Bibliographical Information of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek This publication is listed in the Deutsche Nationalbibliographie of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek; detailed bibliographical information can be accessed under http: //
© 2014 Rafael D. Kasischke
Printing, Production and Layout:
BoD – Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt
ISBN: 978-3-7357-5448-6
This book is dedicated to my children,
Melina and Delano, and their future children.
Melina and Delano are representatives
of their generation, just as their future children
will be for the following generation.
May these generations gain a new consciousness
about the world, their mission in life and the purpose
and tasks of fellow human beings.
And may the children of the future be born
with the awareness that LOVE and the HEART
are the most important preconditions for humanity.
Half of the Book Prize will be contributed as a donation
in the “FUND for the next Generation”.
Today we live in a world of great change. The most important and earth-shattering change will be experienced in relation to our ATTITUDE to the material.
Many people have placed their security in their materialism.
My heartfelt wish is to support these people in their interior lives, to free them from anxiety and depression, to show them their innate potential, and to provide a new approach towards the material. For it is not the material which represents security for people, but our own gifts, talents and potential that make up the strength of a person; and thus his or her security.
I want to show people how they can partake in the NEW, and how they can emerge stronger from this upheaval – both in the financial as well as in the emotional sphere.
This change means a new beginning in our ATTITUDE to many things.
VALUES are changing now. More and more people are withdrawing their attention and appreciation from the economic system because they see through its faults and injustices.
At the same time, we are beginning to realize how we really want to live, and what makes us happy.
We should open our HEARTS. And we should free our minds, so that we are capable of utterly new thoughts.
However, many people still think in terms of old models and structures.
They have not yet realized that the world is in transition, and that the old structures are no longer valid. There are some considerably new, invisible processes underway.
People who are open to change, experience personal upheavals and difficult times: existential fears etc. The ground is pulled from under them in the truest sense. But they will emerge strengthened from this situation, provided that they remain open to personal change and not fall back into the old system.
Everything that happens serves for purification and renewal. Our potentials are thereby revealed. We separate ourselves from much, and decide for our true self instead of for our ego. Thus, we open ourselves to our authentic being and to unconditional LOVE.
Responsibility, VALUES and spirituality shape the new paradigm.
They bear witness to the new era of sustainable economy. If a system is in crisis, the opportunity emerges of something maturing, opening up and changing inwardly. A crisis is good because a new quality can grow in business. A crisis is healthy. It cleanses – and it creates something new.
The old tree gets sick and decays so a new one can grow.
“Change occurs when there is a confluence of both
changing values and economic necessity, not before.“
John Naisbitt
“We have a dream”: We would like people to be happy, content and healthy – emotionally as well as financially. And we want to create WEALTH – for as many people as possible.
Therefore, we need a new ATTITUDE towards money:
A meaningful, respectful and loving approach to MONEY.
This pertains to a new VALUE system.
And it includes a BALANCE between material and immaterial affairs.
We are experiencing a tumultuous, and at the same time, valuable upheaval in world history: This change takes place in society, our mentality and most especially in how we deal with MONEY. For it is not only the world that is transforming, but MONEY as well.
MONEY has always been a MAGNET for humanity. Many people have followed this MAGNET.
And so, MONEY obtained a monumental status. Many have worshipped it as a “golden calf”. For them, the pursuit and accumulation of money became the aim of their existence because they believed that money would make them happy.
HEALTH, and life itself, played a secondary role. However, did we all become happier because of this?
Now the time has come to change our attitudes towards MONEY, together with our beliefs and understanding of it. Thus the world of money transforms into a world of MONEY & SPIRIT.
Money should serve people – people shouldn’t serve money.
In the future, money will be connected with the HEART. But first, we have to HEAL THE SOURCE: that is to say, the way in which people have accumulated their money in the past.
Thus, we will contribute to the healing of our SOULS because many people have – like Goethe’s Faust – “sold their souls to Mephistopheles”.
Through money, human beings have been tempted by greed, EGO and power.