

Different kinds of happiness

Ours is a world where people don‘t know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it. —Don Marquis

German can be very misleading. It uses the same word ("Glück") for luck and happiness. This can lead to confusion. But even speakers of other languages often have trouble naming the kind of happiness they are looking for. The happiness of contentment is a different feeling, and is also arrived at in a different way, than the happiness gained by extraordinary athletic achievements or by having enriched the life of another person.

Experiencing all kinds of happiness at the same time would overwhelm us emotionally. We can and must decide which kind of happiness we desire and then take the road that will lead us to this exact kind of happiness.

Dynamic happiness

Experiencing adventures, celebrating, following something passionately, reaching goals, doing something meaningful, feeling the strength of our body and positively affecting our surroundings.

Quiet happiness

Moments of contentment with our life as it happens to be right now or compared to the life of others who are doing worse than we are. Joy about the things we have achieved in life and the feeling of external and internal security.

Shared happiness

Friendship, mutual affection, love within a relationship or family, experiencing others as real partners, sensing that we are important to others and that relationships are characterized by giving and receiving.


My happiness and I

There is nothing good unless you do it! —Erich Kästner

Contract with myself

No one but myself is responsible for my happiness. I want to live a happier life and I hereby decide to do everything necessary to create more room in my life for happy moments, hours, days and years.




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2   Discovering happiness

The invariable mark of wisdom is seeing the miraculous in the common. —Ralph Waldo Emerson