I also haven't lost
the idea
in today's times
that it is a vocation for me
and it's because of that
is a personal way of existence
and this is what it means after all
for me
to be a writer
"Some dreams are being
in a self
is everything being »
I'm me,
I am what I am
You can be something of me
or is the other one maybe you?
My freedom is physical, too
my body, my temple, my spirit
my knowledge, my intelligence
my secret
is my sanctuary
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Books on Demand GmbH
ISBN: 9783752809190
In the days of my life when I was mostly like a tree, defying the storm that threw me the spray in the face, the wheels rolled over me and in my desire to live, always wiped away my tears, this once dabbed and once again kissed, but I stopped under dark clouds to seek my footing. Naked, I tried to defy life and knew how to empathize, to criticize and to deal with other crises.
Love life. It enabled me with all the issues concerning the children, to inspire me and to climb mountains with their recognition, because I see how many times these wings grow to understand their world. I was able to question my old ego many times and practice letting go in a way of life, instead of pretending something to others. I give myself to discover new things in life, thanks to the fact, that I have become aware of all my rhythms of life that accompany me. I like to live, alone, there was never the need of great love for me in my former life, because rain was made with the intention of making it clear, to see a rainbow and his ride to destination, independent of those who in life imitate appearance. What is not a result is not a compromise either.
A tree stands as the center of all life. He shows the ancestral line of us humans, from the broad branches, in narrower branches, down to small, its leaves, fruits, flowers.
In the year 1788 a law of the Prussian King Frederick William II. was in force against the spreading of harmful, practical errors about the most important affairs of man to the corruption of morals by slippery pictures, enticing depictions of vice, to sneer malicious censure of public institutions and injunctions, whereby in some not sufficiently informed minds, sorrow and dissatisfaction are begotten and nourished over it .... ' less for the protection of the population, more for control, as the essence of every censorship.
At the request of German revolutionaries in 1848 for unrestricted freedom of the press, censorship was reintroduced a year later.
A Weimar constitution in 1918 guaranteed the freedom of expression in words, writing and pictures. Eight years later, by the adoption of a law 'to protect the youth from trash and dirt scripts' this was again obsolete.
The National Socialists defined themselves as an editorial law, journalism was then a task regulated by the state, including news and radio, books were burned in their brown dictatorship.
1949 it was in the German Basic Law 'A censorship does not take place.'
As a result, there was again a dictatorship in East Germany, punishing the freedom of speech with mental hospital, incapacitation, solitary confinement and expulsion from the East.
Germany has always had a hard time with freedom of expression. Disgraceful guiltless persons can still be openly denounced, taken off the street and locked away.
Considering fascism in the workplace and the equally running work advice is often a way to describe, which was always stony and difficult.
Bibra i Calibra -
Do you have houses and little fish
is the world alright!
'Leave in to my arms
dive in to my sow
jump in to my hugg, babe '
Those who denounce today with preference are even the sick brains who are long-term unemployed, with plenty of alcohol and drug use the day practiced well, and do not treat their everyday life. They can become active themselves with their sick, disguised, extreme-oriented world-view, denigrating others through denunciation, even though they themselves are the ones who have achieved nothing in life. Once the offices become active, they become embroiled in a cycle of humiliation and coercion to indiscriminately provide people with no legal handoff and they force them to do their jobs in rigidly controlled Christian camps without pay for 'work' and against their will. It is not many who are able to extricate themselves from the mills of office without harm, and not all dare to take legal action because they may be single parents and rely on the money in the account.
At the same time, this also happens in other parts of the world.
That new wave of informers in this country meant the beginnings of the Nazi era at that time, and was afterwards at the Stasi as well as behind the curtain in the west after 1945 still gait and Gebe.
Who were the first Americans? It was the Chuviks from Siberia. Then the first settlements of Vikings were found, and later did a Spaniard 'conquer the land' and then bring to the Indians a genocide that will never be forgotten. They were oppressed and converted. They were not allowed to live their religion, not their high culture, their knowledge fell into a melting pot of different cultures and should lose themselves in the image of beautiful decals in consumption and with dullness behind TV sprinkled their precious lifetime. Their children were forcibly re-educated, nature was destroyed. Their holy men were wiped off the table, their visions obliterated, their peaceful lives taken, illnesses introduced - including civilized neuroses, alcohol and drugs, the earth industrially raped, and the women sold. The same game of extermination in Tibet. There are also nature-loving, peaceful cultures have been established for millennia.
Japan has an emperor, religious Zen Buddhists and the death penalty, but it is not a dictatorship. The world is watching, and politics is looking away. As has been the case with genocides worldwide in the same way.
I have a lake country at home. A land to see in it green shower. And eggs that fall from the sky and birds that dive into the water, and rings like smoke in the air. And hardly are they fledging to see other shores.
I think, I'm just certainly not here!
I have you naked, so I feel
all light is feel
at once you want to keep this
sailing around t 'find health' n happiness
ashore motions
biggest feel in the state of starvation
and smallest tentation
ones could see
but have no care of others' feels
to try around juicy kisses
to marry the one
to present just as a fairy
hardly friends can be changed
everyone knows his way
Man is just a specialist who seeks his equals. He tries to answer the world until his love affairs become comprehensible. He knows it because he would never have to eat the garbage of the ancients, was uncritically nursed by the mother, because everyone knows that a child never lies.
This brings a man, whether female or male, on his path of maturity, wisdom, virtue and partnership.
Zora, the robber's daughter, had landed on solid land before surrendering to the wrong candidates. Just leave everything behind. Fly with the times and get up, as if the sympathies flow to you. As a lady-in-waiting they did not let you apply, without being close to you, my child.
I do not leave action. Until your unhappiness turns into happiness, so long, my child, I wait for you!
Into a world born in stubbornness more of weight.
What do people know about partnership?
Instead of acquiring a juvenile elixir, the viewer realizes that all sham crunches inside do not show what an outside promises.
After all, who wants everything in love. I'm no one who knew what he wants. I decided to push myself up with knowledge for years, and yet tried to share the knowledge. But freedom was my own will; it remained on the steamer of falsehood. I just wanted to live my fulfillment in love. Not forever, no need to say, because carefully you put the checkmate, philosophy is mine as well as this.
Mother Earth will see, I live, where do I live?
People are like lifebands, new forms squandered in the wind, the part you contribute, the one that keeps you together, makes you realize how fragile a human life is, because a thought is not balanced, that does not shape creatively, because one does not flood any ideas. That's how an erotic idea turned into a craftsman's weekend, where women make their own living in the beds.
On the posturing of your southern kind
do you feel potent enough that your trusted man
who wants to react positively to your smile
without establishing a global trust, loving oneself is what art is all about
the freedom and the filigree to form out of own hands
to shape and preserve the future in the common creative urge
Who likes to admit that the woman is capable
as the outstanding mother of her children
to give good qualities to a human being
The philosophy in life just has to consist of it
to live according to an all-encompassing ethic and tolerance
and to see his fellow human beings coexist
their life together the same end will happen
Political consideration and formulation
in the context of moral understanding
Bitterness, Anger
career search
surprise speechlessness, criticism
honest question
relaxation, interior view
discouraged, a bit cheeky
reflection, disappointment
skepticism, defense, defiance
recognition, amazement
desire, inspired joy
pleased existence
After the long time of dusk and shadow
reaching for the wooden post, happily reaching the shore
to reach out to unlimited universes in parts of our scientific worlds
to attain fiction,
to explore the use of it all with imagination,
immediately the sun, its micro and macrocosm
to refer to yourself to get on the journey to life
to pass mental adventures!
The observer is involuntarily entranced to fascination. I do not want to gather the scholars of an elite around me to find myself far from society. I'll be happy, thank goodness to be in good company with myself. I still have to find the earth as home.
I want to gain nature in its unity.
I tell my people, Friends come, Friends go
What career women would be out of touch with reality?
But changes are not included in the certificate of authenticity Kant - born 1724 - died 1804 - says that no philosopher will arise without knowledge, and knowledge alone does not make any philosopher. In the knowledge and skill, the philosopher serves the highest purposes.
Have the courage to use your own understanding!
In his life, Kant wanted to set his sights on the railway, and set out on his way to the saving bank, to understand himself as an identity. It is the genius that breaks the tracks of his life itself.
A same law for all.
This became a liability and once served to establish human rights. Since Kant, a profound founder of transcendental philosophy, gained insights, it referred to ontology - the doctrine of being. He called philosophy the critique of pure reason.
Thus, the presence of earthbound people is comparable, with the goodness of God, good society that is alive, critical, authentic, always evolving, and enigmatically enlightened by nature, that's actually the only art!
Shape life yourself.
Love is like an uplifting life.
Not much is known about why people laugh in the country. Nevertheless, it is necessary to prove that you are currently traveling through an area, that you are not afraid to laugh because you can laugh.
The miracles are shown in the way, never giving up personal freedom.
I will not play the green frog that sits on the edge of the tiger cage to pull the tiger out of the morass.
I do not feel responsible for assuming responsibility for botched politics, which is actually other people's area that are the 'big beasts' of this society
I want to live healthy. I know why!
If the idea harbors an experiment, this is difficult to explain. But if the experiment succeeds, it is self-explanatory. The serpent conquers itself in the flat earth worlds that protectively surrounds. A first step towards enlightenment can be painful, yet the power carries on, and many lives rush by without losing their hold.
The attitude of yesteryear fastened to the ceiling, the cellophane gossamer wings spread, he lays a blanket over her, plunges into the depths, throbbing surrounds him of heart beating. In the dark hands full of shells in my hand and no marks in the sand.
Bernhard H. F. Taureck (born December 17, 1943 in Hildesheim) is a German philosopher. He describes fantasy like this:
The fantasy, the queen of abilities, accelerates the seduction among people and made famous in life those who are praised by their naturalness. While perhaps others are deprived of imagination, most are at the beginning of Allens, the elegy, the mysticism, the imagination and their mentality. Dissected creation and called the people of a special stroke. So fantasy created something new and forms a puzzle where the unknown is created. Out of the subconscious they live in their worldview, the reinvention and imagination to others. So it starts from everything that exists.
Even science benefits from poetry forms the epiphytic ability that ingeniously understands reality.
In contrast, there is the negative of a chimera, whose head is a lion, whose power and abuse of power, whose body is a goat, which shows the horns, and her tail a snake, in whose mouth the lie seems to hide. If this fantasy forms the negative fertility of fantasy, where one gives oneself to it, one completely loses oneself in excesses and excessive euphoria, in the madman, in anarchy. Because fantasy is not just the ability that creates images, it's like a leaven that spoils everything, yet creates countless metamorphoses. Is it an investigation of the human mind, how to know that the new springs from the genius of man?
Face your own train, and walk its course to reach the saving shore, to understand yourself as an identity, with both feet on the ground.
I say no, who knows how to see into distance, but my heart sees. However, reason often conquers curiosity. Failing to defeat people means confronting the fear when something becomes difficult for the individual.
Everyone has a right to his career.
Reality can be changed, even if ways of thinking change.
Extend it out of your imagination.
Diplomacy is not a diplomacy that adheres to ancient times, as shown by racially prehistoric descendants of navel-gazing descendants. The description of distant countries, the non-realist diplomats is as real as formulated here from a statement of this snobb superclass, as follows:
Thais have no culture and are only engaged in sex, Africans themselves are destructive, Nicaraguans are dishonest, violent and alcoholized, people from the Balkans were like immature children and still live in a developing country and Buddhism only celebrates the dead and has no respect life. For this reason alone, the children of diplomats would have to become teachers because only then they would teach decency and behavior to this uncivilized world. One knows nothing more about these announcements.
The friend you need, you have to see pulling, as long as you do not recognize him in you, and around. To seek a life in the mind for knowledge.
Anyone who tried to fly will also had to expect a landing. Whose nose is too high, swims in the stream, and takes less attention. Who flies too high, does not live according to his own will. But who is his own master, who uses the power of nature to endure his existence until the day he awakens on a distant beach, a place he knew from childhood.
Maybe it moved him, but maybe not.
The life of a student is a character study in the balancing act. To keep his utopia, his euphoria and his dreams while still trying to rub against reality.
I am in the midst of a process now and then. It means to me the most intense thing that came to me in life and what I could not imagine, to have arrived at the moment when I exist almost out of feeling. And as I realize in the nick of time to write all this, I find myself in a different place during my work that is so puzzling that I hardly know how it came about that I started to write. It lives in it like magic, but it also depletes my strength. And so scaffolding builds up and shows my view to the readers. And if I hold one of my books in my hands, I become an eternity and feel part of one or the other.
A person must be astute again today. He needs to understand that, it exists as an equal among others, and there is himself. He is anchored in the time he lives, and remembers how he holds a piece of wax in his hand leaves and yet the wax melts away in the fire. He is subject to a time.
He holds together his greatness, his gender and his personal data, whose similarities, such as masks and roles created, make him appear in an 'I', which is called a social 'I'.
Such a role is assigned by society and gives it an immutable identity, a so-called 'measure of life', like an unfeasible fingerprint. But biometrics speaks of impersonality; it does not identify a person, but an individual, always seeking to find his own identity and understanding himself as an object. Jokingly, I often say 'I am' and singularly describe it as 'me', finding everything else; at the same time how individuals are simultaneous, unique and interchangeable, and in its personal identity is the ego limited to a sum of characteristics, such as reputation and appearance. Immaturity and mediocrity testify to how narrow-gauge the human being can be. To chase after the appearance behind the stage, and to act without any inner change and adventurous, one told one after, now and then - He lived long, it was so cool, the way was short, but too steep.
And without control, one can say that he has mastered everything in life.
So look out, my child, for them who honestly speak of their origins.
Deceptive are their waters, which speak of better times.
They stole your child. Your love ability is on a hard test.
Look, he just wants to bite you. He knows how to lure you.
He just chased you, to smell your scent far.
Some are shivering, others are laughing.
He wants to make me believe that he is the terror in the body,
that he did not get help.
Horror of lovers who lose themselves in the act,
caressing the purpose of being a child of beauty.
His blood beats the dead in a rhythm.
He supposedly came from his own island,
in which he is the image of their midst.
He does not want to hear anything about what people are talking about.
The illusion dissolves when it disappears, a veil that remains impenetrable,
and the greed remains to be read in the gray of the house walls.
Who else would know how to write about it?
Who starts to question him?
Until a great treasure would be recognized
they recognized the imagination that surrounds writers of the time.
Even if paradise on earth can be an approximation
is a kind of life art is possible: really to be yourself
not to be bent and yet harmoniously, to experience love and friendship.
To show something latent in a demonstration according to the motto - Listen to us, otherwise nobody will! Better drop everything that you thought you were! It seems the viewer and the listener do not exist.
It takes a genius and intrinsic value, one who can not repudiate his individual, since none of a society would benefit, for man is worthy of his own God.
My restrictions have gone
because my mind was fixed on the moon
this made clarity and serenity something
for no end in sight.
~ Saigyō Saigyō
"Mirror for the moon"
(Japanese poet, 1118-1190)
Emergence of the earth, education of the continent,
Origin of life, worlds under water
4.5 billion years - metal and hot rocks collide with planets
3.9 billion years - bombardments, one of which forms the moon
3.5 billion years - of mucus, bacteria in the water, water, heat and biologically useful chemicals in the water around volcanic vents cause microorganisms and foam, stromatolites with bacteria that use the sunlight, smoke on the horizon and fire in the sky
up to 2000 million years - through photosynthesis - oxygen and Iron dissolved in water rusted, rain from rust sank on the seabed, first respiration and first breath of the biosphere, the iron content in the water eventually diminished, the oxygen penetrated up into the atmosphere, land, sea - deep springs - ores - sea algae, germs
850 million years - two ice ages, snowball earth over millions of years, plate tectonics, volcanic eruptions, greenhouse gases, smelting
600 million years - first multicellular organisms on the seabed
550 million years - of lakes, insects, spiders, tribolites with eyes, mouths, mobility, hunters and hunted, evolutionary arms race
The land lay fallow for over 4 billion years
500 million years - of invertebrates in the water
450 million years - large scorpions and antropodes - lobster-sized crabs crawled ashore
Gondwana drifts to southern hemisphere
Plant mucus, plants, fungi, mosses, lichens, ferns, the earth became green, Bärlapp style with leaves, abundance of oxygen formed the ozone layer, tectonic forces formed folds of rock upward, desert became mountains, rivers transport no sediments into the sea, flat land, outback is drowning in sandy sediment
400 million years - of devonian barrier reef, hair stars, sea lilies, sponges, coral, tunicates, fish of all shapes, colors, sizes, lizards made of eggs with bone plates, pines, fins, teeth, backbone, land-ash trench in between volcanoes, the ash raised the land
Nobody fights alone. It is not one's own destiny that determines a being. Not the sole doing claims all the knowledge that a human possesses. He is always related to others. In this he learns to grow. No ideology is needed for that. There are no words to find romance in love.
An outsider can never claim that someone else has to go through recurring experiences, such as those from childhood, to the extent that the observer is never capable of putting himself into another's experience to determine such presumption. This is not to prove and is mentally impracticable.
Achieving a mythical sense of happiness enables to succeed in fate.
Individuality can only be valid and unfolded in relation to the common. Horizons constitute possibilities of elastic attribution, which served not to despair at the possibility of the comprehensive.
Once upon a time, there was a need for everyone to exist who performs acts of consciousness. It is not about world reasoning or evidence of existence for the deity, but also to make the necessary existence of each person socially effective, within one society in which democracy is the dominion, which is necessary for everyone to live rule-free.
Every person suffers from time to time. That's what makes him grow in his job. Either you get over it and sanctify it or you let suffering in your life and keep it for the best, but you hold on to better to suffer and carry the badge through your life, so your life does not want to work. If one prefers to pray for those who have chosen this path, it is a very difficult path to follow. Love is not a game of love and death.
If I met someone lonely and sad, I told him this. -
No one would find the switch for your life, if you did not do it yourself.