is your
How Redefining Words and Meanings Change Your World From Inside|Out
Mag.a Bernadette Bruckner
Copyright © 2021 Mag.a Bernadette Bruckner.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means—whether auditory, graphic, mechanical, or electronic—without written permission of both publisher and author, except in the case of brief excerpts used in critical articles and reviews. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and is punishable by law.
Publisher & Print: tredition GmbH / Halenreie 40-44 / 22359 Hamburg und inside|out media
978-3-347-28469-2 (Paperback)
978-3-347-28471-5 (e-Book)
„Pure love always begins with self-love.“ Bernadette
„Through you I am finding me, through finding me I found you again.
Truely I recognize the gift you gave me:
My pure unconditional love to myself!
For that I thank you from my dearest heart, my guardian angel!”
For everyone who wants to (re-)member again, who we truely are: Equal part Light.Love.Wisdom.Freedom.
Ana lux.amor.sophia.libertas.
A practical book. Simple.effektiv.life-changing.
„You walk your talk! This is one of the basics if not the most important feature of trainers and coaches, who I had never met before in this distinctive way as yours.“ Herbert D.
„I can describe the easiest way what I could then experience with three letters, which are just: W O W!“ Jürgen W.
„The lightness and love which influenced me by your attitude has inspired me to perceive things in me that I usually rejected.“ Andreas T. S.
„I feel that she puts all her heart and love in it and as a result I feel secure and well taken. Her love for the people is great!“ Sabine S.
• Forword Harold W. Becker – THE Love Foundation
• Forword Bernadette – What I wish for you
• First Thoughts
○ What if
○ What Is Love?
○ What Words Come To Your Mind On This Subject?
○ As Inside; As Outside – re-member your birthright
○ 100% self-answer-ability – what does it mean?
• Main question: What is your learning lesson?
○ Forgiveness = I give for me
○ Blessing as I see it
• I AM – Mantra
• What is love?
• What is PURE L.O.V.E?
• From un/conditional love to pure love in being
• BE pure love is my birthright / I AM love condition
• New frequencies of love and compassion – Re-member your birthright
○ Grounding
○ Grounding, heavenly connected and „ONENESS “ by the symbols of the light beeing Anamor
○ „Moss-ing“ inspired by Kiesha Crowther
• Change attitude – change frequency
○ Heart-opening and heart-connection – Rosae heart
○ Visualization / Virtualisierung / Sens(e)ation
• Healthy I-LOVE-Commun(e)ication
• Main question: What is your learning lesson?
• InnerChild Healing
○ Meet your innerChild for playing
• The backbag-possibility: Change simply your believes/ values/conviction
• Active healthy LOVE listening
• What is divine feminity and divine malehood?
• What means Pure divine Love in Relationships?
• How can we act in pure love in daily life?
• An invitation for everyone – I AM
• Inspired by Charlie Chaplin’s speech
• I become the best me in every moment
• MY Books
• Author
• Resources of Bernadette
Harold W. Becker, Author and Founder of The Love Foundation, Inc.