

About the Author

Also by L. M. Montgomery


Title Page

1. An Irate Neighbour

2. Selling in Haste and Repenting at Leisure

3. Mr Harrison at Home

4. Different Opinions

5. A Full-fledged Schoolma’am

6. All Sorts and Conditions of Men – and Women

7. The Pointing of Duty

8. Marilla Adopts Twins

9. A Question of Colour

10. Davy in Search of a Sensation

11. Facts and Fancies

12. A Jonah Day

13. A Golden Picnic

14. A Danger Averted

15. The Beginning of Vacation

16. The Substance of Things Hoped For

17. A Chapter of Accidents

18. An Adventure on the Tory Road

19. Just a Happy Day

20. The Way it Often Happens

21. Sweet Miss Lavendar

22. Odds and Ends

23. Miss Lavendar’s Romance

24. A Prophet in His Own Country

25. An Avonlea Scandal

26. Round the Bend

27. An Afternoon at the Stone House

28. The Prince Comes Back to the Enchanted Palace

29. Poetry and Prose

30. A Wedding at the Stone House

Anne of Avonlea: The Backstory



Anne of Green Gables

Anne of the Island

Anne of Windy Willows

Anne’s House of Dreams

Anne of Ingleside

Anne of Avonlea

L. M. Montgomery








About the Author

L. M. Montgomery, known as Maud, was born on Prince Edward Island, off the coast of Canada, in 1874. Maud’s mother died when she was just a baby and so she had a rather unhappy childhood growing up in the care of her strict grandparents. She was just sixteen when she had her first poem published. As a young woman she worked as a teacher and although she didn’t enjoy it much it gave her lots of time to write. Maud wrote hundred of short stories, poems and novels throughout her life but it was the hugely popular Anne of Green Gables and its sequels that made her famous. She died in 1942.

Anne of Avonlea

The Backstory

Find out about going to school in Avonlea, learn about the real Green Gables and more!

Who’s Who in Anne of Avonlea

Anne Shirley: a good-hearted school-teacher. Aged sixteen and a half, she is as impulsive, full of dreams and just as prone to getting into scrapes as she was in Anne of Green Gables. As she says, ‘having adventures comes natural to some people ... You either just have a gift for them or you haven’t.’

Diana Barry: Anne’s very best friend, a ‘kindred spirit’ and she is the treasurer of the Avonlea Village Improvement Society.

Gilbert Blythe: formerly an enemy and now Anne’s good friend. He teaches in a school in White Sands. He is the president of the Avonlea Village Improvement Society. If Gilbert had been asked to describe his ideal woman the description would have answered point for point Anne ‘even to those tiny seven freckles whose obnoxious presence still continued to vex her soul.’

Fred Wright: vice-president of the Avonlea Village Improvement Society. He is very nice and jolly and rather likes Diana.

Jane Andrews: Anne’s childhood friend. Jane teaches in a school in Newbridge. She believes in being firm with her class and approves of whipping.

Marilla Cuthbert: Anne’s adoptive mother. She lives at Green Gables. She is stern but full of tenderness for her dear Anne.

Mrs Rachel Lynde: Marilla and Anne’s outspoken and nosy neighbour. Anne rightly jokes, ‘If you went to your own room at midnight, locked the door, pulled down the blind, and SNEEZED, Mrs Lynde would ask you the next day how your cold was!’

Mr Harrison: he has recently moved into the neighbourhood and is considered to be a bit of a bad-tempered old man. He only washes his dishes when it rains which outrages the house-proud ladies of Avonlea.

Ginger: Mr Harrison’s foul-mouthed parrot.

Dolly: Anne’s naughty Jersey cow.

Anthony Pye: a tricky and disrespectful pupil in Anne’s class. He doesn’t think much of women teachers and Anne’s kindness doesn’t move him.

Dora Keith: one of the twins. She is six years old and very neat, sweet and obedient.

Davy Keith: Dora’s brother. He is cheeky, mischievous and always getting in trouble. Anne and Marilla want to bring him up so that he becomes a gentleman. Davy doesn’t want to be a ‘gemplum’ so they have their work cut out!

Miss Lavendar Lewis: she lives at Echo Lodge, a place that is isolated but pretty. She is forty-five and has snowy-white hair and a girlish face. She has never been married but was once in love with Stephen Irving. She lives a life of imagination, dreams and make-believes, much like Anne.

Charlotta the Fourth: Charlotta is fourteen and boards with Miss Lavendar Lewis. Her real name is Leonora Bowman. Lavendar calls her Charlotta the Fourth to distinguish her from the other three Bowman sisters who have stayed at Echo Lodge.

Miss Stacy: Anne’s schoolteacher in Anne of Green Gables. Anne adores her.

Mrs Allen: the wife of the minister and Anne’s good friend.

Paul Irving: a lovely, imaginative and affectionate ten-year-old boy in Anne’s class. She hopes he might be a genius. He likes Anne and takes her flowers. He has lived in Boston and comes to Avonlea to live with his grandmother, Mrs Irving, on the shore road.

Stephen Irving: Paul’s father. He returns from America. His first love was Miss Lavendar Lewis.

Thomas Lynde: Mrs Rachel Lynde’s ill husband.

Which inhabitant of Avonlea
do you most resemble?

Take this quiz to find out.

  1. You see a caterpillar do you think ...
    1. What a wondrous, furry, jolly thing!
    2. That will be useful to study.
    3. What a pity to waste him on the earth – it’d be really fun to make a girl scream and drop it down her back!
  2. You are bored at home do you think ...
    1. Bored? How can anyone be bored when you can smell the woods? Or listen to the wind purring in the treetops? Or daydream about becoming someone brilliant and triumphant and splendid?
    2. About the future, about going to college and who might be the special person in your future.
    3. Of something to scare people, because there is nothing more dull than things being awful quiet.
  3. You are most likely to be overheard saying ...
    1. Oh, this is a day left over from Eden isn’t it?
    2. I want to do my share of honest, real work in the world.
    3. When I’m grown up the very first thing I’m going to do is stay up ALL night just to see what it would be like!
  4. You hear the story of Miss Lavendar Lewis and Stephen Irving, about how they quarrelled, broke off their engagement and then found each other again in middle age and married. Do you think ...
    1. It is so beautiful and so romantic that they have come together again after years of separation and misunderstanding!
    2. It would have been far nicer if there had been NO separation or misunderstanding, if they had always been together and only had memories which belonged to each other.
    3. Will there be lots of cake for me at the wedding?

Mostly As: You are Anne Shirley. Dreamy, dramatic and good-natured.

Mostly Bs: You are Gilbert Blythe. You are studious, grown-up and kind.

Mostly Cs: You are Davy Keith. Often in trouble, a little bit cheeky but good-hearted deep down.

What was it like going to school in the 1900s?

‘Don’t you think it’s a cruel, barbarous thing to whip a child ... ANY child?’ exclaimed Anne.

‘Well,’ said Gilbert slowly, torn between his real convictions and his wish to measure up to Anne’s ideal, ‘there’s something to be said on both sides. I don’t believe in whipping children MUCH. I think, as you say, Anne, that there are better ways of managing as a rule, and that corporal punishment should be a last resort. But on the other hand,as Jane says, I believe there is an occasional child who can’t be influenced in any other way and who, in short, needs a whipping and would be improved by it. Corporal punishment as a last resort is to be my rule.’

Throughout history, teachers disciplined unruly pupils by using corporal punishment – such as caning the bottom or the hand. If you had been in school during the time of Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea your punishment could have been to be hit with a cane, a slipper or a leather strap.

There was much debate about whether the practice should be banned. Many teachers felt there would be mayhem in schools without this punishment to control classes. They also argued that a short, sharp shock would deter those pupils who tended to follow class ringleaders. Other teachers felt that caning was an abuse of children’s rights. There was also the argument that it wasn’t a deterrent for those who were truly disruptive – it was a badge of honour to those troublemakers.

The first country to ban corporal punishment in school was Poland in 1783. It was banned entirely in 1987 in the UK and as late as 2004 in Canada. Corporal punishment is still legal in Singapore schools for male students.

Aren’t you pleased that if you are naughty you only face detention?!

Anne of Avonlea activities!

Get drawing! In Chapter 2, Anne and Diana spot a Jersey cow standing in Mr Harrison’s field of oats. The Jersey cow sees no good reason for being hustled out of her luscious browsing ground and the girls run wildly around the field trying to chase her. Can you imagine the scene? Have a go at drawing the cow, Anne and Diana. Or create a cartoon strip of the chase. We’d love to see your drawings – do send them to We’ll post the best pictures up on our website, and send you a book as a prize!

Write a letter! In a world of emails, texts and Facebook we don’t often take the time to find paper, an envelope and a stamp and think about what we’d like to say or share with the people around us. However, receiving a letter can be a lovely treat. Anne’s pupils write to her about a place they have visited or an interesting thing or person they have seen. Why don’t you and a friend agree to write to each other? Or perhaps a family member might like a letter? You can write about anything you please. Or write to us at Vintage Classics to let us know what you thought about Anne of Avonlea. Our address is Vintage Classics, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Rd, London, SW1V 2SA. We’d love to hear from you!

Get memorising! Before Anne starts her first day as a teacher she memorises a speech to give to her new students. On the day she is too nervous to carry it through. Try memorising a poem. Anne mentions William Wordsworth so here is one of his most delightful poems, ‘Daffodils’, to get you started:

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o’er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the milky way,

They stretched in never-ending line

Along the margin of a bay:

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they

Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:

A poet could not but be gay,

In such a jocund company:

I gazed – and gazed – but little thought

What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,

They flash upon that inward eye

Which is the bliss of solitude;

And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils.

Get baking! Paul Irving and Anne sit and have tea and shortbread. Here is a recipe to make your own.

What you’ll need:

A helpful adult

A biscuit cutter if you want the shortbread in an interesting shape like a heart

A large bowl

A wooden spoon or a handheld electric whisk


125g/4oz butter

55g/2oz caster sugar plus a little extra for sprinkling on top once they are cooked

180g/6oz plain flour

  1. Heat the oven to 190°C/375°F/Gas 5.
  2. Beat the butter and the sugar together until smooth.
  3. Stir in the flour until you get a smooth paste.
  4. To make the dough easier to roll later wrap it in clingfilm and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  5. Then place the dough on a work surface and gently roll out until the paste is 1cm/½in thick.
  6. Cut into rounds or fingers (or use your biscuit cutter) and place onto a baking tray.
  7. Bake in the oven for 15–20 minutes, or until pale golden-brown. Set aside to cool on a wire rack.
  8. Serve with a light sprinkling of caster sugar.


Ta-daa! Scrumptious buttery biscuits!

Who was L. M. Montgomery?

Lucy Maud Montgomery was born in 1874 in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Known as Maud, she was almost an orphan herself – her mother died when she was under two, and she was brought up by her strict grandparents in a place called Cavendish which was a rural community of farmers.

When her father remarried, Maud was sent for and kept out of school so she could tend to the baby of her new stepmother in a place called Prince Albert. So much like Anne, Maud had experience of looking after children as a young girl. Anne’s precocious reading tastes and romantic imagination are similar to what we know of Maud’s and, similarly to Anne, she trained to be a teacher. She even went to college – this was very unusual for women at the time. Maud later worked as a journalist for British Canadian and American magazines, and ultimately became a writer.

In 1905, she wrote her first and most famous novel, Anne of Green Gables. She sent the manuscript to lots of publishers, but after receiving rejections from all of them, she put it away in a hat box. In 1907, she found the manuscript again, re-read it, and decided to try again to have it published. Anne of Green Gables was accepted by the Page Company of Boston, Massachusetts and published in 1908. It was an immediate hit and Maud received tons of fan letters, including one from the usually cynical Mark Twain who thought Anne ‘the dearest and most loveable child in fiction since the immortal Alice’. Anne of Avonlea appeared a year later in 1909.

Maud married a Minister called Ewen Macdonald and they moved to Ontario. They had three sons, the second of whom died at birth. During her lifetime, Montgomery published 20 novels, over 500 short stories, an autobiography, and a book of poetry. But it is dear Anne of Green Gables that most people know about and who has inspired several sequels, a few films, and even a musical. Hundreds of thousands of tourists trek to the province of Prince Edward Island to visit the birthplace of Anne of Green Gables.

Lucy Maud Montgomery died in Toronto on 24 April 1942.

Is there a real Green Gables farm?

Yes! It is in Prince Edward Island National Park, Canada. The farm was owned by Maud’s cousins, the MacNeills. The farm’s name comes from the green paint of the gables on the farmhouse. Lucy Maud Montgomery visited the farm as a young girl and based her books on the farm, as well as the surrounding forest. In her fiction it became the ‘Haunted Woods’, ‘Lovers’ Lane’, and ‘Balsam Hollow.’ She wrote in her diary as a grown-up:

Friday, Jan. 27, 1911. Cavendish is to a large extent Avonlea. Green Gables was drawn from David MacNeill’s house, though not so much the house itself as the situation and scenery, and the truth of my description of it is attested by the fact that everyone has recognized it.

Some unusual vocabulary from Anne of Avonlea

asseverated – solemnly declared.

bed-tick – large cloth bag stuffed with feathers to make a mattress.

be holden – be seeing.

carded rolls – rolls of wool prepared for spinning.

curl rags – strips of old clean cloth used to curl hair.

dulse – red edible seaweed.

grubbing-fork – garden tool for weeding.

guerdon - reward.

‘a Herculaneum effort’ – a deliberate mistake to make the reader smile. Herculaneum was a Roman city, but it should be ‘Herculean effort’, i.e. a huge effort – something that would take the strength of Hercules.

hogshead – a large cask for holding liquid.

hymeneal altar – marriage altar.

jorum – a jug.

lares and penates – treasured household possessions.

long-come-shorts – this is a very unusual expression that we think means ‘one of these days’.

‘measuring her corn in his own half bushel’ – believing she would behave as he would in the same situation.

nail-keg – a barrel for holding nails.

nightie – nightshirt.

picking fowls – plucking the feathers from the roosters.

quarantined for scarlet fever – kept apart from people because scarlet fever is an extremely infectious illness.

rubbers – like wellington boots.

setting hens – hens ready to sit on eggs and hatch them.

upper storey – head or brain.

wincey – fabric made of cotton or linen and wool.

Yankees – an American from one of the Northern states.



An Irate Neighbour

A TALL, SLIM girl, ‘half-past sixteen’, with serious grey eyes and hair which her friends called auburn, had sat down on the broad red sandstone doorstep of a Prince Edward Island farmhouse one ripe afternoon in August, firmly resolved to construe so many lines of Virgil.

But an August afternoon, with blue hazes scarfing the harvest slopes, little winds whispering elfishly in the poplars, and a dancing splendour of red poppies outflaming against the dark coppice of young firs in a corner of the cherry orchard was fitter for dreams than dead languages. The Virgil soon slipped unheeded to the ground, and Anne, her chin propped on her clasped hands, and her eyes on the splendid mass of fluffy clouds that were heaping up just over Mr J. A. Harrison’s house like a great white mountain, was far away in a delicious world where a certain school-teacher was doing a wonderful work, shaping the destinies of future statesmen, and inspiring youthful minds and hearts with high and lofty ambitions.

To be sure, if you came down to harsh facts – which, it must be confessed, Anne seldom did until she had to – it did not seem likely that there was much promising material for celebrities in Avonlea school; but you could never tell what might happen if a teacher used her influence for good. Anne had certain rose-tinted ideals of what a teacher might accomplish if she only went the right way about it; and she was in the midst of a delightful scene, forty years hence, with a famous personage – just exactly what he was to be famous for was left in convenient haziness, but Anne thought it would be rather nice to have him a college president or a Canadian premier – bowing low over her wrinkled hand and assuring her that it was she who had first kindled his ambition, and that all his success in life was due to the lessons she had instilled so long ago in Avonlea school. The pleasant vision was shattered by a most unpleasant interruption.

A demure little Jersey cow came scuttling down the lane, and five seconds later Mr Harrison arrived – if ‘arrived’ be not too mild a term to describe the manner of his irruption into the yard.

He bounced over the fence without waiting to open the gate, and angrily confronted astonished Anne, who had risen to her feet and stood looking at him in some bewilderment. Mr Harrison was their new right-hand neighbour, and she had never met him before, although she had seen him once or twice.

In early April, before Anne had come home from Queen’s, Mr Robert Bell, whose farm adjoined the Cuthbert place on the west, had sold out and moved to Charlottetown. His farm had been bought by a certain Mr J. A. Harrison; whose name, and the fact that he was a New Brunswick man, were all that was known about him. But before he had been a month in Avonlea he had won the reputation of being an odd person – a ‘crank’ Mrs Rachel Lynde said. Mrs Rachel was an outspoken lady, as those of you who have already made her acquaintance will remember. Mr Harrison was certainly different from other people – and that is the essential characteristic of a crank, as everybody knows.

In the first place he kept himself for himself, and had publicly stated that he wanted no fools of women around his diggings. Feminine Avonlea took its revenge by the gruesome tales it related about his housekeeping and cooking. He had hired little John Henry Carter of White Sands, and John Henry started the stories. For one thing, there was never any stated time for meals in the Harrison establishment. Mr Harrison ‘got a bite’ when he felt hungry, and if John Henry were around at the time, he came in for a share, but if he were not, he had to wait until Mr Harrison’s next hungry spell. John Henry mournfully averred that he would have starved to death if it wasn’t that he got home on Sundays and got a good filling up, and that his mother always gave him a basket of ‘grub’ to take back with him on Monday mornings.

As for washing dishes, Mr Harrison never made any pretence of doing it unless a rainy Sunday came. Then he went to work and washed them all at once in the rainwater hogshead, and left them to drain dry.

Again, Mr Harrison was ‘close’. When he was asked to subscribe to the Revd Mr Allan’s salary he said he’d wait and see how many dollars’ worth of good he got out of his preaching first – he didn’t believe in buying a pig in a poke. And when Mrs Lynde went to ask for a contribution to missions – and incidentally to see the inside of the house – he told her there were more heathens among the old woman gossips in Avonlea than anywhere else he knew of, and he’d cheerfully contribute to a mission for Christianising them if she’d undertake it. Mrs Rachel got herself away and said it was a mercy poor Mrs Robert Bell was safe in her grave, for it would have broken her heart to see the state of her house, in which she used to take so much pride.

‘Why, she scrubbed the kitchen floor every second day,’ Mrs Lynde told Marilla Cuthbert indignantly, ‘and if you could see it now! I had to hold up my skirts as I walked across it.’

Finally, Mr Harrison kept a parrot called Ginger. Nobody in Avonlea had ever kept a parrot before; consequently that proceeding was considered barely respectable. And such a parrot! If you took John Henry Carter’s word for it, never was such an unholy bird. It swore terribly. Mrs Carter would have taken John Henry away at once if she had been sure she could get another place for him. Besides, Ginger had bitten a piece right out of the back of John Henry’s neck one day when he had stooped down too near the cage. Mrs Carter showed everybody the mark when the luckless John Henry went home on Sundays.

All these things flashed through Anne’s mind as Mr Harrison stood, quite speechless with wrath apparently, before her. In his most amiable mood Mr Harrison could not have been considered a handsome man; he was short and fat and bald; and now, with his round face purple with rage and his prominent blue eyes almost sticking out of his head, Anne thought he was really the ugliest person she had ever seen.

All at once Mr Harrison found his voice.

‘I’m not going to put up with this,’ he spluttered, ‘not a day longer, do you hear, miss. Bless my soul, this is the third time, miss – the third time! Patience has ceased to be a virtue, miss. I warned your aunt the last time not to let it occur again – and she’s let it – she’s done it ... what does she mean by it, that is what I want to know. That is what I’m here about, miss.’

‘Will you explain what the trouble is?’ asked Anne, in her most dignified manner. She had been practising it considerably of late to have it in good working order when school began; but it had no apparent effect on the irate J. A. Harrison.

‘Trouble, is it? Bless my soul, trouble enough, I should think. The trouble is, miss, that I found that Jersey cow of your aunt’s in my oats again, not half an hour ago. The third time, mark you. I found her in last Tuesday and I found her in yesterday. I came here and told your aunt not to let it occur again. She has let it occur again. Where’s your aunt, miss? I just want to see her for a minute and give her a piece of my mind – a piece of J. A. Harrison’s mind, miss.’

‘If you mean Miss Marilla Cuthbert, she is not my aunt, and she has gone down to East Grafton to see a distant relative of hers who is very ill,’ said Anne, with due increase of dignity at every word. ‘I am very sorry that my cow should have broken into your oats. She is my cow and not Miss Cuthbert’s – Matthew gave her to me three years ago when she was a little calf and he bought her from Mr Bell.’

‘Sorry, miss! Sorry isn’t going to help matters any. You’d better go and look at the havoc that animal has made in my oats – trampled them from centre to circumference, miss.’

‘I am very sorry,’ repeated Anne firmly, ‘but perhaps if you kept your fences in better repair Dolly might not have broken in. It is your part of the line fence that separates your oatfield from our pasture, and I noticed the other day that it was not in a very good condition.’

‘My fence is all right,’ snapped Mr Harrison, angrier than ever at this carrying of the war into the enemy’s country. ‘The gaol fence couldn’t keep a demon of a cow like that out. And I can tell you, you red-headed snippet, that if the cow is yours, as you say, you’d be better employed in watching her out of other people’s grain than in sitting round reading yellow-covered novels ...’ with a scathing glance at the innocent tan-coloured Virgil by Anne’s feet.

Something at that moment was red besides Anne’s hair – which had always been a tender point with her.

‘I’d rather have red hair than none at all except a little fringe round my ears,’ she flashed.

The shot told, for Mr Harrison was really very sensitive about his bald head. His anger choked him up again, and he could only glare speechlessly at Anne, who recovered her temper and followed up her advantage.

‘I can make allowance for you, Mr Harrison, because I have an imagination. I can easily imagine how very trying it must be to find a cow in your oats, and I shall not cherish any hard feelings against you for the things you’ve said. I promise you that Dolly shall never break into your oats again. I give you my word of honour on that point.’

‘Well, mind you she doesn’t,’ muttered Mr Harrison in a somewhat subdued tone; but he stamped off angrily enough, and Anne heard him growling to himself until he was out of earshot.

Grievously disturbed in mind, Anne marched across the yard and shut the naughty Jersey up in the milking-pen.

‘She can’t possibly get out of that unless she tears the fence down,’ she reflected. ‘She looks pretty quiet now. I dare say she has sickened herself on those oats. I wish I’d sold her to Mr Shearer when he wanted her last week, but I thought it was just as well to wait until we had the auction of the stock and let them all go together. I believe it is true about Mr Harrison being a crank. Certainly there’s nothing of the kindred spirit about him.’

Anne had always a weather eye open for kindred spirits.

Marilla Cuthbert was driving into the yard as Anne returned to the house, and the latter flew to get tea ready. They discussed the matter at the tea-table.

‘I’ll be glad when the auction is over,’ said Marilla. ‘It is too much responsibility having so much stock about the place and nobody but that unreliable Martin to look after them. He has never come back yet, and he promised that he would certainly be back last night if I’d give him the day off to go to his aunt’s funeral. I don’t know how many aunts he has got, I am sure. That’s the fourth that’s died since he hired here a year ago. I’ll be more than thankful when the crop is in and Mr Barry takes over the farm. We’ll have to keep Dolly shut up in the pen till Martin comes, for she must be put in the back pasture, and the fences there have to be fixed. I declare it is a world of trouble, as Rachel says. Here’s poor Mary Keith dying, and what is to become of those two children of hers is more than I know. She has a brother in British Columbia and she has written to him about them, but she hasn’t heard from him yet.’

‘What are the children like? How old are they?’

‘Six past ... they’re twins.’

‘Oh, I’ve always been especially interested in twins ever since Mrs Hammond had so many,’ said Anne eagerly. ‘Are they pretty?’

‘Goodness, you couldn’t tell – they were too dirty. Davy had been out making mud pies and Dora went out to call him in. Davy pushed her head first into the biggest pie and then, because she cried, he got into it himself and wallowed in it to show her it was nothing to cry about. Mary said Dora was really a very good child, but that Davy was full of mischief. He has never had any bringing up, you might say. His father died when he was a baby and Mary has been sick almost ever since.’

‘I’m always sorry for children that have had no bringing up,’ said Anne soberly. ‘You know I hadn’t any till you took me in hand. I hope their uncle will look after them. Just what relation is Mrs Keith to you?’

‘Mary? None in the world. It was her husband – he was our third cousin. There’s Mrs Lynde coming through the yard. I thought she’d be up to hear about Mary.’

‘Don’t tell her about Mr Harrison and the cow,’ implored Anne.

Marilla promised; but the promise was quite unnecessary, for Mrs Lynde was no sooner fairly seated than she said:

‘I saw Mr Harrison chasing your Jersey out of his oats today when I was coming home from Carmody. I thought he looked pretty mad. Did he make much of a rumpus?’

Anne and Marilla furtively exchanged amused smiles. Few things in Avonlea ever escaped Mrs Lynde. It was only that morning Anne had said: ‘If you went to your own room at midnight, locked the door, pulled down the blind, and sneezed, Mrs Lynde would ask you the next day how your cold was!’

‘I believe he did,’ admitted Marilla. ‘I was away. He gave Anne a piece of his mind.’

‘I think he is a very disagreeable man,’ said Anne, with a resentful toss of her ruddy head.

‘You never said a truer word,’ said Mrs Rachel solemnly. ‘I knew there’d be trouble when Robert Bell sold his place to a New Brunswick man, that’s what. I don’t know what Avonlea is coming to, with so many strange people rushing into it. It’ll soon not be safe to go to sleep in our beds.’

‘Why, what other strangers are coming in?’ asked Marilla.

‘Haven’t you heard? Well, there’s a family of Donnells, for one thing. They’ve rented Peter Sloane’s old house. Peter has hired the man to run his mill. They belong down east and nobody knows anything about them. Then that shiftless Timothy Cotton family are going to move up from White Sands, and they’ll simply be a burden on the public. He is in consumption – when he isn’t stealing – and his wife is a slack-twisted creature that can’t turn her hand to a thing. She washes her dishes sitting down. Mrs George Pye has taken her husband’s orphan nephew, Anthony Pye. He’ll be going to school to you, Anne, so you may expect trouble, that’s what. And you’ll have another strange pupil too. Paul Irving is coming from the States to live with his grandmother. You remember his father, Marilla – Stephen Irving, him that jilted Lavendar Lewis over at Grafton?’

‘I don’t think he jilted her. There was a quarrel – I suppose there was blame on both sides.’

‘Well, anyway, he didn’t marry her, and she’s been as queer as possible ever since, they say – living all by herself in that little stone house she calls Echo Lodge. Stephen went off to the States and went into business with his uncle and married a Yankee. He’s never been home since, though his mother has been up to see him once or twice. His wife died two years ago and he’s sending the boy home to his mother for a spell. He’s ten years old, and I don’t know if he’ll be a very desirable pupil. You can never tell about those Yankees.’

Mrs Lynde looked upon all people who had the misfortune to be born or brought up elsewhere than in Prince Edward Island with a decided can-any-good-thing-come-out-of-Nazareth air. They might be good people, of course; but you were on the safe side in doubting it. She had a special prejudice against ‘Yankees’. Her husband had been cheated out of ten dollars by an employer for whom he had once worked in Boston, and neither angels nor principalities nor powers could have convinced Mrs Rachel that the whole United States was not responsible for it.

‘Avonlea school won’t be the worse for a little new blood,’ said Marilla dryly, ‘and if this boy is anything like his father he’ll be all right. Steve Irving was the nicest boy that was ever raised in these parts, though some people did call him proud. I should think Mrs Irving would be very glad to have the child. She has been very lonesome since her husband died.’

‘Oh, the boy may be well enough, but he’ll be different from Avonlea children,’ said Mrs Rachel, as if that clinched the matter. Mrs Rachel’s opinions concerning any person, place, or thing were always warranted to wear. ‘What’s this I hear about your going to start up a Village Improvement Society, Anne?’

‘I was just talking it over with some of the girls and boys at the last Debating Club,’ said Anne, flushing. ‘They thought it would be rather nice – and so do Mr and Mrs Allan. Lots of villages have them now.’

‘Well, you’ll get into no end of hot water if you do. Better leave it alone, Anne, that’s what. People don’t like being improved.’

‘Oh, we are not going to try to improve the people. It is Avonlea itself. There are lots of things which might be done to make it prettier. For instance, if we could coax Mr Levi Boulter to pull down that dreadful old house on his upper farm, wouldn’t that be an improvement?’

‘It certainly would,’ admitted Mrs Rachel. ‘That old ruin has been an eyesore to the settlement for years. But if you Improvers can coax Levi Boulter to do anything for the public that he isn’t to be paid for doing, may I be there to see and hear the process, that’s what. I don’t want to discourage you, Anne, for there may be something in your idea, though I suppose you did get it out of some rubbishy Yankee magazine; but you’ll have your hands full with your school, and I advise you as a friend not to bother with your improvements, that’s what. But there, I know you’ll go ahead with it if you’ve set your mind on it. You were always one to carry a thing through somehow.’

Something about the firm outlines of Anne’s lips told that Mrs Rachel was not far astray in this estimate. Anne’s heart was bent on forming the Improvement Society. Gilbert Blythe, who was to teach in White Sands, but would always be home from Friday night to Monday morning, was enthusiastic about it; and most of the other young folks were willing to go in for anything that meant occasional meetings, and consequently some ‘fun’. As for what the ‘improvements’ were to be, nobody had any very clear idea except Anne and Gilbert. They had talked them over and planned them out until an ideal Avonlea existed in their minds, if nowhere else.

Mrs Rachel had still another item of news.

‘They’ve given the Carmody school to a Priscilla Grant. Didn’t you go to Queen’s with a girl of that name, Anne?’

‘Yes, indeed. Priscilla to teach at Carmody! How perfectly lovely!’ exclaimed Anne, her grey eyes lighting up until they looked like evening stars, causing Mrs Lynde to wonder anew if she would ever get it settled to her satisfaction whether Anne Shirley were really a pretty girl or not.


Selling in Haste and Repenting at Leisure

ANNE DROVE OVER to Carmody on a shopping expedition the next afternoon and took Diana Barry with her. Diana was, of course, a pledged member of the Improvement Society, and the two girls talked about little else all the way to Carmody and back.

‘The very first thing we ought to do when we get started is to have that hall painted,’ said Diana, as they drove past the Avonlea hall, a rather shabby building set down in a wooded hollow, with spruce trees hooding it about on all sides. ‘It’s a disgraceful-looking place and we must attend to it even before we try to get Mr Levi Boulter to pull his house down. Father says we’ll never succeed in doing that – Levi Boulter is too mean to spend the time it would take.’

‘Perhaps he’ll let the boys take it down if they promise to haul the boards and split them up for him for kindling wood,’ said Anne hopefully. ‘We must do our best and be content to go slowly at first. We can’t expect to improve everything all at once. We’ll have to educate public sentiment first, of course.’

Diana wasn’t exactly sure what educating public sentiment meant; but it sounded fine, and she felt rather proud that she was going to belong to a society with such an aim in view.

‘I thought of something last night that we could do, Anne. You know that three-cornered piece of ground where the roads from Carmody and Newbridge and White Sands meet? It’s all grown over with young spruce; but wouldn’t it be nice to have them all cleared out, and just leave the two or three birch trees that are on it?’

‘Splendid,’ agreed Anne gaily. ‘And have a rustic seat put under the birches. And when spring comes we’ll have a flower bed made in the middle of it and plant geraniums.’

‘Yes; only we’ll have to devise some way of getting old Mrs Hiram Sloane to keep her cow off the road, or she’ll eat our geraniums up,’ laughed Diana. ‘I begin to see what you mean by educating public sentiment, Anne. There’s the old Boulter house now. Did you ever see such a rookery? And perched right close to the road too. An old house with its windows gone always makes me think of something dead with its eyes picked out.’

‘I think an old, deserted house is such a sad sight,’ said Anne dreamily. ‘It always seems to me to be thinking about its past and mourning for its old-time joys. Marilla says that a large family was raised in that old house long ago, and that it was a really pretty place, with a lovely garden and roses climbing all over it. It was full of little children and laughter and songs; and now it is empty, and nothing ever wanders through it but the wind. How lonely and sorrowful it must feel! Perhaps they all come back on moonlit nights – the ghosts of the little children of long ago and the roses and the songs – and for a little while the old house can dream it is young and joyous again.’

Diana shook her head.

‘I never imagine things like that about places now, Anne. Don’t you remember how cross Mother and Marilla were when we imagined ghosts into the Haunted Wood? To this day I can’t go through that bush comfortably after dark; and if I began imagining such things about the old Boulter house I’d be frightened to pass it too. Besides, those children aren’t dead. They’re all grown up and doing well – and one of them is a butcher. And flowers and songs couldn’t have ghosts anyhow.’

Anne smothered a little sigh. She loved Diana dearly and they had always been good comrades. But she had long ago learned that when she wandered into the realm of fancy she must go alone. The way to it was by an enchanted path where not even her dearest might follow her.

A thunder-shower came up while the girls were at Carmody; it did not last long, however, and the drive home, through the lanes where the raindrops sparkled on the boughs and little leafy valleys where the drenched ferns gave out spicy odours, was delightful. But just as they turned into the Cuthbert lane Anne saw something that spoiled the beauty of the landscape for her.

Before them on the right extended Mr Harrison’s broad, grey-green field of late oats, wet and luxuriant; and there, standing squarely in the middle of it, up to her sleek sides in the lush growth and blinking at them calmly over the intervening tassels, was a Jersey cow!

Anne dropped the reins and stood up with a tightening of the lips that boded no good to the predatory quadruped. Not a word said she, but she climbed nimbly down over the wheels, and whisked across the fence before Diana understood what had happened.

‘Anne, come back,’ shrieked the latter, as soon as she found her voice. ‘You’ll ruin your dress in that wet – ruin it. She doesn’t hear me! Well, she’ll never get that cow out by herself. I must go and help her, of course.’

Anne was charging through the grain like a mad thing. Diana hopped briskly down, tied the horse securely to a post, turned the skirt of her pretty gingham dress over her shoulders, mounted the fence, and started in pursuit of her frantic friend. She could run faster than Anne, who was hampered by her clinging and drenched skirt, and soon overtook her. Behind them they left a trail that would break Mr Harrison’s heart when he should see it.

‘Anne, for mercy’s sake, stop,’ panted poor Diana. ‘I’m right out of breath, and you are wet to the skin.’

‘I must ... get ... that cow ... out ... before ... Mr Harrison ... sees her,’ gasped Anne. ‘I don’t ... care ... if I’m ... drowned ... if we ... can ... only ... do that.’

But the Jersey cow appeared to see no good reason for being hustled out of her luscious browsing-ground. No sooner had the two breathless girls got near her than she turned and bolted squarely for the opposite corner of the field.

‘Head her off,’ screamed Anne. ‘Run, Diana, run.’

Diana did run. Anne tried to, and the wicked Jersey went round the field as if she were possessed. Privately, Diana thought she was. It was fully ten minutes before they headed her off and drove her through the corner gap into the Cuthbert lane.

There is no denying that Anne was in anything but an angelic temper at that precise moment. Nor did it soothe her in the least to behold a buggy halted just outside the lane, wherein sat Mr Shearer of Carmody and his son, both of whom wore a broad smile.

‘I guess you’d better have sold me that cow when I wanted to buy her last week, Anne,’ chuckled Mr Shearer.

‘I’ll sell her to you now, if you want her,’ said her flushed and dishevelled owner. ‘You may have her this very minute.’

‘Done. I’ll give you twenty for her as I offered before, and Jim here can drive her right over to Carmody. She’ll go to town with the rest of the shipment this evening. Mr Read of Brighton wants a Jersey cow.’

Five minutes later Jim Shearer and the Jersey cow were marching up the road, and impulsive Anne was driving along the Green Gables lane with her twenty dollars.

‘What will Marilla say?’ asked Diana.

‘Oh, she won’t care. Dolly was my own cow and it isn’t likely she’d bring more than twenty dollars at the auction. But oh, dear, if Mr Harrison sees that grain he will know she has been in again, and after my giving him my word of honour that I’d never let it happen! Well, it has taught me a lesson not to give my word of honour about cows. A cow that could jump over or break through our milk-pen fence couldn’t be trusted anywhere.’

Marilla had gone down to Mrs Lynde’s, and when she returned knew all about Dolly’s sale and transfer, for Mrs Lynde had seen most of the transaction from her window and guessed the rest.

‘I suppose it’s just as well she’s gone, though you do do things in a dreadful headlong fashion, Anne. I don’t see how she got out of the pen, though. She must have broken some of the boards off.’

‘I didn’t think of looking,’ said Anne, ‘but I’ll go and see now. Martin has never come back yet. Perhaps some more of his aunts have died. I think it’s something like Mr Peter Sloane and the octogenarians. The other evening Mrs Sloane was reading the newspaper and she said to Mr Sloane, “I see here that another octogenarian has just died. What is an octogenarian, Peter?” And Mr Sloane said he didn’t know, but they must be very sickly creatures, for you never heard tell of them but they were dying. That’s the way with Martin’s aunts.’

‘Martin’s just like all the rest of those French,’ said Marilla in disgust. ‘You can’t depend on them for a day.’

Marilla was looking over Anne’s Carmody purchases when she heard a shrill shriek in the barnyard. A minute later Anne dashed into the kitchen, wringing her hands.

‘Anne Shirley, what’s the matter now?’

‘Oh, Marilla, whatever shall I do? This is terrible. And it’s all my fault. Oh, will I ever learn to stop and reflect a little before doing reckless things? Mrs Lynde always told me I would do something dreadful someday, and now I’ve done it!’

‘Anne, you are the most exasperating girl! What is it you’ve done?’

‘Sold Mr Harrison’s Jersey cow – the one he bought from Mr Bell – to Mr Shearer! Dolly is out in the milking-pen this very minute.’

‘Anne Shirley, are you dreaming?’

‘I only wish I were. There’s no dream about it, though it’s very like a nightmare. And Mr Harrison’s cow is in Charlottetown by this time. Oh, Marilla, I thought I’d finished getting into scrapes, and here I am in the very worst one I ever was in my life. What can I do?’

‘Do? There’s nothing to do, child, except go and see Mr Harrison about it. We can offer him our Jersey in exchange if he doesn’t want to take the money. She is just as good as his.’

‘I’m sure he’ll be awfully cross and disagreeable about it, though,’ moaned Anne.

‘I dare say he will. He seems to be an irritable sort of a man. I’ll go and explain to him if you like.’

‘No, indeed, I’m not as mean as that,’ exclaimed Anne. ‘This is all my fault and I’m certainly not going to let you take my punishment. I’ll go myself and I’ll go at once. The sooner it’s over the better, for it will be terribly humiliating.’

Poor Anne got her hat and her twenty dollars and was passing out when she happened to glance through the open pantry door. On the table reposed a nut cake which she had baked that morning – a particularly toothsome concoction iced with pink icing and adorned with walnuts. Anne had intended it for Friday evening, when the youth of Avonlea were to meet at Green Gables to organise the Improvement Society. But what were they compared to the justly offended Mr Harrison? Anne thought that cake ought to soften the heart of any man, especially one who had to do his own cooking, and she promptly popped it into a box. She would take it to Mr Harrison as a peace-offering.

‘That is, if he gives me a chance to say anything at all,’ she thought ruefully, as she climbed the lane fence and started on a short cut across the fields, golden in the light of the dreamy August evening. ‘I know now just how people feel who are being led to execution.’


Mr Harrison at Home

MR HARRISON’S HOUSE was an old-fashioned, low-eaved, whitewashed structure, set against a thick spruce grove.

Mr Harrison himself was sitting on his vine-shaded veranda, in his shirt-sleeves, enjoying his evening pipe. When he realised who was coming up the path he sprang suddenly to his feet, bolted into the house, and shut the door. This was merely the uncomfortable result of his surprise, mingled with a good deal of shame over his outburst of temper the day before. But it nearly swept the remnant of her courage from Anne’s heart.

‘If he’s so cross now what will he be when he hears what I’ve done?’ she reflected miserably, as she rapped at the door.

But Mr Harrison opened it, smiling sheepishly, and invited her to enter in a tone quite mild and friendly, if somewhat nervous. He had laid aside his pipe and donned his coat; he offered Anne a very dusty chair very politely, and her reception would have passed off pleasantly enough if it had not been for that tell-tale of a parrot who was peering through the bars of his cage with wicked golden eyes. No sooner had Anne seated herself than Ginger exclaimed:

‘Bless my soul, what’s that red-headed snippet coming here for?’

It would be hard to say whose face was the redder, Mr Harrison’s or Anne’s.

‘Don’t you mind that parrot,’ said Mr Harrison, casting a furious glance at Ginger. ‘He’s ... he’s always talking nonsense. I got him from my brother who was a sailor. Sailors don’t always use the choicest language, and parrots are very imitative birds.’

‘So I should think,’ said poor Anne, the remembrance of her errand quelling her resentment. She couldn’t afford to snub Mr Harrison under the circumstances, that was certain. When you had just sold a man’s Jersey cow offhand, without his knowledge or consent, you must not mind if his parrot repeated uncomplimentary things. Nevertheless, the ‘red-headed snippet’ was not quite so meek as she might otherwise have been.

‘I’ve come to confess something to you, Mr Harrison,’ she said resolutely. ‘It’s ... it’s about ... that Jersey cow.’

‘Bless my soul,’ exclaimed Mr Harrison nervously, ‘has she gone and broken into my oats again? Well, never mind ... never mind if she has. It’s no difference ... none at all. I ... I was too hasty yesterday, that’s a fact. Never mind if she has.’

‘Oh, if it were only that,’ sighed Anne. ‘But it’s ten times worse. I don’t ...’

‘Bless my soul, do you mean to say she’s got into my wheat?’

‘No ... no ... not the wheat. But ...’

‘Then it’s the cabbages? She’s broken into my cabbages that I was raising for exhibition, hey?’

‘It’s not the cabbages, Mr Harrison. I’ll tell you everything – that is what I came for – but please don’t interrupt me. It makes me so nervous. Just let me tell my story and don’t say anything till I get through – and then no doubt you’ll say plenty,’ Anne concluded, but in thought only.