Dedicated to my parents:
Constant Georges MERITZA
and the woman who shares my life
my partner Sophie
Special dedication:
BoD-Books on Demand GmbH,
12/14 rond point des Champs Élysées
75008 Paris, France
Printing: BoD-Books on Demand GmbH,
Norderstedt, Allemagne
legal deposit September 2018
ISBN: 9782322172375
Cover photo :
License: universal cco 1.0 / (cco 1.0)
Graphic design: Yoann MERITZA
from the book in french:
"Comment reprogrammer son subconscient?"
Copyright 00064891-1- © Yoann MERITZA
September 2018 - rights reserved
"Between what I think, what I want to say,
what I think I say, what I say, what you want
to hear, what you hear, what you think you
understand, what you want to understand
and what you understand, there are at least
ten possibilities (but in reflection for the tenth
...) of not understanding, but let's try it
anyway. "
("New Encyclopedia of Relative and Absolute
Knowledge" Bernard Werber)
Yoann MERITZA is an essayist author passionate about personal development and human behavior.
Born on March 28, 1978 in Bonneville, Haute-Savoie in a working class family. He’ve benefited of schooling in private Catholic institutions, particularly in Sainte Bernadette and Saint Jean Bosco in Cluses, in his birth department.
His father, Constant Georges, who died on July 5, 2011 at the age of 81, a veteran of Indochina, a former member of the TOE-GCI, a civilian truck driver, suffered from throat cancer in 1981, always fought and cultivated enthusiasm to despite her disability, because he understood how precious life was and that he had to live it intensely. He was a veteran during both the Indochina war, and fought for the rest of his life.
Yoann was immersed in this environment in which he had to fight every day, he always tried to keep going no matter what happened and tried new experiences.
He followed normal schooling until 1993 before going to an apprenticeship school in Saint Jeoire where he discovered the trades of electrician, carpenter, bar tilter and welder, which made him a "chopper of all trades".
In September 1995, a new turning point in his life, he followed a career in the tertiary accounting sector at the Lycée Professionnel Privé "les cordeliers" in Cluses, where he discovered office automation and administration, and also learned about the technologies of the information for management, which he continues to use today in his private life. But he lost his BEP for a few points.
Under the direction of his former accounting professor, he repeated his BEP in 1998, which he obtained.
From February 1999 to December of the same year, he performed his national service in Auxonne in Burgundy in the 511th Regiment of the train, then in the 27th BCA in Cran-Gevrier in Haute-Savoie.
After leaving the army, he decided to try his bachelor's degree in accounting as a free candidate, worked for months in all subjects, became his "own teacher", even today, self-taught to the core, he knew how to "train himself", obtained his diploma, but he decided not to stop, feeling that he was growing wings, he worked in the industry to finance his studies by correspondence, which was for him "a great piece", every night after his classes, but the results were scarce for him.
He undertook to resume studies in a recurrent session in 2001, at the request of the training centers and the "Center for Information and Guidance" (COI), where he was followed by a counselor who helped him fill in the necessary forms for his reintegration into the professional cycle.
In September 2001, he returned to the Lycée Guillaume Fichet, was then 23 years old, four of which separated him from the other students, a slight generational shock that he managed to compensate, he adapted very well to this environment, and in June 2003 he obtained his professional baccalaureate in accounting.
He tried by all means to pass his BTS, because by age 25 he was too old for employers, when it came to immersing himself in a professional environment in two years. He suffered defeats, but he did not admit defeat. He attended some seminars for the main automobile brands, especially in Valence, in the Drôme region.
In 2004, he took advantage of a golden opportunity following a training as a SME / SMI collaborator at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Scionzier in Haute-Savoie, where he discovered NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) where he learned the tools to mold the subconscious mind and direct human nature
From 2007 until now, he has been interested in the topics of personal development, subconscious control and has read many books on topics of psychology and behavior, he has also attended coaching seminars. It still follows, and fairly regularly, personal development coaches.
He is also a member of the National Union of Combatants (UNC-Alpes), and of the 27th BCA.
Hello to all my readers friends!
Finally here we are, a new book on personal development, took time, but finally we arrived, which means that with a little will, we can do everything, I show it again.
After my first book "Guaranteed Success", I came up with the idea of a second book, without really knowing what I was going to talk about and where to start.
For the occasion, I was going to do something very special, what else could I do that does not currently exist and could help many people around the world?
So I had the idea of making my own book dedicated to the subconscious mind. There are already some, I know, but very few are suitable for any audience, I had to do something compatible with all levels of knowledge.
Many people will find that my approaches are simplistic, I would respond that it is voluntary. What is available to some is not available to everyone, I think it is "collective", that is, at any sociocultural level, there is no need for prerequisites, everyone can assimilate the lines of this book without too many difficulties.
I had to gather a lot of information on the subject to write it, and in summary, it is partly what I will talk about, the search for new information.
Most of you have already tried to learn about the subject through the Internet, and I know how frustrating it is to be in places that offer evasive or complicated answers, the authors of these pages do not reach everyone and do not realize that This same public does not assimilate everything easily.
What makes this book unique is both a personal interpretation of the laws of the subconscious mind, the result of extensive research with specialists in the field, including reading the works of Dr. Joseph Murphy, as well as providing a new perspective in our way of thinking, to create something for the use of all without distinction, limiting or even banishing all scientific expressions.
It is a practical book that everyone can get, and my willingness to write it is to help as many people as possible by keeping everyone up-to-date.
I will summarize the main lines of this book to facilitate understanding, which has been divided into two main parts, one theoretical and one practical.
Our brain is a huge database where billions of data are transmitted every second to allow our body to operate and store the data we receive throughout our lives from birth.
In this same brain, three functions share the place, there is first the consciousness that interacts with our external world, the unconscious where the imaginary and creative spirit that constitutes our inner world resides, and the subconscious, the great decision-maker of our actions and interpretations towards the external world, in direct relation with our experience.
The latter validates or not (without us really wanting) what we think or imagine, is the referee of everything we recorded in memory.
There are two very important phases in the thought process, what we know and what we think we know, what has been learned incorrectly, either by a third person or interpreted according to what we have experienced (and not necessarily what we know) ), and what is real (knowledge).
There are specific criteria for our own thoughts, they come from what we have learned from our family, friends, teachers, as well as from our own experiences, for example, as a child, if you have burned yourself with a radiator, the information that will result in your subconscious It is pain, and throughout your life you will be careful with the radiators.
If you are a victim of phobias such as fear of spiders, closed places, cats or any other form of fear, correspond to what I just said.
In short, all that shapes our subconscious is an accumulation of direct interactions with the outside world, but also, the creations of our inner world (the unconscious).
So, we have a first question, if a brain can be programmed, is it possible to reprogram it? Of course, all you have to do is reinterpret our old thoughts and beliefs of our subconscious, our memory is part of us, unless there is a general amnesia, which does not mean to erase all our experience, but to interrupt the connections neuro-associated.
On the other hand, it is possible to modify the access roads to our subconscious mind, create new connections that allow you to validate new information, in this book, I will show you how to proceed, and with some examples.
For this, in the first part, I will talk about this wonderful machine that allows us to think and act. You will discover how information flows, why you think in this way and how it is possible to question the way you think or act.
You will also discover the wonderful power of creativity and imagination, how the great pioneers created our daily life, what allows us to drive a car, have light, have fun, all this comes from your subconscious, the great information bank that provided the necessary elements for the unconscious (the imaginary).
For example, if you like to make crafts and want to build a cabin (in your imagination), you will need wood, tools and nails, so you get them in the DIY store (the subconscious) that will provide everything you need to do it.
In the second part of this book, you will learn to reprogram your subconscious mind (since that is what it is about), and to become a better version of yourself. But it will require a personal investment, and my role is to provide you with all the tools and techniques necessary to achieve it. Everything else depends on your willingness to act, and in this, even providing you with the right tools, your personal investment is yours.
You will also learn why you surrender so close to the goal, to not want or to postpone, you will expel those bad habits that poison your life, you will adopt a new lifestyle, success will become your reason for being.
My goal is to help you regain maximum control of your destiny, you will have to banish many of your old beliefs and adopt new ones, and you will see that it will be better.
To conclude, without a doubt, all the methods in this book can only work, because they really are, I invite you to take control and do not believe all those who sell you dreams and imagination, the real power is only in you.
We hope this book will provide you with everything you need.
Friendly yours
«A library is the crossroads of the dreams of
all humanity. »
(Julien Green)
Today is a great day, the opening of a new library in the city. The residents were delighted with the event, and everyone brought something for its opening. One of the "Sophie" (because it is a very common name in this community) had brought sandwiches and soda cans. With the mini-market closed, he had used a vending machine at a gas station to get his supplies, making the company responsible for supplying these machines happy, and the ire of the truckers who wanted to take a small sandwich.
Many personalities such as Bernard Henry Levy were even invited, he could not free himself when he was very busy, in his place was Bertrand Pinot, specialized in wine guides and resident in a nearby town, his speech could be limited to the national vineyards.
The mayor of the city did not take his suit to the dry cleaner, because it was closed like any other store (including the minibar), by decision of the member of the highest headquarters of the municipality, who had the "Brilliant idea" to make the day of the inauguration a day of rest for the inhabitants of the city.
Failing that, he took what he had at hand, his suit, which dates back ten years and which, apparently, is narrow and smells like naphthalene.
The night goes well, fireworks, dances, music with the hearts of the Priory of Santa Cecilia, who arrived with great reinforcement of the Luberon in truck, their vehicle had been broken, Ed Sheeran couldn’t to come to at the invitation. He could’nt to be liberated (decisively) At the same time, he gave a concert in Seattle, and why settle in this small city of France, inhabited by only thirty people?
The speech was short because there was not much to say, Bertrand Pinot was only here to promote the vineyards of his wine guide, and the mayor having left his speech in the pocket of his suit (the dry cleaner), his speech was brief.
But what about this great library? The architect intervened at night to praise them, leaving a variety of books, or rather, a variety of places to place them.
Why does it say that? Because it is desperately empty, what is the meaning of building of that? This afternoon was a succession of fatal disappointments, Bertrand Pinot, the priory of Sainte Cécile, the mayor in his suit that shows his robustness and the absence of his speech perfumed with dry cleaning solvent, and the little Sophie with his sandwiches that can be found in the vending machines on the road.
You will probably wonder what is the use if there is nothing to read, that is the question that the people of this city have also asked themselves. As a result, a person responsible for the project to create this library, seeing that desperately empty shelves had a brilliant idea (the first of all), summoned all the inhabitants to a meeting.
During his speech, he asked the inhabitants to give all the books they no longer read, and to come and put them in the library on the shelves, Bertrand Pinot was the first, we can imagine it.
Thus, the people of this city returned to their respective homes, each emptying their attics of old and dusty books that they no longer needed, and taking them back to the library. But this one has two great alleys, one called "paradise" and the other "hell". At the bottom of these are the files. The books were left in disarray.
Those responsible for the project named a librarian who hastened to put all these works in order, the task was dangerous and long, not all of us call ourselves Bertrand Pinot, because it is he who was chosen for lack of staf, there was more than thirty thousand of books on the shelves, and there was also space available to accommodate new ones.
The visitors, many of whom helped fill the shelves, got lost, the categories did not match what they were looking for, children's literature was in the science fiction section, adventure stories on the shelves for romance, they lost time finding their way in the corridors. We wonder if Bertrand Pinot don't make onlyone to writing wine guides.
The librarian was replaced, and each book found its desired place (according to the new person named for the position), but despite this, most visitors did feel bothered by these changes.
This great library is you, or at least your brain, guides the vehicle that allows you to evolve in this world and interact with the outside world, that is, with your body.
The shelves are your memory, from birth they are empty and filled from the first moments of your life.
The books symbolize their knowledge, depending on whether they are stored in paradise or in the hall of hell.
The files represent your subconscious mind, it is the place where all the memories are stored. (previous knowledge)
The inhabitants are the interactions with your environment, the people you know in your life come to deposit the books that represent the information (later knowledge).
And finally, the one that has the worst role is the conscience, in the form of a librarian, classifies the given books (interactions) in the two corridors of the shelves, one represents your good choices (heaven), and the other, your bad decisions ( hell). It refers to the files (subconscious) to store them. Sometimes the little librarian does what he wants.
As for me, I am here to put order in the archives, to help you make the right decisions, so that you return to the right path. My task is not simple, I will have to readjust your subconscious mind that will not necessarily assimilate everything that I will give you, convince a librarian who stands firm in his positions, but with your help, we will fight him.
To do this, first I will show you the plans of this great library, I will put the knowledge books on the correct shelves and corridors, and I will also add new ones.
Let's go immediately at the discovery of your brain and put it in order!
"There may not be a day in our childhood
that we lived as fully as we thought we had
left without living them, the ones we had with
a favorite book."
(Marcel Proust)
Understanding our subconscious mind
We will get to the heart of the matter and try to give a fairly precise definition of the subconscious mind, who is it and what is it for? Many confuse conscious, unconscious and subconscious, to help you understand their functions, let me show you their difference.
First, there is the consciousness that works in interaction with the outside world, in connection with a direct reflection related to our habits of daily life and your memories, is the mind awake, when you take a drink, when you read, play sports or another activity, you do it in full consciousness and with a little reflection, you think about it and act accordingly. Act in accordance with your five senses, and the subconscious mind is the referee. When you are focused, it means that nothing else interacts between what you are experiencing outside of yourself, and the recording of data in the subconscious, during a conversation, you listen to the instructions of your boss, the interaction is direct, you are not distracted by other elements external, the mind focuses on what he says.
As for the unconscious, it is the sleeping mind, it is the seat of our imagination and dreams, it is our world and it communicates with the subconscious mind from which it originates to create something new that it will then store in the great memory bank. Great artists focus on the inner world from what they already know and transcribe it, through the subconscious mind, into the real world. Sometimes it makes us commit acts whose value judgments are reinterpreted by the subconscious, in this case, the conscience is based only on the interactions with the inner world, it has often been said "but, what an unconscious!" Is because in these specific cases, you were not paying attention. It acts according to its own inner world, the outer world is reinterpreted. This happens when, for example, you are in the middle of a job and you think about many things inside of you, so you are no longer focused on what you are doing, or at least partially.
And then there is the subconscious, this is the subject that we will discuss in this book, it interacts with your conscious and unconscious, both the inner and outer world. It is the home of our oldest archived memories and operates on the basis of a value judgment. Your feelings in connection with the stages of your life are written in it, act not only with words, but also with emotions related to consciousness and the creations of the unconscious. The subconscious mind is in a way the referee of our thoughts.
The origin of our old information
From the first day of your life, your parents offered a book to your subconscious called "paradigm", its classification on the shelves of this great library of which I spoke in the introduction will have a decisive impact on the rest of your life. In this book we find the primary information, which molds our minds, is at the heart of what makes us evolve in this world from our birth and our first steps in life.
The librarian (conscience), curious about everything, will read it in secret and classify it according to his feelings in "heaven" or "hell", far away, where the two rows are located near the archives. Consciousness can write new chapters of our lives within this great library, an intelligent combination of old information, stored in a new way called "unconscious" or "imaginary". This point of origin will create connections with another book called "Childhood", which contains all the chapters of your youth, both good and bad moments.
From then on, new books will complete the collection, both those you receive and those you believe, the farther you go in life, and the more new books you add, the corridors complement each other and take you away from the first book whose location alone the librarian (your conscience) knows, unless he has gaps in his memory. Our first steps in life are decisive, are those that shape the rest of our existence, making us follow a path, then another, and one thing leads to the other, takes us to the page you read for example, that is, to the point where you are now.
This does not mean that everything is lost, and yes! You have my book that you can add to your own collection in your bookshelves, however, it will not do everything, it will only give you clues to follow, but what is really happening in your head (your value judgments) depends on you, I will I will show the way, but it is up to you to follow it.
If in your youth you have been banned, intimidated or discouraged, this information will be stored by your subconscious mind and the emotions associated with it, and it is your subconscious mind that decides what behavior to adopt based on what it has collected. How to classify the information, in "pain" or "pleasure", in "paradise" or "hell".
Although as an adult (I do not know exactly where you are in relation to your age), if you have forgotten or want to forget, there are still in your subconscious the references to painful or joyful episodes recorded inside you. In the yard of the school or in the family, you heard unpleasant things about yourself, that you were incapable, that you were good for nothing, null, your malleable mind accepted the information, and this triggered a blocking mechanism. This not only makes your memories speak, but also associates them with a relative feeling.