Facing page |
“She rushed out of the palace … and came to the upper world” (p. 26) |
Frontispiece |
“The Suo queen went to the door with a handful of rice” |
1 |
“The prince revived, and, walking about, saw a human figure near the gate” |
9 |
“She took up the jewel in her hand, left the palace, and successfully reached the upper world” |
22 |
“He rushed out of his hiding-place and killed the serpent” |
43 |
“Instead of sweetmeats about a score of demons” |
56 |
“At the door of which stood a lady of exquisite beauty” |
62 |
“In a trice she woke up, sat up in her bed, and eyeing the stranger, inquired who he was” |
77 |
The Girl of the Wall-Almirah |
90 |
“On a sudden an elephant gorgeously caparisoned shot across his path” |
95 |
“They then set out on their journey” |
106 |
“A monstrous bird comes out apparently from the palace” |
117 |
“Hundreds of peacocks of gorgeous plumes came to the embankments to eat the khai” |
123 |
“ ‘You would adorn the palace of the mightiest sovereign’ ” |
138 |
“He saw a beautiful woman coming out of the palace” |
141 |
“ ‘Husband, take up all this large quantity of gold and these precious stones’ ” |
145 |
“They ran away in great fear, leaving behind them the money and jewels” |
162 |
“The camel-driver alighted, tied the camel to a tree on the spot, and began smoking” |
170 |
“ ‘How is it that you have returned so soon?’ ” |
174 |
“At dawn he used to cull flowers in the forest” |
181 |
“The Brahman’s wife had occasion to go to the tank, and as she went she brushed by a Sankchinni” |
188 |
“The moment the first stroke was given, a great many ghosts rushed towards the Brahman” |
194 |
“The lady, king, and hiraman all reached the king’s capital safe and sound” |
210 |
“ ‘What princess ever puts only one ruby in her hair?’ ” |
214 |
“Coming up to the surface they climbed into the boat” |
216 |
“The jackal … opened his bundle of betel-leaves, put some into his mouth, and began chewing them” |
218 |
“A bright light, like that of the moon, was seen shining on his forehead” |
237 |
“The six queens tried to comfort him” |
238 |
“ ‘Now, barber, I am going to destroy you. Who will protect you?’ ” |
248 |
“They approached a magnificent pile of buildings” |
259 |
“Thus the princess was deserted” |
266 |
“When she got out of the water, what a change was seen in her!” |
271 |