The hCG Diet

Important notice to all readers:

The author and publisher have taken great care in researching, compiling and verifying the information and advice published in this book. A guarantee for the contents cannot however be offered, neither by the author nor by the publisher. Readers are expected to act responsibly regarding their own health and the information in this book, and timely seek professional therapeutic advice on any complaints or illnesses that arise.

This translation is based on the German title “Die hCG Diät” by Anne Hild, 16th edition, 2015; first published by Aurum in J.Kamphausen Mediagroup GmbH in 2011.

© in J. Kamphausen Mediengruppe GmbH
1. Edition (2016)

Author: Anne Hild
Medical editor: Dr. Anja Schemionek
Layout and Design: Claudia Schlutter | sichtbar gestaltet
(individual image credits in appendix)
Translation: Robert Gibson

Verlag: in J. Kamphausen Mediagroup GmbH, Bielefeld,, eMail:

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anne hild

The hCG Diet

How to target problem zones for long-term weight loss and feel great doing it



The diet secret of the rich and glamorous

Of pregnant women and ‘fat boys’

Jabs for the High Society

America catches on

Our weight – the many internal and external influence

Our body weight and the hormones insulin, oestrogen et al

A burdensome Stone Age legacy – the yo-yo effect

Goodbye Yo-Yo Effect – the fat-killing hormone hCG

How does the hCG weight-loss programme work?

The conservative method: Injected hCG or oral hCG drops

The modern way: hCG as information

Differences between women and men

The hCG weight-loss programme – what to expect

Preparation phase: two days of gluttony

The heart of the hCG diet: three lean weeks

Ensure success with the stabilisation phase

Other important factors

Risk groups and what they should know

Supportive vital substances

The vital substances – an overview

A chapter of its own: Amino acids, the building blocks of life

Hyperacidity, health and weight

Psyche and motivation during the hCG weight-loss programme

Critical responses to the hCG weight-loss programme

Testimonies to the hCG weight-loss programme

Frequently asked questions about the hCG cure

General questions about the hCG cure

Questions regarding the core phase of the hCG diet

Questions about the stabilisation phase

Questions after the treatment

The 13 most common hurdles

The hCG Diet – A step-by-step Guide

Planning the diet

The check-list

Keep these things handy | shopping list 1

The preparation phase – two days of glorious indulgence

Your preparation phase meals

Taking the drops

Here’s a sample daily routine

The diet phase – 21 days at 500 calories each

Approved foods

The first three diet days | shopping list 2

Unforeseen circumstances, cheating and hunger

The last four days of the first diet week | shopping list 3

More recipes – the second and third week of the diet phase

The stabilisation phase – 21 days to cement your success

The end of the diet: No yo-yo, just yoo-hoo!


Progress check – Body measurements

Progress check – Weight

Calorie table

Useful links and further reading


As a registered German naturopath and classical homoeopath, l’ve spent several years studying the effects of hormones on our health and wellbeing. In the course of these investigations, l’ve observed time and again, in myself and in others, how far-reaching the impact on body and psyche can be when hormones become unbalanced.

Quite often the symptom of apparently ‘dietresistant’ overweight belongs to the unpleasant and undesired consequences of such a hormone imbalance.

In this context I often asked myself why no truly practicable solution for weight loss had been discovered. I could see how people treated with nature-identical or homoeopathicallyprepared hormones were able to return to a state of well-being. Particularly those phases in which weight gain often occurs could be positively influenced using natural hormones: puberty, pregnancy, permanent stress and the years before and after menopause. As a positive side-effect, the patients’ weight also fell, often significantly. But what about all the other people who do not undergo a natural hormone therapy, and is that really the last word on the subject?

I continue to find it fascinating that, in spite of any contemplation, searching or pursuit of a solution, the answer is often suddenly simply there when the time is ripe for it. So it was that I finally came upon a messenger substance which is attributed with a fat-reducing effect and has the power to simply free us from superfluous fat repositories. Now you might say: ‘Not another new diet!’ Yes, indeed, yet no new diet: rather, a weight-loss programme which has proven successful for over 50 years, only that it was reserved for the so-called ‘upper-classes’ who guarded this knowledge as a secret. What is new about this the diet programme in this book is that this weight-loss method is no longer only available to the well-heeled initiates, but rather is now being made available to every woman and man. How is works exactly and everything that you need to know you will find in this book.

Enjoy the book and the best of success with you hCG weight-loss programme!

Sincerely, Anne Hild

The diet secret of the rich and glamorous

The time has come to share a secret. A secret that the rich and famous have protected for more than 50 years. A secret that is known to only a few doctors and passed on only in exclusive, discreet private clinics in Rome, Geneva, Marbella and California to patients paying top prices for special treatment. The secret of the slim and beautiful; how they stay fit and shapely, or become so again quickly.

The glossy magazines and TV chat shows around the world ask the question again and again: How is it possible that American actress Renée Zellweger, shortly after finishing shooting on the ‘Bridget Jones’ films where she plays the lovably plump lead, can glide gaily over the red carpet with a size 6 figure?

Or how can stars like Heidi Klum or Catherine Zeta-Jones show up at society photo-ops mere weeks after having given birth and not have even a hint of a ‘mummy tummy’ showing under their form-hugging gowns? How is it that, in the 1990s, Hollywood diva Liz Taylor managed to slip into a size 12 dress for her Neverland-wedding to Larry Fortensky when just weeks before she just barely fit into a size 16? And how could 60s film icons Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni represent the absolute ideal of feminine and masculine perfection, seemingly untouched by time? For more than half a century now, THE patent diet treatment has only been communicated by word-of-mouth in celebrity circles. Absolute secrecy was – and still is! – the cardinal rule for the doctors and private clinics which offer this top weight-loss treatment. What is more, this diet treatment is expensive – really expensive! It will set you back several thousand Euro to achieve your desired weight in a few weeks, and maintain it long-term.

All that is history, now that this book is here! The time has come to draw back the curtain on this spectacular diet and let the world know about it. A diet naturally powered by hormones, without the dreaded yo-yo effect and the risk of wrinkled, sagging skin, but instead with a gentle recalibration of metabolic functions that allows both women and men to say farewell to the ‘spare tyre’, the ‘muffin top’ and the ‘love handles’ and move on to a slimmer, healthier life.

Of pregnant women and ‘fat boys’

The world’s thanks for the discovery of the kilo-killing celebrity diet are due to the British endocrinologist Dr A.T.W. Simeons. Born in London before the Second World War, Simeons studied medicine and got his degree from the University of Heidelberg with the top mark, summa cum laude. He went on to work at the world-renowned Institute for Tropical Medicine in Hamburg. It is important to keep in mind that Great Britain in the 1930s was still a major colonial power, sending many civil servants and soldiers into the tropical regions of its Empire. So it was not uncommon for an English doctor to delve into tropical medicine; the tropical diseases to which the servants of the British Empire were exposed during their period of service in the jungles of Asia and Africa were mostly unknown to European science, and hence a serious risk factor.

Dr Simeons first gained recognition for his triumphs in the battle against malaria. He was even awarded special honours by the Queen for his medical research.

But Dr Simeons was not satisfied focussing only on the field of exotic illnesses. He went much farther afield, working intensively on psychosomatic illnesses and hormones, finally turning to the problems of overweight and obesity. The commonly-held theory on obesity was (and still is, among many therapists today) very simple: Overweight people eat too much, and exercise too little. But Dr Simeons posed the question whether this is in fact the entire truth. He had observed a phenomenon in the foreign countries he visited that made him doubt that it was: He saw people who only ate very little every day, performed physically strenuous tasks and gained weight regardless. This went against the simple medical logic of the time. So Simeons began his detective work to find the root causes of obesity and weight gain. For years he carried out intensive research on the thyroid, the pituitary and the adrenal glands, the pancreas, the gall bladder and other organs and glands. At the end of his 16-year research Simeons arrived at the assumption that the key to obesity lay in the diencephalon (interbrain), the region of the brain where both the thalamus and hypothalamus are located.

The breakthrough finally came when Dr Simeons started analysing data on pregnant women in India. These mostly delicate women eked out a living doing hard fieldwork day in, day out, had to walk long distances and had a relatively low daily caloric intake. Yet these women apparently felt no hunger, and no harm came to their unborn children. They gave birth to healthy, normal-sized babies. And the most remarkable thing was that these Indian mothers quickly returned to their earlier weight shortly after childbirth. It wasn’t long before Dr Simeons discovered that this effect could be attributed to a human pregnancy hormone, ‘human chorionic gonadotropin’, or hCG for short. (see Infobox)

Dr Simeons made a further observation which confirmed his thesis: Boys with a dysfunction of the sexual organs develop an insatiable appetite and become ‘fat boys’ with abnormally large breasts, wide hips, a fat bottom and a lot of fat around the belly. Indian doctors treated these ‘fat boys’ with small amount of the hCG hormone, with the result that the boys lost their ravenous appetites and regained a normal body form.


hCG – human chorionic gonadotropin

The hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is produced in all humans in small amounts in the adrenal gland, and for men in the testicles as well.

During pregnancy the placenta of the mother develops as another production site. hCG is significant in the stabilisation of the pregnancy, and of particular importance in the first phase. The hCG values in a pregnant woman’s blood rise rapidly at the beginning of the pregnancy, first doubling approximately every two days, with the doubling rate slowing down over time. From the 12th week of pregnancy on, the hCG level drops off again, but still remains significantly higher than the normal value. Almost all readily available pregnancy tests derive their results on the basis of hCG detection.

Therapeutically, hCG is administered to boys with undescended testicles and men with testicular atrophy, as well as to both sexes in the treatment of hormone-related infertility. The body does not absorb the hCG hormone. That which is produced by the body itself, as well as that administered therapeutically, is naturally excreted after just a few days.

It is interesting to note that the hCG used in pharmaceutical production is still collected from natural sources (pregnant women’s urine) and not produced in synthetic modification as is common for hormone preparations like the birth-control pill or in hormone replacement therapy.

In the phenomena observed by Dr Simeons a common point becomes clear: hCG effects hormonal cycles at the adrenal and hypothalamic level. This causes a sudden change in the body’s way of dealing with fat reserves. The ‘problem zones’ belly, thighs and hips in particular are prompted to release their stored fat – fat that is normally very difficult to reach with diets or sport.

So Dr Simeon’s greatest discovery was that a kind of brain ‘malfunction’ can be a contributory cause of overweight. What a discovery – now that the secret of the ‘upper-classes’ is out, it could revolutionise the previous approaches to obesity!

Jabs for the High Society

In 1949 Dr Simeons settled in Rome and, working at the Salvator Mundi International Hospital, became one of the most sought-after diet experts. Thisat a time when people had quite other problems than losing weight! In the early 1950s, overweight was not a widespread problem – unlike today – and clinical obesity even less so. In fact, quite the opposite was the case. Many people still suffered deprivation and generally had little to eat in the few years since the end of the Second World War. Hunger and emaciation were by far more common ailments than obesity. Overweight was – if at all – a topic for just a small group in society: for the rich. They had food in abundance, did not have to perform any heavy physical labour and got little exercise. An ideal clientèle for Dr Simeons, who took the results of his many years of research and used them to develop his own treatment plan, which he published at the end of the 1960s under the title: The Weight Loss Cure Protocol. The core of the cure consisted of a strict three-week diet with a maximum daily intake of 500 kcal and regular injections of the hCG hormone.

The treatment had a quick and effective result. Word soon spread throughout the royalty, nobility and the houses of the wealthy, to the stars and starlets of Rome and Hollywood too, that the Simeons treatment really made it possible to reach an ideal weight and body tone and keep them – and high society paid top prices to take part in Dr Simeons programme! Unlike today, however, all the participants kept the utmost discretion. It was considered impolite to speak openly about weight loss and dieting, and no-one wanted to read about it in the press. As a result, this British doctor’s discovery long remained an insider’s tip. The situation remained essentially the same after Dr Simeons’s death in 1970. Private clinics continued to provide confidential treatment to their well-heeled clients, administering the elaborate and expensive hCG injection programme.

The celebrities dropped out of the limelight and into the protected atmosphere of a private clinic for a few weeks, only to return slim and trim (and relieved of a few thousand Euro) to their accustomed lives.

In addition to the hCG injection method, which makes many patients squeamish, several clinics soon began offering the option of an oral hCG treatment, using drops. The effectiveness of this method was confirmed in 1884 by Dr Daniel Belluscio at his Oral hCG Research Center in Buenos Aires, based on his experience and a study involving over 6000 patients.

America catches on

For the last decades, overweight and obesity have become, quite literally, an expanding problem on a global scale. The main victims are by far no longer just a few of the rich and famous: According to the World Health Organisation, 69.4% of US Americans over the age of 20 are overweight, and Europe doesn’t look any better: 54.8% of Germans, 44.3% of the Swiss and 49.6% of Austrians are too fat!

So it’s little wonder, then, that when a book about the hCG weight-loss method was launched to a wider audience in the USA in 2007, the effect was like a bomb dropping. Kevin Trudeau, author of the best-seller The Weight Loss Cure knows what he writes about. His problems with overweight began when he was a child, and he has been battling the pounds his whole life.

According to his own statements he has read over 300 diet books and tried every diet that came his way, though mostly without lasting success. Completely frustrated, he travelled to Bavaria to visit an anti-ageing clinic and receive live cell therapy. There he got to know ‘Dr Fritz’, the clinic director, who told him of the revolutionary weight-loss methods of a British physician named Dr Simeons. Trudeau underwent the hCG cure and was enthralled. He developed Dr Simeons’s original cure further by complementing it with components from other natural medical cures.

In recent years, newspapers and television programmes here in Germany have finally started reporting on the possible uses of the hCG hormone for safe, simple weight loss. With headlines like: ‘Slim at any price? Melt away unwanted pounds and achieve your dream figure in record time’ (Cover, May 2011) or: ‘Society shots. Want to lose weight? Get a hormone treatment. The method that helped our author lose 12 kilos – and 3,400 Euro’ (GQ, May 2011) The illustrated weekly Bunte already ran this in 2010: ‘Psst, come get thin here! hCG weight-loss cure is the big Hollywood secret. Bunte tests it.’

And now finally, this book and the opportunity of everyone – woman or man – who wants to lose weight to see for themselves – simply, cheaply and in the comfort of home! Everything you need to know, how it works and how you can do the weight-loss plan in concrete steps in your own home, all this information has been gathered for you in this single compact book!

Our weight – the many internal and external Influences

I t is still widely accepted as fact that, besides improper diet, it is above all the thyroid gland and particular types of fat that are responsible for overweight.

Of course, eating habits are a central factor in the development of overweight. Anyone who takes in more calories than they expend is guaranteed to gain weight in the long run. That is not to be disputed here. But there are clearly still more influences. It has only been proved in the last years that body weight is very closely linked to a person’s hormone levels, and that a hormonal imbalance in the background can (quite literally) weigh heavily in the development of an apparently ‘diet-resistant spare tire’ and other fat reserves.

Our body weight and the hormones insulin, oestrogen et al

Insulin is another hormone which is closely related to our body weight. It is constantly being released into the bloodstream by the pancreas, particularly when the sugar levels in our blood rise. This can be caused, for example, by eating a meal that contains sugar or other carbohydrates. Insulin allows for the absorption of sugar (glucose) into the body’s cells and thereby helps lower the blood sugar level again.

If a great many so-called fast-acting carbohydrates (sugar, white flour, sweets etc.) are consumed, the blood sugar rises drastically, the body tries to counteract this quickly and vigorously and produces too much insulin. The blood sugar sinks rapidly and radically, which in turn increases our feelings of hunger, above all our desirfor sweets, i.e. for fast-acting carbohydrates. A vicious circle! This makes it quite easy to take in far more calories than can be used by the body.

Furthermore, insulin helps transport these calories into all the body’s cells. As they are not needed there, however, they are transformed into fat and stored as undesirable fat deposits. This is why it is recommendable to keep blood sugar and insulin levels at a constant low level and to avoid fluctuations. This is best achieved by avoiding fast-acting carbohydrates entirely. Instead, complex carbohydrates can be eaten, such as those that are found in pulses and whole grain products.

Insulin has a further negative effect on body weight: It inhibits the breakdown of fat. Another good reason to keep your insulin levels low and choose the foods you eat wisely.

And other hormones also have an impact on body weight: Leptin is the hormone responsible for making us feel full. It sends a signal that we have had enough to eat. Seriously overweight people with too high of a body mass index suffer from a dysfunction of this process. In spite of increased levels of leptin production, the body continues to feel hunger. Many adipose people develop a so-called leptin resistance over time; this means that they no longer respond adequately to the hormone, their hunger persists even though they consume copious amounts of food, and fat deposits remain untouched. This mechanism is similar to the one well known to anyone with an insulin resistance. The diet helps in resetting this mechanism. As men and women age, the production of sex hormones is generally also reduced. This tends to bring these hormones effects on weight to the forefront: One of the first hormones which is produced less and less is progesterone – a counter-agent to oestrogen. This can cause an imbalance of these two hormones to occur, resulting in a so-called oestrogen dominance. The oestrogen which gains the upper hand here facilitates the storage of fat in body tissue, leading to a weight gain which is hard to reverse. A further factor in overweight women and men is that fat tissue itself produces oestrogen. The heavier the person, the more oestrogen he produces. Women often feel bloated and suffer from an increase of fat tissue around the abdomen. Enlarged breasts on men are an outer sign of feminisation, as well as of prostate problems.

A healthy percentage of fat for middle-aged women (around 45 years old) should be between 25% and 30% of her body weight; for men of the same age, the percentage should be between 20% and 25%.

If a progesterone deficiency and an oestrogen dominance are compounded by a reduction in the male hormone (androgen) and an increase in leptin levels, possibly even by an under-active thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), then the most common hormone imbalances as root causes of weight gain in the second half of life are present and weight loss becomes extremely difficult. The thyroid gland is the ‘metronome’ for the entire metabolism, and testosterone supports fat breakdown and is important for building muscle tissue. When this androgen slowly disappears from the body, as is natural in the ageing process, fat reserves quickly begin to form. Who doesn’t know them, the proverbial ‘spare tire’ on men and the ‘thunder thighs’ on women which creep up on us and refuse to go away. Other gender-specific body zones are predestined for weight gain, too: hips, bottom and thighs as well as upper arms are particularly affected in women, whereas men struggle against fat build-up in the abdomen, under the back, at the sides and in the face – and this build-up remains despite regular athletic activity and conscious nutrition. The hormone DHEA is also an early stage of other importantsex hormones and significant in the regulation of body weight. One the one hand, DHEA acts like testosterone in promoting the breakdown of fat, but its effect goes far beyond that. DHEA is the counterpart to our stress hormone cortisol and is important in particular for our immune response. By around mid-life, however, one’s DHEA levels have fallen to half of those in a young person while the levels of cortisol rise with increasing stress; this means that a cortisol surplus is pre-programmed. Elevated cortisol values can lead to depression and obesity, as well as to increased blood sugar, blood fat and blood pressure. This all has a very negative effect on our fat distribution, our metabolism, our connective tissue and our libido.



Hormones are the body’s messenger substances. They are extraordinarily important for the regulated interplay of our bodily functions. Though the word ‘hormone’ makes most people think automatically of the sex hormones oestrogen and testosterone, there are many others as well. Besides regulating our sexual desire and everything to do with reproduction, hormones also govern our metabolism, the water balance in our bodies, our blood pressure, heart frequency, body temperature and much more.


Oestrogen dominance?!

Women approaching menopause are always told that their oestrogen levels are low and that any health problems that arise are the result of this. The myth of oestrogen deficiency is a stubborn one, and doctors continue to prescribe synthetic oestrogens (so-called hormone replacement therapy) to menopausal women. Yet it is factors such as overweight, the pill, lUDs, stress, smoking, diet (oestrogen in meat), hormones in drinking water and oestrogen-like softening agents in plastic products, to name just a few, that lead to an oestrogen surplus in women, but also increasingly in men. Add these to sinking progesterone levels and the effects are even more pronounced.