About the Author
JAN DE VRIES was born in 1937 in Holland and grew up during the difficult war years in occupied territory. Although he graduated in pharmacy, he soon turned to alternative medicine. His most influential teacher was Dr Alfred Vogel in Switzerland, and they have worked together closely for 35 years.
In 1970 he and his family moved to Scotland and settled on the west coast in Troon, where he set up a residential clinic called Mokoia. He also has clinics in Newcastle, Edinburgh and London. Since 1990 he has been involved in Klein Vink in Arcen, Holland, doing research into the efficacy of herbal medicine for the European Commission.
He lectures throughout the world and is a regular broadcaster on BBC radio.
Jan de Vries
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Epub ISBN: 9781780571072
Version 1.0
Copyright © Jan de Vries, 1988
All rights reserved
The moral right of the author has been asserted
First published in Great Britain in 1988 by
7 Albany Street
Edinburgh EH1 3UG
Reprinted 1989, 1990, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001
ISBN 1 85158 176 6
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for insertion in a magazine, newspaper or broadcast
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
IMMUNITY IS THE body’s capacity to distinguish self from non-self, or foreign matter, and to eliminate or neutralise the latter. This definition by the United States National Institute of Health is further expanded by an explanation of the two interrelated aspects of the means through which this goal is reached, namely, the immune system. First is the formation of antibodies, protein molecules produced in response to specific antigens or foreign bodies, which have the capacity to neutralise those harmful invaders whether they be bacteria or viruses. Second is the sensitisation of a variety of pre-existing cells by the harmful antigens. Such cells are B-lymphocytes, which are precursors of the cells that produce antibodies; T-lymphocytes, which induce antibody formation and are needed for cellular immunity; and monocytes, specific white blood cells which become scavengers of undesirable cells and foreign bodies that enter the system.
To the more obvious unwanted infiltrators, like harmful bacteria and viruses, we must now add undesirable pollutants, irradiation, allergy-inducing substances and food additives that in many cases have not been proved to be harmless to everyone’s satisfaction. Of great concern, as our knowledge grows of them, is the formation within the body cells themselves of harmful entities like free radicals and cancer-producing compounds that have to be destroyed or rendered harmless by existing body mechanisms. The human organism must also have to cope with foreign substances deliberately introduced into it, for example, medicinal drugs, tobacco smoke and alcohol, or unwittingly, as in food contaminants like pesticide residues, traces of fertilisers and toxic heavy metals from the soil and other sources. The immune system has all of these undesirable factors to cope with and usually does so admirably. In the past, an efficient immune system has been regarded as a result of chance, heredity and, perhaps, lifestyle. Now it is becoming apparent that the effectiveness of the vastly complex protective mechanisms of the body depend very much upon the factors that control those mechanisms and these factors are in the main nutritional in origin. A prime example of this is in the relationship of micro-nutrients to cancer prevention and a brief review of this illustrates an exciting development of great potential benefit.
In the United States, cancer is responsible for more than 20 per cent of the approximate annual death rate of two million. Similar proportions apply also to the West in general. Thirty per cent of all cancer deaths is attributable to cigarette smoking. Heavy alcohol intakes account for about three per cent of all cancer deaths. Hence one-third of deaths from cancer can be avoided by desisting from these social (or perhaps anti-social) practices. A further third of all cancer deaths is believed to result from dietary factors, but which ones are responsible is still unclear although the known production of specific carcinogenic substances in and from the diet must play a part. These are facts, but on the bright side is the emerging evidence that diet may also be important in preventing the onset of cancer.
Modern epidemiological evidence and intervention trials suggest that beta-carotene is particularly promising with respect to cancer prevention. A high dietary intake of vegetables and fruits rich in beta-carotene is associated with a decreased risk of epithelial cell cancer. Beta-carotene is known to deactivate free radicals and excited oxygen, both of which have been implicated in cancer, so there is logic in this potential use of the micro-nutrient. There are now ongoing trials to evaluate the potential value of beta-carotene in cancer prevention. These include its effect, along with vitamin A, in those people occupationally exposed to asbestos and hence more prone to lung cancer. Others are looking at possible benefits of supplementary beta-carotene, vitamin A and vitamin E in reducing lung cancer amongst cigarette smokers. Cancers of the oesophagus, colon and skin are also being studied.
The ability of th body to resist cancer depends upon the status of its immune system and studies such as these may well confirm that this in turn is dependent on nutrition and in particular food factors such as beta-carotene, vitamins A, C and E, zinc and selenium. This equally applies to viruses and allergies, as our means of defence against all these conditions is a strong and healthy immune system. Adequate levels of micro-nutrients appear to be important criteria in maintaining a healthy immune system and the evidence presented in this book confirms it. Dr Jan de Vries is an eminent practitioner who combines a professional scientist’s training with a clear, open and analytical mind that can assess the impact of nutrients and micro-nutrients on his patients’ conditions. Here, then, is the ideal combination for an author who can write about viruses, allergies and the immune system, using his vast knowledge and experience of case histories to validate what is generally suspected about the needs of the immune system.
It is gratifying to see that the medical profession is at last admitting that prevention is better than cure and this is reflected in the studies mentioned above on cancer and in the dietary approach to reducing the chances of heart disease, for example. Those who read this book will see how far-reaching is the contribution that micro-nutrients give in protecting us against other manifestation of civilisation that are playing an even greater role in determining how healthy we are. The advice given by Dr Jan de Vries can only result in a better quality of life for all of us.
Leonard Mervyn,
BSc, PhD, C Chem, FRSC
A. Vogel Nature — Your Guide to Healthy Living, Verlag A. Vogel, Teufen, Switzerland.
George Watson — Nutrition and Your Mind, Souvenir Press Ltd., London W1N 8HP.
E. Cheraskin and W. M. Ringsdorf — Predictive Medicine, Keats Publishing, Connecticut, USA.
Theron G. Randolph and Ralph W. Moss — Allergies — Your Hidden Enemy, Turnstone Press, Wellingborough, England.
Barbara Reed — Food, Teens and Behaviour, Contemporary Books, Chicago 11, USA.
Ross Home — The Health Revolution, Ross Home, Avalon Beach, NSW, Australia.
Leon Chaitow — Candida albicans, Thorson Publishers, Wellingborough, England.
Robert Eagle — Eating and Allergies, Futura Publications, Camberwell, London SE5.
Richard MacKarness — The Food Allergy Plan, Unwin Paperbacks, Boston and Sydney.
Günther Schwab — Bij De Duivel te Gast, De Driehoek, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
John Hamaker and Donald A. Weaver — The Survival of Civilisation, Hamakers Weaver Publications, Michigan, USA.
Paul van Dijk — Gezondheidswinkel, Ankh Hermes BV, Deventer, The Netherlands.
Celia Wookey — Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Croom Helm, London, Sydney, Dover, New Hampshire.
Konrad Lorenz — Civilised Man’s Eight Deadly Sins, Methuen and Co. Ltd., London.
P. L. van der Harst — Poging to Inleiding in die Practische Homoeopathie voor Artsen, V.S.M. Geneesmiddelen BV, Alkmaar, The Netherlands.
Maurice Hanssen — E for Additives, Guild Publishing, London.
Doris Grant and Jean Joyce — Food Combining for Health, Thorsons Publishing Group, Wellingborough, England.
Books available from the same author
By Appointment Only series
Arthritis, Rheumatism and Psoriasis
Asthma and Bronchitis
Cancer and Leukaemia
Heart and Blood Circulatory Problems
Migraine and Epilepsy
The Miracle of Life
Multiple Sclerosis
Neck and Back Problems
Realistic Weight Control
Skin Diseases
Stomach and Bowel Disorders
Stress and Nervous Disorders
Traditional Home and Herbal Remedies
Viruses, Allergies and the Immune System
Nature’s Gift series
Air – The Breath of Life
Body Energy
Water – Healer or Poison?
Well Woman series
Menstrual and Pre-Menstrual Tension
Pregnancy and Childbirth
The Jan de Vries Healthcare series
How to Live a Healthy Life – A Handbook to Better Health
Questions and Answers on Family Health
The Five Senses
Also available from the same author
Life Without Arthritis – The Maori Way
Who’s Next?
Environmental Pollution
ACCORDING TO SEVERAL dictionaries, the definition of the verb “to pollute” is “to make unclean or impure, to corrupt or defile”. A further definition of “pollution” is given as the “contamination of human elements and plant life by a harmful or offensive substance”.
I felt prompted to look up the correct definition of the word “pollution” after a farmer and his wife visited my surgery on a beautiful sunny morning. As soon as they entered my consulting room I could see that they were both unwell. Chinese facial diagnosis has taught me to study people’s faces for tell-tale signs as to their physical condition. This often serves as a pointer in my eventual diagnosis of their malady. On this occasion I noticed that the lady’s eyes were sunken and encircled by black rings, but my immediate concern was centred on her husband. To me, he presented all the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.
After they had seated themselves I observed them closely during our conversation, while concentrating on their story. I paid great attention to their answers to my questions and noticed that the word “pollution” cropped up several times.
Sometimes I wonder if mankind has reached the point of no return on the slippery path to self-destruction. As a naturopathic practitioner I feel the urge to remain close to nature and in harmony with creation. It saddens me when I see patients who had once enjoyed a happy life and good health, living at peace with themselves and the world, whose harmony is then disturbed by an outside factor. This change is often the result of artificial or man-made substances that interfere with the body’s ability to work or function properly.
In this day and age, pollution whether it be on a large or small scale, deserves our full attention as our immune system is already subject to severe pressure. It deserves full attention not only from the medical establishment, but also from the world’s governments if our fundamental human right to a healthy environment is to be protected.
The innate resilience of the immune system could be seen in due course in the case of the farmer’s wife. With the help of several natural remedies I prescribed for her, she soon improved considerably, although the after-effects on her general health of industrial waste pollution will still be with her for some time.
Nature really is wonderful and, unless there has been irreversible damage, one can often witness a remarkable recovery when the correct measures are taken. My instinctive reaction to the husband had been that he could well be suffering from Parkinson’s Disease, and indeed, I was not far from the truth. When I asked for a description of their problems I heard that they had experienced some extraordinary symptoms. They had also noticed a change in the behaviour of their cattle.
I recognised many of the symptoms as being similar to those experienced by others who had been affected as a result of using pesticides and insecticides, or living near to a site for industrial waste disposal. The list of such symptoms seems endless:
—sore muscles
—painful and cracking joints
—nail discolouration
—pains in fingers and toes
—numb hands
—swollen glands
—urine changes
—pains in hips, back and arms
—itching eyes and ears
—cold sweats
—susceptibility to colds
—red, burning and swollen eyes
The farmer and his wife had also experienced a burning, peppery taste affecting the chest and tongue and sometimes a chemical taste in the mouth. The taste of tea, coffee or water had become abhorrent and this definite change in taste always became more pronounced after working with the cows.
While considering the condition of this gentleman, I remembered a recent article in the Lancet (of 15 November 1986) regarding a possible relationship between Parkinson’s Disease and pesticides. The authors stated in the article that they had noticed a similar pattern in one of their patients and had reached the conclusion that they were dealing with an early onset of the irreversible Parkinson’s Disease. This was very similar to the diagnosis I reached on my patient.
Since then I have studied many other cases which showed the onset of similar symptoms and I have often discovered a common factor, frequently referred to as pollution poisoning, or by a variety of similar names.
It is known that drinking water containing lead or aluminium can lead to degenerative diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis or Alzheimer’s Disease; however, it is equally likely that these are triggered by some of the man-made and unnatural products we work with. It is possible that through exposure to such products one’s health will suffer to a considerable extent.
The Institute for Toxicology in Mainz, Germany, claimed in a recent case to have found a link between the incineration at an industrial waste-disposal plant and a deterioration in the general health of residents in the surrounding area. This condusion was based on the evidence of residents in the areas where such waste material was treated and the Institute did not hesitate to state categorically that it will affect the health of humans and cattle at random.
It is always sad to see a calf born with two heads. It is many times worse to see babies born with physical abnormalities and universal evidence to this end is such that it should send all alarm bells ringing.
In my patient’s case a waste-disposal plant had been sited near his farm a few years previously. It was not long before his family’s health noticeably deteriorated and the condition of his cattle also seemed to become progressively worse.
It seemed a foregone conclusion that the toxic fumes known as dioxins must have been at least partly responsible here. Black smoke constantly billowed out of the chimneys of this disposal plant and subsequently settled on the surrounding landscape. Consider, then, what possible effects this could have had on the milk produced by his cattle!
Prof. Dr Samuel Epstein from the USA raised a related point in a speech given at an Indiana conference. He pointed out that the surface waters are becoming contaminated; in many parts of the country these contain high levels of toxic chemicals and pesticides from agricultural run-offs. The surface water and therefore the ground water is becoming more and more polluted. The National Research Council of the Academy of Science, in a very conservative report, has estimated that pesticide residues at maximum legal limits are responsible for in excess of 1.5 million cancer deaths.
In many cases our food also contains high levels of pollutants, as does the air we breathe, the water we drink and the soil in which we grow our food. Atmospherically, we are constantly under the threat of pollution, which has become a formidable monster since the Industrial Revolution.
Toxic organic chemicals are now widely used. It is often overlooked or unknown that these could be carcinogenic. Other possible effects of these chemicals are miscarriages, infant mortality, nerve damage, immunological damage, lung, kidney or liver damage, or interference with many of the vital functions of the body.
Prof. Epstein, who has twenty-five years’ experience in the field of toxicology and epidemiology, was quite frank in his warning. We all ought to be aware of our own responsibility.
We cannot afford to sit back and think that it will all sort itself out. It must be a concerted action. The following statement struck home with me: “If we act locally and think globally, we may possibly see an improvement in the present situation and be able to exercise some control.” We must endeavour to think more naturally and live more naturally in a healthy environment.
The World Health Organisation’s aim is Health for All by the year 2000. Its top priority should be to protect people’s health with regard to the subject in hand.
I understand how difficult it can be where industry and one’s livelihood is involved. But if we consider what is happening to our beautiful nature due to the loss of trees because of acid rain, and the resulting ecological problems and changes, we are then bound to realise that it is not merely our livelihood, but more our lives that are in danger.
It is my sincere wish that in the years to come this sentiment will find a response in an overwhelming universal political effort to regain a better climate for life on this planet.
Let us consider for a moment how we can be affected by the atmosphere through one of the busiest thoroughfares of the body. Through the mouth and down the throat we consume 40 tonnes of food in a lifetime, but we inhale near enough 500,000 yds3 (380,000 m3) of air. Particles ejected in a forceful sneeze have been measured at 103.6 miles (165.7 km) per hour.
We cannot afford to be lethargic about our responsibility when we read, for example, that Switzerland intends to send to Britain for disposal 28 tonnes of toxic filtered dust, which a Zurich firm had at first illegally exported to West Germany (reported in the Glasgow Herald, 26 March 1987).
We regularly hear and read about requests for permission to build yet another waste-disposal plant for radioactive material. One little breath could cause a whole lot of health problems and misery. It is of little or no use to receive financial compensation once the damage is done. Money is relatively cheap and cannot compensate adequately for the loss of health or life. According to the newspapers, in just such an area in Wales, twenty-three babies were born with eye problems. Isn’t it time indeed that the government took action and had a long and hard look into these particular problems?
Forestry experts in most European countries have sounded a warning as to the disastrous conditions in their national forests, which are slowly but surely dying. The British government remains remarkably complacent, whilst other European governments now openly acknowledge these particular problems.
The recently originated name “acid rain” now has a familiar ring to most of us. It describes a complex of ingredients such as nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxides and other harmful substances transported by the wind and deposited elsewhere through rainfall. Some of the most beautiful forests in the world are dying and it is said that in Switzerland alone in 1984 some 12 million trees, covering 14 per cent of its entire forest areas, had to be felled. In the Netherlands it is estimated that 40 per cent of its forests show signs of damage and more than two million acres (800,000 hectares) of forest in Czechoslovakia are threatened, whilst half a million acres (200,000 hectares) of forest in Austria are affected (reported in The Observer, 19 October 1986).
The damage to our rivers and lakes is already extensive. Even in the sparsely populated areas of Scotland where there is no industry to speak of, testing some of the lochs has shown that some white fish are now turning blue and are ailing. What are we doing to our natural environment? Why has mankind allowed itself to be led along this path of self-destruction?
It is imperative that we act quickly. Our wildlife is suffering and with the threats hanging over our food, water and air supply, it is absolutely essential that the damage that has already been done is brought to a halt and stricter rules are laid down and adhered to.
At a rather impressionable age I read the book The Dance with the Devil by Günther Schwab and soon realised the extent of such problems even then. Some of the facts stated in that book I still vividly remember.
One of the statistics which greatly impressed and worried me was that the factory chimneys of the American steel centre every year emit seven million tons into the air of carbon dioxide from coal. I also remember reading that the carbon monoxide emitted into the air in Germany by the large numbers of cars on the road had been proved to cause health problems.