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Table of Contents
About This Book
How to Use This Book
What You Can Safely Ignore
Foolish Assumptions
How This Book Is Organized
Part I: Getting Started with Excel 2013
Part II: Editing without Tears
Part III: Getting Organized and Staying That Way
Part IV: Digging Data Analysis
Part V: Life beyond the Spreadsheet
Part VI: The Part of Tens
Conventions Used in This Book
Selecting Ribbon commands
Icons Used in This Book
Where to Go from Here
Part I: Getting Started with Excel 2013
Chapter 1: The Excel 2013 User Experience
Excel’s Ribbon User Interface
Going Backstage
Using the Excel Ribbon
Customizing the Quick Access toolbar
Having fun with the Formula bar
What to do in the Worksheet area
Showing off the Status bar
Launching and Quitting Excel
Starting Excel from the Windows 8 Start screen
Starting Excel from the Windows 7 Start menu
Adding an Excel 2013 shortcut to your Windows 7 desktop
Pinning Excel 2013 to your Windows 7 Start menu
Pinning Excel 2013 to the Windows 7 taskbar
Exiting Excel
Help Is on the Way
Chapter 2: Creating a Spreadsheet from Scratch
So What Ya Gonna Put in That New Workbook of Yours?
The ins and outs of data entry
You must remember this . . .
Doing the Data-Entry Thing
It Takes All Types
The telltale signs of text
How Excel evaluates its values
Fabricating those fabulous formulas!
If you want it, just point it out
Altering the natural order of operations
Formula flub-ups
Fixing Those Data Entry Flub-Ups
You really AutoCorrect that for me
Cell editing etiquette
Taking the Drudgery out of Data Entry
I’m just not complete without you
Fill ’er up with AutoFill
Fill it in a flash
Inserting special symbols
Entries all around the block
Data entry express
How to Make Your Formulas Function Even Better
Inserting a function into a formula with the Insert Function button
Editing a function with the Insert Function button
I’d be totally lost without AutoSum
Sums via Quick Analysis Totals
Making Sure That the Data Is Safe and Sound
Changing the default file location
The difference between the XLSX and XLS file format
Saving the Workbook as a PDF File
Document Recovery to the Rescue
Part II: Editing without Tears
Chapter 3: Making It All Look Pretty
Choosing a Select Group of Cells
Point-and-click cell selections
Keyboard cell selections
Using the Format as Table Gallery
Cell Formatting from the Home Tab
Formatting Cells Close to the Source with the Mini-bar
Using the Format Cells Dialog Box
Understanding the number formats
The values behind the formatting
Make it a date!
Ogling some of the other number formats
Calibrating Columns
Rambling rows
Now you see it, now you don’t
Futzing with the Fonts
Altering the Alignment
Intent on indents
From top to bottom
Tampering with how the text wraps
Reorienting cell entries
Shrink to fit
Bring on the borders!
Applying fill colors, patterns, and gradient effects to cells
Doing It in Styles
Creating a new style for the gallery
Copying custom styles from one workbook into another
Fooling Around with the Format Painter
Conditional Formatting
Formatting with scales and markers
Highlighting cells ranges
Formatting via the Quick Analysis tool
Chapter 4: Going Through Changes
Opening Your Workbooks for Editing
Opening files in the Open screen
Operating the Open dialog box
Changing the Recent files settings
Opening multiple workbooks
Find workbook files
Using the Open file options
Much Ado about Undo
Undo is Redo the second time around
What to do when you can’t Undo?
Doing the Old Drag-and-Drop Thing
Copies, drag-and-drop style
Insertions courtesy of drag and drop
Copying Formulas with AutoFill
Relatively speaking
Some things are absolutes!
Cut and Paste, Digital Style
Paste it again, Sam . . .
Keeping pace with Paste Options
Paste it from the Clipboard task pane
So what’s so special about Paste Special?
Let’s Be Clear about Deleting Stuff
Sounding the all clear!
Get these cells outta here!
Staying in Step with Insert
Stamping Out Your Spelling Errors
Eliminating Errors with Text to Speech
Chapter 5: Printing the Masterpiece
Previewing Pages in Page Layout View
Using the Backstage Print Screen
Printing the Current Worksheet
My Page Was Set Up!
Using the buttons in the Page Setup group
Using the buttons in the Scale to Fit group
Using the Print buttons in the Sheet Options group
From Header to Footer
Adding an Auto Header and Footer
Creating a custom header or footer
Solving Page Break Problems
Letting Your Formulas All Hang Out
Part III: Getting Organized and Staying That Way
Chapter 6: Maintaining the Worksheet
Zooming In and Out
Splitting the Worksheet into Windows
Fixed Headings with Freeze Panes
Electronic Sticky Notes
Adding a comment to a cell
Comments in review
Editing comments in a worksheet
Getting your comments in print
The Range Name Game
If I only had a name . . .
Name that formula!
Naming constants
Seek and Ye Shall Find . . .
Replacing Cell Entries
Doing Your Research
Controlling Recalculation
Putting on the Protection
Chapter 7: Maintaining Multiple Worksheets
Juggling Multiple Worksheets
Sliding between the sheets
Editing en masse
Don’t Short-Sheet Me!
A worksheet by any other name . . .
A sheet tab by any other color . . .
Getting your sheets in order
Opening Windows on Your Worksheets
Comparing Worksheets Side by Side
Shifting Sheets to Other Workbooks
Summing Stuff on Different Worksheets
Part IV: Digging Data Analysis
Chapter 8: Doing What-If Analysis
Playing What-If with Data Tables
Creating a one-variable data table
Creating a two-variable data table
Playing What-If with Goal Seeking
Making the Case with Scenario Manager
Setting up the various scenarios
Producing a summary report
Chapter 9: Playing with Pivot Tables
Data Analysis with Pivot Tables
Pivot tables via the Quick Analysis tool
Pivot tables by recommendation
Manually producing pivot tables
Formatting Pivot Tables
Refining the Pivot Table style
Formatting values in the pivot table
Sorting and Filtering Pivot Table Data
Filtering the report
Filtering column and row fields
Filtering with slicers
Filtering with timelines
Sorting the pivot table
Modifying Pivot Tables
Modifying the pivot table fields
Pivoting the table’s fields
Modifying the table’s summary function
Creating Pivot Charts
Moving pivot charts to separate sheets
Filtering pivot charts
Formatting pivot charts
Part V: Life beyond the Spreadsheet
Chapter 10: Charming Charts and Gorgeous Graphics
Making Professional-Looking Charts
Charts thanks to Recommendation
Charts from the Ribbon
Charts via the Quick Analysis tool
Charts on their own chart sheets
Moving and resizing embedded charts
Moving embedded charts to chart sheets
Customizing charts from the Design tab
Customizing chart elements
Editing the generic titles in a chart
Adding Great-Looking Graphics
Sparking up the data with sparklines
Telling all with a text box
Downloading online images
Inserting local images
Editing inserted pictures
Formatting inserted images
Adding preset graphic shapes
Working with WordArt
Make mine SmartArt
Screenshots anyone?
Theme for a day
Controlling How Graphic Objects Overlap
Reordering the layering of graphic objects
Grouping graphic objects
Hiding graphic objects
Printing Just the Charts
Chapter 11: Getting on the Data List
Creating Data Lists
Adding records to data lists
Moving through records in the data form
Finding records with the data form
Sorting Data Lists
Sorting on a single field
Sorting on multiple fields
Filtering Data Lists
Using ready-made number filters
Using ready-made date filters
Using custom filters
Importing External Data
Querying Access database tables
Performing web queries
Chapter 12: Linking, Automating, and Sharing Spreadsheets
Using Apps for Office
Using Excel Add-Ins
Adding Hyperlinks to a Worksheet
Automating Commands with Macros
Recording new macros
Running macros
Assigning macros to the Ribbon and the Quick Access toolbar
Sharing Your Worksheets
Sharing workbooks via OneDrive
E-mailing workbooks
Sharing workbooks with IM
Presenting worksheets online
Editing worksheets online
Reviewing workbooks online
Part VI: The Part of Tens
Chapter 13: Top Ten Beginner Basics
Chapter 14: The Ten Commandments of Excel 2013
Cheat Sheet
End User License Agreement
Excel® 2013 For Dummies®
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About the Author
Greg Harvey has authored tons of computer books, the most recent and most popular being Excel 2010 For Dummies and Excel 2010 All-in-One For Dummies. He started out training business users on how to use IBM personal computers and their attendant computer software in the rough-and-tumble days of DOS, WordStar, and Lotus 1-2-3 in the mid-80s of the last century. After working for a number of independent training firms, Greg went on to teach semester-long courses in spreadsheet and database management software at Golden Gate University in San Francisco.
His love of teaching has translated into an equal love of writing. For Dummies books are, of course, his all-time favorites to write because they enable him to write to his favorite audience: the beginner. They also enable him to use humor (a key element to success in the training room) and, most delightful of all, to express an opinion or two about the subject matter at hand.
Greg received his doctorate degree in Humanities in Philosophy and Religion with a concentration in Asian Studies and Comparative Religion last May. Everyone is glad that Greg was finally able to get out of school before he retired.
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Author’s Acknowledgments
Let me take this opportunity to thank all the people, both at John Wiley & Sons, Inc., and at Mind over Media, whose dedication and talent combined to get this book out and into your hands in such great shape.
At John Wiley & Sons, Inc., I want to thank Andy Cummings and Katie Feltman for their encouragement and help in getting this project underway and their ongoing support every step of the way. These people made sure that the project stayed on course and made it into production so that all the talented folks on the production team could create this great final product.
At Mind over Media, I want to thank Christopher Aiken for his review of the updated manuscript and invaluable input and suggestions on how best to restructure the book to accommodate all the wonderful new features in Excel 2013 and, more importantly, lay out the exciting new “anytime, anywhere” story to Excel users.
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I’m very proud to present you with Excel 2013 For Dummies, the latest version of everybody’s favorite book on Microsoft Office Excel for readers with no intention whatsoever of becoming spreadsheet gurus.
Excel 2013 For Dummies covers all the fundamental techniques you need to know in order to create, edit, format, and print your own worksheets. In addition to showing you around the worksheet, this book also exposes you to the basics of charting, creating data lists, and performing data analysis. Keep in mind, though, that this book just touches on the easiest ways to get a few things done with these features — I don’t attempt to cover charting, data lists, or data analysis in the same definitive way as spreadsheets: This book concentrates on spreadsheets because spreadsheets are what most regular folks create with Excel.
About This Book
This book isn’t meant to be read cover to cover. Although its chapters are loosely organized in a logical order (progressing as you might when studying Excel in a classroom situation), each topic covered in a chapter is really meant to stand on its own.
Each discussion of a topic briefly addresses the question of what a particular feature is good for before launching into how to use it. In Excel, as with most other sophisticated programs, you usually have more than one way to do a task. For the sake of your sanity, I have purposely limited the choices by usually giving you only the most efficient ways to do a particular task. Later, if you’re so tempted, you can experiment with alternative ways of doing a task. For now, just concentrate on performing the task as I describe.
As much as possible, I’ve tried to make it unnecessary for you to remember anything covered in another section of the book. From time to time, however, you will come across a cross-reference to another section or chapter in the book. For the most part, such cross-references are meant to help you get more complete information on a subject, should you have the time and interest. If you have neither, no problem. Just ignore the cross-references as if they never existed.
How to Use This Book
This book is similar to a reference book. You can start by looking up the topic you need information about (in either the Table of Contents or the index) and then refer directly to the section of interest. I explain most topics conversationally (as though you were sitting in the back of a classroom where you can safely nap). Sometimes, however, my regiment-commander mentality takes over, and I list the steps you need to take to accomplish a particular task in a particular section.
What You Can Safely Ignore
When you come across a section that contains the steps you take to get something done, you can safely ignore all text accompanying the steps (the text that isn’t in bold) if you have neither the time nor the inclination to wade through more material.
Whenever possible, I have also tried to separate background or footnote-type information from the essential facts by exiling this kind of junk to a sidebar (look for blocks of text on a gray background). Often, these sections are flagged with icons that let you know what type of information you will encounter there. You can easily disregard text marked this way. (I’ll scoop you on the icons I use in this book a little later.)
Foolish Assumptions
I’m only going to make one foolish assumption about you and that is that you have some need to use Microsoft Excel 2013 in your work or studies. If pushed, I further guess that you aren’t particularly interested in knowing Excel at an expert level but are terribly motivated to find out how to do the stuff you need to get done. If that’s the case, this is definitely the book for you. Fortunately, even if you happen to be one of those newcomers who’s highly motivated to become the company’s resident spreadsheet guru, you’ve still come to the right place.
As far as your hardware and software goes, I’m assuming that you already have Excel 2013 (usually as part of Microsoft Office 2013) installed on your computing device, using a standard home or business installation running under either Windows 7 or 8. I’m not assuming, however, that when you’re using Excel 2013 under Windows 7 or 8 that you’re sitting in front of a large screen monitor and making cell entries and command selections with a physical keyboard or connected mouse. With the introduction of Microsoft’s Surface tablet for Windows 8 and the support for a whole slew of different Windows tablets, you may well be entering data and selecting commands with your finger or stylus using the Windows Touch keyboard and Touch Pointer.
To deal with the differences between using Excel 2013 on a standard desktop or laptop computer with access only to a physical keyboard and mouse and a touchscreen tablet or smartphone environment with access only to the virtual Touch keyboard and Touch Pointer, I’ve outlined the touchscreen equivalents to common commands you find throughout the text such as “click,” “double-click,” “drag,” and so forth in the section entitled, “Selecting Commands by touch” in Chapter 1.
Keep in mind that although most of the figures in this book show Excel 2013 happily running on Windows 7, you will see the occasional figure showing Excel running on Windows 8 in the rare cases (as when opening and saving files) where the operating system you’re using does make a difference.
This book is intended only for users of Microsoft Excel 2013! Because of the diversity of the devices that Excel 2013 runs on and the places where its files can be saved and used, if you’re using Excel 2007 or Excel 2010 for Windows, much of the file-related information in this book may only confuse and confound you. If you’re still using a version prior to Excel 2007, which introduced the Ribbon interface, this edition will be of no use to you because your version of the program works nothing like the 2013 version this book describes.
How This Book Is Organized
This book is organized in six parts with each part containing two or more chapters (to keep the editors happy) that more or less go together (to keep you happy). Each chapter is divided further into loosely related sections that cover the basics of the topic at hand. However, don’t get hung up on following the structure of the book; ultimately, it doesn’t matter whether you find out how to edit the worksheet before you learn how to format it, or whether you figure out printing before you learn editing. The important thing is that you find the information — and understand it when you find it — when you need to perform a particular task.
In case you’re interested, a synopsis of what you find in each part follows.
Part I: Getting Started with Excel 2013
As the name implies, in this part I cover such fundamentals as how to start the program, identify the parts of the screen, enter information in the worksheet, save a document, and so on. If you’re starting with absolutely no background in using spreadsheets, you definitely want to glance at the information in Chapter 1 to discover the secrets of the Ribbon interface before you move on to how to create new worksheets in Chapter 2.
Part II: Editing without Tears
In this part, I show you how to edit spreadsheets to make them look good, including how to make major editing changes without courting disaster. Peruse Chapter 3 when you need information on formatting the data to improve the way it appears in the worksheet. See Chapter 4 for rearranging, deleting, or inserting new information in the worksheet. Read Chapter 5 for the skinny on printing your finished product.
Part III: Getting Organized and Staying That Way
Here I give you all kinds of information on how to stay on top of the data that you’ve entered into your spreadsheets. Chapter 6 is full of good ideas on how to keep track of and organize the data in a single worksheet. Chapter 7 gives you the ins and outs of working with data in different worksheets in the same workbook and gives you information on transferring data between the sheets of different workbooks.
Part IV: Digging Data Analysis
This part consists of two chapters. Chapter 8 introduces performing various types of what-if analysis in Excel, including setting up data tables with one and two inputs, performing goal seeking, and creating different cases with Scenario Manager. Chapter 9 introduces Excel’s vastly improved pivot table and pivot chart capabilities that enable you to summarize and filter vast amounts of data in a worksheet table or data list in a compact tabular or chart format.
Part V: Life beyond the Spreadsheet
In Part V, I explore some of the other aspects of Excel besides the spreadsheet. In Chapter 10, you find out just how ridiculously easy it is to create a chart using the data in a worksheet. In Chapter 11, you discover just how useful Excel’s data list capabilities can be when you have to track and organize a large amount of information. In Chapter 12, you find out about using add-in programs to enhance Excel’s basic features, adding hyperlinks to jump to new places in a worksheet, to new documents, and even to web pages, as well as how to record macros to automate your work.
Part VI: The Part of Tens
As is the tradition in For Dummies books, the last part contains lists of the top ten most useful and useless facts, tips, and suggestions. In this part, you find two chapters. Chapter 13 provides you with the top ten beginner basics you need to know as you start using this program. Chapter 14 gives you the King James Version of the Ten Commandments of Excel 2013. With this chapter under your belt, how canst thou goest astray?
Conventions Used in This Book
The following information gives you the lowdown on how things look in this book. Publishers call these items the book’s conventions (no campaigning, flag-waving, name-calling, or finger-pointing is involved, however).
Selecting Ribbon commands
Throughout the book, you’ll find Ribbon command sequences (the name on the tab on the Ribbon and the command button you select) separated by a command arrow, as in:
This shorthand is the Ribbon command that copies whatever cells or graphics are currently selected to the Windows Clipboard. It means that you click the Home tab on the Ribbon (if it isn’t displayed already) and then click the Copy button (that sports the traditional side-by-side page icon).
Some of the Ribbon command sequences involve not only selecting a command button on a tab, but then also selecting an item on a drop-down menu. In this case, the drop-down menu command follows the name of the tab and command button, all separated by command arrows, as in:
⇒Calculation Options
This shorthand is the Ribbon command sequence that turns on manual recalculation in Excel. It says that you click the Formulas tab (if it isn’t displayed already) and then click the Calculation Options button followed by the Manual drop-down menu option.
The book occasionally encourages you to type something specific into a specific cell in the worksheet. When I tell you to enter a specific function, the part you should type generally appears in bold type. For example, =SUM(A2:B2) means that you should type exactly what you see: an equal sign, the word SUM, a left parenthesis, the text A2:B2 (complete with a colon between the letter-number combos), and a right parenthesis. You then, of course, have to press Enter to make the entry stick.
Occasionally, I give you a hot key combination that you can press in order to choose a command from the keyboard rather than clicking buttons on the Ribbon with the mouse. Hot key combinations are written like this: Alt+FS or Ctrl+S (both of these hot key combos save workbook changes).
With the Alt key combos on a physical keyboard, you press the Alt key until the hot key letters appear in little squares all along the Ribbon. At that point, you can release the Alt key and start typing the hot key letters (by the way, you type all lowercase hot key letters — I only put them in caps to make them stand out in the text).
Hot key combos that use the Ctrl key are of an older vintage and work a little bit differently. On physical keyboards you have to hold down the Ctrl key while you type the hot key letter (though again, type only lowercase letters unless you see the Shift key in the sequence, as in Ctrl+Shift+C).
Excel 2013 uses only one pull-down menu (File) and one toolbar (the Quick Access toolbar). You open the File pull-down menu by clicking the File button or pressing Alt+F to access the Excel Backstage view. The Quick Access toolbar with its four buttons appears directly above the File button.
Finally, if you’re really observant, you may notice a discrepancy in how the names of dialog box options (such as headings, option buttons, and check boxes) appear in the text and how they actually appear in Excel on your computer screen. I intentionally use the convention of capitalizing the initial letters of all the main words of a dialog box option to help you differentiate the name of the option from the rest of the text describing its use.
Icons Used in This Book
The following icons are placed in the margins to point out stuff you may or may not want to read.
This icon alerts you to nerdy discussions that you may well want to skip (or read when no one else is around).
This icon denotes a tidbit only for Excel users who are running Excel 2013 on some sort of touchscreen device such as a Windows 8 tablet or smartphone.
This icon alerts you to shortcuts or other valuable hints related to the topic at hand.
This icon alerts you to information to keep in mind if you want to meet with a modicum of success.
This icon alerts you to information to keep in mind if you want to avert complete disaster.
Where to Go from Here
If you’ve never worked with a computer spreadsheet, I suggest that you first go to Chapter 1 and find out what you’re dealing with. Then, as specific needs arise (such as, “How do I copy a formula?” or “How do I print just a particular section of my worksheet?”), you can go to the Table of Contents or the index to find the appropriate section and go right to that section for answers.
Occasionally, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., has updates to its technology books. If this book has technical updates, they will be posted at www.dummies.com/go/excel2013updates