1 |
I have gret wonder, be this lighte,
2 |
How that I live, for day ne nighte
3 |
I may nat slepe wel nigh noght,
4 |
I have so many an ydel thoght
5 |
Purely for defaute of slepe
6 |
That, by my trouthe, I take no kepe
7 |
Of no-thing, how hit cometh or goth,
8 |
Ne me nis no-thing leef nor loth.
9 |
Al is y-liche good to me --
10 |
Ioye or sorowe, wherso hyt be --
11 |
For I have feling in no-thinge,
12 |
But, as it were, a mased thing,
13 |
Alway in point to falle a-doun;
14 |
For sorwful imaginacioun
15 |
Is alway hoolly in my minde.
16 |
And wel ye wite, agaynes kynde
17 |
Hit were to liven in this wyse;
18 |
For nature wolde nat suffyse
19 |
To noon erthely creature
20 |
Not longe tyme to endure
21 |
Withoute slepe, and been in sorwe;
22 |
And I ne may, ne night ne morwe,
23 |
Slepe; and thus melancolye
24 |
And dreed I have for to dye,
25 |
Defaute of slepe and hevinesse
26 |
Hath sleyn my spirit of quiknesse,
27 |
That I have lost al lustihede.
28 |
Suche fantasies ben in myn hede
29 |
So I not what is best to do.
30 |
But men myght axe me, why soo
31 |
I may not slepe, and what me is?
32 |
But natheles, who aske this
33 |
Leseth his asking trewely.
34 |
My-selven can not telle why
35 |
The sooth; but trewely, as I gesse,
36 |
I holde hit be a siknesse
37 |
That I have suffred this eight yere,
38 |
And yet my bote is never the nere;
39 |
For ther is phisicien but oon,
40 |
That may me hele; but that is doon.
41 |
Passe we over until eft;
42 |
That wil not be, moot nede be left;
43 |
Our first matere is good to kepe.
44 |
So whan I saw I might not slepe,
45 |
Til now late, this other night,
46 |
Upon my bedde I sat upright
47 |
And bad oon reche me a book,
48 |
A romaunce, and he hit me took
49 |
To rede and dryve the night away;
50 |
For me thoghte it better play
51 |
Then playen either at chesse or tables.
52 |
And in this boke were writen fables
53 |
That clerkes hadde, in olde tyme,
54 |
And other poets, put in ryme
55 |
To rede, and for to be in minde
56 |
Whyl men loved the lawe of kinde.
57 |
This book ne spak but of such thinges,
58 |
Of quenes lyves, and of kinges,
59 |
And many othere thinges smale.
60 |
Amonge al this I fond a tale
61 |
That me thoughte a wonder thing.
62 |
This was the tale: There was a king
63 |
That hight Seys, and hadde a wyf,
64 |
The beste that mighte bere lyf;
65 |
And this quene hight Alcyone.
66 |
So hit befel, therafter sone,
67 |
This king wolde wenden over see.
68 |
To tellen shortly, whan that he
69 |
Was in the see, thus in this wyse,
70 |
Soche a tempest gan to ryse
71 |
That brak hir mast, and made it falle,
72 |
And clefte her ship, and dreinte hem alle,
73 |
That never was founden, as it telles,
74 |
Bord ne man, ne nothing elles.
75 |
Right thus this king Seys loste his lyf.
76 |
Now for to speken of his wife: --
77 |
This lady, that was left at home,
78 |
Hath wonder, that the king ne come
79 |
Hoom, for hit was a longe terme.
80 |
Anon her herte gan to erme;
81 |
And for that hir thoughte evermo
82 |
Hit was not wel he dwelte so,
83 |
She longed so after the king
84 |
That certes, hit were a pitous thing
85 |
To telle hir hertely sorwful lyf
86 |
That hadde, alas! this noble wyfe;
87 |
For him she loved alderbest.
88 |
Anon she sente bothe eest and west
89 |
To seke him, but they founde nought.
90 |
'Alas!' quoth she, 'that I was wrought!
91 |
And wher my lord, my love, be deed?
92 |
Certes, I nil never ete breed,
93 |
I make a-vowe to my god here,
94 |
But I mowe of my lord here!'
95 |
Such sorwe this lady to her took
96 |
That trewely I, which made this book,
97 |
Had swich pite and swich rowthe
98 |
To rede hir sorwe, that, by my trowthe,
99 |
I ferde the worse al the morwe
100 |
After, to thenken on her sorwe.
101 |
So whan she coude here no word
102 |
That no man mighte fynde hir lord,
103 |
Ful ofte she swouned, and saide 'Alas!'
104 |
For sorwe ful nigh wood she was,
105 |
Ne she coude no reed but oon;
106 |
But doun on knees she sat anoon,
107 |
And weep, that pite was to here.
108 |
'A! mercy! swete lady dere!'
109 |
Quod she to Iuno, hir goddesse;
110 |
'Help me out of this distresse,
111 |