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© 2017 Dipl.- Ing. Roland Proesch
Production and publishing: BoD - Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany
Cover design: Anne Proesch
Printed in Germany
ISBN 9783744805780
Thanks for those persons who have supported me in the preparation of this book:
Aikaterini Daskalaki-Proesch
Horst Diesperger
Luca Barbi
Vaino Lehtoranta
Mike Chase
The contents of this book have been compiled over many years. The research in this sensisitive field is generally difficult as there are not many open sources to get information from. Although I have tried to verify the contents from different sources there might nevertheless be mistakes. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you discover any wrong description.
Picture 1: Different AM waveforms
Picture 2: Spectrum and sonagram of an amplitude modulation
Picture 3: Spectrum of a double sideband suppressed carrier signal
Picture 4: Spectrum and sonagram of a single sideband modulation with full carrier
Picture 5: Spectrum and sonagram of a single sideband modulation with reduced carrier
Picture 6: Spectrum of a single sideband modulation
Picture 7: Spectrum of an independent modulated signal
Picture 8: Frequency Modulation
Picture 9: Spectrum and sonagram of a frequency modulation
Picture 10: Spectrum of a wide FM broadcast transmitter
Picture 11: Audio channels of a broadcast signal
Picture 12: Spectrum of FM stereo signal with sub-channels
Picture 13: Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)
Picture 14: Spectrum of an ASK with 100 Bd
Picture 15: On-Off-Keying OOK
Picture 16: Oscilloscope display of an OOK
Picture 17: Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)
Picture 18: Spectrum of an FSK
Picture 19: Spectrum of a CPFSK with 100 Bd
Picture 20: Spectrum of a DFSK
Picture 21: IQ Plot of C4FM
Picture 22: Sonagram and spectrum of C4FM in idle mode
Picture 23: Minimum Shift Keying
Picture 24: Spectrum of a Tamed Frequency Modulation (TFM 3) with 100 Bd
Picture 25: Spectrum of a MFSK with 12 tones
Picture 26: Phase shift Keying
Picture 27: BPSK-A
Picture 28: Phase constallation of a BPSK
Picture 29: Spectrum of a BPSK with 600 Bd
Picture 30: Analysis display of a BPSK
Picture 31: QPSK-A
Picture 32: Spectrum of a QPSK with 600 Bd
Picture 33: Phase constallation of a QPSK
Picture 34: Phase constellation of a QPSK with lines
Picture 35: Analysis display of a QPSK
Picture 36: Phase plane of an OQPSK (right) compared to QPSK (left)
Picture 37: Phase constallation of a 8PSK
Picture 38: Phase constallation of a 8PSK with lines
Picture 39: Analysis display of a 8PSK
Picture 40: Spectrum of an 8PSK with 600 Bd
Picture 41: Phase constellation of a DBPSK-A
Picture 42: Phase constellation of a DBPSK-B
Picture 43: Phase constellation of a DBPSK-B with lines
Picture 44: Phase constellation of a DQPSK-A
Picture 45: Phase Constellation of a DQPSK-B
Picture 46: Phase constellation of a DQPSK-B with lines
Picture 47: Phase Constellation of a D8PSK-A
Picture 48: Phase Constellation of a D8PSK-B
Picture 49: Phase constellation of a D8PSK-B with lines
Picture 50: Example of an 8QAM and 16QAM in the Phase Plane
Picture 51: Spectrum of a QAM8 with 600 Bd
Picture 52: Spectrum of a QAM16 with 600 Bd
Picture 53: Comparison of FDM and OFDM
Picture 54: Spectrum of OFDM with 45 channels
Picture 55: Frequeny Modulation Continuous Wave
Picture 56: Spectrum of a FMCW
Picture 57: FMCW sweep
Picture 58: FMOP sweep
Picture 59: Oscilloscope display of a FMOP
Picture 60: Sonagram of a CODAR
Picture 61: Function of DSSS
Picture 62: Function of FHSS
Picture 63: Different types of amplitude modulation
Picture 64: Quantization in a PCM
Picture 65: Delta Modulation
Picture 66: Common data formats
Picture 67: Japanese Wabun Code part 1
Picture 68: Japanese Wabun Code part II
Picture 69: Chinese translation
Picture 70: Principle of FDMA
Picture 71: Principle
Picture 72: Principle of OFDMA
Picture 73: The OSI reference model
Picture 74: Basic elements of the ARQ protocol
Picture 75: ARQ stop and wait
Picture 76: Go Back N method
Picture 77: Selective repeat ARQ method
Picture 78: STANAG 5066 layers
Picture 79: Spectrum of an AFS navy modem
Picture 80: Spectrum of an ALE 3G
Picture 81: Phase constellation of an ALE 3G 8PSK signal
Picture 82: Dwell structure of an ALE 3G
Picture 83: ALE 3G protocol data units
Picture 84: ALE-3G Fast Link Setup framing
Picture 85: Spectrum of ALE400
Picture 86: Expanded spectrum of ALE400
Picture 87: Bell103 standard
Picture 88: Sonagram of the ALG MIL Bell103 modem
Picture 89: ALG MIL BELL103 modem with 75 Bd
Picture 90: ALG MIL BELL103 modem with 300 Bd
Picture 91: Spectrum of an ALIS signal
Picture 92: Sonagram ALIS link setup procedure
Picture 93: Spectrum of ALIS 2
Picture 94: Spectrum of ARD9800-OFDM
Picture 95: Spectrum of an ARQ-E signal with 288 Bd
Picture 96: Spectrum of ARQ-E3 in idle mode
Picture 97: Typical spectrum of an ARQ-M4
Picture 98: Spectrum of AUM 13 signal
Picture 99: Spectrum of the AUS MIL ISB modem with both waveforms
Picture 100: Spectrum of the 50 Bd waveform
Picture 101: Spectrum of the 600 Bd waveform
Picture 102: Spectrum of a 150 Bd Baudot signal
Picture 103: Baudot signal in the oscilloscope display
Picture 104: Bit correlation of a Baudot signal
Picture 105: Hell display of a Baudot signal
Picture 106: Spectrum of the Russian Baudot-ARQ system
Picture 107: Spectrum of Baudot F7B with 50 Bd
Picture 108: Spectrum of Baudot Sync
Picture 109: Baudot sync display speed in relation to bit
Picture 110: Spectrum of a CIS 36-50 signal
Picture 111: Spectrum of a BR6028 signal
Picture 112: Spectrum CCIR 493-4
Picture 113: CHN ARQ modem spectrum and sonagram
Picture 114: CHN ARQ modem phase spectrum
Picture 115: CHN ARQ modem phase constellation
Picture 116: CHN ARQ modem sonagram
Picture 117: CHN broadcast jammer spectrum and sonagram
Picture 118: Spectrum of CHN MIL 4FSK 500 Hz variant
Picture 119: Spectrum of CHN MIL 4FSK 400 Hz variant
Picture 120: Sonagram of CHN MIL 4FSK 500 Hz variant
Picture 121: Spectrum of a CHN MIL 8FSK 83.6 Bd
Picture 122: Sonagram of CHN MIL 8FSK 83.6 Bd
Picture 123: Spectrum of CHN MIL 8FSK 100 Bd
Picture 124: Sonagram of CHN MIL 8FSK 100 Bd
Picture 125: Sonagram of a CHN MIL 8PSK modem with 1627 Bd
Picture 126: Constellation display of a CHN MIL 8PSK modem
Picture 127: Measurement of symbol rate for the CHN MIL 8PSK modem
Picture 128: Spectrum of CHN 8PSK modem 2400 bd
Picture 129: Sonagram of a CHN 8PSK modem 2400 bd
Picture 130: Phase constelletion of a CHN 8PSK modem 2400 Bd
Picture 131: Spectrum of the CHN 64FSK
Picture 132: Zoomed spectrum of the CHN 64FSK
Picture 133: Sonagram of CHN 64 tone MFSK
Picture 134: Post sequence of the CHN 64FSK
Picture 135: Sonagram of the CHN MIL datalink modem with 30 tones
Picture 136: Spectrum of the CHN MIL datalink 39 tone
Picture 137: Sonagram of the CHN MIL datalink 39 tone
Picture 138: Phase analysis of one precarrier of the CHN MIL datalink 39 tone
Picture 139: Spectrum CHN hybrid modem 4FSK-OFDM20
Picture 140: Sonagram CHN hybrid modem 4FSK-OFDM20
Picture 141: Spectrum of the 19 tone OFDM
Picture 142: Preamble of the CHN hybrid modem 8FSK-OFDM19
Picture 143: Sonagram of CHN MIL Hybrid modem 8FSK-QPSK
Picture 144: 8FSK preamble for CHN MIL Hybrid modem
Picture 145: PSK preamble for CHN MIL Hybrid modem
Picture 146: Spectrum of MFSK 4+4 signal
Picture 147: Spectrum of a CHIP64 signal
Picture 148: Phase plane of a CHIP signal
Picture 149: Phase spectrum of a CHIP 64 signal
Picture 150: Phase oscilloscope display of a CHIP 64 signal
Picture 151: Spectrum of CIS-11
Picture 152: CIS12/MS5 spectrum with reference tone
Picture 153: CIS 12/MS2 spectrum in idle mode
Picture 154: CIS 20 spectrum with reference tone
Picture 155: CIS 12 14 channel layout
Picture 156: CIS 12 ARQ bursts
Picture 157: Spectrum of CIS 14 with 96 Bd and 1000 Hz shift
Picture 158: Auto correlation display of CIS 14 with ACF at 14 bit
Picture 159: Spectrum of CIS 150 Bd selcall
Picture 160: Spectrum of CIS 16x75 Bd
Picture 161: Phase plane of one channel
Picture 162: Spectrum and sonagram of CIS 16x75 Bd
Picture 163: Spectrum of a CIS 36-50 in idle condition
Picture 164: Message structure of a CIS 36-50, T600
Picture 165: Spectrum and sonagram of a CIS 40.5/1000 signal
Picture 166: Spectrum of CIS 50-17 Baudot FROST2
Picture 167: HELL display of CIS 50-17 Baudot FROST2
Picture 168: Auto correlation function (ACF) of CIS 50-17 Baudot FROST2
Picture 169: Spectrum of a CIS 50-50 in idle condition
Picture 170: Oscilloscope display of a CIS 50-50 in idle condition
Picture 171: Spectrum and sonagram of a CIS 81-29
Picture 172: Typical spectrum of an 8181 signal with 500 Hz shift
Picture 173: Spectrum of a CIS 200-1000 signal
Picture 174: ACF of a CIS 200-1000
Picture 175: Spectrum of CIS 500 FSK burst
Picture 176: Sonagram of CIS 500 FSK burst
Picture 177: Spectrum of a CIS 640 Bd MSK
Picture 178: Phase constellation of a CIS 640 Bd MSK
Picture 179: Spectrum of a 1280 Bd MSK
Picture 180: Phase constellation of a 1280 Bd MSK
Picture 181: Spectrum of CIS 1280 Bd modem
Picture 182: Phase Plane of CIS 1280 Bd modem
Picture 183: Spectrum of a 2560 Bd MSK
Picture 184: Phase constellation of a 2560 Bd MSK
Picture 185: Spectrum of CIS 3000 Bd 8PSK modem
Picture 186: Speed measurement of CIS 3000 Bd 8PSK modem
Picture 187: Spectrum of a CIS 4FSK with 96 Bd
Picture 188: Tones of a CIS 4FSK with 96 Bd
Picture 189: MFSK display of a CIS 4FSK with 96 Bd
Picture 190: Spectrum of a CIS 4FSK with 100 Bd and 500 Hz shift
Picture 191: MFSK demodulation of a CIS 4FSK with 100 Bd and 500 Hz shift
Picture 192: Spectrum of a CIS 4FSK with 4000 Hz channel shift
Picture 193: Sonagram of a CIS 4FSK with 4000 Hz shift
Picture 194: Sonagram of CIS 7FSK 200 Bd
Picture 195: Baudrate measurement of the CIS 7FSK 200 Bd
Picture 196: Spectrum of a CIS 7FSK 300 Bd
Picture 197: Baudrate measurement of a CIS 7FSK 300 Bd
Picture 198: Spectrum of the CIS ARQ
Picture 199: Sonagram of the CIS ARQ
Picture 200: FSK oscilloscope display of the CIS ARQ
Picture 201: Spectrum of CIS 1200 Bd modem
Picture 202: Spectrum CIS BPSK system
Picture 203: Phase spectrum of CIS BPSK
Picture 204: Phase spectrum of the CIS hybrid modem
Picture 205: One time squaring of the CIS hybrid modem
Picture 206: Tone layout of the CIS hybrid modem
Picture 207: Measurement of the symbol rate of the CIS hybrid modem
Picture 208: CIS MFSK 1 + 12 spectrum
Picture 209: CIS MFSK 1 + 12 sonogram
Picture 210: CIS MFSK 1 + 12 analysis display
Picture 211: Spectrum of CIS MFSK 1 + 10 + 1
Picture 212: Symbol rate measuerment with frequency analysis display
Picture 213: CIS MFSK 1 + 10 + 1 600ms synchronisation
Picture 214: CIS MFSK 1 + 10 + 1 1300ms synchronisation
Picture 215: Tone layout CIS MFSK 11
Picture 216: Spectrum CIS MFSK 11
Picture 217: Sonagram CIS MFSK 11
Picture 218: Spectrum CIS MFSK-12
Picture 219: Frequency analysis of CIS MFSK-12
Picture 220: Sonagram of CIS MFSK-12
Picture 221: Symbol rate measurement of a CIS MFSK 12 + 1
Picture 222. Sonagram of the CIS MFSK 12 + 1
Picture 223: Symbol rate measurement of a MFSK-14/XPA2
Picture 224: Symbol rate measurement of a CIS MFSK-14/XPA2 with 10 Bd
Picture 225: Symbol rate measurement of a CIS MFSK-14/XPA2 with 20 Bd
Picture 226: Spectrum of MFSK-20
Picture 227: Sonagram of MFSK-20
Picture 228: Spectrum of CROWD 36
Picture 229: Crowd 36 in sonagram display
Picture 230: Spectrum of CROWD 36 selective calling
Picture 231: Sonagram of CROWD 36 selective calling
Picture 232: Spectrum of a CIS MFSK-68
Picture 233: Timing embedded burst CIS MFSK-68
Picture 234: CIS MFSK-68 spectrum of embedded PSK burst
Picture 235: Baudrate measurement of CIS MFSK-68 embedded PSK burst
Picture 236: Spectrum of a CIS 35 tone OFDM
Picture 237: Spectrum of a CIS 45 tone OFDM
Picture 238: Spectrum of a CIS 60 tone OFDM
Picture 239: Spectrum of a CIS 93 tone OFDM
Picture 240: Spectrum of CIS 93 tone OFDM shifted by 550 Hz
Picture 241: Spectrum of a CIS 112 tone OFDM
Picture 242: Spectrum of a CIS 128 tone OFDM
Picture 243: Sonagram of the CIS QPSK 2 x 62.5 Bd
Picture 244: Spectrum of the CIS QPSK 2 x 62.5 Bd
Picture 245: Phase spectrum of one channel of a CIS QPSK 2 x 62.5 Bd
Picture 246: Spectrum of a CIS VFT 3 Channels 100 bd
Picture 247: Spectrum of a CIS VFT 3 channels 144 bd
Picture 248: Spectrum of the Clansman FSK modem
Picture 249: Spectrum of a CLOVER signal
Picture 250: Sonagram of a CLOVER signal
Picture 251: Spectrum of Clover in 8P2A mode
Picture 252: Spectrum of CODAN 16 channel mode
Picture 253: CODAN 4 channel mode
Picture 254: CODAN 8 channel mode
Picture 255: CODAN 12 channel mode
Picture 256: Spectrum and sonagram of the CODAN 3212 PSK modem
Picture 257: Phase spectrum of the CODAN 3212 PSK modem
Picture 258: Phase constellation of the CODAN 3212 PSK modem
Picture 259: CODAN 3212 PSK modem ACF during the synchronisation phase
Picture 260: CODAN 3212 PSK modem ACF during the message phase
Picture 261: Spectrum of CODAN chirp selcall
Picture 262: Phase and frequency analysis display of a CODAN chirp
Picture 263: Spectrum of CODAN Selcall
Picture 264: Spectrum and sonagram of Contestia 4-250 mode
Picture 265: Spectrum and sonagram of Contestia 8-1000 mode
Picture 266: Spectrum and sonagram of Contestia 32-1000 mode
Picture 267: Spectrum of a D AF VFT signal
Picture 268: Spectrum of a DGPS signal with 100 Bd
Picture 269: Spectrum of DominoEX with 4 Bd
Picture 270: Spectrum of DominoEX with 11 Bd
Picture 271: Spectrum of DominoEX with 22 Bd
Picture 272: Spectrum of DPRK FSK in ARQ mode
Picture 273: Sonagram of DPRK FSK in ARQ mode
Picture 274: Different sonagram of DPRK FSK in ARQ mode
Picture 275: ACF of DPRK ARQ with 600 Bd
Picture 276: Data packets of a DPRK ARQ with 1200 Bd
Picture 277: Spectrum of a DPRK ARQ 1200 Bd
Picture 278: Spectrum of DPRK FSK 600 FEC
Picture 279: Spectrum of a DPRK BPSK modem with 150 Bd
Picture 280: Spectrum of a DPRK BPSK modem with 300 Bd
Picture 281: Spectrum of a DPRK BPSK modem with 600 Bd
Picture 282: Spectrum of a DPRK BPSK modem with 1200 Bd
Picture 283: Spectrum of DRM-OFDM
Picture 284: Framing OFDM
Picture 285: Spectrum of WinDRM
Picture 286: Spectrum of MAHRS with 2400 Bd
Picture 287: MAHRS framing
Picture 288: ACF of a MAHRS signal
Picture 289: Sonagram of a MAHRS signal
Picture 290: Spectrum of FARCOS mode
Picture 291: Phase spectrum of FARCOS with peaks at 1800 Hz
Picture 292: Spectrum of a FAX transmission
Picture 293: Typical picture of a FAX transmission
Picture 294: Spectrum of a FEC-A with 192 Bd
Picture 295: Spectrum F navy FSK
Picture 296: ACF of the F navy FSK
Picture 297: Spectrum of a G-TOR signal with 300 Bd
Picture 298: Sonagram of a G-TOR signal
Picture 299: Spectrum of GRC MIL FSK
Picture 300: Preamble of the GRC MIL FSK
Picture 301: Spectrum of GMDSS-DSC
Picture 302: Harris AVS sonogram
Picture 303: Spectrum view of a Harris Autolink-I
Picture 304: Frequency analysis of a Harris Autolink-I
Picture 305: Spectrum of DSSTV
Picture 306: Sonagram of DigiTRX with embedded callsign
Picture 307: Matrix Feld Hell
Picture 308: Spectrum of a typical Feld-Hell signal
Picture 309: Feld Hell modulation
Picture 310: Sonagram of a Feld-Hell signal
Picture 311: Matrix of GL-Hell
Picture 312: Spectrum of a PSK-Hell signal
Picture 313: Phase spectrum of a PSK-Hell signal
Picture 314: Phase constellation of a PSK-Hell signal
Picture 315: Spectrum of a FSK-Hell signal
Picture 316: Sonagram of a FSK-Hell signal
Picture 317: Sonagram of the HFDVL73 modem
Picture 318: Spectrum of the HFDVL73 modem during idle condition
Picture 319: Spectrum of a HFDL signal
Picture 320: Sonagram of a HFDL signal with sub-carrier of 1440 Hz
Picture 321: Framing of HFDL
Picture 322: Typical spectrum of ANNEX 10 with two tone pairs
Picture 323: Timing of the ICAO SELCAL
Picture 324: Spectrum of an IRN Navy 16 x 75 Bd modem
Picture 325: IRN N 16 x 75 Bd modem with precarrier
Picture 326: Phase spectrum of one channel with 75 Bd
Picture 327: Spectrum of IRN 207 Bd modem
Picture 328: Phase spectrum of IRN 207 Bd signal with peaks at 207 Bd
Picture 329: Phase plane of IRN QPSK 207 Bd modem
Picture 330: Sonagram of IRN QPSK 207 Bd
Picture 331: Spectrum of the adaptive IRN N QPSK modem with 414 Bd
Picture 332: Speed measurement of the adaptive IRN N QPSK modem with 414 Bd
Picture 333: Speed measurement of the adaptive IRN N QPSK modem with 828 Bd
Picture 334: Spectrum of the adaptive IRN N QPSK modem with 1656 Bd
Picture 335: Speed measurement of the adaptive IRN N QPSK modem with 1656 Bd
Picture 336: Sonagram of the ISR N hybrid modem
Picture 337: Spectrum of 1200 Bd FSK
Picture 338: Spectrum of Italian MIL PSK 1200 Bd
Picture 339: Spectrum of Japan 8-tone ASK
Picture 340: Sonagram of Japan 8-tone ASK
Picture 341: Spectrum and sonogram of Japan 16tone PSK
Picture 342: Zoomed view to the reference tones of Japan 16tone PSK
Picture 343: Sonagram of the Japan 16tone PSK
Picture 344: Spectrum of the Japan 1500 Bd QPSK
Picture 345: Speed measurement of the Japan 1500 Bd QPSK
Picture 346: Phase constellation of the Japan 1500 Bd QPSK
Picture 347: Sonagram of Japan 32-tone OFDM
Picture 348: Spectrum of the J 32 cahnnel modem in idle mode
Picture 349: Spectrum of the J 32 channel modem in traffic mode
Picture 350: Zoom to the synchronisation carrier I and II
Picture 351: Phase spectrum of syncronisation carrier I
Picture 352: Phase spectrum of syncronisation carrier II
Picture 353: J 32 channel modem channel time delay
Picture 354: Spectrum and sonagram of a JT2 signal
Picture 355: Spectrum and sonagram of a JT44 signal
Picture 356: Spectrum and sonagram of a JT6M signal
Picture 357: Sonagram of JT65A signal
Picture 358: Sonagram of JT65B signal
Picture 359: Sonagram of JT65C signal
Picture 360: Sonagram of the JT9A-1 mode
Picture 361: Spectrum of a LINCOMPEX signal with two channels
Picture 362: Spectrum of LINEA Sitor
Picture 363: Spectrum of a LINK 11 transmission
Picture 364: Spectrum of the LINK 11 single Tone Modem
Picture 365: Sonagram of LINK 11 SLEW
Picture 366: Typical spectrum of a LINK 14 signal
Picture 367: Spectrum of Mazielka
Picture 368: Sonagram of Mazielka
Picture 369: Spectrum of MD 522 NB
Picture 370: Spectrum of a MD 522 WB
Picture 371: Spectrum of a MD 522 DIV
Picture 372: Sonagram and spectrum of a MD 522 DIV
Picture 373: Spectrum of MD 1061
Picture 374: Spectrum of MD 1142
Picture 375: Spectrum of MD 1280 with 75 Bd and 850 Hz shift
Picture 376: Spectrum of a MFSK-8 signal
Picture 377: Spectrum of a MFSK 16-signal
Picture 378: AFS Navy modem FSK preamble
Picture 379: Spectrum of South African Navy MFSK
Picture 380: Spectrum ALCATEL 801 for 300 Bd
Picture 381: Spectrum ALCATEL 801 for 150 Bd
Picture 382: Spectrum of a TADIRAN modem
Picture 383: Spectrum of TE-204 modem
Picture 384: Sonagram of a TE-204 modem
Picture 385: Spectrum of a MIL STD 188-110A ser modem
Picture 386: ACF measurement of a MIL 188-110A ser
Picture 387: Spectrum of 16 tone MIL STD 188-110A App A
Picture 388: Spectrum of MIL 188-110A 39 tone
Picture 389: Data block structure used for MIL STD 188-110B
Picture 390: Spectrum of a MIL STD 188-110 Appendix C in HDL mode
Picture 391: Spectrum of MIL STD 188-141A
Picture 392: Linking Protection in MIL STD 188-141A
Picture 393: Spectrum of MIL STD 188-342
Picture 394: Spectrum of a MLA Navy Baudot
Picture 395: Bit pattern of a MLA Navy Baudot
Picture 396: Spectrum of MT63
Picture 397: Spectrum of Nokia burst system with 150.6 Bd
Picture 398: Spectrum of Nokia burst system with 301.7 Bd
Picture 399: Spectrum of Nokia burst system with 602.14 Bd
Picture 400: Spectrum of NUM 13
Picture 401: Spectrum of an Olivia signal
Picture 402: Oliva in the MFSK oscilloscope
Picture 403: Spectrum of PACTOR I
Picture 404: Spectrum of PACTOR II
Picture 405: Spectrum of PACTOR II-FEC
Picture 406: Spectrum PACTOR III speed level 1
Picture 407: PACTOR III speed level 2
Picture 408: PACTOR III speed level 3
Picture 409: PACTOR III speed level 5
Picture 410: PACTOR III speed level 6
Picture 411 Spectrum PACTOR IV on 1800 Hz
Picture 412: PACTOR IV sonagram 2-Tone Chirp
Picture 413: Spectrum of a Packet Radio signal
Picture 414: PANTHER-H synchronisation and frequency hops
Picture 415: PANTHER-H synchronisation bursts
Picture 416: PANTHER-H detailed view of one burst
Picture 417: Spectrum of a POL INTEKL FSK
Picture 418: ACF of a POL INTEL FSK
Picture 419: Spectrum of a PSK31 signal
Picture 420: Phase plane of a BPSK PSK31 signal
Picture 421: Spectrum of PSK 63 in QPSK mode
Picture 422: Spectrum of PSK 125 in QPSK mode
Picture 423: Phase plane of PSKAM 10/31/50
Picture 424: Spectrum of PSKAM 10
Picture 425: Spectrum of PSKAM 31
Picture 426: Spectrum of PSKAM 50
Picture 427: Sonagram of Q15x25
Picture 428: Spectrogram of RFSM-2400 modem
Picture 429: Spectrum of Robust Packet Radio
Picture 430: Expanded spectrum of Robust Packet Radio
Picture 431: Spectrum of ROS
Picture 432: Sonagram of ROS with pre-carrier
Picture 433: Spectrum of RS-ARQ II
Picture 434: Frame structure of the HF Modem GM2100
Picture 435: Spectrum of the HF Modem GM2100
Picture 436: Spectrum of RUS MIL voice scrambler with FSK lower/upper band
Picture 437: FSK oscilloscope of FSK carrier of the RUS MIL voice scrambler
Picture 438: Spectrum of Marconi 25tone
Picture 439: Spectrum and Sonagram of Marconi 25tone
Picture 440: Spectrum of Siemens CHX-200 modem
Picture 441: Spectrum of SITOR A
Picture 442: Timing of a SITOR A signal in the oscilloscope display
Picture 443: Spectrum of SKYFAX
Picture 444: Spectrum of a SSTV transmission calling CQ
Picture 445: SSTV VIS code
Picture 446: Sonogram of SSTV with VIS code
Picture 447: Sonagram of STANAG 4197
Picture 448: Spectrum of a STANAG 4202
Picture 449: Framing of a STANAG 4202
Picture 450: Spectrum of a typical STANAG 4285 signal
Picture 451: Framing of a STANAG 4285 signal
Picture 452: STANAG 5066 over STANAG 4285
Picture 453: Spectrum of a STANAG 4415 signal
Picture 454: STANAG 4479 over STANAG 4444
Picture 455: Spectrum of a STANAG 4481 FSK
Picture 456: Spectrum of STANAG 4481
Picture 457: Typical spectrum of a STANAG 4529 signal
Picture 458: Spectrum of STANAG 5031 with 75 bps and 42.5 Hz shift
Picture 459: Spectrum of Systeme 3000 FEC mode
Picture 460: Spectrum of TADIRAN AutoCall
Picture 461: Sonagram of TADIRAN AutoCall
Picture 462: Spectrum of a Tadiran signal
Picture 463: Spectrum with Sonagram
Picture 464: Spectrum of a TFM3 signal
Picture 465: Spectrum of a TFM5 signal
Picture 466: Spectrum Thales voice scrambler
Picture 467: Sonagram of Thales voice scrambler
Picture 468: Spectrum Thor-4
Picture 469: Sonagram Thor-4
Picture 470: Spectrum Thor-11
Picture 471: Sonagram Thor-11
Picture 472: Spectrum Thor-22
Picture 473: Sonagram Thor-22
Picture 474: Spectrum Thor-100
Picture 475: Typical Spectrum of Throb
Picture 476: Spectrum of TMS-430 modem
Picture 477: Typical spectrum of a VFT signal
Picture 478: Spectrum of a WINMOR 4FSK
Picture 479: Sonagram of a WINMOR 4FSK with CW ID
Picture 480: Spectrum od the AMSS carrier
Picture 481: AMSS measurement of the baudrate
Picture 482: Phase constellation of the AMSS signal
Picture 483: Spectrogram of single letter beacons
Picture 484: Spectrum of CRY-2001 FSK
Picture 485: Sonagram of CRY-2001
Picture 486: Spectrum of a MK III buoy
Picture 487: Oscilloscope display of a MK III
Picture 488: Auto correlation function of a MK III
Picture 489: Spectrum of a MK IV buoy
Picture 490: Oscilloscope display of a MK III
Picture 491: Typical track of a chirpsounder
Picture 492: Typical spectrum of a CODAR signal
Picture 493: Oscilloscope display of a typical CODAR signal
Picture 494: Spectrum of a Datatrak signal
Picture 495: Spectrum of a Digisonde 4D
Picture 496: Chip sequence of a Digisonde 4D
Picture 497: Spectrum of an EFR signal
Picture 498: Spectrum of a frequency hopper
Picture 499: Frequency analysis display of one hop of a frequency hopper
Picture 500: Measurement of symbol rate of the FH MFSK
Picture 501: Measurement of tone distance of the FH MFSK
Picture 502: Function of an Ocean Radar
Picture 503: Transmission of LORAN-C
Picture 504: Spectrum of the MF radar at Juliusruh
Picture 505: Puls repetition time of the MF radar at Juliusruh
Picture 506: Spectrum of a NAVTEX signal
Picture 507: Spectrum of an OFDM
Picture 508: Spectrum of 48 x 48 OFDM NBTV
Picture 509: Spectrum of 96 x 72 OFDM NBTV
Picture 510: Spectrum of digital NBTV
Picture 511: Phase plane of digital NBTV
Picture 512: Framing of digital NBTV
Picture 513: Baudrate measurement of digital NBTV
Picture 514: Spectrum of Hybrid NBTV
Picture 515: Sonagram of Hybrid NDTV
Picture 516: NDB Kefallinia KEF in Greece
Picture 517: Waterfall of the NDB Kefallinia KEF (left) and Zakinthos ZAT (right) in Greece
Picture 518: NDB with voice information
Picture 518: Spectrum of a BCPSK signal of NDS200 DGPS
Picture 519: Phase spectrum of NDS200 DGPS signal with 100 Bd peaks
Picture 520: Phase plane of NDS200 DGPS signal
Picture 521: Over the horizon radar (OTHR)
Picture 522: French OTHR with 25ms pulses or 40 pulses per second (pps)
Picture 523: CIS OTHR ABM-2 with 100ms pulses or 10 pps
Picture 524: Cyprus OTHR with 20ms pulses or 50 pps
Picture 525: IRAN OTHR with 30ms pulses or 33 pps
Picture 526: OTHR SuperDARN with 25ms or 40 pps
Picture 527: Chirp OTHR with 20ms or 50 pps
Picture 528: Sonagram of the JORN OTHR
Picture 529: FMCW of the JORN OTHR
Picture 530: MFSK on the JORN OTHR pre-carrier
Picture 531: HF spectrum around 13.560 MHz
Picture 532: Audio spectrum of RFID tags
Picture 533: Pulses of RFID tags
Picture 534: Spectrum and sonagram of a BRAS signal
Picture 535: Timing of the BRAS system
Picture 536: Timing of the RS-10 system
Picture 537: BRAS-3/RS-10 burst sequence master
Picture 538: BRAS-3/RS-10 burst sequence slave
Picture 539: Spectrum of a SuperDARN
Picture 540: Sonagram of a 7s operation of SuperDARN
Picture 541: Pulse sequence of a SuperDARN
Picture 542: Timing DCF77
Picture 543: DCF77 analysis display
Picture 544: DCF77 phase modulation
Picture 545: Spectrum of the AM transmitter TDF with time information
Picture 546: TDF phase modulation
Picture 547: Frequency sweep of a FMCW signal
Picture 548: Function of a wave radar
Table 1: C4FM symbol table
Table 2: Bit value for QPSK
Table 3: Phase shifts for CQPSK
Table 4: Summary Binary Phase Shift Keying
Table 5: Summary Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
Table 6: Bit values for DQPSK-A
Table 7: Bit values for DQPSK-B
Table 8: Summary Eight Phase Shift Keying
Table 9: Bit values for D8PSK-A
Table 10: Bit values for a D8PSK-B
Table 11: Bit values for QAM
Table 12: Different description for data levels
Table 13: Relation between datarate and bit length
Table 14: Morse alphabet
Table 15: Code table for ITA2, ITA2P and ITA3
Table 16: Russian MTK2 alphabet
Table 17: Chinese shapes and their translation to numbers
Table 18: Code table for CCIR476-4, HNG-FEC and PICCOLO MK VI alphabetsITA 2
Table 19: ASCII table
Table 20: CCIR 493 alphabet
Table 21: X.25 Packet frame
Table 22: Common used transmission modes
Table 23: Terms and their description
Table 24: Determination of necessary bandwidths for emissions
Table 25: Table of waveforms and possible user sorted by Baud rate
Table 26: ALE 3G call types
Table 27: Tone layout for ALE400
Table 28: BR6028 channel frequencies
Table 29: BR6029C channel frequencies
Table 30: Tone layout for the 500 Hz variant
Table 31: Tone layout for the 400 Hz variant
Table 32: Tone layout of CHN MIL 8FSK 83.6 Bd
Table 33: Tone layout of CHN MIL 8FSK 100 Bd
Table 34: Tone layout CHN hybrid modem 4FSK-OFDM20
Table 35: Tone layout of the CHN hybrid modem
Table 36: Frequencies of the Chinese 4+4 modem
Table 37: Tone layout CIS MFSK 1 + 10 + 1
Table 38: Tone layout CIS MFSK-12
Table 39: Tone layout CIS MFSK-12 + 1
Table 40: Tone layout of the CIS MFSK-17
Table 41: Crowd 36 control sequences
Table 42: Tone layout CIS VFT 3 channels 100 bd
Table 43: CLOVER-II tone frequencies
Table 44: CLOVER-II modulation modes
Table 45: CLOVER 2000 Modulation formats
Table 46: Clover 2000 modes and data rates
Table 47: CLOVER 2500 tone frequencies
Table 48: CLOVER 2500 Modulation
Table 49: CODAN tone frequencies
Table 50: Tone frequencies for CODAN 12 channel mode
Table 51: Most common modes of Contestia
Table 52: Data structure of DGPS
Table 53: PRC Message Broadcast Parameters
Table 54: DominoEX waveforms
Table 55: DRM OFDM parameter
Table 56: DRM OFDM number of carriers
Table 57: Number of carrier for WinDRM
Table 58: Data rates of WinDRM
Table 59: Abbreviations in FAX transmissions
Table 60: Geographical letter groups
Table 61: Used HFDL frequencies sorted by ID
Table 62: Ground stations using HFDL identified by ID
Table 63: Annex 10 Audio frequencies
Table 64: Tone layout for Japan 8-tone ASK
Table 65: Tone layout of Japan 32-tone OFDM modem
Table 66: JT4 sub modes
Table 67: JT65 tone separation for the modes A/B/C
Table 68: JT9A submodes
Table 69: JT9 submodes
Table 70: LINK 11 frequencies
Table 71: Mazielka tone assignment
Table 72: Tone table for MD 1061
Table 73: Tone table for MD 1142
Table 74: Frequencies of MFSK-16
Table 75: MIL STD 188-110A ser data rate versus FEC
Table 76: Tone layout Mil 188-110A 16 tone
Table 77: Tone layout Mil 188-110A 16 tone variant
Table 78: Modulation types used for MIL STD 110B Appendix C
Table 79: Baud rates of MIL 188-110C Appendix D
Table 80: Table of ALE tone frequencies
Table 81: Waveforms of ALE 3G
Table 82: Tone layout MIL STD 188-342
Table 83: MT 63 transmission modes
Table 84: Most common modes of Olivia
Table 85: Different PACTOR I modes
Table 86: PACTOR II modes
Table 87: PACTOR III speed levels
Table 88: PACTOR III relation between speed level and used tones
Table 89: Speed levels of PACTOR VI
Table 90: PSK10 character set
Table 91: GM2100 transmission modes
Table 92: Most common modes of RTTYM
Table 93: SSTV tones used
Table 94: Different SSTV modes
Table 95: Tone layout STANAG 4197 16 tone part
Table 96: Tone layout STANAG 4197 39 tone part
Table 97: STANAG 4285 transmission modes
Table 98: LPC10 2400 bps and 800 bps parameters
Table 99: STANAG 4529 transmission modes
Table 100: Waveforms of STANAG 4538
Table 101: STANG 4538 timing
Table 102: Thor modes
Table 103: Typical parameters for VFT
Table 104: Centre frequencies in different VFT systems
Table 105: Transmission slots of the amateur radio beacon system
Table 106: Schedule for the amateur radio beacon system
Table 107: Russian single letter beacons
Table 108: Typical cluster of single letter beacons
Table 109: Known Datatrak systems and their frequencies
Table 110: Byte structure of the EFR signal
Table 111: EUROFIX modulation pattern combination
Table 112: LORAN chains and their identification numbers
Table 113: LORAN Data Channel message components
Table 114: NAVTEX identification letters
Table 115: Structure of a NAVTEX message
Table 116: OFDM NBTV modes
Table 117: Modes of digital NBTV
Table 118: Frequencies for NDS200 DGPS system
Table 119: Frequencies of the RSDN 20 system
Table 120: Frequency setup of the BRAS system for one chain („Semba“)
Table 121: Location of SuperDARN transmitter
Table 122: Active time signal stations
Table 123: Parameter of the WERA system
Table 124: International callsigns
Table 125: Country codes
Table 126: Translation of a four digit SELCALL number
Table 127: Translation of a five digit SELCALL number
Table 128: Coast station identification numbers by blocks and countries
Table 129: Allocation of MID's
Table 130: NATO routing indicators
Table 131: List circuits and their routing indicators
Table 132: Priority levels in AFTN messages
Table 133: Table of AFTN message contents
Table 134: Letter groups in NOTAM messages Weather Forecast (TAF and METAR)
Table 135: Description of METAR groups
Table 136: Teleprinter Alphabets for Comparison
Table 137: Q-codes
Table 138: X-codes
Table 139: Z-codes
Table 140: Abbreviations
There are some modulations and systems which are not used anymore. To keep the number of pages in a manageable range, the descriptions of signals which are very improbable to be active on shortwave in the future have been removed.
Currently the following signal descriptions have been removed:
ALF | (2013) |
Advanced Narrowband Digital Voice Terminal (ANDVT) Family | (2017) |
DECCA | (2013) |
OMEGA | (2013) |
D-OMEGA | (2013) |
ARQ-S | (2015) |
ARQ-SWE | (2015) |
ARQ 6-70S | (2015) |
ARQ 6-90/98 | (2015) |
AUTOSPEC | (2015) |
BUL ASCII | (2015) |
BUL 107.53 Bd | (2015) |
Coquelet 8 | (2017) |
Coquelet 8 FEC | (2017) |
Coquelet 13 | (2017) |
Coquelet 100 | (2017) |
DUP-ARQ | (2015) |
DUP-ARQ II | (2015) |
DUP-FEC | (2015) |
F7B-195.3 Bd 4-Tone | (2015) |
Globe Wireless Pactor | (2015) |
Globe Wireless Single Tone Modem | (2015) |
Globe Wireless Multi Tone Modem | (2015) |
HC-ARQ | (2015) |
HNG-FEC | (2015) |
IRA ARQ | (2017) |
MFSK Thrane & Thrane TT2300-ARQ Modem | (2015) |
MFSK BUL 8-Tone | (2015) |
MFSK YUG 20-Tone Modem | (2015) |
PICCOLO Mark VI | (2015) |
PICCOLO 12 | (2015) |
POL-ARQ | (2015) |
RAC-ARQ | (2017) |
ROU-FEC | (2015) |
TWINLEX | (2017) |
VISEL | (2015) |
This list will grow by the next editions. Enclosed in brackets is the year of removal.
For years shortwave radio had been used widely for communication beyond the line of sight. With the introduction of world-wide satellite services in geostationary or low earth orbits interest in HF radio discreased considerably as a result.
However, in recent years, due to the introduction of new, sophisticated modems and high quality digital broadcast services, there has been an increase in interest in HF as a communication means.
Shortwave radio also has some qualities that will ensure its attractiveness for some time. The most important point regarding commercial users is that there is no charge for using the ionosphere. In the military context this translates to low cost and potentially global communication that has important attributes of national ownership and military control. In addition, shortwave communication is more difficult to disrupt in comparison with satellite services.
Well established radio techniques for shortwave have been improved in several ways in recent years. Information data rates of a few tens of bits per second have been increased to more than 19200 bits/s using sophisticated modem techniques and error correction. Algorithms have been created to adapt transmission parameters to channel quality or to initiate a change to a better channel. Passive and active channel analysis techniques, e.g. sending and measuring test signals on assigned pool frequencies, have been developed to solve problems arising from channel distortion. For example, an Automatic Link Establishment setup (ALE) which is based on an international standard can be performed using a flexible address pattern. Automation guarantees a link setup whenever a useful frequency is found in the pool.
TCP/IP is the most widely used network protocol and supported by the majority of computers and software. This international standard ensures interoperability of very different platforms and operating systems. Most of the equipment for shortwave like modems and radios are able to interface with local networks by LAN. Even conversions form ISDN, GSM, PSTN and other shortwave are possible.
Ongoing new developments enhance the capabilities of transmission protocols and modem technology for higher transmission speed. Using wider bandwidths will also achieve higher data rates. Higher data rates and throughputs are also possible by intensifying the modulation/coding. With modern processor technology the adaptation of transmission parameters to the channel conditions will provide a higher quality for the exchange of information via shortwave.
All these circumstances present old modes with improvements on the one hand but mainly new modes with their unique sound to the shortwave listener on the other hand.
This book has been written to help the listener on shortwave to identify the different modes or waveforms which are active throughout the shortwave band. It will never be complete. New waveforms appear nearly every month. Due to the sophisticated possibilities of modern modems the signal analyses becomes more and more difficult.
Nevertheless this book gives a good overview of the techniques that are state of the art today. It has to be mentioned that most of the pictures have been produced with the decoder CODE 300-32 by HOKA and some with the PROCEED decoder by PROCITEC GmbH.
This book is divided in four main parts:
The first part provides an overview of common modulation techniques consisting of a short description and a spectrum or phase plane display. This part also describes standard expressions from the field of coding, error correction and so on which are often used in the field of radio communication.
The second part describes most of the waveforms which can be heard on shortwave. Generally the waveform is described by means of its main parameter. If available further information like framing, coding etc. is also described.
The third part contains some tables and information which can be useful for identifying stations or circuits.
The book finishes with the abbreviations table and the index.
Analogue waveforms are mainly separated in two different forms: the amplitude modulation in which the carrier frequency is fixed and the amplitude of the signal is modulated related to the information being sent.
The other modulation form is the frequency modulation in which the frequency is changed related to the information being sent. The carrier envelope remains on the same level.
Picture 1: Different AM waveforms
The Amplitude modulation is mainly used for broadcast transmissions or in aeronautic mobile service on VHF. In a AM the strength of the carrier is varied in relation to the information which shall be send. In a pure AM both sidebands are modulated.
The following pictures shows the spectrum and sonagram of a typical amplitude modulation with both sidebands and the carrier:
Picture 2: Spectrum and sonagram of an amplitude modulation
The ITU designation is A3E.
In a double sideband reduced carrier (DSB-RC) transmission the carrier is reduced to a fixed level.
In a double sideband suppressed carrier (DSB-SC) transmission only the sidebands are transmitted. The carrier is reduced to a lowest level as possible. Both sidebands contain the same information.
The following picture shows a LINK-11 signal in both sidebands with suppressed carrier:
Picture 3: Spectrum of a double sideband suppressed carrier signal
In this modulation form the carrier with full level and one side band is transmitted. This form is often used in the Russian aeronautical mobile service for the ground transmitter.
The following pictures shows the spectrum and sonagram of a single sideband modulation with full carrier: