Title Page
I’ll Start with a Conversation with Konny
Today, July 11, 2019, I started writing this book again - but first a brief description of what happened in the meantime:
A Message from Archangel Raphael
A Message from God
About the Author
Books by Mathias Stumpf from DeBehr
Mathias Stumpf
See, hear, feel
I'm still with you
Communicating with the deceased
Healing, Eternal Life, and Happiness in Light
Book 3
Copyright by: Mathias Stumpf
Publisher: Verlag DeBehr, Radeberg
First Edition: 2020
ISBN: 9783957537584
Cover Graphic: Copyright by Adobe Stock by Victor Tongdee
Are the dead gone forever?
Are the deceased in heaven and light?
What is my animal doing that I loved?
Why did my child die? Is he or she doing well now?
Should I be afraid of ghosts - or do ghosts not exist?
Why are souls in my house and how do I get rid of them?
Can someone be reborn?
These are all questions that a lot of people are dealing with and that are answered here.
Here you will learn to understand what a person goes through when they die and where they go after death.
I have conversations with the deceased, including my late friend Konny, about the experiences of how the deceased are doing and how they live in the spiritual world.
Every soul that lives as a human being passes into the spiritual world at some point. It goes through its learning processes on Earth as well as in the spiritual world. I communicate with everyone from the spiritual world. After years of experience with the spiritual world, I also communicate with the deceased. They are souls that once lived on Earth as humans.
After my first books where I discussed my communication with angels, Jesus, Mother Mary and with God, more and more deceased came to me to tell me about us humans from their point of view. I now hear the spiritual world very well and understand what messages they want to convey to me, as well as if they simply want a conversation with me. The angels told me six years ago that I would write several books. Today is the year 2019, it is April. Many people are dying in my area. My father is among the deceased. I see my stepfather as my father. I also communicate with him. God said I could talk to him at any time. I was a little taken aback by reading books that you had to wait a year. This regulation is new in the spiritual world. Everything also changes in the spiritual world, just as people and all the planets in the universe change. This is what God conveyed to me in a prophecy a long time ago. The spiritual world is changing just like the Earth and people. As I mentioned earlier, I will mainly write this book together with my deceased friend. Konny speaks for all souls. Nevertheless, other souls will also help me with this book. Konny said that these souls want to help me comfort the people who are grieving. The dead, as many might think, are not in heaven above. Heaven is with us, around us. We humans call it Heaven, and that's a good thing, because then people get inner strength and belief in Heaven. So, we’ll leave it at that.
It is tragic and very unfortunate when a loved one leaves us. This loss - be it the loss of a husband, wife, grandfather or grandmother, or a child - and the sudden loneliness is difficult to bear. Even animals you loved very much are a great loss. It is an internal pain. This book is intended to help all those who are grieving and can and want to get joy in life again. Here I will explain to you together with Konny, and other souls that every soul, even that of the deceased animal, is always with you and hears every thought. I will explain how the souls want to make themselves known to you to show that they are still there. They speak a somewhat differently than when you knew them alive. There are also some differences in souls. For example, there are some that are still earthbound and do not go into the so-called light. I will write more about these souls at the end of the book, so as not to unsettle you. At present, it's about giving you comfort and love from the spiritual world. When you've finished reading the book, you'll feel even more. Maybe even see or hear them if you want to. But the spiritual world also learns from us humans. I have already learned a lot from souls. I asked them some questions that I have written down here as clearly and understandably as possible. These are questions that all people have and that I keep hearing. Konny also explains some things that we do not know, in order to take away our fear of death.
I’ll Start with a Conversation with Konny
Hello dear Mathias,
I am very happy to communicate with you here. It is a great honor for me. We haven't communicated with each other for a long time. Whenever I wanted to get in touch with you, your dear father was faster (I had to laugh at this point). But I understand him because your mother needs a lot of consolation right now. You are such a wonderful bringer of light. We are all very proud of you here. Thank you for allowing me to comfort you, my dear friend.
We both had so much fun when I was alive. I already told you that during my lifetime I didn't believe in what is happening now. I didn't believe you either. But now I know that you were right about everything. I would like to apologize again for this, my dear.
I love you very much and I miss my children very much. You are going through a difficult time. I am with them very often and they recognize me. Thank you for delivering a message from me many times. I am happy here and am learning a lot. Many souls learn new things here. We learn from you as well as the angels. You always create something new that we don't know here. The way we see it, your light and love are very strong. I already knew in my lifetime that you have a lot of love in you. You were always there for me when I needed you. That's exactly how you do it for people without asking for anything. God loves you for that above all. You never gave up where others would have given up long ago. You are very strong, my dear. I want to say to the dear readers here and now: please listen to Mathias! He always tells the truth and just wants to help everyone. He is sent by God and God gives him everything to help other people, to help you trust again and find your way back to God. Mathias will bring hope and healing supported by the spiritual world, encourage love to shine in you. God loves all people immeasurably. I am ready for your questions, dear Mathias. We are all here and will answer everything for you. We all know what people want to know. Much has already been answered both in your books and in your wonderfully powerful live chats.
So, my dear friend, now you can begin to ask your questions.
Hello my dearest Konny,
I think a lot about you and miss the good times we had together.
But I am happy that we are still in contact and able to communicate in this way. As you know, it has now become my life to communicate with the spiritual world and thereby help everyone on Earth.
Now I'm asking you something my mother always asks me: Do souls still look like people as they were when then were alive?
Konny: We are souls now, my dear. We are energy, just like people. Only humans are made of cells and matter. We can also take other forms because we can change here as we like. For example, we show ourselves to be perfectly healthy and young, or the way people remember us.
Many people ask me if their loved ones are in the light and if they are well. Do all the deceased go into the light or are in the process of going into the light?
That's a good question. Yes, many go into the light. For example, I was carried by angels and brought into the light. I was very well prepared for this when I was alive. Thanks for that. Many souls are received by relatives and friends and are picked up with love. God receives almost all souls full of love. There are also souls who are afraid to go into the light. They refuse and even live on Earth for decades. Or they got lost in the spiritual world. They are souls that the angels and also God cannot perceive. Yes, we also have something like that. They are on Earth with people who they feel are right there. There are many people who feel or see these souls.
You have already brought many souls into the light, my dear friend - even me when I was alive. There are also thousands of souls in cemeteries and in churches. They try to go into the light through people. But many people do not hear them or simply do not notice them. All souls can be heard by people, so a person can bring them into the light. You have clearly described in your other books how you can help souls to go into the light, the light of God. There are different ways to do this. There is the tunnel, a spiral of light or a golden staircase, as you always see in your healing work. It is a transition into the spiritual world, into the light.