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ISBN: 978‐1‐119‐76362‐8
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ISBN: 978‐1‐119‐76363‐5 (ebk)
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This book is dedicated to my beautiful wife, Karen, who is wise, funny, and smart, even in texts.
Paul McFedries is a full‐time technical writer. Paul has been authoring computer books since 1991 and has nearly 100 books to his credit. Paul's books have sold more than four million copies worldwide. These books include the Wiley titles Windows Portable Genius; iPad Portable Genius, Fourth Edition; Teach Yourself VISUALLY Windows 10, Third Edition; and G Suite for Dummies. You can visit Paul on the web at or on Twitter at
I had a great time writing this book because it's just pure fun to write about what's new and noteworthy in the iPhone, particularly the lesser‐known features that can make your life easier and more efficient. More than that, however, I got to work with a great bunch of professionals at Wiley. There's a long list of people who contributed to the making of this book, and I extend a hearty thanks to all of them for their hard work and competence. A few of those people I had the pleasure of working with directly included Associate Publisher Jim Minatel, Project Editors Maureen and Scott Tullis, Copy Editor Kim Wimpsett, and Content Refinement Specialist Barath Kumar Rajasekaran. Many thanks to each of you for the skill, professionalism, sense of humor, and general niceness that made my job infinitely easier and made this a better book.
The iPhone is a success not because more than 2 billion of them have been sold (or, I should say, not only because over 2 billion of them have been sold; that's a lot of phones!), but because the iPhone has reached the status of a cultural icon. Even people who don't care much for gadgets in general and cell phones in particular know about the iPhone. For those of us who do care about gadgets, the iPhone elicits a kind of technological longing that can be satisfied in only one way: by buying one.
Part of the iconic status of the iPhone comes from its gorgeous design and remarkable interface, which makes all the standard tasks — surfing, emailing, texting, scheduling, and playing — easy and intuitive. But just as an attractive face or an easygoing manner can hide a personality of complexity and depth, so too does the iPhone hide many of its most useful and interesting features.
When you want to get beyond the basics of iPhone and solve some of its riddles, you might know some iPhone geniuses in person or online. Ideally, you'll get good advice on how to get your iPhone to do what you want it to do. Asking a genius is a great thing, but it isn't always a convenient thing because geniuses often have better things to do with their time.
What you really need is a “genius” of your own that's easier to access, more convenient, and doesn't require pleading emails or bribery. What you really need is a portable genius that enables you to be more productive and solve problems — wherever you and your iPhone happen to be.
Welcome, therefore, to iPhone Portable Genius, Sixth Edition. This book is kind of a genius all wrapped up in an easy‐to‐use, easy‐to‐access, and eminently portable format. In this book, you learn how to get more out of your iPhone by accessing all the powerful and timesaving features that aren't obvious at a casual glance. In this book, you learn about all the amazing new features found in the latest iPhones and the latest version of iOS. In this book, you learn how to prevent iPhone problems from occurring and (just in case your preventative measures are for naught) how to fix many common problems.
This book is for iPhone users who know the basics but want to take their iPhone education to a higher level. It's a book for people who want to be more productive, more efficient, more creative, and more self‐sufficient (at least as far as the iPhone goes). It's a book for people who use their iPhone every day but would like to incorporate it into more of their day‐to‐day activities. It's a book I had a blast writing, so I think it's a book you'll enjoy reading.