Azure® Infrastructure
Services for Architects
Designing Cloud Solutions

John Savill

For my wife, Julie, and my children, Abby, Ben, and Kevin


I could not have written this book without the help and support of many people. First, I need to thank my wife, Julie, for putting up with me for the last 6 months being busier than usual and for picking up the slack and for always supporting the crazy things I want to do! My children, Abby, Ben, and Kevin always make all the work worthwhile and can always make me see what is truly important with a smile.

Of course, the book wouldn't be possible at all without the Wiley team: Kenyon Brown, the acquisitions editor; Janet Wehner, the project editor; Christine O'Connor, the production editor; John Sleeva, the copyeditor; and Nancy Carrasco, the proofreader.

Many people have helped me over the years with encouragement and technical knowledge, and this book is the sum of that. The following people helped with specific aspects of this book, and I want to call them out for helping make this book as good as possible: Alex Shteynberg, Alexander Frankel, Ali Mazaheri, Anavi Nahar, Andrew Mason, Anuj Chaudhary, Ashish Jain, Bala Natarajan, Brian Tirch, Charles Joy, Christina Compy, Cosmos Darwin, Daniel Savage, David Berg, David Browne, David Powell, Derek Martin, Doug Lora, Elisabeth Olson, Gunjan Jain, Jason Hendrickson, Jeff Cohen, Jeff Peterson, Jim Benton, Jose Rojas, Kiran Madnani, Klaas Langhout, Larry Claman, Marc Kean, Maria Lai, Markus Hain, Mark Russinovich, Mike Stephens, Mutlu Kurtoglu, Rajat Luthra, Ramiro Calderon, Randy Haagens, Raphael Chacko, Reed Rector, Rena Shah, Rich Thorn, Rimma Nehme, Rochak Mittal, Sadie Henry, Satya Vel, Simon Gurevich, Sibonay Koo, Steve Espinosa, Steve Linehan, Sujay Talasila, Thomas Weiss, Trinadh Kotturu, Tyler Fox, Varun Shandilya, Yugang Wang, Yunus Emre Alpozen, Yves Pitsch, and Zif Rafalovich. If I've missed anyone, I'm truly sorry.

About the Author

John Savill is a technical specialist who focuses on Microsoft core infrastructure technologies, including Microsoft Azure, Windows, Hyper-V, and anything that does something cool. He has been working with Microsoft technologies for over 20 years and was the creator of the highly popular NT FAQ website. He has written eight previous books, covering Azure, Hyper-V, Windows, and advanced Active Directory architecture. When he is not writing books, he regularly writes magazine articles and whitepapers, creates a large number of technology videos, which are available on his YouTube channel,, and regularly presents online and at industry-leading events. John has a large library of technical learning materials available via Pluralsight (, including entire tracks focused on identity, infrastructure, data, and more in the Microsoft cloud.

Outside of technology, John enjoys fitness training, including weightlifting and cardio to help prepare for his full IRONMAN triathlon events. John has completed 12 full IRONMAN events and while writing this book is busy training for IRONMAN Texas, Canada, and Maryland, for which he has signed up to complete in 2019 (hopefully).

John tries to update his blog at with the latest news of what he is working on and tweets at


The book you are holding is the result of my 25 years of experience in the IT world, including 20 years of virtualization experience, which started with VMware, Virtual PC, and now Hyper-V, and many years focusing on public cloud solutions, especially Microsoft Azure. My goal for this book is simple: to make you knowledgeable and effective architecting an Azure-based infrastructure. If you look at the scope of Microsoft Azure functionality, a single book would be the size of the Encyclopedia Britannia to cover it, so my focus for this book is the infrastructure-related services, including VMs in Azure, storage, networking, and some complementary technologies. Additionally, the focus is on architecting a solution. I will also show how to automate processes using technologies such as templates and PowerShell/CLI, how to integrate Azure with your on-premises infrastructure to create a hybrid solution, and even how to use Azure as a disaster recovery solution.

There is a huge amount of documentation for each feature of Azure. The documentation walks through each feature's basic functionality and provides step-by-step instructions for the basic deployment. When performed through the GUI, these steps often change, as interfaces continue to evolve. Additionally, as this book will show, while the portal is great for learning about the options, you won't be using it for production deployments, preferring instead to use prescriptive technologies like templates. Therefore, the goal of this book is to help you understand the options, to understand how to use them as part of a solution to meet requirements, to enable architectures to be created using the right components, with best practices developed over years of working with many Fortune 500 organizations. Yes, this book will expose you to all the important Azure infrastructure services, but it will focus on providing real value to enable the most complete and optimal utilization of Azure. It will focus on walkthroughs only for more involved or complex scenarios where they really provide value. But don't worry—the basic step-by-steps will still be referenced so that you can easily find them.

Microsoft is one of only three vendors with a solution in the public cloud IaaS Gartner Magic Quadrant as a leader in addition to being used by many of the largest companies in the world and I will cover this in more detail in Chapter 12.

I am a strong believer that doing an action is the best way to learn something, so I encourage you to try out all the technologies and principles I cover in this book. Because Azure is a public cloud solution, you don't need any local resources except for a machine to connect to Azure. You can even run command-line interfaces (CLIs) directly within the Azure portal environment. Ideally, you will also have an on-premises lab environment to test the networking to Azure and hybrid scenarios. However, you don't need a huge lab environment; for most of the items, you could use a single machine with Windows Server installed on it and with 8 GB of memory to enable a few virtual machines to run concurrently. As previously mentioned, sometimes I provide step-by-step instructions to guide you through a process; sometimes I link to an external source that already has a good step-by-step guide; and sometimes I link to videos I have posted to ensure maximum understanding.

This book was one of the most challenging I've written. Because Azure is updated so frequently, it was necessary to update the book while writing, as capabilities would change. The Microsoft product group teams helped greatly, giving me early access to information and even environments to enable the book to be as current as possible. To keep the content relevant, I will be releasing a digital supplement and updating it as required. This will be available, along with any sample code, video links, and other assets, on the books GitHub page at:

As you read each chapter, look at the GitHub repository for videos and other information that will help your understanding, as I do not specifically call these references out in the text of the book. The main page shows how to get a local copy of the repository, which has the benefit of making it easy to get updates as they occur.

Who Should Read This Book

I am making certain assumptions regarding the reader:

  • You have basic knowledge about and can install Windows Server.
  • You have basic knowledge of what PowerShell is.
  • You have access to the Internet and can sign up for a trial Azure subscription.

This book is intended for anyone who wants to learn Azure Infrastructure services, but it is really focused on exposing the options and offering guidance on architecting solutions. If you have basic knowledge of Azure, that will help, but it is not a requirement. I start off with a foundational understanding of each technology and then build on that to cover more advanced topics and configurations. If you are an architect, a consultant, an administrator, or really anyone who just wants a better knowledge of Azure Infrastructure, this book is for you.

There are many times I go into advanced topics that may seem over your head, in which case don't worry. Focus on the preceding elements you understand, implement and test them, and solidify your understanding. Then, when you feel comfortable, come back to the more advanced topics, which will seem far simpler.

There are various Azure exams. The most relevant to this book are AZ-100 and AZ-101 (replacing the old 70-533 exam), which, when passed, give the participant the Azure Administrator Associate certification:

Additionally, exams AZ-300 and AZ-301 (replacing the old 70-534 exam), when passed, give the Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification:

Will this book help you pass the exams? Yes, it will help. I took the exams for both certifications cold, without knowing what was in the exams and without any study, and I passed. Since most of my Azure brain is in this book, it will help. However, I advise you to look at the areas covered in the exams and use this book as one resource to help, but also use other resources that Microsoft references on the exam site. This is especially true of the architect certification, which includes a significant amount of content of application and database concepts, which I cover in this book only at a very high level.

What's Inside

Here is a glance at what's in each chapter.

  • Chapter 1, “The Cloud and Microsoft Azure Fundamentals,” provides an introduction to all types of cloud services and then dives into specifics about Microsoft's Azure-based offerings. After an overview of how Azure is acquired and used, the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) will be introduced, with a focus on what is really the difference between a best-effort and a reliable service and why best-effort may be better!
  • Chapter 2, “Governance,” focuses on the first item companies must consider and address before using any service, including the public cloud and Azure. This chapter focuses on key concepts around Azure Resource Manager, understanding core governance around structure, role-based access control, naming, policy, cost and more.
  • Chapter 3, “Identity,” addresses the next consideration for service usage, understanding identity. This chapter walks through the importance of identity in the public cloud and how it becomes the key security perimeter for many services. Azure AD will be introduced, along with its population and authentication options.
  • Chapter 4, “Identity Security and Extended Identity Services,” builds on the previous chapter by looking at key security capabilities with Azure AD and how AD can be extended into the public cloud in a secure manner. Other identity services for custom applications will be explored.
  • Chapter 5, “Networking,” explores offering services running in Azure out to Internet-based consumers. It looks at key concepts such as endpoints to offer services and also providing load balanced services for greater service availability. Virtual Networks provide a construct to enable customizable IP space configurations that are used by many services in Azure. This chapter dives into architecting, configuring, and managing virtual networks. Finally, various types of connectivity between virtual networks and on premises are explored.
  • Chapter 6, “Storage,” examines the core capabilities of storage accounts in Azure and then walks through the storage capabilities used by infrastructure services in Azure, including managed disks. Services for large-scale data import and export are introduced.
  • Chapter 7, “Azure Compute,” starts by introducing virtual machines, the building block of nearly every Azure service, including their key capabilities, before moving on to more advanced concepts around availability and placement. An introduction to some of the Platform as a Service offerings is provided to provide a complete knowledge for architects for the key available options.
  • Chapter 8, “Azure Stack,” explores the on-premises Azure capability through partner appliances, including key scenarios and architecture considerations. Key concepts such as plans and offers will be covered, including how to manage the marketplace.
  • Chapter 9, “Backup, High Availability, Disaster Recovery, and Migration,” starts by looking at key requirements for disaster recovery and some of the key considerations to architect a successful disaster recovery plan. A number of technologies commonly used for disaster recovery will be explored, including types of replication and service provisioning. The orchestration of a failover is explored using recovery plans. Finally, the chapter examines the same technologies used for replication that can also be used in combination with other capabilities for migration purposes. Finally, the chapter introduces backup capabilities and discusses best practices for their usage.
  • Chapter 10, “Monitoring and Security,” dives into Azure services related to monitoring, enabling complete insight into the entire Azure-based solution. Key security services that are not covered elsewhere in the book are also covered.
  • Chapter 11, “Managing Azure,” looks at the right way to manage Azure. This includes command-line interfaces, scripting and automation, and using templates for resource provisioning. A number of management services to enhance the overall solution are covered, including some seamless options to connect to Azure-based virtual machines.
  • Chapter 12, “What to Do Next,” brings everything together and looks at how to get started with Azure, how to plan next steps, how to stay up-to-date in the rapidly changing world of Azure, and the importance of overall integration.

How to Contact the Author

I welcome your feedback about this book or about books you'd like to see from me in the future. You can reach me by writing to For more information about my work, visit my website at

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