THE ENGLISH are a remarkable and singular people. They owe much to being an island race and much to the beauty and landscape of their island. They owe much to all those who have settled in England and fallen in love with this uncommon land. Celts, Romans, Jutes, Angles, Saxons, Danes, Jews, Normans, Huguenots, Flemings and Walloons – the English have borrowed something from all these peoples, and have forged the disparate elements together in a very English way, be it in language, customs, identity or character.
In return the English have given much back. The English language, the language of Shakespeare, more widely spoken than any other, ‘Parliamentary’ democracy, ‘the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried,’ according to Winston Churchill, cricket, football, rugby, the Industrial Revolution, railways, the pub, the class system, Georgian architecture, Alice in Wonderland, afternoon tea.
This book travels to every corner of England to discover the people and the flavour that each has contributed to England and the English. You cannot pin down or define the English, you can only listen to their stories, learn something of their ways and enjoy the experience.
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Published in 2008 by Ebury Press, an imprint of Ebury Publishing
A Random House Group Company
Text © Christopher Winn 2008
Illustrations © Mai Osawa 2008
Christopher Winn has asserted his right to be identified as the author of this
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ISBN: 9780091926731
For Uncle Peter
THE ENGLISH CHARACTER is defined by county as much as by anything. A Yorkshireman is instantly recognisable from a Cornishman, a Geordie from a Man of Kent, by accent, by outlook, by appearance.
Hence, I Never Knew That About the English is divided into the 39 historic English counties and the Vale of the White Horse – counties that come down to us from the dawn of England, that have moulded their inhabitants, conferred distinctive characteristics and blessings upon them, presented them with different challenges and loyalties.
The story of the English people is intertwined with the English counties, and the bureaucrats have sought in vain to separate them. I would not dare to try – nor would I wish to.
Index of People
The following items may be used as a guide to search for information in the ebook.
Abrahams, Harold (I)
Acres, Birt (I)
Adam, John (I)
Adams, William (I)
Addison, Joseph (I)
Aethelred, King (I)
Airedale Terrier (I)
Airey, Sir George (I)
Alan a Dale (I)
Alfred the Great (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI), (VII)
Alwyn, William (I)
Amundsen, Roald (I)
Arch, Joseph (I), (II)
Arden, Mary (I)
Arkwright, Sir Richard (I)
Arnold, Malcolm (I)
Arnold, Matthew (I)
Arnold, Thomas (I)
Arthur, King (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI)
Arthur, Prince (I)
Ashcroft, Dame Peggy (I)
Ashley-Cooper, Anthony (I)
Ashmole, Elias (I)
Aspdin, Joseph (I)
Astell, Mary (I)
Astley, Philip (I)
Athelstan, King (I), (II), (III)
Atkinson, Rowan (I)
Atomic Kitten (I)
Attenborough, Sir Richard (I)
Austen, Edward (I)
Austen, Jane (I), (II)
Austin, Alfred (I)
Austin, Herbert (I)
Ayckbourn, Sir Alan (I)
Ayers, Sir Henry (I)
Babington, Anthony (I), (II)
Bacon, Francis (I)
Bagnold, Enid (I)
Baker, Sir Benjamin (I)
Bakewell, Robert (I), (II)
Balchin, Nigel (I)
Baldwin, Stanley (I), (II)
Bannister, Roger (I)
Barker, Ronnie (I)
Barker, Will (I)
Barratt Browning, Elizabeth (I)
Barraud, Francis James (I)
Barrow, Sir John (I)
Barry, John (I)
Bates, H. E. (I)
Battleship (I)
Baxter, Raymond (I)
Beatles (I)
Beaumont, Guillaume (I)
Becher, Captain Martin (I)
Bede, Venerable (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V)
Bedford, Anna Duchess of (I)
Bedford, Duke of (I)
Beeching, Dr (I)
Bell, Vanessa (I)
Bellingham, Alan (I)
Belloc, Hilaire (I)
Benson, E. F. (I)
Berkeley, Lennox (I), (II)
Berkeley, Lord (I)
Berry, Agnes (I)
Berry, Sir John (Jack Hobbs) (I)
Bessemer, Sir Henry (I)
Betjemen, Sir John (I)
Billy J Kramer (I)
Binet, Alfred (I)
Binyon, Laurence (I)
Black, Cilla (I)
Black Prince (I)
Blake, William (I)
Blashford-Snell, John (I)
Blunt, Anthony (I)
Boadicea, Queen (I)
Bogart, Humphrey (I)
Bonaparte, Lucien (I)
Bondfield, Margaret (I)
Boole, George (I)
Booth, John Wilkes (I)
Boothby, Thomas (I)
Borough, Stephen (I)
Botham, Ian (I)
Bradley, William (I), (II)
Bradman, Don (I)
Bragg, Melvyn (I)
Breakspear, Nicholas (I)
Brewer, Revd Dr Ebenezer (I)
Brewster, William (I)
Brindley, James (I)
Brine, James (I)
Britten, Sir Benjamin (I), (II), (III)
Brocket, Lord (I)
Brocklebank, Daniel (I)
Bron, Eleanor (I), (II)
Bronte, Anne (I)
Brooke, Frances (I)
Brookes, William Penny (I), (II)
Brooke-Taylor, Tim (I)
Brooks, Phillips (I)
Brown, Basil (I)
Brown, ‘Capability’ (I), (II), (III)
Brown, Louise (I)
Brown, Sue (I)
Browne, Sir Thomas (I)
Browning, Robert (I)
Bulmer, Percy (I)
Bunbury, Sir Charles (I)
Bunyan, John (I), (II), (III)
Bunyan, Judith (I)
Bunyan, Mary (I)
Burgess, Guy (I)
Burghersh, Matilda (I)
Burne-Jones, Georgina (I)
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward (I)
Bush, George (I)
Bush, George W. (I), (II)
Bute, Lord (I)
Butt, Sir Cyril (I)
Byng, Admiral John (I), (II), (III)
Byrd, William (I)
Byron, Lord (I)
Cabot, John (I)
Caedmon (I), (II)
Cairncross, John (I)
Campbell, Donald (I), (II), (III)
Campbell, Sir Malcolm (I), (II)
Canute, King (I)
Castle, Dame Barbara (I)
Catherine Howard (I)
Catherine of Aragon (I), (II), (III)
Catherine of Braganza (I)
Cavendish, Henry (I)
Cayley, Sir George (I)
Cecil, Sir Thomas (I)
Chalmers, James (I)
Champion, Bob (I)
Chancellor, Richard (I)
Chanute, Octave (I)
Chapman, George (I)
Chapman, Graham (I), (II)
Charles I (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI), (VII)
Charles II (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI), (VII), (VIII), (IX), (X), (XI)
Charlie, Bonnie Prince (I)
Charlton, Bobby (I)
Charlton, Jackie (I)
Chase, Chevy (I)
Chaucer, Geoffrey (I)
Chaucer, Mildred (I)
Chaucer, Thomas (I)
Cheney, Dick (I)
Chichester, Sir Francis (I)
Chippendale, Thomas (I)
Christie, Agatha (I)
Clapton, Eric (I)
Clarence, Duke of (I)
Clark, Kenneth (I)
Clarke, Sam T (I)
Clarke, Sir Arthur C. (I)
Clarke, Warren (I)
Clarkson, Thomas (I)
Cleese, John (I)
Cleese, John (I)
Clifford, Lady Anne (I)
Clinton, Bill (I)
Clinton, Hillary (I)
Clive, Robert (I), (II)
Coates, Eric (I)
Cobbett, William (I), (II)
Cockerell, Sir Christopher (I)
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (I)
Collingwood, Admiral Cuthbert (I)
Collins, A.E. L. (I)
Constable, John (I)
Constantine, Emperor (I)
Constantius, Emperor (I)
Cook, Captain James (I)
Cook, Peter (I)
Cookson, Catherine (I)
Cotton, Sir Henry (I)
Cowper, William (I), (II)
Crabbe, George (I)
Cranmer, Thomas (I), (II), (III)
Cribbins, Bernard (I)
Crick, Francis (I)
Crompton, Richmal (I)
Cromwell, Oliver (I), (II), (III)
Cromwell, Richard (I)
Cromwell, Sir Henry (I)
Cromwell, Thomas (I)
Crosby, Bing (I)
Cumberland, Duke of (I)
Cunliffe, John (I)
Cynegils of Wessex, King (I)
Dahl, Roald (I)
Dalton, John (I)
Darwin, Charles (I), (II), (III), (IV)
Darwin, Dr Robert (I)
Darwin, Erasmus (I), (II)
Dashwood, Sir Francis (I), (II)
David of Scotland, King (I)
Davies, Mary (I)
Davis, John (I), (II)
Davison, Emily Wilding (I), (II)
Davy Humphry (I), (II)
Day-Lewis, Cecil (I)
Day-Lewis, Daniel (I)
de Coubertain, Baron (I)
de la Pole, William (I)
de Montfort, Simon (I)
de Mortimer, Roger (I)
de Wint, Peter (I)
Dead or Alive (I)
Dean, Dixie (I)
Deedes, Bill (I)
Democritas (I)
Dench, Dame Judi (I)
Dennys, John (I)
Densham, Revd. Frederick (I)
Derby, Earl of (I), (II)
Devon Loch (I)
Dickens, Charles (I)
Dickinson, John (I), (II)
Diocletian (I)
Diomed (I)
Disraeli, Benjamin (I)
Dodd, John Fletcher (I)
Dodgson, Charles (Lewis Carroll) (I)
Dors, Diana (I)
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (I)
D‘Oyly Carte, Richard (I)
Drake, Sir Francis (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI), (VII), (VIII)
Dryden, John (I), (II)
du Maurier, Daphne (I), (II)
du Pre, Jacqueline (I)
Dyson, Sir James (I)
East, Sir Alfred (I)
Eddington, Sir Arthur (I)
Edgar the Peaceful (I)
Edgeworth, Richard Lovell (I)
Edmonds, Noel (I)
Edmund of Langley (I), (II)
Edmund the Magnificent (I)
Edred, King (I)
Edward I (I), (II), (III)
Edward II (I)
Edward III (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI)
Edward IV (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI), (VII)
Edward the Elder (I)
Edward the Martyr (I)
Edward V (I), (II)
Edward VII (I)
Edward, Black Prince (I)
Edward, Prince of Wales (I)
Edwards, Jimmy (I)
Edwards, Tracy (I)
Edwin of Northumbria, King (I), (II)
Elfreda, Queen (I)
Elgar, Sir Edward (I), (II), (III)
Eliot, George (I), (II), (III)
Eliot, John (I)
Eliot, T. S. (I)
Elizabeth I (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI), (VII), (VIII), (IX), (X), (XI)
Elizabeth II (I)
Elizabeth of York (I)
Ellwood, Thomas (I), (II)
Elmer (I), (II)
Ethelbert of Kent (I)
Ethelburga, Princess (I)
Ethelred the Unready (I), (II)
Falstolf, Sir John (I), (II), (III)
Faulkner, J.M. (I)
Fawcett, Henry (I)
Fawkes, Guy (I)
Ferrar, Nicholas (I), (II)
Fielding, Henry (I)
Fielding, Henry (I)
Fielding, John (I)
Fielding, Sarah (I)
Fiennes, Lady Celia (I)
Fiennes, Ralph (I)
Fiennes, Sir Ranulph (I)
Finch, George (I)
Fitzimmons, Bob (I)
Fitzodo, Robin (I)
Flamsteed, John (I), (II)
Fleming, Amaryllis (I)
Fleming, Evelyn (I)
Fleming, Ian (I)
Flower, Sarah (I)
Flowers, Tommy (I)
Fonteyn, Dame Margot (I)
Ford, Gerald (I)
Formby, George (I)
Forster, E. M. (I)
Fox Talbot, William (I)
Fox, George (I)
Foxe, John (I)
Francis, Dick (I), (II)
Francombe, John (I)
Frankie Goes to Hollywood (I)
Frears, Stephen (I)
Frederick, Prince of Wales (I)
Frobisher, Sir Martin (I)
Frost, David (I)
Fry, Joseph (I)
Fry, Stephen (I), (II)
Furnival, Frederick (I)
Gainsborough, Thomas (I)
Gale, George (I)
Gale, Mildred (I)
Galileo (I)
Gamage, Albert (I)
Gandhi, Mahatma (I), (II)
Gardiner, Edward (I)
Gascoigne, George (I)
Gaskell, Elizabeth (I), (II)
Gastrell, Francis (I)
Gay, John (I)
Gee, Ethel (I)
George II (I), (II)
George III (I)
George IV (I)
George V (I), (II)
Gere, Richard (I)
Gerry and the Pacemakers (I)
Gibbon, Edward (I)
Gilbert of Sempringham (I), (II), (III)
Gilbert Scott, Sir George (I), (II)
Gilbert Scott, Sir Giles (I), (II)
Gilbert, Humphrey (I), (II)
Gladstone, William Ewart (I)
Glynne, Sir Stephen (I)
Godwin, earl (I)
Golden Miller (I)
Grace, W. G. (I)
Grahame, Col. James (I)
Granby, Marquess of (I)
Grant, Duncan (I)
Grant, Ulysses S (I)
Greene, Graham (I)
Greene, Henry (I)
Grenville, George (I), (II)
Grenville, Roger (I)
Grenville, Sir Richard (I), (II), (III)
Grenville, William Wyndham (I)
Grey, Earl (I), (II)
Grey, Earl (I)
Grey, Viscount (I)
Griffiths, Richard (I)
Grittar (I)
Grosvenor, Sir Thomas (I)
Gruffudd, Llywelyn ap (I)
Guinevere, Queen (I), (II)
Guinness, Sir Alec (I)
Gurney, Sir Thomas (I)
Gwenllian, Princess (I), (II)
Hailey, Arthur (I)
Hakluyt, Richard (I), (II), (III)
Hall, Sir Peter (I)
Halley, Edmond (I)
Hambling, Maggi (I)
Hamilton, Emma (I)
Hamilton, Lewis (I)
Hammett, James (I), (II)
Hampden, John (I), (II)
Hanks, Nancy (I)
Hardie, Keir (I)
Hardy, Thomas (I), (II)
Hargreaves, Alison (I)
Harold, I (I), (II), (III)
Harrison, John (I), (II)
Hart, Eva (I)
Hathaway, Anne (I)
Hawkins, Stephen (I)
Hawksmoor, Nicholas (I)
Hayes, Rutherford (I)
Hazlitt, William (I)
Heathcote, Sir Gilbert (I), (II)
Henry I (I), (II)
Henry II (I), (II), (III), (IV)
Henry III (I), (II), (III)
Henry IV (I), (II)
Henry V (I), (II), (III)
Henry VI (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V)
Henry VII (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V)
Henry VIII (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI), (VII), (VIII), (IX)
Hepburn, Katherine (I)
Herschel, Sir William (I)
Hickes, Richard (I)
Hilary, Sir Edmund (I)
Hill, Octavia (I), (II)
Hill, Sir Rowland (I), (II)
Hitler, Alois (I)
Hitler, William (I)
Hobbes, Thomas (I)
Hobbs, Bruce (I)
Hogarth, William (I), (II), (III)
Holinshed, Raphael (I)
Holm, Ian (I)
Holst, Gustav (I), (II)
Holst, Imogen (I)
Hood, Robert (I)
Hood, Robin (I), (II), (III)
Hordern, Sir Michael (I)
Horlicks, Sir James (I), (II)
Hornby, Frank (I)
Hornung, Ernest (I)
Hoskins, Bob (I)
Houghton, Harry (I)
Housman, A. E. (I)
Howard, Admiral (I), (II)
Howard, Ebenezer (I)
Howard, John (I), (II)
Howerd, Frankie (I)
Howland, Arthur (I)
Howland, Henry (I)
Howland, John (I)
Howson, Major George (I)
Hudd, Roy (I)
Hugh of Avalon (I)
Hughes, Thomas (I)
Hulbert, Jack (I)
Hunt, Holman (I)
Huntingdon, Earl of (I)
Huxley, Aldous (I)
Huxley, Thomas (I)
Idle, Eric (I), (II)
Ine, King (I)
Ingram, Herbert (I)
Isabella, Queen (I)
Jacklin, Tony (I)
Jackson, Glenda (I)
Jagger, Mick (I)
James I (I), (II)
James II (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V)
James, P. D. (I)
Jarrett, Phillip (I)
Jefferson, Thomas (I), (II), (III)
Jenner, Edward (I), (II)
Jerome, Jerome K (I)
Jesty, Farmer (I)
Joan of Navarre (I)
Joanna of Castile (I)
John of Gaunt (I), (II), (III)
John, Augustus (I)
John, King (I), (II), (III), (IV)
Jones, Christopher (I)
Jones, Inigo (I), (II)
Jones, John Paul (I)
Joseph of Arimathea (I)
Joule, James Prescott (I)
Jowett, Dr Joseph (I)
Kai-Shek, Chiang (I)
Karloff, Boris (I)
Kay, John (I)
Keiller, Alexander (I)
Kempe, Margery 1898
Kent, Prince Michael of (I)
Kent, Princess Michael of (I)
Kent, William (I)
Keynes, John Maynard (I)
Kingsley, Charles (I)
Kingsley, Sir Ben (I)
Kipling, Rudyard (I), (II)
Kirby, Kathy (I)
Kroger, Helen (I)
Kroger, Peter (I)
Kyrle, John (I)
Lamb, Lady Caroline (I)
Lamb, Sir Matthew (I)
Lamb, William (I)
Lanagland, William (I)
Lancaster, Duke of (I)
Lander, John (I)
Lander, Richard (I)
Langton, Stephen (I)
Latimer, Hugh (I)
Laughton, Charles (I)
Laurie, Hugh (I), (II)
Lawrence, D. H. (I)
Lawrence, sisters (I)
Le Mesurier, John (I)
Lean, Sir David (I)
Lee, Revd William (I), (II)
Lees, John (I)
Leeves, Jane (I)
Leighton, Lord (I)
Lenska, Rula (I)
Lewes, George Henry (I)
Lincoln, Abraham (I), (II)
Lindon, Richard (I)
Lineker, Gary (I)
Lister, Lord Joseph (I)
Little John (I)
Littlejohn, Richard (I)
Llewelyn-Davis, Arthur (I)
Llewelyn-Davis, Peter (I)
Llewelyn-Davis, Sylvia (I)
Lloyd George, David (I)
Lloyd, Marie (I)
Locke, John (I), (II)
Lockyer, Sir Joseph (I)
Lofting, Hugh (I)
Lombe, John (I)
Longfellow, Henry (I)
Lonsdale, Earls of (I)
Lonsdale, George (I)
Lord, Thomas (I)
Loveless, George (I), (II)
Loveless, James (I)
Lovell, Dr Bernard (I)
Lovett Cameron, Verney (I)
Lowther, Family (I)
Lucy, Sir Thomas (I)
Lutyens, Sir Edwin (I)
Maclean, Donald (I)
Madonna (I)
Malin, Joseph (I)
Maltravers, Sir John (I), (II)
Mander, Noel (I)
Mansell, Nigel (I)
Mansell, Sir Robert (I)
Marconi, Guglielmo (I)
Margartet of Anjou (I)
Marian, Maid (I)
Mary I (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI)
Mary, Queen of Scots (I), (II)
Matilda, Queen (I)
Matthews, Jessie (I)
Matthews, Sir Stanley (I)
Mauteby, Margaret (I)
McKinley, William (I)
Mel ‘C’ (I)
Melbourne, Lord (I), (II)
Merlin (I)
Merrett, Christopher (I)
Milburn, Jackie (I)
Miles, Sarah (I)
Millais, Sir John (I), (II)
Miller, Jonathan (I)
Milton, John (I), (II), (III)
Minton, Thomas (I)
Moiffa (I)
Montagu, Charles, Earl of Halifax (I)
Montagu, Hon. Frederick (I)
Moore, Dudley (I)
Mordred (I)
Morley, Robert (I)
Morris, William (I)
Morris, William Lord Nuffield (I)
Morrison, Herbert (I)
Moss, Kate (I)
Moss, Stirling (I)
Mowbray, Thomas (I)
Murdoch, Richard (I)
Muzorewa (I)
Napoleon (I)
Nash, Thomas (I)
Nelmes, Sarah (I)
Nelson, Lord (I)
Newman, Professor Max (I)
Newton, John (I)
Newton, Sir Isaac (I), (II)
Newton-John, Olivia (I)
Nicholson, Sir William (I)
Nightingale, Florence (I), (II)
Nixon, Richard (I)
Nunn, Sir Trevor (I)
Nyren, Richard (I)
Oates, Captain Lawrence (I), (II), (III)
Oddie, Bill (I)
Oldfield, Mike (I)
Olivier, Sir Lawrence (I)
O’Newbury, Jack (I), (II)
Orton, Joe (I), (II)
Orwell, George (I), (II), (III)
Oswy of Northumbria, King (I)
Owen, Michael (I)
Owen, Sir Richard (I)
Owen, Wilfred (I), (II), (III)
Paine, Thomas (I), (II)
Palmerston, Lord (I)
Panesar, Monty (I)
Pargeter, Edith (I)
Parr, Catherine (I)
Parry, Sir William Edward (I)
Parsons, Sir Charles (I), (II), (III)
Paston Snr, John (I)
Paston, Clement (I)
Paston, Margaret (I)
Pears, Sir Peter (I), (II)
Pearson, Sir Cyril (I)
Peel, Sir Robert (I)
Penda of Merica, King (I), (II)
Pendragon, King Uther (I)
Penn, William (I), (II)
Pentreath, Dolly (I)
Perry, Fred (I)
Petty, Sir William (I)
Pevsner, Sir Nikolaus (I)
Phelip, John (I)
Phelps, ‘Honest’ John (I)
Philby, Kim (I)
Philip of Spain (I), (II), (III)
Philip, Archduke (I)
Phipps, James (I)
Piggott, Lester (I), (II)
Pilcher, Percy (I), (II), (III)
Pilcher, Rosamund (I)
Pitman, Jenny (I)
Pitt, William the Younger (I)
Plowright, Joan (I)
Pole, Cardinal Reginald (I), (II)
Polk, James (I)
Postman Pat (I)
Pretty, Edith (I)
Pritchett, V. S. (I)
Pugin, Augustus (I)
Queensberry, Duke of (I)
Quiller Couch, Sir Arthur (I)
Radcliffe-Cook, C.W. (I)
Radziwill, Princess (I)
Raikes, Robert (I)
Raleigh, Sir Walter (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI), (VII)
Ramsay, Michael (I)
Ramsay, Sir Alf (I)
Ramsden’s, Harry (I)
Ransome, Arthur (I)
Rantzen, Esther (I)
Rawnsley, Canon Hardwicke (I)
Rawnsley, Hardwicke (I)
Red Rum (I)
Reid, Beryl (I)
Remigius, Bishop (I)
Rennie, Sir John (I)
Repton, Humphrey (I)
Reynolds, Sir Joshua (I)
Rhodes, Cecil (I)
Rhys Jones, Griff (I)
Richard II (I), (II), (III)
Richard III (I), (II), (III)
Richards, Keith (I)
Ridley, Nicholas (I)
Robin of Barnsdale (I)
Robson, Dame Flora (I)
Romney, George (I)
Rooke, Major Hayman (I)
Roosevelt, Franklin. D (I)
Rowntree, Joseph (I)
Roza, Lita (I)
Rubbra, Edmund (I)
Ruggles-Brise, Sir Evelyn (I)
Rumbold, Richard (I)
Ruskin, John (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI),
Russell, John (I), (II)
Russell, Lord William (I)
Rutherford, Margaret (I)
Rutland, Duke of (I)
Sackville-West, Vita (I)
Salisbury, Joan Countess of (I)
Samaranch, Juan Antonio (I)
Sandwich, Earl of (I)
Saunders, Dame Cicely (I)
Saunders, Dick (I)
Sayers, Dorothy, L (I)
Scarlet, Will (I)
Schlesinger, John (I)
Scott, Ridley (I)
Scott, Robert Falcon (I), (II)
Scott, Sir Peter
Scudamore, Viscount (I)
Searchers (I)
Searle, Ronald (I)
Sentamu, John (I)
Septimus Severus, Emperor (I)
Seton, Ernest Thompsn (I)
Shackleton, Sir Ernest (I)
Shaftesbury, Earl of (I), (II)
Shakespeare, Elizabeth (I)
Shakespeare, John (I), (II)
Shakespeare, Susannah (I), (II)
Shakespeare, William (I), (II), (III), (IV)
Sharp, Cecil (I)
Sharp, Granville (I)
Shaw, George Bernard (I)
Shaw, Sandie (I)
Sheldon, William (I)
Shelley, Percy Bysshe (I)
Shergar (I)
Shovel, Admiral Sir Clowdisley (I)
Showaddywaddy (I)
Shrapnel, Henry (I)
Simpson, O. J. (I)
Slattery, Tony (I)
Slingsby, Sir Charles (I)
Smith, Captain John (I)
Smith, Dame Maggie (I)
Smith, Delia (I)
Smith, Edward (I)
Smith, William (I), (II)
Snow, C. P. (I)
Soane, Sir John (I)
Sopwith, Sir Tommy (I)
Spartan Missile (I)
Speed, John (I)
Speke, John Hanning (I)
Spencer, Herbert (I), (II)
Spencer, Sir Stanley (I)
Spilman, Sir John (I)
St Adhelm (I), (II)
St Augustine (I)
St Birinius (I)
St Cuthbert (I), (II), (III), (IV)
St Dunstan (I)
St George (I)
St Hilda (I)
St Leger, Anthony (I)
St Paulinus (I)
St Swithun (I)
St Thomas Beckett (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V)
St Wilfred of York (I)
Staffordshire Bull Terrier (I)
Standfield, John (I)
Standfield, Thomas (I), (II)
Starkey, David (I)
Stein, Rick (I)
Stephen, King (I), (II)
Stephenson, George (I)
Stevens, George (I)
Stevens, William (I), (II)
Stobart, Eddie (I), (II)
Stopes, Marie (I)
Suffolk Punch (I)
Suffolk, Alice Duchess of (I), (II), (III)
Swynford, Katherine (I)
Sydney, Algernon (I)
Sykes, Eric (I)
Sylvius, Dr Franciscus (I)
Tate, Sir Henry (I)
Tattersall, Richard (I)
Taylor, John Edward (I)
Taylor, Zachary (I)
Tennyson, Alfred Lord (I)
Tensing, Sherpa (I)
Thatcher, Denis (I)
Thompson, Emma (I)
Thompson, Flora (I)
Thompson, Professor J.J. (I)
Thorne, John (I)
Thornhill, Sir James (I), (II)
Tolpuddle Martyrs (I), (II), (III)
Tolstoy, Leo (I)
Tompion, Thomas (I), (II), (III)
Townsend, Sue (I)
Trenchard, Thomas (I)
Trevelyan, G.M. (I)
Trevithick, Richard (I)
Trevithick, Richard (I), (II)
Trotsky, Leon (I)
Turing, Alan (I)
Twitt, Sara (I)
Twynnoy, Hannah (I)
Van Mildert, William (I)
Vancouver, George (I), (II)
Vansittart, Sir Henry (I)
Venables, Terry (I)
Vernon, Vice-Admiral Edward (I)
Victoria, Queen (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V)
Volk, Magnus (I)
Voltaire (I)
Wainwright, Arthur (I)
Wallace Annand (I)
Wallis, Barnes (I)
Walpole, Robert (I)
Walsingham, Francis (I)
Washington, George (I), (II)
Washington, Augustine (I)
Washington, Lawrence (I), (II), (III)
Waterhouse, Alfred (I)
Watson, James (I)
Waugh, Evelyn (I)
Webb, Beatrice (I)
Wedgwood, Josiah (I)
Wells, H.G. (I)
Wesley, Charles (I), (II), (III)
Wesley, John (I), (II), (III)
Wesley, Mary (I)
Weston, Henry (I)
Whitbread, Samuel (I), (II)
White, Gilbert (I)
Whittle, Sir Frank (I)
Whitworth, Sir Joseph (I)
Whity, Thomas (I)
Wilberforce, William (I)
Wilberforce, William (I), (II)
Wilde, Oscar (I)
Wilfed of York (I)
Wilkes, John (I)
Wilkin, Arthur (I), (II)
Wilkinson, Ellen (I)
William II (I)
William of Durham (I)
William of Orange (I)
William the Conqueror (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI), (VII), (VIII), (IX)
Williams, Robbie (I)
Williams, Sir George (I)
Wilson, Richard (I)
Wiper, Joseph (I)
Wodehouse, P. G. (I)
Wolsey, Cardinal (I)
Woodforde, Parson (I)
Woodville, Anthony (Earl Rivers. (I)
Woolf, Virginia (I)
Wordsworth, John (I)
Wouldhave, William (I)
Wren, Sir Christopher (I), (II), (III)
Wyatt, James (I)
Wykeham, William of (I)
Wyndham, John (I)
Wyndham, Sir Charles (I)
Yarmouth, Earl of (I)
York, Duke of (I)
Yorkshire Terrier (I)
Young, Paul (I)
Index of Places
The following items may be used as a guide to search for information in the ebook.
Abbey Road Studios, St John’s Wood, Middlesex (I)
Abbostbury, Dorset (I)
Abbot’s Bromley, Staffordshire (I)
Abbot’s Langley, Hertfordshire (I)
Aintree, Liverpool. Lancashire (I), (II), (III)
Albert Memorial, London (I)
Aldeburgh, Suffolk (I)
Aldwincle, Northamptonshire (I), (II)
Alexandra Palace, Middlesex (I)
Alnwick, Northumberland (I)
Amesbury Abbey, Wiltshire (I)
Anne Hathaway’s Cottage, Sottery, Warwickshire (I)
Appleby Castle, Westmorland (I)
Appleby-in-Westmorland (I)
Apsley, Hertfordshire (I)
Arbury Farm, Warwickshire (I)
Archangel, Russia (I)
Ashington, Northumberland (I)
Aslockton, Nottinghamshire (I)
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford (I)
Avalon, Isle of, Somerset (I)
Avebury, Wiltshire (I), (II)
Axminster, Devon (I)
Banbury Cross, Oxfordshire (I)
Banbury, Oxfordshire (I)
Banqueting House, London (I)
Barcheston, Warwickshire (I)
Barford, Warwickshire (I)
Barnack, Northamptonshire (I)
Barnsdale Forest, Yorkshire (I)
Barnstaple, Devon (I)
Bateman’s, Sussex (I)
Bath Abbey, Somerset (I)
Bath, Somerset (I)
Battle Abbey, Sussex (I)
Bedford, Bedfordshire (I)
Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire (I), (II)
Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire (I), (II), (III)
Berkeley, Gloucestershire (I), (II), (III)
Berkhamsted Castle, Hertfordshire (I), (II)
Berwick, Dorset (I), (II)
Big Ben, London (I)
Birkenhead, Cheshire (I), (II)
Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire (I)
Bletchley Park, Buckinghamshire (I), (II)
Blidworth, Nottinghamshire (I)
Blisdale, Yorkshire (I)
Blithfield Hall, Staffordshire (I)
Bodmin Moor, Cornwall (I)
Bodmin, Cornwall (I)
Bosham, Sussex (I), (II)
Boston, Lincolnshire (I)
Boston, Massachusetts (I)
Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire (I), (II)
Branston, Staffordshire (I)
Brantwood House, Lancashire (I), (II)
Brigg, Lincolnshire (I)
Brighton, Sussex (I), (II)
British Museum (I)
Broadhalfpenny Down, Hambledon, Hampshire (I)
Broadheath, Worcestershire (I)
Brocket Hall, Hertfordshire (I), (II), (III)
Bromsgrove, Worcestershire (I)
Broughton Castle, Oxfordshire (I)
Buckingham Palace (I)
Buckland Abbey, Devon (I), (II), (III), (IV)
Bunhill Fields, Middlesex
Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk (I)
Burton Bradstock, Dorset (I)
Burton Constable, Staffordshire (I)
Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk (I)
Bury, Lancashire (I)
Caister Castle, Norfolk (I), (II)
Caister, Norfolk (I)
Calverton, Nottinghamshire (I)
Camborne, Cornwall (I), (II)
Cambridge (I), (II), (III), (IV)
Canons Ashby, Northamptonshire (I)
Canterbury, Kent (I), (II), (III)
Cape Town (I)
Cardington, Bedfordshire (I), (II)
Carlisle, Cumberland (I)
Carn Brea, Cornwall (I)
Canterbury (I), (II), (III)
Carlisle (I)
Christ the King, Liverpool (I)
Coventry (I)
Durham (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V)
Gloucester (I)
Hereford (I)
Lincoln (I), (II)
Liverpool (I), (II)
Oxford (I)
St Paul’s (I), (II)
Wells (I), (II)
Winchester (I)
Worcester (I), (II)
York Minster (I)
Cavern Club, Liverpool, Lancashire (I)
Cenotaph (I)
Central Library, Manchester (I)
Chaldon, Surrey (I)
Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire (I), (II)
Chapel Stile, Cumberland (I)
Chard, Somerset (I)
Charlecote Park, Warwickshire (I), (II)
Charlton, Hertfordshire (I)
Chawton, Hampshire (I), (II)
Chesil Beach, Dorset (I), (II)
Chester, Cheshire (I), (II), (III)
Chesterfield, Derbyshire (I), (II)
Chiltern Hills (I)
Chippenham, Wiltshire (I)
Cholsey, Vale of the White Horse (I)
Chorley, Lancashire (I)
St John’s Smith Square, Westminster (I)
All Saints, Brixworth, Northamptonshire (I)
All Saints, Earl’s Barton, Northamptonshire (I), (II)
All Saints, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey (I)
All Saints, Little Somborne, Hampshire (I), (II)
All Saints, Maldon, Essex (I), (II)
All Saints, Market Weighton, Yorkshire (I)
All Saints, Southill, Bedfordshire (I)
All Saints, Wetheringsett (I)
Elstow Abbey, Bedfordshire (I), (II)
Great St Mary’s Cambridge (I)
Holy Sepulchre, Northampton (I), (II)
Holy Trinity, Bosham, Sussex (I), (II)
Holy Trinity, Kendal, Westmorland (I), (II)
Holy Trinity, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire (I), (II)
Kings College Chapel, Cambridge (I), (II)
Little Maplestead (I), (II)
Normanton, Rutland (I)
Sherborne Abbey, Dorset (I)
St Andrew’s Coniston, Lancashire (I)
St Andrew’s, Sempringham, Lincolnshire (I)
St Andrew’s, Temple Grafton, Warwickshire (I)
St Augsutine’s, Ramsgate, Kent (I)
St Enodoc’s, Polzeath, Cornwall (I), (II)
St George’s Chapel, Windsor, Berkshire (I), (II)
St George’s, Fordington, Dorset (I)
St Giles, Coberley, Gloucestershire (I)
St John the Baptist, Barnack, Northamptonshire (I)
St John the Baptist, Widford, Hertfordshire (I)
St John’s Glastonbury, Somerset (I)
St John’s, Hampstead, Middlesex (I), (II)
St Laurence, Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire (I)
St Laurence, West Wycombe, Buckinghamshire (I)
St Martin’s Canterbury, Kent (I), (II)
St Mary and All Saints, Chesterfield, Derbyshire (I)
St Mary-le-Strand, London (I)
St Mary’s Chapel, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey (I)
St Mary’s Ewelme, Oxfordshire (I), (II)
St Mary’s, Cardington, Bedfordshire (I)
St Mary’s, Cowley, Gloucestershire (I)
St Mary’s, Hemel Hempsted, Hertfordshire (I)
St Mary’s, Raunds, Northamptonshire (I)
St Nicholas, Abbot’s Bromley, Staffordshire (I)
St Nicholas, Newbury, Berkshire (I)
St Nicholas, Old Stevenage, Hertfordshire (I)
St Nicholas, Whitehaven, Cumberland (I)
St Oswald’s, Lower Peover, Cheshire (I)
St Paul’s, Jarrow, County Durham (I)
St Peter and St Paul, Aldeburgh, Suffolk (I)
St Peter and St Paul, King’s Sutton, Northamptonshire (I), (II)
St Peter’s Lowick, Northamptonshire (I)
St Peter’s Petersham, Surrey (I)
St Peter’s, Bradwell, Essex (I)
St Peter’s, Burnham, Buckinghamshire (I)
St Peter’s, Northampton (I), (II), (III)
St Wulstan’s, Little Malvern, Worcestershire (I)
Clifton, Bristol, Gloucestershire (I), (II)
Coggeshall, Essex (I), (II)
Colchester, Essex (I)
Come-to-Good, Cornwall (I), (II)
Coniston Water, Lancashire (I), (II)
Cookham, Berkshire (I)
Cooper’s Hill, Gloucestershire (I)
Corfe Castle, Dorset (I)
Coventry, Warwickshire (I), (II)
Cowley Manor, Gloucestershire (I), (II)
Coxhoe, County Durham (I)
Cromer, Norfolk (I)
Crooked House, Staffordshire (I)
Crowndale Farm, Tavistock, Devon (I)
Croydon, Surrey (I)
Cuckney, Nottinghamshire (I)
Dagenham, Essex (I)
Daresbury, Cheshire (I)
Dartford, Kent (I), (II)
Davis Straits, Greenland (I)
Deerhurst, Gloucestershire (I)
Denby, Derbyshire (I)
Derby (I)
Dethick, Derbyshire (I)
Devonport, Devon (I)
Didbrook, Gloucestershire (I)
Dishley, Leicestershire (I), (II)
Doncaster, Yorkshire (I)
Dorchester, Dorset (I), (II)
Dorchester, Oxfordshire (I), (II)
Downe House, Kent (I)
Downend, Bristol, Gloucestershire (I)
Dragon Hill, Vale of the White Horse (I)
Dulverton, Somerset (I)
Durdle Door, Dorset (I)
Durham (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V)
Durham Castle (I)
Durham University (I)
Eaglesfield, Cumberland (I)
Ealing Studios, Middlesex (I)
East Drayton, Nottinghamshire (I)
East Stour, Dorset (I)
East Winch, Norfolk (I)
Eastchurch, Isle of Sheppey, Kent (I)
Eastwood, Nottinghamshire (I)
Eaton Hall, Cheshire (I)
Edwinstowe, Nottinghamshire (I), (II), (III)
Electric Palace Cinema, Harwich Green, Essex (I)
Elsotn, Nottinghamshire (I)
Elstow, Bedfordshire (I), (II), (III)
Englefield Green, Surrey (I)
Epsom Downs, Surrey (I), (II), (III)
Epsom, Surrey (I)
Epworth, Lincolnshire (I), (II)
Eton College, Buckinghamshire (I)
Evershot, Dorset (I)
Ewelme, Oxfordshire (I), (II), (III), (IV)
Exmoor (I)
Eynsford, Kent (I), (II), (III)
Fairlight, Sussex (I)
Fakenham, Norfolk (I)
Falkland Islands (I)
Fallodon Hall, Northumberland (I)
Farndon, Cheshire (I)
Farnham, Surrey (I)
Faversham Abbey, Kent (I)
Faversham, Kent (I), (II)
Felixstowe, Suffolk (I)
Fenstanton, Huntingdonshire (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V)
Finchingfield, Essex (I)
Firle, Sussex (I)
Fletching, Sussex (I)
Fockbury, Worcestershire (I)
Fordingbridge, Hampshire (I)
Forest of Arden, Warwickshire (I)
Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire (I)
Fortune Green, Middlesex (I)
Foster Street, Essex (I)
Fowey, Cornwall (I), (II)
Frenchman’s Creek, Cornwall (I)
Frome, Somerset (I)
Gainsborough’s House, Sudbury, Suffolk (I)
Gawcott, Buckinghamshire (I)
Gestingthorpe, Essex (I), (II)
Glastonbury Abbey, Somerset (I), (II)
Glastonbury Tor, Somerset (I)
Glastonbury, Somerset (I), (II)
Gloucester (I)
Godalming, Surrey (I)
Golden Cap, Dorset (I)
Goonhilly Earth Satellite Station, Cornwall (I)
Goring-on-Thames, Berkshire (I)
Grand Hotel, Scarborough, Yorkshire (I)
Great Hall, Winchester, Hampshire (I)
Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire (I)
Greenwich, Kent (I)
Grimsby, Lincolnshire (I)
Guildford, Surrey (I)
Guiseley, Yorkshire (I)
Gulbenkian Museum, Durham (I)
Haddon Hall, Derbyshire (I)
Hagley Station, Worcestershire (I)
Hambleden, Buckinghamshire (I)
Hampden House, Buckinghamshire (I), (II)
Hampstead Cemetery, Middlesex (I), (II)
Hampstead, Middlesex (I)
Hanley, Staffordshire (I), (II)
Harewood House, Yorkshire (I)
Harwich, Essex (I), (II)
Hayes Barton Farm, Devon (I)
Haystacks Mountain, Cumberland (I)
Helston, Cornwall (I), (II), (III),
Hemel Hempsted, Hertfordshire (I), (II)
Henley, Oxfordshire (I)
Hereford (I), (II)
Hesket Newmarket, Cumberland (I)
Heswall, Cheshire (I)
Higher Bockhampton, Dorset (I)
Hoby, Leicestershire (I)
Hogarth’s House, Chiswick, Middlesex (I)
Hogsmill (I), (II)
Holme Lacy, Herefordshire (I)
Holmes Chapel, Cheshire (I)
Holne, Devon (I)
Horsehay, Shropshire (I)
Horsham, Sussex (I)
Horton, Northamptonshire (I)
Hucknall, Nottinghamshire (I)
Hughenden Manor, Buckinghamshire (I)
Huntingdon (I)
Hurtswood, Lancashire (I)
Ickwell Green, Bedfordshire (I), (II)
Ilford, Essex (I)
Ilminster, Somerset (I)
Ipswich, Suffolk (I), (II)
Isle of Portland, Dorset (I), (II), (III)
Islington, Middlesex (I)
Jamaica Inn, Cornwall (I)
Jarrow, County Durham (I), (II), (III)
Jodrell Bank, Cheshire (I), (II)
Jordans, Buckinghamshire (I), (II)
Juniper Hill, Oxfordshire (I)
Kendal Castle, Westmorland (I)
Kendal, Westmorland (I), (II)
Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire (I)
Kettering, Northamptonshire (I)
Kidderminster, Worcestershire (I), (II)
Kimbolton Castle, Huntingdonshire (I)
King’s Lynn, Norfolk (I), (II)
King’s School, Canterbury, Kent (I)
Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey (I), (II)
Kirby Bellars, Leicestershire (I)
Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland (I)
Knaresborough, Yorkshire (I)
Knowle, Warwickshire (I)
Knutsford, Cheshire (I), (II)
Lacock Abbey, Wiltshire (I)
Laleham, Middlesex (I)
Lambeth Palace, London (I)
Lancaster (I)
Land’s End, Cornwall (I)
Lea Hurst, Holloway, Derbyshire (I), (II)
Leicester (I), (II)
Lelant, Cornwall (I)
Letchworth, Hertfordshire (I)
Levens Hall, Westmorland (I), (II)
Lincoln (I), (II), (III), (IV)
Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London (I), (II)
Lindisfarne, Northumberland (I), (II)
Little Gidding, Huntingdonshire (I), (II)
Little Missenden, Buckinghamshire (I)
Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire (I)
Liverpool, Lancashire (I), (II)
Lizard, The, Cornwall (I)
Longsleddale, Westmorland (I)
Lowestoft, Suffolk (I)
Loxley, Warwickshire (I)
Lulworth Cove, Dorset (I)
Luton, Bedfordshire (I)
Lydda, Palestine (I)
Lydington Bede, Rutland (I)
Maidenhead, Berkshire (I)
Maidstone, Kent (I), (II)
Major Oak, Sherwood Forest (I)
Malmesbury Abbey, Wiltshire (I), (II)
Malmesbury, Wiltshire (I), (II), (III), (IV)
Malvern Hills, Worcestershire (I), (II)
Market Drayton, Shropshire (I)
Market Weighton, Yorkshire (I), (II)
Martyrs Memorial, Oxford (I)
Matapos National Park, Zimbabwe (I)
Medmenham Abbey, Buckinghamshire (I)
Melbourne House, Derbyshire (I)
Melcombe Regis, Dorset (I)
Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire (I)
Menabilly, Cornwall (I)
Meriden, Warwickshire (I)
Milston, Wiltshire (I)
Milton Abbas, Dorset (I)
Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire (I)
Milton’s Cottage, Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire (I), (II)
Minehead, Somerset (I)
Minorca (I)
Monkwearmouth, County Durham (I)
Morpeth, Northumberland (I), (II)
Mortlake, Surrey (I)
Mossley, Lancashire (I)
Mount, The. Shrewsbury (I)
Much Marcle, Herefordshire (I)
Much Wenlock, Shropshire (I), (II)
Nether Lypiatt Manor, Gloucestershire (I)
Netherton, Staffordshire (I)
New Place, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire (I)
Newbury, Berkshire (I), (II), (III)
Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire (I)
Newcastle-upon-Tyne (I)
Newfoundland (I)
Newport Arch, Lincoln, Lincolnshire (I)
Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire (I)
Nicomedia, Turkey (I)
Normanton Hall, Rutland (I)
North Downs (I)
Northam, Devon (I)
Northampton (I), (II)
Northill, Bedfordshire (I)
Nostell Priory, Yorkshire (I)
Nottingham (I)
Nuneaton, Warwickshire (I)
Old Bell, Malmesbury, Wiltshire (I), (II)
Old Stevenage, Hertfordshire (I)
Oldham, Lancashire (I), (II)
Olney, Buckinghamshire (I), (II)
Oswestry, Shropshire (I)
Otham, Kent (I), (II)
Otley, Yorkshire (I)
Ottery St Mary, Devon (I)
Oundle, Northamptonshire (I)
Oxford (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI), (VII), (VIII)
Oxnead, Norfolk (I), (II)
Packwood House, Warwickshire (I)
Papplewick, Nottinghamshire (I)
Paston, Norfolk (I)
Paul, Cornwall (I)
Pauntley, Gloucestershire (I)
Pennsylvania (I), (II)
Penzance, Cornwall (I), (II)
Pilgrim’s Hall, Winchester, Hampshire (I)
Playford, Suffolk (I)
Plymouth Hoe, Devon (I)
Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts (I)
Plymouth, Massachusetts (I)
Poldhu Cove, Cornwall (I)
Poole Harbour, Dorset (I)