Soccer – Perfect Ball Control



Thank you to Norbert Elgert, Sven Huebscher, Horst Wein, Joerg Amthor and Dr. Gerd Thissen for all the suggestions they have given me in discussions or in collaboration in other projects.

Thanks to Justin Kaiser, Christopher Zeh, Mahmud Aiub, Marcello Lopergolo, Kevin Liebe for sparing the time to pose for the photos in this book.

Peter Schreiner

Peter Schreiner


Perfect Ball Control

Meyer & Meyer Sport





1 Developing and Improving the Feel for the Ball
1.1 Balance – the Key to Perfection with the Ball
1.2 Perception – Foundation of a Controlled Posture and Precise Movements
1.3 Practice: Proprioception and Balance Training
1.3.1 Solo Drills with the Ball
1.3.2 Partner Drills with the Ball
1.3.3 Group Drills
1.3.4 Tackles by an Opponent

1.4 Juggling
1.4.1 Basic Theory
1.4.2 Learning to Juggle Balancing Solo Drills for Beginners Solo Drills for Advanced Players Partner and Group Drills Juggling Competitions
  a) Soccer Tennis without a Net
  b) Soccer Circuit Flicks
  a) Roll up
  b) Pincer
  c) Heel Flick
  d) Instep Flick
  e) Maradona Flick
  f) Kick Flick

2 Ball Control
2.1 Basic Theory
2.2 Practice: Drills Focusing on Ball Control
2.1.1 Controlling Balls on the Ground
2.2.2 Controlling Balls in the Air

3 Dribbling
3.1 The Peter Schreiner System© (PSS)
3.2 Features of the Peter Schreiner System©
3.3 Strengths of the Peter Schreiner System©
3.4 Basic Theory
3.4.1 Ball Control, Ball Driving, Dribbling and Feints
3.4.2 A Good Dribbler Should. . .
3.4.3 10 Basic Rules for Good Dribbling
3.4.4 Dribbling Is Only Useful or Necessary When. . .
3.4.5 Learning to Dribble with the Peter Schreiner System©

3.5 Practice: Dribbling and Feinting
3.5.1 Basic Drills in Small Groups Opponent in Front
  a) Dummy Step
  b) Rivelino Trick
  c) Drag-back with the Sole of the Foot
  d) 270-degree Turn with the Inside of the Foot
  e) Matthews Trick Drills – Opponent in Front
  a) Opponent in Front in Pairs
  b) Opponent in Front in Groups of Four
  c) Opponent in Front in Groups of Six
  d) Triangle with Center
  e) Square with Center Opponent to the Side
  a) 270-degree Turn Inward
  b) 270-degree Turn Outward
  c) Drag-back with the Sole of the Foot Drills – Opponent from the Side
  a) Circle with center
  b) Attacks in a triangle
  c) Attack from the side
3.5.2 Large Group Training Basic Theory Zigzag Christmas Tree Thunderbolt Comb Figure Eight Dribbling Combinations
3.5.3 Opponent from Behind Possible Moves with the Opponent Behind Practice: Drills with the Opponent Behind
  a) Solo Drills
  b) Partner Drills
  c) Drills in Groups of Three
  d) Goal Scoring Drills
3.5.4 Use in Game Situations Zidane Turn Use in Tackles Game Situations on the Wing Game Situations on the Halfway Line
3.5.5 Use in Small Competitions and Game Forms Shaking Off an Opponent and Shooting at the Goal 1v1 Playing Down the Line 2v2 Playing Down the Line 1v1 to Four Small Goals 4v4 in Doubled Penalty Area

4 Passing
4. 1 Basic Theory
4.2 Drills for Beginners
4.2.1 Partner Drill 1 (with Ball)
4.2.2 Partner Drill 2 (with Two Balls)
4.2.3 Infinite Passing in a Square (Groups of Five)
4.2.4 Passing in a Triangle
4.2.5 Passing into a Player’s Path

4.3 Drills for Advanced Players
4.3.1 Give and Go in a Triangle
4.3.2 Direct Pass in a Diamond – Basic Drill
4.3.3 Direct Passing in a Diamond (Variation 1)
4.3.4 Direct Pass in a Diamond – One-Two
4.3.5 Zigzag Passing Game

4.4 Drills
4.4.1 Odd-sided Passing 3v1 Basic Drill 3v1 Field Change 1 (3 + 1v1) 4v2 Basic Form 4v2 Game Shift 1 (4v2 + 2) 4v2 Game Shift 2 (4v2 + 1+1) 6v4 in Outside Square 6v4 in a Rectangle
4.4.2 Odd-sided Games with Neutral Players 1v1 + 2 with 2 Neutral Players 2v2 + 4 Neutral Players in the Corners

4.5 Small Competitions
4.5.1 Dribblers against Passers
4.5.2 Passing around a Square
4.5.3 Goal-pass Competition
4.5.4 Driving the Ball

5 Crossing
5.1 Basic Theory
5.2 Giving and Exploiting Crosses
5.2.1 Crossing Circuit
5.2.2 Crossing after Team Play with Partner
5.2.3 Crossing under Time Pressure
5.2.4 Crossing under Pressure from Opponent 1v1 on the Wing with Crosses 2v1 after Pass by Defender 5v5 – Crossing Under Pressure from Opponent
5.2.5 Complex Crossing Drills Complex Wing Play Training Combination Play on the Wing
5.2.6 Crossing in Game Forms 4v2 with Alternating Cross Players Game with Wing Zones 7v7 with Taboo Zone

6 Shooting at the Goal
6.1 Basic Theory
6.1.1 Goal Shooting Technique Training
6.1.2 Game-specific Goal Shooting Training
6.1.3 Learning Systematically How to Shoot at the Goal

6.2 Practice Section
6.2.1 Learning Stage 1: Basic Drills for Beginners Shot at the Goal with a Still Ball Shooting at the Goal after Dribbling Straight Ahead Turn and Shot Shot at the Goal after Taking Possession of the Ball Shot at the Goal after Diagonal Pass with Ball Control Shot at the Goal after Square Pass with Ball Control Shot at the Goal after Back Pass with Ball Control Shot at the Goal after Long Ball with Ball Control Turn and Shot after Taking the Ball to the Side
6.2.2 Learning Stage 2: Basic Drills for Advanced Players Preliminary Drill – Solo Run at Goal Direct Shot at the Goal after Diagonal Pass Direct Shot at the Goal after Square Pass into Player’s Path Direct Shot at the Goal after Backward Pass from Goal Line Direct Shot at the Goal after Long Ball into Player’s Path Direct Turn and Shot after Pass
6.2.3 Learning Stage 3: Double Action Double Action 1 Double Action 2
6.2.4 Learning Stage 4: Complex Drills Direct Pass in Square with Shot at the Goal (1) Direct Pass in Square with Shot at the Goal (2) One-Two with Shot at the Goal
6.2.5 Learning Stage 5: Shot at the Goal after High Ball Preliminary Drill: Drop Kick and Frontal Volley Hip Turn Shot Shot at the Goal from Thrown Ball (with Feet or Head) Shot at the Goal from High Ball
6.2.6 Learning Stage 6: Shot at the Goal after Tackle Shot at the Goal after Tackle (1) Shot at the Goal after Tackle (2) Shot at the Goal after Tackle (3)
6.2.7 Learning Stage 7: Shot at the Goal under Time Pressure Cone Kicking Kicking Balls off Cones Passing Sequence with Shot at the Goal 3v1 + 1 from Behind 3v1 +2 from Behind
6.2.8 Learning Stage 8: Game Forms 2v1 with Small Goals 4v2 with 1 Goal 4v1 Goal Scoring Game with Long-range Shots 4v4 + 4 Pass Receivers with One Goal 4+4v4+4 in Doubled Penalty Area Playing to 4 Goals in a Cross-formation


Books & DVDs

Photo & Illustration Credits



The modern game of soccer puts players of all abilities under great pressure from both time and opponents. It is rarely possible to receive the ball calmly and then dribble, pass or shoot at the goal. Only players who have perfect ball control in the most difficult situations can quickly and safely – often on the move – be able to play successful soccer.

Perfect ball control does not just begin when the ball is at the player’s foot; it should always be seen in the context of a game situation and an opponent. Well before the first touch of the ball, the player should be preparing to receive it by absorbing information and making split-second judgments as to which move would best suit this particular game scenario (anticipation). His/her decisions and the way he plays as a result determine the success of his

Perfect ball control can therefore be divided into four phases:

1. Preparation for the first touch (perception, release, adopting the body position necessary for the game situation).
2. The first touch.
3. Actions with the ball (dribbling, feints).
4. Final action (pass, cross, shot at the goal).

Phase 1: Preparation for the first touch

In a soccer game, a player takes in many different signals that help him to evaluate the game situation and to play with clever tactics. The player therefore prepares for the first touch so that he can safely control the ball and the opponent. This involves adopting an open and game-appropriate body position; his body is balanced and is perfectly prepared for the first touch.

Phase 2: The first touch

The player traps the ball with feeling, controls it and guides it directly to his teammate or takes a shot at the goal. The first touch should always be purposeful. The player prepares the action with the ball and thinks about the direction of the follow-through move.

Phase 3: Moves with ball possession

After controlling the ball, the player shields the ball and secures possession of the ball for his team. If a space opens up for the player, he opts to control the ball or tempo dribble with a view to preparing to pass to a teammate or take a shot at the goal. If necessary, he shakes off an opponent with a feint.

Phase 4: Final action

In the last ball control phase, the player makes a split-second decision as to what to do with the ball next and then puts his decision into practice either alone or with a teammate. A great deal of practice is needed to acquire a feel for the right amount of energy to use when receiving the ball, passing the ball, crossing or shooting at the goal. The ball reacts immediately to the slightest error (e.g. kicking the wrong part of the ball at the wrong time or kicking it too hard) thus leading to the ball being lost. The player must adapt his movements to those of the ball, thus developing a feeling for the ball which is critical for good ball technique.

This book contains basic theories and tried and tested and effective drills which will help your players learn to control their bodies, the ball and the attacking opponent.



1.1 Balance – the Key to Perfection with the Ball

Top players like Cristiano Ronaldo and Ronaldinho control the ball at top speed and in extremely pressured situations both on the ground and in the air. This requires outstanding coordination and, in particular, exceptional balance. The player must adjust to the forces that are constantly acting on his/her body. Good physical perception and quick movement control are necessary after jumping, turning and being tackled by opponents.

Top players do not allow themselves to be caught off guard by a tackle, they adapt their movements to the pressure without losing balance.

Problems with their balance also mean problems with the ball!

Lack of balance leads to instability and technical problems. Small deviations, e.g. in the foot placement of the standing leg, make the difference between:

Fast and safe ball control or losing the ball.
Accurate diagonal passes or a missed opportunity to counterattack.
Accurate cross or shots behind the goal.
Scoring a goal or hitting the post.

Perfect soccer technique starts with the feet, so that drills on soft surfaces are essential for the development of technical precision.

1.2 Perception – the Foundation of Controlled Body Posture and Precise Movements

Only players who are able to perceive their surroundings and their bodies quickly and accurately can adapt their physical posture, running and soccer technique to a changing game situation. Perception is therefore a fundamental prerequisite for perfect ball control.

When we talk about perception, we think first of all of the eyes, for they receive important visual information about the movement of the ball, opponent and teammates. The ears not only receive acoustic signals, such as the whistle, shouting and the noise of the ball, but the inner ear also provides information on the turns and movement speed of our own bodies, which is indispensable for dynamic balance.

Kinesthesia and proprioception are required to play technically perfect soccer. Pressure changes in the skin inform a player about what an opponent is doing behind his back.

The knowledge of the speed and angular position of the joints is necessary for an accurate kicking technique, particularly when the player is watching the ball or the movements of his teammates. Information from the muscles, tendons and ligaments complete the player’s inner picture of his/her posture, and proper ball control is only possible with quick and accurate inner perception.

Where does balance originate?

Sense of balance – vestibular apparatus.
In the muscles and tendons (kinesthetic analyzers), tensions, changes, lengths.
Posture and startle reflexes guarantee a normal physical posture and balance.
Tactile analyzers (vibrations, type of surface, depth of impression, sense of posture, spatial awareness).
Visual analyzers (eyes), anticipation – particularly important in complex movements.
Processing in central nervous system (coordination of voluntary movements – carrying out targeted movements) – comparison with previous experiences.

Balance drills teach movement stability, postural stability and physical self-confidence, thus leading to better technique.

Postural stability

Physical posture becomes more stable and helps the player to win tackles and to pass the ball accurately or shoot at the goal despite being tackled by an opponent. Experienced players anticipate physical contact and the resulting pressure on the body by an opponent and do not let this unbalance them. This ability is also improved by gaining strength and improving inter- and intramuscular coordination.


Proprioception training boosts the players’ confidence in their own bodies and their bodies’ capacity to develop in order to cope with the different demands of the game, particularly where the players’ tackling ability is concerned.

How does proprioception training work?

Proprioception training works on the awareness of movements, the position of the joints and muscle tension.

Movement sense

Although players don’t see how their legs move, they sense the movement. They control and regulate the desired motion sequence via the movement sense in their joints.

Position sense

The position sense in the joints enables players to, e.g., set the position of their ankle when kicking. They sense the position of their foot and control their kicking technique without looking at their feet. This sense also allows them to perceive and control their body’s position in space.

Force sense

Feedback on muscle tension and the muscle tension relationships in the body complements the movement sense of the limbs and the postural sense.

There are three types of balance:

Static Balance

Static balance involves the maintenance and restoration of balance at relative rest or during very slow movement without changing place.

Dynamic Balance

Good dynamic balance is required for jumping and turning and rapid changes of direction.

Object Balance

Object balance involves trying to hold or move an object while balancing it.

The training of balance is an indispensable part of the training program, from kids and young players right up to professionals.

1.3 Practice: Proprioception and Balance Training

1.3.1 Solo Drills with the Ball

Ball on the ground – swinging movements with the foot around the ball (circle, figure eight).

Move the ball on the ground with the foot (left-right or back and forth).

1.3.2 Partner Drills with the Ball

Passing on the ground with the inside of the foot (left/right).

Passing with the inside of the foot

Standing on one leg (left and right) + throwing and catching the ball with both hands (varying distances: from very close to 3 yards away).

Throwing in different directions
  to the chest, over the head.
  to the left and right.
  at knee height.

Catching and throwing

Ball control (chest, thigh, instep, head) + catching and throwing back.


Trapping the ball (chest, thigh, instep) + passing back.
