Ultimate Swedish Notebook

64 topics

3000+ unique words

600+ phrases

160 pages

63 pages of vocabulary

15 pages of grammar

75 empty pages

Author: Kristian Muthugalage

Youtube: Kristian Muthugalage



Ultimate Language Notebook

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  1. Greetings - Hälsningar
  2. Introduction - Introduktion
  3. Numbers - Siffror
  4. Colors - Färger
  5. Days of the week - Veckodagar
  6. Months - Månader
  7. Time - Tid
  8. Habits - Vanor
  9. Weather - Väder
  10. Countries - Länder
  11. Languages - Språk
  12. Nature - Natur
  13. Animals - Djur
  14. Phone Calls - Telefonsamtal
  15. Family - Familj
  16. Relationships - Relationer
  17. Characteristics - Egenskaper
  18. Feelings - Känslor
  19. Professions - Yrken
  20. Buildings and places - Byggnader och platser
  21. Directions - Vägbeskrivning
  22. Position and place - Position och plats
  23. Life periods - Livsperioder
  24. School and education - Skola och utbildning
  25. Dining - Måltider
  26. Food - Mat
  27. Fruits and Vegetables - Frukt och grönsaker
  28. In the restaurant - I restaurangen
  29. Money - Pengar
  30. Shops and shopping - Butiker och shopping
  31. Transportation and Traffic - Transport och trafik
  32. Vehicles - Fordon
  33. Clothes - Kläder
  34. Body - Kropp
  35. Health - Hälsa
  36. Beauty and hygiene - Skönhet och hygien
  37. House - Hus
  38. Home - Hem
  39. Furniture and interior - Möbler och interiör
  40. Materials - Material
  41. Traveling - Resande
  42. Accommodation - Boende
  43. Freetime and hobbies - Fritid och hobbyer
  44. Sports - Idrott
  45. Movies - Bio
  46. Computer - Dator
  47. Internet and social media - Internet och sociala medier
  48. Photography - Fotografi
  49. Music - Musik
  50. Literature - Literatur
  51. Nightlife - Nöjesliv
  52. Dating life - Datingliv
  53. Law - Lag
  54. Politics - Politik
  55. Economy and finance - Ekonomi och finans
  56. Religion and beliefs - Religion och tro
  57. Science - Vetenskap
  58. Space - Rymd
  59. Global warming - Global uppvärmning
  60. History - Historia
  61. Idioms - Idiomatiska uttryck
  62. Tongue twisters - Tungvrickare
  63. Colloquialisms - Vardagliga uttryck
  64. Swedish grammar - Svensk grammatik

© 2020 Kristian Muthugalage

Kustantaja: BoD - Books on Demand GmbH, Helsinki, Suomi

Valmistaja: BoD - Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Saksa

ISBN: 9789528078364

From Beginner to Advanced Level

  1. Read one page a day and learn the words
  2. Write new words one page a day
  3. Speak out loud one page a day and record your voice
  4. Listen your own recording or find something to listen to about the given topic
  5. Do these steps and you will complete the notebook in 8 months

1. Learn how to ask and answer one question a day

Do this and you will be able to form 365 questions and answers in one year

Reading Listening
Writing Speaking
Language learning resources
Applications Duolingo, Memrise, Lingvist etc.
Books Read books/e-books/online articles about topics that interest you
Flashcards Make them yourself or use quizlet or other flashcard apps
Language class Attend a language class
Movies Watch movies and try to pick up as many new words as you can
Music Listen to music you like, www.radio.net has radio channels from all over the world
News Watch and listen to the news in your target language
Notebook Write in your Ultimate Swedish Notebook
Pen pal Find a penpal to whom you can write real letters or chat online
Podcast Listen to interesting podcasts on Youtube, Soundcloud or Spotify
Recording yourself Record yourself reading a text sample and then listen to your own recording
Singing Learn the lyrics of songs you like in Swedish
Speaking with natives Talk to natives while traveling or find them at your home city
Videos Watch videos on Youtube or Vimeo about topics that interest you

Use all other resources together with this notebook. Add all the new words and phrases under one of the 64 topics or create a new topic in the empty pages. This is the center of all your knowledge in Swedish language.

Timeline of Swedish history

Ancient Sweden
98 Sweden was mentioned for the first time in a written source "Germania" by Tacitus
Viking Era
700-1000 The Swedish Viking Age lasted roughly between this time
829 St. Ansgar introduced Christianity which fully replaced paganism in the 12th century
Christian Sweden
1050 Sweden was counted as a Christian nation
Sweden in the 1200s
1249 Birger Jarl annexed present-day Finland to Sweden
Sweden in the 1300s
1319 Sweden and Norway were united under King Magnus Eriksson
1335 Slavery and serfdom were abolished by King Magnus IV
1364 The Swedish nobility chose the German Albrekt av Mecklenburg as their king
1397 Queen Margaret I of Denmark united Denmark, Sweden and Norway as the Kalmar Union as a counterforce against the German Hanseatic League
Sweden in the 1500s
1520 Danish King Christian II ordered the massacre of Swedish nobles in Stockholm
1523 Gustav Vasa becomes the King of Sweden and Sweden leaves the Kalmar Union
Sweden in the 1600s
1630 Sweden's most powerful leader in history, Gustav Adolphus engaged Sweden into the Thirty Years' War, which had started in 1618. He died in 1632 himself at the battle of Lützen
1648 The Thirty Years' War ends and Sweden gets large areas in Northern Germany and Sweden also conquered colonies like New Sweden (Delaware) and Gold Coast (Ghana), which were quickly lost
Sweden in the 1700s
1700 The Great Northern War started with Swedish and Russian troops fighting against each other and later Swedish and Poland-Lithuania's troops, Sweden was victorious against both of them
1709 Sweden lost a battle against Russia, which meant the beginning of the end for the Swedish Empire
1721 Treaty of Nystad, Sweden lost large areas of land and its place as an empire and the dominant state in the Baltic Sea and as a result Russia started emerging as an empire becoming one of Europe's most dominant nations
Sweden in the 1800s
1809 Sweden lost its eastern part to Russia which became the Grand Duchy of Finland
1814 Sweden's last time at war as it took Norway by force from Denmark after the Napoleonic Wars
1850-1910 About one million Swedes emigrated to USA from the poverty and famine in Sweden
Sweden in the 1900s
1905 Norway became independent from Sweden after a referendum
1917 Communist revolution was avoided in Sweden
1943 Sweden helped rescuing Danish Jews from deportation to Nazi concentration camps
1947 Ingvar Kamprad founded IKEA
1974 Swedish band ABBA's song, Waterloo, became a global hit
1986 Prime Minister Olof Palme was murdered
1995 Sweden joined the European Union
2003 The majority voted not to adopt the Euro as the country's official currency


Official name: Konungariket Sverige - Kingdom of Sweden
Capital city: Stockholm
Official language: Swedish
Population: 10,333,456
Population density: 23/km2
Area: 450,295 km2
GDP total: $563.882 billion
GDP per capita: $54,628
Currency: Swedish krona (SEK)
Driving side: Right
Biggest cities: 1. Stockholm 952,058
2. Gothenburg 565,496
3. Malmö 334,987
4. Uppsala 221,141
5. Linköping 158,953
6. Örebro 150,949
7. Västerås 150,564
8. Helsingborg 143,671
9. Norrköping 140,991
10. Jönköping 137,863

Swedish language

Language family: Indo-European
North Germanic
East Scandinavian
Total speakers: 13.2 million
Native speakers: 10 million

North Germanic languages

Language Speakers Subfamily Official Status
1. Swedish 9,200,000 East Scandinavia Sweden, Finland
2. Danish 5,600,000 East Scandinavia Denmark, Faroe Islands
3. Norwegian 5,000,000 West Scandinavian Norway
4. Icelandic 358,000 West Scandinavian Iceland
5. Faroese 90,000 West Scandinavian Faroe Islands
6. Elfdalian 3,500 West or East Scandinavian
Total 20,251,500

1. Greetings - Hälsningar

Welcome Välkommen / välkomna
Hello Hej / hejsan
Good morning God morgon
Good day God dag
Good evening God kväll
Good night God natt
Long time no see Det var länge sedan
How are you? Hur mår du?
I’m fine Jag mår bra
Ok Okej
So so Sådär
Not good Dåligt / inte bra
Are you ok? Är du ok?
Yes Ja
No Nej
Thank you Tack
No problem Inga problem
You’re welcome Varsågod
Sorry Förlåt
Excuse me Ursäkta
Nice to meet you Trävligt att träffas
My pleasure Nöjet är mitt /med nöje
You too Dig också / dig med
Congratulations Grattis
Well done Bra gjort
Take care Ha det bra
Good luck! Lycka till!
Goodbye Hejdå / adjö
See you later Vi ses (senare)
Please Var så vänlig
Bon appetit Smaklig måltid
Cheers Skål
Happy Birthday Grattis på födelsedagen
Happy New Year! Gott nytt år
Happy Valentines day Glad alla hjärtans dag
Merry Christmas! God jul

2. Introduction - Introduktion

What’s your name? Vad heter du?
What’s your family name? Vad är ditt efternamn?
My name is Sven Mitt namn är Sven / Jag heter Sven
My family name is Larsson Mitt efternamn är Larsson
You can call me Börje Du kan kalla mig Börje
Who are you? Vem är du?
Let me introduce myself Låt mig presentera mig själv
I am Hans Jag är Hans
How old are you? Hur gammal är du?
I’m 28 years old Jag är 28 (tjugoåtta) år gammal
Age ålder
Year ett år
First name ett förnamn
Nickname ett smeknamn
Family name ett efternamn
Mr Herr
Mrs Fru
Miss Fröken
Man en man
Woman en kvinna
Boy en pojke
Girl en flicka
To be called att kallas
To call att kalla
To introduce att introducera / att presentera

3. Numbers - Siffror

0 noll
1 ett
2 två
3 tre
4 fyra
5 fem
6 sex
7 sju
8 åtta
9 nio
10 tio
11 elva
12 tolv
13 tretton
14 fjorton
15 femton
16 sexton
17 sjutton
18 arton / (aderton)
19 nitton
20 tjugo
21 tjugoett
30 trettio
40 fyrtio
50 femtio
60 sextio
70 sjuttio
80 åttio
90 nittio
100 etthundra
1000 tusen
10,000 tiotusen
100,000 hundratusen
1 million en miljon
10 million tio miljoner
100 million hundra miljoner
1 billion en miljard
10 trillion en biljon
To count att räkna
Plus plus
To divide att dividera
To multiply att multiplicera
Square root en kvadratrot
Half en halv / ett halvt
One third en tredjedel
One fourth en fjärdedel
One fifth en femtedel
1st första
2nd andra
3rd tredje
4th fjärde
5th femte
6th sjätte
7th sjunde
8th åttonde
9th nionde
10th tionde
11th elfte
12th tolfte
13th trettonde
14th fjortonde
15th femtonde
16th sextonde
17th sjuttonde
18th artonde
19th nittonde
20th tjugonde
21th tjugoförsta
30th trettionde
40th fyrtionde
50th femtionde
60th sextionde
70th sjuttionde
80th åttionde
90th nittionde
200 tvåhundra
300 trehundra
400 fyrahundra
500 femhundra
600 sexhundra
700 sjuhundra
800 åttahundra
900 niohundra
999 niohundranittionio
Equals to (is) är
Minus minus
Divided by dividerad med
Multiplied by multiplicerad med
Squared i kvadrat
Comma ett kommatecken
Decimal number ett decimaltal
Fractional numbers ett bråktal
Period en punkt

4. Colors - Färger

What is your favorite color? Vilken är din favoritfärg

My favorite color is red Min favoritfärg är röd

Which one looks better - the light or the dark red? Vilken ser bättre ut ljusröd eller mörkröd?

The dark red looks better Den mörkröda ser bättre ut

Which colour are your eyes? Vilken färg är dina ögon?

My eyes are brown Mina ögon är bruna

Black svart
Grey grå
White vit
Brown brun
Purple lila
Violet violett
Blue blå
Green grön
Yellow gul
Red röd
Orange orange
Pink rosa
Colorful färgrik
Light ljus
Light blue ljusblå
Dark mörk
Dark blue mörkblå
Shade en nyans
Tone en färgton

5. Days of the week - Veckodagar

How many days are there in a week? Hur många dagar finns det på en vecka?
There are seven days in a week Det finns sju dagar på en vecka
What day is it today? Vilken dag är det idag?
Is it Monday or Tuesday now? Är det måndag eller tisdag nu?
Today is Monday Idag är det måndag
What day was it yesterday? Vilken dag var det igår?
Yesterday was Sunday Igår var det söndag
What are you doing on the weekend? Vad gör du i helgen?
In the weekend I will sleep longer Under helgen kommer jag att sova längre
Day en dag
Week en vecka
Weekend en helg
Today idag
Tomorrow imorgon
Yesterday igår
Monday måndag
Tuesday tisdag
Wednesday onsdag
Thursday torsdag
Friday fredag
Saturday lördag
Sunday söndag
The day after tomorrow övermorgon
The day before yesterday förrgår

6. Months - Månader