  1  Universal Energy
  2  Innate Energy
  3  Mind Energy
  4  Energy in the Endocrine
  5  Energy in the Eyes
  6  Energy in the Hands
  7  Energy in Bones and Muscles
  8  Energy in the Feet
  9  Energy in Sound
10  Energy in Food
Useful Addresses


Jan de Vries
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Epub ISBN: 9781780570877
Version 1.0
Copyright © Jan de Vries, 1989
All rights reserved
The moral right of the author has been asserted
First published in Great Britain in 1989 by
7 Albany Street
Edinburgh EH1 3UG
ISBN 1 85158 267 3
Reprinted 1992, 1997, 2003
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any other means without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for insertion in a magazine, newspaper or broadcast.
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
This book is dedicated to Leonard J. Allan DO, ND, DrAc., who freely presented me with his findings from years of research into energy and from whom I have learned so much.
The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.
Arthritis, Rhumatism and Psoriasis
Asthma and Bronchitis
Cancer and Leukaemia
Heart and Blood Circulatory Problems
Migraine and Epilepsy
Do Miracles Exist?
Multiple Sclerosis
Neck and Back Problems
Realistic Weight Control
Skin Diseases
Stomach and Bowel Disorders
Traditional Home and Herbal Remedies
Viruses, Allergies and the Immune System
Air: The Breath of Life
Body Energy
Water: Healer or Poison?
Menstrual and Pre-Menstrual tension
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Mother and Child
How to Live a Healthy Life
Questions and Answers on Family Health
The Five Senses
Inner Harmony
Healing in the 21st Century
Hidden Dangers in What We Eat and Drink
My Life With Diabetes
10 Golden Rules for Good Health
New Developments for MS Sufferers
The Pharmacy Guide to Herbal Remedies
Life Without Arthritis – The Maori Way
Who’s Next?
A Step at a Time (Autobiography)
Universal Energy
STANDING ON THE TOP of a hill overlooking the majestic scenery of the Clyde coast and gazing at the awe-inspiring valley in which stands Culzean Castle, I contemplated the mysterious ground on which I found myself yet again. Although I have travelled the world and have seen many inexplicable phenomena, curiosity repeatedly draws me back to this particular spot. It is called Croy Brae, or, to most people from the west coast of Scotland, the “Electric Brae”.
I stood there contemplating for some time and when I looked around I saw, as usual, some children rolling balls up the Brae. They placed them on the slope and, on letting go, they watched their balls roll up the hill! Whenever I am there, I watch the faces of the people in the cars that glide silently past. Most drivers put their cars in neutral, release the handbrake and marvel at the sensation of being drawn up the Brae as if by magic. Instead of rolling backwards, as would be expected, they find themselves miraculously carried to the summit of the hill.
I decided to call in the help of a friend of mine whom I regard as the best person to advise me on the mysteries relating to the subject of energy. The phenomenon I have just described is usually explained away as an optical illusion. When I think back to my schooldays, however, I remember learning the easy definition of an optical illusion being a shape, a size or distance of an object that is misperceived because of the influence of the immediate surroundings. Even so, for over twenty years I had accepted the theory that this was the most likely explanation for what occurs at the Electric Brae, though possibly with a certain measure of doubt.
I duly asked my friend to come over and visit the place with me. After he had used his surveyor’s level, he told me that part of the Brae does indeed fall as the road turns the corner and passes the sign-post. From that point on, the road rises slightly at a rate of four feet in every hundred yards. As a result of the topography of the surrounding fields sloping towards the sea, an illusion is created that the road continues to fall.
With a proper survey of the road, using a theodolite, it would be possible to quantify the fall in levels of the road to fractions of an inch and so calculate the levels in the fields causing the illusion. However, after having surveyed the area geologically, my friend was surprised to see that a very strong electro-magnetic field was present, covering the entire stretch of the roadway designated as the Electric Brae. Therefore, although it was partially true that the Brae is an optical illusion, as I had expected, there was more to it. A study of the rock formation suggests that a wide band of low-level magnetite lies below the area. Similar wide bands of magnetite rock, i.e. black iron oxide, are not uncommon in many parts of the world and research into reported earthquakes point to inexplicable geophysical phenomena occurring in such areas.
My friend checked out the herd record book of a local farmer to determine when and where animals might have died from unknown causes. Sometimes, for example, spontaneous combustion takes place in haystacks and this is another recognised phenomenon in areas of magnetite rock. In the research my friend has done into these fires, it has been shown that the date, time and location of their occurrence can be established precisely according to a predictive survey. Measurements between fire grounds also allow calculations to be carried out to determine certain causative elements.
On further investigation of the Electric Brae, my friend discovered a strong presence of both magnetite and germanium in conflict under this particular hill. This indicated the existence of an energy disturbance, which I felt compelled to study further.
As a doctor of acupuncture I am greatly involved with, and have a strong interest in, energy fields. It is a fact that the body is one large field of energy and therefore I make the most of every opportunity to study energy. Yet I also know that our present knowledge of energy constitutes only a fraction of what still remains to be learned about it. One thing, however, is without doubt, and that is that whenever we are able to balance energy, we are more than halfway towards effecting a recovery from certain illnesses and diseases. And that is what this book is all about. I look upon it as a challenge to find the normal energy actions for things that have been labelled as mysterious or magical, and which often prove to be basically a matter of energy balancing. The theory that disease cannot exist in a balanced energy field is all too true and in my work I have set out to prove that fact during the past thirty years or so that I have been in practice.
Through all my observations I have come to believe that in disease or illness the symptoms manifest themselves as changes in the body. I also firmly believe that such symptoms exist as a field of energy and can be shown as such with the use of certain techniques. Regardless of whether that field of energy sends negative or positive impulses, the body organs do receive energy from each other. All too often we see that where there is a blockage of energy, the healthy organs grow weaker and energy will not be transmitted from the diseased organs. Very often other illnesses will then occur. This tends to happen in stages, as if it were a reaction to a deposit of accumulated toxins or excretions. This process becomes apparent as a result of accidents, operations, depressions, degeneration or any other interference in the energy flow. Very often, therefore, after interviewing a patient I will look for signs as to where the energy might be disturbed. Like all living creatures, man lives in an electro-magnetic environment from which nothing can be isolated.
Good health is totally dependent on a good energy balance and an unhindered flow of energy that follows the paths of the meridians. Energy flows through the body in a circle, thus making the beginning and the end of each body part very important. Since energy can never flow in one direction only, it follows that the laws of polarity between energy and cells become relevant. Hundreds of factors can influence an interference in this system.
Some time ago I was consulted by a priest who complained of sudden fierce pains in the sigmoid area. He had consulted every doctor and specialist he could think of, but his problems persisted. When he came to me I found that the solution was simple. I suspected a blockage in his energy flow and narrowed down the cause of this to dental amalgam. After the priest’s amalgam fillings had been replaced with composite fillings, I managed to restore the energy flow with very little effort, for which he was extremely grateful.
Energy can be restored in many ways, such as improved dietary management, specific remedies, acupuncture or manipulation. To name but a few reasons for a disturbance in the energy balance, we need look no further than lack of exercise, stress, overwork, a poor diet, a virus or toxic conditions. When one’s energy is out of balance, one’s health is affected, hence the importance of knowing how to influence this electro-magnetic field of energy in order to restore the energy flow.
Considering the above, it is more easily understood why nowadays we seem to be more prone to such influences as viruses and allergies, because of the way they disturb the energy flow. Positive energy can promote particular forms of life, but a balance between negative and positive energy is also essential. If that balance is missing and there is a loss of energy, we cannot fight off disease.
Atmospheric influences cause great problems in this respect, as control of the hydrogen ion is most important for the chemical action that takes place in the human body. Every cell in our body is part of the body’s electric field and we are fortunate in that we are now able to measure the energy field in the body. In a diseased body, this can be measured using the latest Vincent methods; in this way cancer, for example, can be detected in the very early stages. As always, when the immune system is weakened, the body is unable to cope with bacteria and viruses, and ill health will result. If the energy in the body is balanced, the immune system functions more effectively and we need not fear ill health.
Each disease has a specific energy pattern and through that pattern we know what to expect and what can be done to overcome that particular condition. As I have mentioned already, energy in the human body can easily be disturbed by seemingly insignificant factors. When I have noticed that the immune system of a patient is affected because of unbalanced energy, I have sometimes traced factors that appear relatively innocent, and yet play a strong role in determining the patient’s state of health. The energy flow can be disturbed because we, possibly unwittingly, have interfered with the body energies and we should never fail to remember that if we obey the laws of nature, we also obey the laws of energy.
Back in the fifties when I graduated, I saw the first signs of these dangers. We then witnessed the explosion of antibiotics, tranquillisers and other “wonderful” drugs. We failed to realise at the time that even though these remedies might appear to be our allies and certainly act to our immediate advantage, equally often they serve as our enemies in that they interfere with the natural energy flow. As such, they lower the efficiency of the immune system and create alternative problems to the ones they were intended to solve.
We must learn to listen to our body and perhaps ask ourselves where we could have gone wrong. There is no need to be paranoid about this, but it is wise to stop and listen to our body language, as the body does send out messages. If we can learn to interpret these messages to our advantage, the causative conditions can then be discovered more easily. Unfortunately, in today’s society this is more essential than ever before. The great gift of magnetic energy is universal and when we come to appreciate that everything in this world, including space, has its own magnetic energy, we will become more closely connected to the entire universe.
It was in the year 1720 that Steven Grey discovered electricity. The medical world had long been aware that there existed an underlying source of all body functions, without exactly being able to refer to electricity as such. Now we know that electricity is composed of electrons and protons, and that even the smallest particles exist in the physical plane. Hence the fact that hydrogen ions are a key in the answer to our present problems concerning immunity. All disease starts with energy loss and all health and disease depends on how the body handles the hydrogen ion balance. Many diseases become apparent when there is an imbalance in the acid/alkaline levels. Fortunately, once such problems have been detected we know of many methods with which such conditions can be brought under control again.
In my book Viruses, Allergies and the Immune System I have already stressed how important it is that we keep the environment clean, as so many aspects resulting from modern advances in technology have an atmospheric influence on this balance. The little electrical currents which govern the life of humans, animals, plants and all living systems, depend on energy which is controlled by the hydrogen ion balance and it is gratifying to know that we have learned to re-establish a balance once it has been lost.
Quite some time ago now, I visited a witch doctor in a remote part of Africa. There I witnessed this man trying, with every form of mysticism known to him, to cure a badly arthritic man. It was absolutely unheard of for a white man to touch a native, but through my interpreter I acquired certain information relating to the patient’s condition. I offered some suggestions and finally I was allowed to place some zinc and copper magnets on specific acupuncture points. I had noticed that the body posture of the patient, who was almost crippled, was totally out of alignment and therefore I chose the acupuncture points that relate to the south and north poles.
With the help of the magnets, I indeed succeeded in correcting the imbalance. The withch doctor then desperately sought to obtain for himself the magnets that had achieved such remarkable results. No doubt he intended to add them to his bag of tricks, but without the necessary knowledge of the specific acupuncture points to restore balance, they would do him little good!
By studying energy, we soon realise that the timing of the treatment is as important as the way in which the energy is directed, i.e. from the north and south poles towards each particular area in the body.
A number of eminent scientists and physicians have expressed their opinion on the fields of energy in the human body. It was the great Max Gerson who said: “I am convinced that the problem of chronic disease is not one of biochemistry; rather it is produced by deeper lying forces which cause the deficiencies of energy.” And my friend Dr Leonard Allan maintained that the body, which is an extension of the earth, has three fields: the emotional-electric field, the mental electric-magnetic field and the electrical magnetic field.
The word ‘disease’ means dis-ease, i.e. a lack of ease, harmony or well-being. ‘Emotion’ means a moving out of energy. The energy fields in the body have to be normalised or balanced before a patient’s disease or symptoms can be corrected. I sometimes think that perhaps we have moved too far away from nature and perhaps we see things too scientifically. Yet, if only we took the trouble to ask ourselves where and why the energy is disturbed, we could see it corrected. We have the knowledge and tools to restore energy, and by doing so we can again experience the great wonder of creation and its universal energy.
These were more or less my thoughts when I was sitting near the Electric Brae. I also thought of the other thousands of visitors who in the years to come may pause there for a moment to look out over the Firth of Clyde and admire the grandeur of the massifs of Goat Fell and other mountains on Arran shimmering in the distance, where the volcanic granite bulk of Ailsa Craig stands as a gateway, shining in the morning sun. Only a few people would perhaps understand one of nature’s great wonders in this little area of Croy Brae. Some may stop to ask a local about this phenomenon and may be treated to some of the tales of the supernatural and other weird stories that have been handed down for generations. After all, the hero of Robert Burns’ poem “Tam o’ Shanter” came from a farm in the vicinity of the Electric Brae.
Is there a logical explanation for the feeling of unease experienced when intense static energy makes a person’s hair stand on end? Similarly, it is possible that vibrations may cause a certain unease when standing on this rocky formation with its inherent electro-magnetic energy. The disturbance or fault line in this part of the country is referred to in the archives together with data concerning inexplicable geophysical phenomena, indicating a time/distance basis of the electro-magnetic energy being emitted from its underground power.