65 topics

3000+ unique words

600+ phrases

160 pages

64 pages of vocabulary

15 pages of grammar

74 empty pages

Author: Kristian Muthugalage

Youtube: Kristian Muthugalage



Ultimate Language Notebook

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  1. Greetings - Salutations
  2. Introduction - Introduction
  3. Numbers - Nombres
  4. Colors - Couleurs
  5. Days of the week - Jours de la semaine
  6. Months - Mois
  7. Time - Temps
  8. Habits - Habitudes
  9. Weather - Météo
  10. Countries - Pays
  11. Languages - Langues
  12. Nature - Nature
  13. Animals - Animaux
  14. Phone Calls - Appels téléphoniques
  15. Family - Famille
  16. Relationships - Relations
  17. Characteristics - Caractéristiques
  18. Feelings - Sentiments
  19. Professions - Professions
  20. Buildings and places - Bâtiments et lieux
  21. Directions - Instructions
  22. Position and place - Position et lieu
  23. Life periods - Périodes de vie
  24. School and education - École et éducation
  25. Dining - Dîner
  26. Food - Aliments
  27. Fruits and Vegetables - Fruits et légumes
  28. In the restaurant - Au restaurant
  29. Money - Argent
  30. Shops and shopping - Boutiques et shopping
  31. Transportation and Traffic - Transport et circulation
  32. Vehicles - Véhicules
  33. Clothes - Vêtements
  34. Body - Corps
  35. Health - Santé
  36. Beauty and hygiene - Beauté et hygiène
  37. House - Maison
  38. Home - Accueil
  39. Furniture and interior - Mobilier et intérieur
  40. Materials - Matériaux
  41. Traveling - Voyages
  42. Accommodation - Hébergement
  43. Freetime and hobbies - Loisirs et passe-temps
  44. Sports - Sports
  45. Movies - Films
  46. Computer - Ordinateur
  47. Internet and social media - Internet et médias sociaux
  48. Photography - Photographie
  49. Music - Musique
  50. Literature - Littérature
  51. Nightlife - Vie nocturne
  52. Love life - Vie amoureuse
  53. Law - Loi
  54. Politics - Politique
  55. Economy and finance - Économie et finances
  56. Religion and beliefs - Religion et croyances
  57. Science - Science
  58. Space - Espace
  59. Global warming - Réchauffement climatique
  60. History - Histoire
  61. French idioms - Expressions idiomatiques françaises
  62. French slang - Argot français
  63. French untranslatable words - Mots intraduisibles français
  64. French tongue twisters - Vire-langue en français
  65. French grammar - Grammaire française

© 2020 Kristian Muthugalage

Kustantaja: BoD - Books on Demand GmbH, Helsinki, Suomi

Valmistaja: BoD - Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Saksa

ISBN: 9789528090960

From Beginner to Advanced Level

1. Read one page a day and learn the words

2. Write new words one page a day

3. Speak out loud one page a day and record your voice

4. Listen your own recording or find something to listen to about the given topic

Do these steps and you will complete the notebook in 8 months

1. Learn how to ask and answer one question a day

Do this and you will be able to form 365 questions and answers in one year

Reading Listening
Writing Speaking
Language learning resources
Applications Duolingo, Memrise, Lingvist etc.
Books Read books/e-books/online articles about topics that interest you
Flashcards Make them yourself or use quizlet or other flashcard apps
Language class Attend a French class
Movies Watch movies and try to pick up as many new words as you can
Music Listen to music you like, www.radio.net has radio channels from all over the world
News Watch and listen to the news in French
Notebook Write in your Ultimate French Notebook
Pen pal Find a penpal to whom you can write real letters or chat online
Podcast Listen to interesting podcasts on Youtube, Soundcloud or Spotify
Recording yourself Record yourself reading a text sample and then listen to your own recording
Singing Learn the lyrics of songs you like in French
Speaking with natives Talk to natives while traveling or find them at your home city
Videos Watch videos on Youtube or Vimeo about topics that interest you

Use all other resources together with this notebook. Add all the new words and phrases under one of the 65 topics or create a new topic in the empty pages. This is the center of all your knowledge in French.

Timeline of French history

Ancient France

600 BC The Greeks established the colony of Massilia which evolved into Marseille in the future
58 BC-50 BC Rome's war against the Gallic tribes resulted in a Roman victory

First King of the Franks

486 King Clovis I became the first king of the Franks
768 Charlemagne and Carloman I were proclaimed Kings of the Franks after their father's death
800 Charlemagne was crowned as the first Holy Roman Emperor

Division of the Frankish Empire

843 Treaty of Verdun, the Frankish empire was divided into three kingdoms
1337-1453 War between the House of Plantagenet, rulers of England and the French House of Valois, over the right to rule the Kingdom of France

First French colonial empire 1534-1830

1534 Jacques Cartier claimed Gaspé Bay to France in present-day Canada
1643 The 5-year old Ludvig XIV "Sun King" started his 72 years lasting rule
1789-1799 The French revolution
1792-1804 French First Republic
1803–1815 Napoleonic Wars
1803 France sold the territory of Louisiana to USA for fifteen million dollars
1804 Haiti became independent from France
1889 The Eiffel tower was opened to the public

Second French colonial empire 1830-1980

1830 The Bourbons were overthrown, Ludvig Philip from the House of Orleans became the king
1848–1852 French Second Republic
1870-1940 French Third Republic
1914-1918 World War I, Germany declared war on France
1939-1945 World War II, France declared war on Germany
1946-1954 Indochina War in French Indochina
1946–1958 French Fourth Republic
1956 Morocco and Tunisia gained independence from France
1958 Guinea gained independence from France
1958–present French Fifth Republic
1959 Charles de Gaulle became the first president of the Fifth Republic
1960 Benin, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Chad, Central African Republic, Congo, Gabon, Cameroon and Madagascar gained independence from France
1954-1962 Algerian War, Algeria gained independence from France
1975 Comoros gained independence from France
1977 Djibouti became independent from France
1980 Vanuatu became independent from France

Post colonial France

1993 The European Union was created and France became one of the member states
1998 France won its first World Cup in football
2002 France adopted Euro which replaced its former currency, the Franc
2015 Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack in Paris
2016 Nice truck attack
2018 France won its second World Cup in football

French speaking countries

Countries where French is an official or de facto language.

Country Capital Population
1 DR Congo Kinshasa 84,004,989
2 France Paris 67,401,000
3 Canada Ottawa 36,879,800
4 Madagascar Antananarivo 24,235,400
5 Cameroon Yaoundé 23,345,200
6 Ivory Coast Yamoussoukro 22,701,600
7 Niger Niamey 19,899,100
8 Burkina Faso Ouagadougou 18,105,600
9 Mali Bamako 17,599,700
10 Senegal Dakar 15,129,300
11 Chad N'Djamena 14,037,500
12 Guinea Conakry 12,608,600
13 Rwanda Kigali 11,607,700
14 Belgium Brussels 11,358,357
15 Burundi Bujumbura 11,178,900
16 Benin Porto Novo 10,879,800
17 Haiti Port-au-Prince 10,711,100
18 Switzerland Bern 8,510,000
19 Togo Lomé 7,304,600
20 Central African Republic Bangui 4,900,300
21 Congo Brazzaville 4,620,300
22 Gabon Libreville 1,725,300
23 Equatorial Guinea Malabo 1,221,490
24 Djibouti Djibouti 887,861
25 Comoros Moroni 795,601
26 Luxembourg Luxembourg 602,900
27 Vanuatu Port Vila 264,652
28 Seychelles Victoria 92,900
29 Monaco Monaco 38,731

List of world's most spoken languages

Language Language family Native speakers Total speakers
1 English Indo-European 369.7 million 1.268 billion
2 Mandarin Chinese Sino-Tibetan 921.5 million 1.120 billion
3 Hindi Indo-European 342.0 million 637.3 million
4 Spanish Indo-European 463.0 million 537.9 million
5 French Indo-European 77.3 million 276.6 million
6 Standard Arabic Afro-Asiatic - 274.0 million
7 Bengali Indo-European 228.5 million 265.2 million
8 Russian Indo-European 153.6 million 258.0 million
9 Portuguese Indo-European 227.9 million 252.2 million
10 Indonesian Austronesian 43.6 million 199.0 million

1. Greetings - Salutations

Welcome! Bienvenue!
Hello! Salut!
Good morning! Bonjour!
Good day! Bonne journée!
Good evening! Bonsoir!
Good night! Bonne nuit!
Long time no see! Ça fait longtemps!
How are you? Comment vas-tu? / Comment allez-vous?
I’m fine Je vais bien
Well Bien
Very well Très bien
So so Comme ci comme ça
Not well Pas bien
Are you ok? Ça va? / Tu te sens bien?
Yes Oui
No Non
Thank you Merci / Je t'en remercie
No problem Pas de problème
Ok D'accord
You’re welcome! De rien! / Pas de quoi!
I'm sorry! Je suis désolé!
Excuse me! Excuse moi!
Nice to meet you! Enchanté! / Enchantée! / Enchanté de faire ta connaissance!
My pleasure! Tout le plaisir était pour moi!
Likewise De même / Pareillement
Congratulations! Félicitations!
Well done! Bon travail!
Take care! Prends soin de toi!
Be careful! Attention! / Fais attention!
Good luck! Bonne chance!
Goodbye! Au revoir!
See you later! À toute à l'heure! / À plus tard!
Please! S'il vous plaît! / S'il te plait!
Bon appetit! Bon appétit!
Cheers! Tchin-tchin! / À ta santé! / À votre santé santé! / À la vôtre!
Happy Birthday! Joyeux anniversaire!
Happy New Year! Bonne année!
Happy Valentines day! Joyeuse Saint-Valentin!
Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noël!

2. Introduction - Introduction

What’s your name? Comment tu t'appelles? / Comment vous appelez-vous?
What’s your family name? Quel est ton nom de famille? / Quel est votre nom de famille?
My name is ... Mon nom est ...
My family name is … Mon nom de famille est …
You can call me … Tu peux m'appeler …
Who are you? Qui es tu / Qui êtes vous?
Let me introduce myself Laisse moi me présenter
I am … Je suis …
How old are you? Quel âge as-tu / Quel âge avez-vous?
I’m 30 years old J'ai trente ans
Age l' âge
Year l' année / l' an
First name le prénom
Nickname le surnom / le sobriquet
Family name nom de famille
Mr monsieur
Mrs madame
Miss mademoiselle
Man homme
Woman la femme
Boy garçon
Girl la fille
To be called
To call
être appelé
To introduce présenter

3. Numbers - Nombres

0 zero
1 un
2 deux
3 trois
4 quatre
5 cing
6 six
7 sept
8 huit
9 neuf
10 dix
11 onze
12 douze
13 treize
14 quatorze
15 quinze
16 seize
17 dix-sept
18 dix-huit
19 dix-heuf
20 vingt
21 vingt-et-un
30 trente
40 quarante
50 cinquante
60 soixante
70 soixante-dix
80 quatre-vingts
90 quatre-vingt-dix
100 cent
1000 mille
10,000 dix-mille
100,000 cent-mille
1 million un million
10 million dix million
100 million cent million
1 billion un milliard
1 trillion un billion
Equals to (=) égale / font / ça fait
Plus (+) plus / et
Minus (-) moins
Times (x) multiplié par / fois
Divided by (:) divisé par / sur
Square root la racine carrée
Half moitié
One third un tiers
One fourth un quart
One fifth un cinquième
1st premier / première
2nd deuxième
3rd troisième
4th quatrième
5th quatrième
6th sixième
7th septième
8th huitième
9th neuvième
10th dixième
11th onzième
12th douzième
13th treizième
14th quatorzième
15th quinzième
16th seizième
17th dix-septième
18th dix-huitième
19th dix-neuvième
20th vingtième
21st vingt-et-unième
30th trentième
40th quarantième
50th cinquantième
60th soixantième
70th soixante-dixième
80th quatre-vingtième
90th quatre-vingt-dix
200 deux-cents
300 trois cents
400 quatre cents
500 cinq cents
600 six cent
700 sept cent
800 huit cent
900 neuf cent
999 neuf cent quatre vingt dix neuf
To count compter
Addition l'addition
Subtraction la soustraction
Multiplication la multiplication
Division la division
Squared au carré
Comma la virgule
Decimal point la virgule
Decimal number le nombre décimal
Fractional numbers les nombres fractionnaires

4. Colors - Couleurs

What is your favorite color? Quelle est ta couleur préférée?
My favorite color is red Ma couleur préférée est le rouge
Which one looks better - the light or the dark red? Lequel est le plus beau -la rouge clair ou le rouge foncé?
The dark red looks better Le rouge foncé est plus beau
Which colour are your eyes? De quelle couleur sont tes yeux?
My eyes are brown Mes yeux sont bruns

Black noir / noire

Grey gris / grise

White blanc / blanche

Brown marron

Purple violet / violette

Blue bleu / bleue

Green vert / verte

Yellow jaune

Red rouge

Orange orange

Pink rose

Blonde blond / blonde

Brunette brun / brune

Redhead roux / rousse

Colorful coloré/e

Light clair/e

Light blue bleu clair

Dark foncé/e

Dark blue bleu foncé

Shade la nuance

5. Days of the week - Jours de la semaine