65 topics
3000+ unique words
600+ phrases
160 pages
64 pages of vocabulary
16 pages of grammar
73 empty pages
Author: Kristian Muthugalage
Youtube: Kristian Muthugalage
Ultimate Language Notebook
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Table of Contents
- Greetings - Begrüßungen
- Introduction - Vorstellung
- Numbers - Nummern
- Colors - Farben
- Days of the week - Wochentage
- Months - Monate
- Time - Zeit
- Habits - Gewohnheiten
- Weather - Wetter
- Countries - Länder
- Languages - Sprachen
- Nature - Natur
- Animals - Tiere
- Phone Calls - Anrufe
- Family - Familie
- Relationships - Beziehungen
- Characteristics - Eigenschaften
- Feelings - Gefühle
- Professions - Berufe
- Buildings and places - Gebäude und Orte
- Directions - Richtungen
- Position and place - Position und Ort
- Life periods - Lebensperioden
- School and education - Schule und Bildung
- Dining - Essen
- Food - Speisen
- Fruits and Vegetables - Obst und Gemüse
- In the restaurant - Im Restaurant
- Money - Geld
- Shops and shopping - Geschäfte und Einkaufsmöglichkeiten
- Transportation and Traffic - Transport und Verkehr
- Vehicles - Fahrzeuge
- Clothes - Kleider
- Body - Körper
- Health - Gesundheit
- Beauty and hygiene - Schönheit und Hygiene
- House - Haus
- Home - Zuhause
- Furniture and interior - Möbel und Interieur
- Materials - Materialien
- Traveling - Reisen
- Accommodation - Unterkunft
- Freetime and hobbies - Freizeit und Hobbys
- Sports - Sport
- Movies - Filme
- Computer - Computer
- Internet and social media - Internet und soziale Medien
- Photography - Fotografie
- Music - Musik
- Literature - Literatur
- Nightlife - Nachtleben
- Love life - Liebesleben
- Law - Gesetz
- Politics - Politik
- Economy and finance - Wirtschaft und Finanzen
- Religion and beliefs - Religion und Glaube
- Science - Wissenschaft
- Space - Weltall
- Global warming - Globale Erwärmung
- History - Geschichte
- Idioms - Redewendungen
- Slang - Slang
- Untranslatable words - Unübersetzbare Wörter
- Tongue twisters - Zungenbrecher
- German grammar - Deutsche Grammatik
© 2020 Kristian Muthugalage
Kustantaja: BoD - Books on Demand GmbH, Helsinki, Suomi
Valmistaja: BoD - Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Saksa
ISBN: 9789528078425
From Beginner to Advanced Level
- Read one page a day and learn the words
- Write new words one page a day
- Speak out loud one page a day and record your voice
- Listen your own recording or find something to listen to about the given topic Do these steps and you will complete the notebook in 8 months
- Learn how to ask and answer one question a day
Do this and you will be able to form 365 questions and answers in one year
Reading |
Listening |
Writing |
Speaking |
Language learning resources |
Applications |
Duolingo, Memrise, Lingvist etc. |
Books |
Read books/e-books/online articles about topics that interest you |
Flashcards |
Make them yourself or use quizlet or other flashcard apps |
Language class |
Attend a German class |
Movies |
Watch movies and try to pick up as many new words as you can |
Music |
Listen to music you like, www.radio.net has radio channels from all over the world |
News |
Watch and listen to the news in your target language |
Notebook |
Write in your Ultimate German Notebook |
Pen pal |
Find a penpal to whom you can write real letters or chat online |
Podcast |
Listen to interesting podcasts on Youtube, Soundcloud or Spotify |
Recording yourself |
Record yourself reading a text sample and then listen to your own recording |
Singing |
Learn the lyrics of songs you like in German |
Speaking with natives |
Talk to natives while traveling or find them at your home city |
Videos |
Watch videos on Youtube or Vimeo about topics that interest you |
Use all other resources together with this notebook. Add all the new words and phrases under one of the 64 topics or create a new topic in the empty pages. This is the center of all your knowledge in German language.
Timeline of German history
Early history of Germany
200 BC |
Germanic tribes moved to Central Europe |
260 |
The Romans made Cologne their capital city |
400 |
The Franks (Germanic tribe) established a Christian kingdom |
843 |
Treaty of Verdun was signed to end the war between Charlemagne's grandsons and the Carolingian Empire was divided into West Francia, Middle Francia and East Francia |
Holy Roman Empire 962-1806
962 |
Otto I was crowned as the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire |
1147 |
Northern Crusades, a series of crusades began against the pagan peoples around the Baltic Sea |
1190 |
The Nibelungenlied was written |
1455 |
The Gutenberg Bible was printed by Johann Gutenberg |
1517 |
Martin Luther posted the Ninety-Five Theses on the door of All Saint's Church in Wittenberg |
1517-1648 |
Protestant Reformation |
1555 |
The Peace of Augsburg was signed, granting princes of the Holy Roman Empire the right to determine the state religion within their territories |
1618-1648 |
Thirty Years War was fought because of religious issues |
1648 |
Peace of Westphalia ended the Thirty Years War granting Switzerland and the Netherlands independence from the Holy Roman Empire |
1806 |
Holy Roman Empire collapsed during the Napoleon wars |
Germany before unification 1806-1871
1806-1813 |
Confederation of Rhine was established from the remaining sixteen German states after the collapse of the Holy Roman Empire |
1812 |
The Brothers Grimm published their first collection of fairy tales |
1815 |
Congress of Vienna, the German Confederation was established |
1866 |
North-German Confederation was established |
1870 |
North German Confederation was renamed as the German Empire |
German Empire 1871–1918
1871 |
Wilhelm I of Prussia became the emperor of the German Empire |
1884-1918 |
German colonial empire |
1914-1918 |
World War I |
1919 |
Peace of Versailles, Germany lost all of its colonies and some of its own areas |
1933 |
Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany |
1938 |
Austria and parts of Czechoslovakian areas were annexed to Germany |
1939 |
Germany's attack to Poland started World War II |
1945 |
Germany lost the war |
East Germany and West Germany 1949-1990
1949 |
Germany was divided into West Germany and East Germany |
1961 |
The Berlin Wall constructions were started |
1973 |
The UN recognized both East Germany and West Germany |
1989 |
The Berlin Wall was broken apart |
Reunified Germany 1990-
1990 |
East Germany and West Germany unified as a single state |
2002 |
Germany adopted Euro as the currency |
2014 |
Germany won the Football World Cup |
2016 |
Berlin terror attack |
2017 |
Same-sex marriage was legalized by German parliament |
German speaking world
Country |
Capital |
Population |
1 |
Germany |
Berlin |
84,900,000 |
2 |
Belgium |
Brussels |
11,420,163 |
3 |
Austria |
Vienna |
8,838,171 |
4 |
Switzerland |
Bern |
8,508,904 |
5 |
Luxembourg |
Luxembourg |
602,000 |
6 |
Liechtenstein |
Vaduz |
37,370 |
Official name: |
Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Federal Republic of Germany |
Area: |
357,022 km2 |
Population: |
83,149,300 |
Currency: |
Euro (€) |
Biggest cities in Germany
1. Berlin |
3,520,031 |
2. Hamburg |
1,787,408 |
3. Munich (München) |
1,450,381 |
4. Cologne (Köln) |
1,060,582 |
5. Frankfurt am Main |
732,688 |
6. Stuttgart |
623,738 |
7. Düsseldorf |
612,178 |
8. Dortmund |
586,181 |
9. Essen |
582,624 |
10. Leipzig |
560,472 |
German language
Language family: |
Indo-European Germanic West Germanic |
Native speakers: |
76 million |
Biggest West Germanic languages
Language |
Speakers |
1 |
English |
379 million |
2 |
German |
76 million |
3 |
Dutch |
23 million |
4 |
Afrikaans |
7.2 million |
5 |
Yiddish |
1.5–2 million |
6 |
Frisian |
500,000 |
7 |
Scots |
110,000–125,000 |
1. Greetings - Begrüßungen
Welcome |
Herzlich willkommen |
Hello |
Hallo |
Good morning |
Guten Morgen |
Good day |
Guten Tag! Schönen Tag |
Good evening |
Guten Abend |
Good night |
Gute Nacht |
Long time no see |
Lange nicht gesehen |
How are you? |
Wie geht es Ihnen? Wie geht es dir? |
I’m fine |
Es geht mir gut |
Good |
Gut |
Very good |
Sehr gut |
Ok |
In Ordnung |
So so |
Solala |
Not good |
Nicht gut |
Are you ok? |
Geht es dir gut |
Yes |
Ja |
No |
Nein |
Thank you |
Vielen Dank |
No problem |
Kein Problem |
You’re welcome |
Bitte |
I'm sorry |
Es tut mir Leid |
Excuse me |
Entschuldigen Sie mich |
Nice to meet you |
Freut mich, dich kennenzulernen |
My pleasure |
Gern geschehen |
You too |
Gleichfalls |
Congratulations |
Herzlichen Glückwünsch |
Well done |
Gut gemacht |
Take care |
Pass auf dich auf |
Good luck! |
Viel Glück! |
Goodbye |
Auf Wiedersehen |
See you later |
Bis später |
Please |
Bitte |
Bon appetit |
Guten Appetit |
Cheers |
Prost |
Happy Birthday |
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag |
Happy New Year! |
Frohes neues Jahr! |
Happy Valentines day |
Fröhlichen Valentinstag |
Merry Christmas! |
Fröhliche Weihnachten! Frohe Weihnachten! |
2. Introduction - Vorstellung
What’s your name? |
Wie heißen Sie? Wie ist Ihr Name? |
What’s your family name? |
Wie lautet Ihr Familienname? |
My name is... |
Ich heiße... |
My family name is… |
Mein Familienname ist… |
You can call me … |
Du kannst mich anrufen … |
Who are you? |
Wer bist du? |
Let me introduce myself |
Lassen Sie mich Ihnen vorstellen |
I am … |
Ich bin … |
How old are you (this year)? |
Wie alt sind Sie (dieses Jahr)? |
I’m 30 years old |
Ich bin 30 Jahre alt |
Age |
das Alter |
Year |
das Jahr |
First name |
der Vorname |
Nickname |
der Spitzname |
Family name |
der Nachname / der Familienname |
Mr |
Herr |
Mrs |
Frau |
Miss |
Fräulein |
Man |
der Mann |
Woman |
die Frau |
Boy |
der Junge |
Girl |
das Mädchen |
To be called |
heißen |
To call |
nennen |
To introduce |
vorstellen |
3. Numbers - Nummern
0 |
null |
1 |
eins |
2 |
zwei |
3 |
drei |
4 |
vier |
5 |
fünf |
6 |
sechs |
7 |
sieben |
8 |
acht |
9 |
neun |
10 |
zehn |
11 |
elf |
12 |
zwölf |
13 |
dreizehn |
14 |
vierzehn |
15 |
fünfzehn |
16 |
sechzehn |
17 |
siebzehn |
18 |
achtzehn |
19 |
neunzehn |
20 |
zwanzig |
21 |
einundzwanzig |
30 |
dreißig |
40 |
vierzig |
50 |
fünfzig |
60 |
sechzig |
70 |
siebzig |
80 |
achtzig |
90 |
neunzig |
100 |
einhundert |
1000 |
eintausend |
10,000 |
zehntausend |
100,000 |
hunderttausend |
1 million |
eine Million |
10 million |
zehn Millionen |
100 million |
hundert Millionen |
1 billion |
eine Milliarde |
1 trillion |
eine Billion |
To count |
zählen |
Plus |
plus |
To divide |
dividieren |
To multiply |
multiplizieren |
Square root |
die Quadratwurzel |
Half |
die Hälfte |
One third |
ein Drittel |
One fourth |
ein Viertel |
One fifth |
ein Fünftel |
1st |
erste |
2nd |
zweite |
3rd |
dritte |
4th |
vierte |
5th |
fünfte |
6th |
sechste |
7th |
siebte |
8th |
achte |
9th |
neunte |
10th |
zehnte |
11th |
elfte |
12th |
zwölfte |
13th |
dreizehnte |
14th |
vierzehnte |
15th |
fünfzehnte |
16th |
sechzehnte |
17th |
siebzehnte |
18th |
achtzehnte |
19th |
neunzehnten |
20th |
zwanzigste |
21st |
einundzwanzigste |
30th |
dreißigste |
40th |
vierzigste |
50th |
fünfzigste |
60th |
sechzigste |
70th |
siebzigste |
80th |
achtzigste |
90th |
neunzigste |
200 |
zweihundert |
300 |
dreihundert |
400 |
vierhundert |
500 |
fünfhundert |
600 |
sechshundert |
700 |
siebenhundert |
800 |
acht hundert |
900 |
neun hundert |
999 |
neunhundert neun und neunzig |
Equals to (is) |
ist gleich (ist) |
Minus |
minus |
Divided by |
geteilt durch |
Multiplied by |
multipliziert mit |
Squared |
quadriert |
Comma |
das Komma |
Decimal number |
die Dezimalzahl |
Fractional numbers |
die Bruchzahlen |
Period |
der Punkt |
4. Colors - Farben
What is your favorite color? |
Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe? |
My favorite color is red |
Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist Rot |
Which one looks better - the light or the dark red? |
Welches sieht besser aus - das Hellrot oder das Dunkelrot? |
The dark red looks better |
Das Dunkelrot sieht besser aus |
Which colour are your eyes? |
Welche Farbe haben deine Augen? |
My eyes are brown |
Meine Augen sind braun |
Black |
schwarz |
Grey |
grau |
White |
weiß |
Brown |
braun |
Purple |
lila |
Violet |
violett |
Blue |
blau |
Green |
grün |
Yellow |
gelb |
Red |
rod |
Orange |
orange |
Pink |
rosa |
Colorful |
bunt |
Light |
hell |
Light blue |
hellblau |
Dark |
dunkel |
Dark blue |
dunkelblau |
Shade |
schatten |
Tone |
der Ton |
5. Days of the week - Wochentage
How many days are there in a week? |
Wie viele Tage hat eine Woche? |
There are seven days in a week |
Es gibt sieben Tage in der Woche |
What day is it today? |
Welcher Tag ist heute? |
Is it Monday or Tuesday now? |
Ist es jetzt Montag oder Dienstag? |
Today is Monday |
Heute ist Montag |
What day was it yesterday? |
Was war gestern für ein Tag? |
Yesterday was Sunday |
Gestern war Sonntag |
What are you doing on the weekend? |
Was machst du am Wochenende? |
In the weekend I will sleep longer |
Am Wochenende werde ich länger schlafen |
Day |
der Tag |
Week |
die Woche |
Weekend |
das Wochenende |
Today |
heute |
Tomorrow |
morgen |
Yesterday |
gestern |
Monday |
der Montag |
Tuesday |
der Dienstag |
Wednesday |
der Mittwoch |
Thursday |
der Donnerstag |
Friday |
der Freitag |
Saturday |
der Samstag |
Sunday |
der Sonntag |
The day after tomorrow |
übermorgen |
The day before yesterday |
vorgestern |
6. Months - Monate
What date is it today? |
Welches Datum haben wir heute? |
It’s October 16th 2019 |
Es ist der 16. Oktober 2019 |
What month is it now? |
Welchen Monat haben wir jetzt? |
It’s January now |
Es ist jetzt Januar |
What was the last month? |
Was war der letzte Monat? |
Last month was December |
Letzten Monat war Dezember |
What is the next month? |
Was ist der nächste Monat? |
Next month is February |
Nächsten Monat ist Februar |
What season is it now? |
Welche Jahreszeit haben wir jetzt? |
Now it’s summer |
Jetzt ist Sommer |
What is your favorite season? |
Was ist deine Lieblings Jahreszeit? |