Richard H. Langley [Wiley]. We understand the authors are really great guys.)

To get you started, this chapter does a quick review of the topics commonly found in Organic I, and then gives an overview of what we cover in Organic II.

Recapping Organic Chemistry I

In Organic I you learned that organic chemistry is the study of carbon compounds. Until the mid-1800s, people believed that all carbon compounds were the result of biological processes requiring a living organism. This was called the vital force theory. The synthesis (or formation) of urea from inorganic materials showed that other paths to the production of carbon compounds are possible. Many millions of organic compounds exist because carbon atoms form stable bonds to other carbon atoms. The process of one type of atom bonding to identical atoms is catenation. Many elements can catenate, but carbon is the most effective, with apparently no limit to how many carbon atoms can link together. These linkages may be in chains, branched chains, or rings, providing a vast combination of compounds.

Carbon is also capable of forming stable bonds to a number of other elements, including the biochemically important elements hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur. The latter three elements form the foundation of many of the functional groups you studied in Organic I.

Intermolecular forces

You also learned about intermolecular forces in Organic I. Intermolecular forces (forces between chemical species) are extremely important in explaining the interaction between molecules. Intermolecular forces that you saw in Organic I and see again in Organic II include dipole-dipole interactions, London, hydrogen bonding, and sometimes ionic interactions.

Dipole-dipole forces exist between polar regions of different molecules. The presence of a dipole means that the molecule has a partially positive (δ+) end and a partially negative (δ–) end. Opposite partial charges attract each other, whereas like partial charges repel.

Hydrogen bonding, as the name implies, involves hydrogen. This hydrogen atom must be bonded to either an oxygen atom or a nitrogen atom. (In nonbiological situations, hydrogen bonding also occurs when a hydrogen atom bonds to a fluorine atom.) Hydrogen bonding is significantly stronger than a normal dipole-dipole force, and is stronger than London dispersion forces, the forces between nonpolar molecules due to the fluctuations of the electron clouds of atoms or molecules. The hydrogen bonded to either a nitrogen or oxygen atom is strongly attracted to a different nitrogen or oxygen atom. Hydrogen bonding may be either intramolecular or intermolecular.

In organic reactions, ionic interactions may serve as intermolecular or intramolecular forces. In some cases, these may involve metal cations, such as Na+, or anions, such as Cl. Cations may include an ammonium ion from an amino group, such as RNH3+. The anion may be from a carboxylic acid, such as RCOO. The oppositely charged ions attract each other very strongly.

Functional groups

Carbon is an extremely versatile element because it can form many different compounds. Most of the compounds have one or more functional groups, which contain atoms other than carbon and hydrogen and/or double or triple bonds, and define the reactivity of the organic molecule.

In Organic I you probably started with the hydrocarbons, compounds of carbon and hydrogen, including the alkenes and alkynes that contained double and single bonds, respectively. Then you probably touched on some of the more common functional groups, such as alcohols and maybe even some aromatic compounds.


You encountered a lot of reactions in Organic I. Every time you encountered a different functional group, you had a slew of reactions to learn. Reactions that told how the functional group could be formed, common reactions that the functional group underwent — reactions, reactions, and more reactions.

Two of the most important ones you learned were substitution and elimination reactions: SN1, SN2, E1, and E2. We hope you learned them well, because you’ll be seeing them again quite often.


In Organic I you probably learned a lot about the different types of spectroscopy and how they’re used in structure determinations. You discovered how mass spectroscopy can give you an idea about molar mass and what fragments may be present in the molecule. You found out that infrared spectroscopy can be used to identify functional groups, and you learned to look at the fingerprint region. Then finally you progressed to nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, one of the main tools of organic chemists, which can be used to interpret chemical shifts and splitting patterns to give you more clues about structure.

Isomerism and optical activity

During Organic I you were exposed to the concepts associated with isomerism and optical activity. You need to be familiar with these concepts in Organic II, so we take a few minutes here for a brief review.

Isomers are compounds with the same molecular formula but different structural formulas. Some organic and biochemical compounds may exist in different isomeric forms, and these different isomers have different properties. The two most common types of isomers in organic systems are cis-trans isomers and isomerism due to the presence of a chiral carbon.

Cis-trans isomers

The presence of carbon-carbon double bonds leads to the possibility of isomers. Double bonds are rather restrictive and limit molecular movement. Groups on the same side of the double bond tend to remain in that position (cis), while groups on opposite sides tend to remain across the bond from each other (trans). You can see an example of each in Figure 1-1. However, if the two groups attached to either of the carbon atoms of the double bond are the same, cis-trans isomers are not possible. Cis isomers are the normal form of fatty acids, but processing tends to convert some of the cis isomers to the trans isomers.

Figure 1-1: Cis and trans isomers.

Cis-trans isomers are also possible in cyclic systems. The cis form has similar groups on the same side of the ring, while the trans form has similar groups above and below the ring.

Chiral compounds

A carbon atom with four different groups attached is chiral. A chiral carbon rotates plane-polarized light, light whose waves are all in the same plane, and has an enantiomer (non-superimposable mirror image). Rotation, which may be either to the right (dextrorotatory) or to the left (levorotatory), leads to one optical isomer being d and the other being l. Specific rotation (represented

by , where α = observed rotation, T = temperature, and D = sodium D line)

is a measure of the ability of a compound to rotate light. The specific rotation comes from the observed rotation (α) divided by the product of the concentration of the solution and the length of the container. Other than optical activity, the physical properties of enantiomers are the same.

A racemic mixture is a 50:50 mixture of the enantiomers.

A meso compound is a compound with chiral centers and a plane of symmetry. The plane of symmetry leads to the optical rotation of one chiral carbon cancelling the optical rotation of another.

Diastereomers are stereoisomers that aren’t enantiomers.

R-S notation is a means of designating the geometry around the chiral center. This method requires the groups attached to the chiral center to be prioritized in order of decreasing atomic weight. To assign the center, place the lowest priority group (the group with the lowest atomic weight) on the far side and count the remaining groups as 1, 2, and 3. Counting to the right is R and counting to the left is S. Any similarity between d and l and R and S is coincidental.

Some important organic compounds have more than one chiral center. Multiple chiral centers indicate the presence of multiple stereoisomers. The maximum number of stereoisomers is 2n where n is the number of nonidentical chiral centers. Figure 1-2 shows the four stereoisomers present in a molecule with two chiral centers. Non-superimposable mirror images are enantiomers, while the other species in the figure are diastereomers. Unlike enantiomers, diastereomers have different physical properties.

Figure 1-2: Representa-tions of a molecule with two chiral centers.

Emil Fischer developed a method of drawing a compound to illustrate which stereoisomer is present. Drawings of this type, called Fischer projection formulas, are very useful in biochemistry. In a projection formula, a chiral carbon is placed in the center of a + pattern. The vertical lines (bonds) point away from the viewer, and the horizontal lines point towards the viewer. Fischer used the D designation if the most important group was to the right of the carbon, and the L designation if the most important group was to the left of the carbon. (See Figure 1-3.)

Figure 1-3: The Fischer projection formulas.

The use of D and L is gradually being replaced by the R and S system of designating isomers, which is particularly useful when more than one chiral carbon atom is present.

Looking Ahead to Organic Chemistry II

One of the keys to Organic II is mechanisms, the specific way in which a reaction proceeds. Recall from Organic I that this involves pushing around electrons, showing where they’re going with curved arrows. We give you a good review of these concepts in Chapter 2, along with some basic reaction moves.

In Chapter 3 we go into some depth about alcohols and ethers. Like Organic I, when we encounter a new functional group we examine the structure, nomenclature, properties, synthesis, and reactions. In some courses and textbooks, alcohols are covered in the first semester, but for those readers who haven’t gotten to them yet, we include them in this book. If you’re already comfortable with that material, please feel free to skip that chapter and go on to another.

Chemistry For Dummies Chemistry Essentials For Dummies,

Carbon compounds that also contain nitrogen, such as the amines, play a significant part of any Organic II course. You encounter more acid-base chemistry with the amines, along with some more reactions. We hit this topic in Chapter 13 and give you some tips for multistep synthesis.

You probably haven’t considered the fact that some organic compounds may contain a metal, so we give you an opportunity to become familiar with the organometallics in Chapter 14. In this chapter you meet the Grignard reaction. It’s a very important organic reaction that you may have the opportunity to run in organic lab.

You just can’t get away from those carbonyls, so you get another taste of these reactions, many of them named reactions, in Chapter 15. You may be able to avoid biomolecules if your course doesn’t cover them, but if it does, Chapter 16 is there for you.

Finally, what’s a good organic course without multistep and retrosynthesis along with roadmaps? We hope that our tips can ease your pain at this point. Roadmaps are the bane of most organic chemistry students, but just hang in there. There is life after organic chemistry, and you may just find in the end that you actually enjoyed organic. And for those of you who missed the chemical calculations, there’s always quantitative analysis and physical chemistry.