About the Book
Lily Bart has no fortune, but she possesses everything else she needs to make an excellent marriage: beauty, intelligence, a love of luxury and an elegant skill in negotiating the hidden traps and false friends of New York’s high society. But time and again Lily cannot bring herself to make the final decisive move: to abandon her sense of self and a chance of love for the final soulless leap into a mercenary union. Her time is running out, and degradation awaits. Edith Wharton’s masterful novel is a tragedy of money, morality and missed opportunity.
See also: The Age of Innocence
About the Author
Edith Wharton was born on 24 January 1862 in New York. She was educated in both America and Europe. In 1885 she married Edward Robbins Wharton and they later moved to France. In 1899 she published her first work, a collection of stories called The Greater Inclination. In 1900 she published her first novel, The Touchstone. She wrote many other works including travel books, home decoration manuals, short stories and her famous novels The House of Mirth (1905), Ethan Frome (1911) and The Age of Innocence (1920). In 1916 she was made a Chevalier de l’Ordre National de la Légion d’honneur for her work helping refugees in France during the war. Edith Wharton died on 11 August 1937.
Also by Edith Wharton
The Touchstone
The Valley of Decision
The Fruit of the Tree
Ethan Frome
The Reef
The Custom of the Country
The Marne
The Age of Innocence
The Glimpses of the Moon
A Son at the Front
Old New York
The Mother’s Recompense
Twilight Sleep
The Children
The Gods Arrive
The Buccaneers


Edith Wharton