This field manual provides information needed to train and equip snipers and to aid them in their missions and operations. It is intended for use by commanders, staffs, trainers, snipers, and soldiers at training posts, Army schools, and units.
This manual is organized as a reference for snipers and leads the trainer through the material needed to conduct sniper training. Subjects include equipment, weapon capabilities, fundamentals of marksmanship and ballistics, field skills, mission planning, and skill sustainment. The left-handed firer can become a sniper, but all material in this book is referenced to the right-handed firer.
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STANAG 2020 | Operational Situation Report |
STANAG 2022 | Intelligence Report |
STANAG 2084 | Handling and Reporting of Captured Enemy Equipment and Documents |
STANAG 2103 | Reporting Nuclear Detonations, Radioactive Fallout and Biological and Chemical Attacks, and Predicting Associated Hazards |
STANAG 2934 | Artillery Procedures-AARTY-1 |
STANAG 3204 | Aeromedical Evacuation |
STANAG 6004 | Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming, and Interference Report |
Unless this publication states otherwise, masculine nouns and pronouns do not refer exclusively to men. |
The sniper has special abilities, training and equipment. His job is to deliver discriminatory highly accurate rifle fire against enemy targets, which cannot be engaged successfully by the rifleman because of range, size, location, fleeting nature, or visibility. Sniping requires the development of basic infantry skills to a high degree of perfection. A sniper's training incorporates a wide variety of subjects designed to increase his value as a force multiplier and to ensure his survival on the battlefield. The art of sniping requires learning and repetitiously practicing these skills until mastered. A sniper must be highly trained in long-range rifle marksmanship and field craft skills to ensure maximum effective engagements with minimum risk.
The primary mission of a sniper in combat is to support combat operations by delivering precise long-range fire on selected targets. By this, the sniper creates casualties among enemy troops, slows enemy movement, frightens enemy soldiers, lowers morale, and adds confusion to their operations. The secondary mission of the sniper is collecting and reporting battlefield information.
a. A well-trained sniper, combined with the inherent accuracy of his rifle and ammunition, is a versatile supporting arm available to an infantry commander. The importance of the sniper cannot be measured simply by the number of casualties he inflicts upon the enemy. Realization of the sniper's presence instills fear in enemy troop elements and influences their decisions and actions. A sniper enhances a unit's firepower and augments the varied means for destruction and harassment of the enemy. Whether a sniper is organic or attached, he will provide that unit with extra supporting fire. The sniper's role is unique in that it is the sole means by which a unit can engage point targets at distances beyond the effective range of the M16 rifle, this role becomes more significant when the target is entrenched or positioned among civilians, or during riot control missions. The fires of automatic weapons in such operations can result in the wounding or killing of noncombatants.
b. Snipers are employed m all levels of conflict. This includes conventional offensive and defensive combat in which precision fire is delivered at long ranges. It also includes combat patrols, ambushes, countersniper operations, forward observation elements, military operations m urbanized terrain, and retrograde operations in which snipers are part of forces left in contact or as stay-behind forces.
In light infantry divisions, the sniper element is composed of six battalion personnel organized into three 2-man teams. The commander designates missions and priorities of targets for the team and may attach or place the team under the operational control of a company or platoon. They may perform dual missions, depending on the need. In the mechanized infantry battalions, the sniper element is composed of two riflemen (one team) located in a rifle squad. In some specialized units, snipers may be organized according to the needs of the tactical situation.
a. Sniper teams should be centrally controlled by the commander or the sniper employment officer. The SEO is responsible for the command and control of snipers assigned to the unit. In light infantry units, the SEO will be the reconnaissance platoon leader or the platoon sergeant. In heavy or mechanized units, the SEO may be the company commander or the executive officer. The duties and responsibilities of the SEO are as follows:
(1) To advise the unit commander on the employment of snipers.
(2) To issue orders to the team leader.
(3) To assign missions and types of employment.
(4) To coordinate between the sniper team and unit commander.
(5) To brief the unit commander and team leaders.
(6) To debrief the unit commander and team leaders.
(7) To train the teams.
b. Snipers work and train in 2-man teams. One sniper's primary duty is that of the sniper and team leader while the other sniper serves as the observer. The sniper team leader is responsible for the day-to-day activities of the sniper team. His responsibilities are as follows:
(1) To assume the responsibilities of the SEO that pertain to the team in the SEO'S absence.
(2) To train the team.
(3) To issue necessary orders to the team.
(4) To prepare for missions.
(5) To control the team during missions.
c. The sniper's weapon is the sniper weapon system. The observer has the M16 rifle and an M203, which gives the team greater suppressive fire and protection. Night capability is enhanced by using night observation devices.
Candidates for sniper training require careful screening. Commanders must screen the individual's records for potential aptitude as a sniper. The rigorous training program and the increased personal risk in combat require high motivation and the ability to learn a variety of skills. Aspiring snipers must have an excellent personal record.
a. The basic guidelines used to screen sniper candidates are as follows:
(1) Marksmanship. The sniper trainee must be an expert marksman. Repeated annual qualification as expert is necessary. Successful participation in the annual competition-in-arms program and an extensive hunting background also indicate good sniper potential.
(2) Physical condition. The sniper, often employed in extended operations with little sleep, food, or water, must be in outstanding physical condition. Good health means better reflexes, better muscular control, and greater stamina. The self-confidence and control that come from athletics, especially team sports, are definite assets to a sniper trainee.
(3) Vision. Eyesight is the sniper's prime tool. Therefore, a sniper must have 20/20 vision or vision correctable to 20/20. However, wearing glasses could become a liability if glasses are lost or damaged. Color blindness is also considered a liability to the sniper, due to his inability to detect concealed targets that blend in with the natural surroundings.
(4) Smoking. The sniper should not be a smoker or use smokeless tobacco. Smoke or an unsuppressed smoker's cough can betray the sniper's position. Even though a sniper may not smoke or use smokeless tobacco on a mission, his refrainment may cause nervousness and irritation, which lowers his efficiency.
(5) Mental condition. When commanders screen sniper candidates, they should look for traits that indicate the candidate has the right qualities to be a sniper. The commander must determine if the candidate will pull the trigger at the right time and place. Some traits to look for are reliability, initiative, loyalty, discipline, and emotional stability. A psychological evaluation or the candidate can aid the commander in the selection process.
(6) Intelligence. A sniper's duties require a wide variety of skills. He must learn the following:
b. In sniper team operations involving prolonged independent employment, the sniper must be self-reliant, display good judgment and common sense. This requires two other important qualifications: emotional balance and field craft.
(1) Emotional balance. The sniper must be able to calmly and deliberately kill targets that may not pose an immediate threat to him. It is much easier to kill in self-defense or in the defense of others than it is to kill without apparent provocation. The sniper must not be susceptible to emotions such as anxiety or remorse. Candidates whose motivation toward sniper training rests mainly in the desire for prestige may not be capable of the cold rationality that the sniper's job requires.
(2) Field craft. The sniper must be familiar with and comfortable in a field environment. An extensive background in the outdoors and knowledge of natural occurrences in the outdoors will assist the sniper in many of his tasks. Individuals with such a background will often have great potential as a sniper.
c. Commander involvement in personnel selection is critical. To ensure his candidate's successful completion of sniper training and contribution of his talents to his unit's mission, the commander ensures that the sniper candidate meets the following prerequisites before attending the US Army Sniper School:
Each member of the sniper team has specific responsibilities. Only through repeated practice can the team begin to function properly. Responsibilities of team members areas follows:
a. The sniper—
b. The observer—
A sniper team must be able to move and survive in a combat environment. The sniper team's mission is to deliver precision fire. This calls for a coordinated team effort. Together, the sniper and observer—
This chapter describes the equipment necessary for the sniper to effectively perform his mission. The sniper carries only what is essential to successfully complete his mission. He requires a durable rifle with the capability of long-range precision fire. The current US Army sniper weapon system is the M24. (See Appendix B for the M21 sniper weapon system.)
The M24 sniper weapon system is a 7.62-mm, bolt-action, six-shot repeating rifle (one round in the chamber and five rounds in the magazine). It is designed for use with either the M3A telescope (day optic sight) (usually called the M3A scope) or the metallic iron sights. The sniper must know the M24's components, and the procedures required to operate them (Figure 2-1, page 2-2). The deployment kit is a repair/maintenance kit with tools and repair parts for the operator to perform operator level maintenance (Figure 2-2, page 2-3.)
Figure 2-1. M24 sniper weapon system.
Figure 2-2. The deployment kit.
Figure 2-2. The deployment kit (continued).
To operate the M24 sniper weapon system, the sniper must know the information and instructions pertaining to the safety, bolt assembly, trigger assembly, and stock adjustment.
a. Safety. The safely is located on the right rear side of the receiver. When properly engaged, the safety provides protection against accidental discharge in normal usage.
(1)To engage the safety, place it in the S" position (Figure 2-3).
(2) Always place the safety in the "S position before handling, loading, or unloading the weapon.
(3) When the weapon is ready to be fired, place the safety in the "F" position (Figure 2-3).
Figure 2-3. Safety.
b. Bolt Assembly. The bolt assembly locks the cartridge into the chamber and extracts the cartridge from the chamber.
(1) To remove the bolt from the receiver, release the internal magazine, place the safety in the "S" position, raise the bolt handle, and pull it back until it stops. Then push the bolt stop release (Figure 2-4) and pull the bolt from the receiver.
Figure 2-4. Bolt stop release.
(2) To replace the bolt, ensure the safety is in the "S" position, align the lugs on the bolt assembly with the receiver (Figure 2-5), slide the bolt all the way into the receiver, and then push the bolt handle down.
Figure 2-5. Bolt alignment.
c. Trigger Assembly. Pulling the trigger fires the rifle when the safety is in the F" position. The operator may adjust the trigger pull force from a minimum of 2 pounds to a maximum or 8 pounds. This is done using the 1/16-inch socket head screw key provided in the deployment kit. Turning the trigger adjustment screw (Figure 2-6) clockwise increases the force needed to pull the trigger. Turning it counterclockwise decreases the force needed. This is the only trigger adjustment the sniper should make.
Figure 2-6. Trigger adjustment.
d. Stock Adjustment. The M24's stock has an adjustable butt plate to accommodate the length of pull. The stock adjustment (Figure 2-7) consists of a thin wheel and a thick wheel. The thick wheel adjusts the shoulder stock. The thin wheel locks the shoulder stock.
Figure 2-7. Stock adjustment.
(1) Turn the thick wheel clockwise to lengthen the stock.
(2) Turn the thick wheel counterclockwise to shorten the stock
(3) To lock the shoulder stock into position, turn the thin wheel clockwise against the thick wheel.
(4) To unlock the shoulder stock, turn the thin wheel counterclockwise away from the thick wheel.
e. Sling Adjustment The sling helps hold the weapon steady without muscular effort. The more the muscles are used the harder it is to hold the weapon steady. The sling tends to bind the parts of the body used in aiming into a rigid bone brace, requiring less effort than would be necessary if no sling were used. When properly adjusted, the sling permits part of the recoil of the rifle to reabsorbed by the nonfiring arm and hand, removing recoil from the firing shoulder.
(1) The sling consists of two different lengths of leather straps joined together by a metal D ring (Figure 2-8). The longer strap is connected to the sling swivel on the rear stud on the forearm of the rifle. The shorter strap is attached to the sling swivel on the buttstock of the rifle. There are two leather loops on the long strap known as keepers. The keepers are used to adjust the tension on the sling. The frogs are hooks that are used to adjust the length of the sling.
Figure 2-8. Leather Sling.
(2) To adjust the sling, the sniper disconnects the sling from the buttstock swivel. Then, he adjusts the length of the metal D ring that joins the two halves of the sling. He then makes sure it is even with the comb of the stock when attaching the sling to the front swivel (Figure 2-9).
Figure 2-9. Sling adjustment.
(3) The sniper adjusts the length of the sling by placing the frog on the long strap of the sling in the 4th to the 7th set of adjustment holes on the rounded end of the long strap that goes through the sling swivel on the forearm (Figure 2-10).
Figure 2-10. Adjusting the length of the sling.
(4) After adjusting the length, the sniper places the weapon on his firing hip and supports the weapon with his firing arm. The sniper turns the sling away from him 90 degrees and inserts his nonfiring arm.
(5) The sniper slides the loop m the large section of the sling up the nonfiring arm until it is just below the armpit (Figure 2-11). He then slides both leather keepers down the sling until they bind the loop snugly round the nonfiring arm.
Figure 2-11. Placing the sling around the nonfiring arm.
(6) The sniper moves his nonfiring hand from the outside of the sling to the inside of the sling between the rifle and the sling. The sniper then grasps the forearm of the weapon, just behind the sling swivel with his nonfiring hand. He forces it outward and away from his body with the nonfiring hand (Figure 2-12).
Figure 2-12. Proper placement of the sling.
(7) The sniper pulls the butt of the weapon into the pocket of his shoulder with the firing hand. He then grasps the weapon at the small of the stock and begins the aiming process.
The sniper performs PMCS on the M24 SWS. Deficiencies that cannot be repaired by the sniper requires manufacturer repair. He must refer to TM 9-1005-306-10 that is furnished with each weapon system. The sniper must know this technical manual. He should cheek the following areas when inspecting the M24:
a. Check the appearance and completeness of all parts.
b. Check the bolt to ensure it locks, unlocks, and moves smoothly.
c. Check the safety to ensure it can be positively placed into the "S" and "F" positions easily without being too hard or moving too freely.
d. Check the trigger to ensure the weapon will not fire when the safety is in the "S" position, and that it has a smooth, crisp trigger pull when the safety is in the "F" position.
e. Check the trigger guard screws (rear of trigger guard and front of internal magazine) for proper torque (65 inch-pounds).
f. Check the scope mounting ring nuts for proper torque (65 inch-pounds).
g. Check the stock for any cracks, splits, or any contact it may have with the barrel.
h. Inspect the scope for obstructions such as dirt, dust, moisture, or loose or damaged lenses.
Maintenance is any measure taken to keep the M24 SWS in top operating condition. It includes inspection, repair, cleaning and lubrication-Inspection reveals the need for repair, cleaning, or lubrication. It also reveals any damages or defects. When sheltered in garrison and infrequently used, the M24 SWS must be inspected often to detect dirt, moisture, and signs of corrosion, and it must be cleaned accordingly. The M24 SWS that is in use and subject to the elements, however, requires no inspection for cleanliness, since the fact of its use and exposure is evidence that it requires repeated cleaning and lubrication.
a. M24 SWS Maintenance. The following materials are required for cleaning and maintaining the M24 SWS:
One-piece plastic-coated .30 caliber cleaning rod with jag (36 inches).
b. M24 SWS Disassembly. The M24 SWS will be disassembled only when necessary, not for daily cleaning. For example, when removing an obstruction from the SWS that is stuck between the stock and the barrel. When disassembly is required, the recommended procedure is as follows:
c. M24 SWS Cleaning Procedures. The M24 SWS must always be cleaned before and after firing.
(1) The SWS must always be cleaned before firing. Firing a weapon with a dirty bore or chamber will multiply and speed up any corrosive action. Oil in the bore and chamber of a SWS will cause pressures to vary and first-round accuracy will suffer. Clean and dry the bore and chamber before departure on a mission and use extreme care to keep the SWS clean and dry en route to the objective area. Firing a SWS with oil or moisture in the bore will cause smoke that can disclose the firing position.
(2) The SWS must be cleaned after firing since firing produces deposits of primer fouling, powder ashes, carbon, and metal fouling. Although ammunition has a noncorrosive primer that makes cleaning easier, the primer residue can still cause rust if not removed. Firing leaves two major types of fouling that require different solvents to remove carbon fouling and copper jacket fouling. The SWS must be cleaned within a reasonable time after firing. Use common sense when cleaning between rounds of firing. Repeated firing will not injure the weapon if it is properly cleaned before the first round is fired.
(3) Lay the SWS on a table or other flat surface with the muzzle away from the body and the sling down. Make sure not to strike the muzzle or telescopic sight on the table. The cleaning cradle is ideal for holding the SWS.
(4) Always clean the bore from the chamber toward the muzzle, attempting to keep the muzzle lower than the chamber to prevent the bore cleaner from running into the receiver or firing mechanism. Be careful not to get any type of fluid between the stock and receiver. If fluid does collect between the stock and receiver, the receiver will slide on the bedding every time the SWS recoils, thereby decreasing accuracy and increasing wear and tear on the receiver and bedding material.
(5) Always use a bore guide to keep the cleaning rod centered in the bore during the cleaning process.
(6) Push several patches saturated with carbon cleaner through the barrel to loosen the powder fouling and begin the solvent action on the copper jacket fouling.
(7) Saturate the bronze bristle brush (NEVER USE STAINLESS STEEL BORE BRUSHES-THEY WILL SCRATCH THE BARREL) with carbon cleaner (shake the bottle regularly to keep the ingredients mixed) using the medicine dropper to prevent contamination of the carbon cleaner. Run the bore brush through at least 20 times. Make sure the bore brush passes completely through the barrel before reversing its direction; otherwise, the bristles will break off.
(8) Use a pistol cleaning rod and a .45 caliber bronze bristle bore brush, clean the chamber by rotating the patch-wrapped brush 8 to 10 times. DO NOT scrub the brush in and out or the chamber.
(9) Push several patches saturated with carbon cleaner through the bore to push out the loosened powder fouling.
(10) Continue using the bore brush and patches with carbon cleaner until the patches have no traces of black/gray powder fouling and are green/blue. This indicates that the powder fouling has been removed and only copper fouling remains. Remove the carbon cleaner from the barrel with several clean patches. This is important since solvents should never be mixed in the barrel.
(11) Push several patches saturated with copper cleaner through the bore, using a scrubbing motion to work the solvent into the copper. Let the solvent work for 10 to 15 minutes (NEVER LEAVE THE COPPER CLEANER IN THE BARREL FOR MORE THAN 30 MINUTES).
(12) While waiting, scrub the bolt with the toothbrush moistened with carbon cleaner and wipe down the remainder of the weapon with a cloth.
(13) Push several patches saturated with copper cleaner through the barrel. The patches will appear dark blue at first, indicating the amount of copper fouling removed. Continue this process until the saturated patches have no traces of blue/green. If the patches continue to come out dark blue after several treatments with copper cleaner, use the bronze brush saturated with copper cleaner to increase the scrubbing action. Be sure to clean the bronze brush thoroughly afterwards with hot running water (quick scrub cleaner/degreaser is preferred) as the copper cleaner acts upon its bristles as well.
(14) When the barrel is clean, dry it with several tight fitting patches. Also, dry the chamber using the .45 caliber bronze bristle bore brush with a patch wrapped around it.
(15) Run a patch saturated with rust prevention (not CLP) down the barrel and chamber if the weapon is to be stored for any length of time. Stainless steel barrels are not immune from corrosion. Be sure to remove the preservative by running dry patches through the bore and chamber before firing.
(16) Place a small amount of rifle grease on the rear surfaces of the bolt lugs. This will prevent galling of the metal surfaces.
(17) Wipe down the exterior of the weapon (if it is not covered with camouflage paint) with a CLP-saturated cloth to protect it during storage.
d. Barrel Break-in Procedure. To increase barrel life, accuracy, and reduce cleaning requirement the following barrel break-in procedure must be used. This procedure is best accomplished when the dWS is new or newly rebarreled. The break-in period is accomplished by polishing the barrel surface under heat and pressure. This procedure should only be done by qualified personnel. The barrel must be cleaned of all fouling, both powder and copper. The barrel is dried, and one round is fired. The barrel is then cleaned again using carbon cleaner and then copper cleaner. The barrel must be cleaned again, and another round is fired. The procedure must be repeated for a total of 10 rounds. After the 10th round the SWS is then tested for groups by firing three-round shot groups, with a complete barrel cleaning between shot groups for a total of five shot groups (15 rounds total).
The barrel is now broken in, and will provide superior accuracy and a longer usable barrel life. Additionally, the barrel will be easier to clean because the surface is smoother. Again the barrel should be cleaned at least every 50 rounds to increase the barrel life.
e. Storage. The M24 SWS should be stored (Figure 2-13) using the following procedures:
Figure 2-13. Maintenance for storing or using.
NOTE: Rod clean swabs through the bore before firing. This procedure ensures first-round accuracy and reduces the signature.
f. Cold Climates. In temperatures below freezing, the SWS must be kept free of moisture and heavy oil, both of which will freeze, causing the working parts to freeze or operate sluggishly. The SWS should be stored in a room with the temperature equal to the outside temperature. When the SWS is taken into a warm area, condensation occurs, thus requiring a thorough cleaning and drying before taking it into the cold. Otherwise, the condensation causes icing on exposed metal parts and optics. The firing pin should be disassembled and cleaned thoroughly with a decreasing agent. It should then be lubricated with CLP. Rifle grease hardens and causes the firing pin to fall sluggishly.
g. Salt Water Exposure. Saltwater and saltwater atmosphere have extreme and rapid corrosive effects on the metal parts of the SWS. During periods of exposure, the SWS must be checked and cleaned as often as possible, even if it means only lubricating the SWS. The SWS should always be well lubricated, including the bore, except when actually firing. Before firing, always run a dry patch through the bore, if possible.
h. Jungle Operations (High Humidity). In hot and humid temperatures, keep the SWS lubricated and cased when not in use. Protect the SWS from rain and moisture whenever possible. Keep ammunition clean and dry. Clean the SWS, the bore, and the chamber daily. Keep the caps on the telescope when not in use. If moisture or fungus develops on the inside of the telescope, replace it. Clean and dry the stock daily. Dry the carrying case and SWS in the sun whenever possible.
i. Desert Operations. Keep the SWS dry and free of CLP and grease except on the rear of the bolt lugs. Keep the SWS free of sand by using the carrying sleeve or carrying case when not in use. Protect the SWS by using a wrap. Slide the wrap between the stock and barrel, then cross over on top of the scope. Next, cross under the SWS (over the magazine) and secure it. The SWS can still be placed into immediate operation but all critical parts are covered. The sealed hard case is preferred in the desert if the situation permits. Keep the telescope protected from the direct rays of the sun. Keep ammunition clean and protected from the direct rays of the sun. Use a toothbrush to remove sand from the bolt and receiver. Clean the bore and chamber daily. Protect the muzzle and receiver from blowing sand by covering with a clean cloth. To protect the free-floating barrel of the SWS, take an 8- or 9-inch strip of cloth and tie a knot in each end. Before going on a mission, slide the cloth between the barrel and stock all the way to the receiver and leave it there. When in position, slide the cloth out, taking all restrictive debris and sand with it.
Occasionally, the weapon requires disassembly however, this should be done only when absolutely necessary, not for daily maintenance. An example of this would be to remove an obstruction that is stuck between the forestock and the barrel. When disassembly is required, the recommended procedure is as follows:
a. Point the rifle in a safe direction.
b. Put the safety in the "S" position.
c. Remove the bolt assembly.
d. Use the 1/2-inch combination wrench, loosen the front and rear mounting ring nuts (Figure 2-14) on the scope, and remove the scope.
Figure 2-14. Mounting ring nuts.
e. Loosen the front and rear trigger guard screws (Figure 2-15).
Figure 2-15. Trigger guard screws.
f. Lift the stock assembly from the barrel assembly (Figure 2-16).
g. Reassemble in reverse order.
Figure 2-16. Disassembled weapon.
Before loading, the sniper should ensure that the M24 SWS is on SAFE, and the bolt is in a forward position. Before unloading, he should ensure the M24 SWS is on SAFE, and the bolt is toward the rear.
a. Loading. The M24 has an internal, five-round capacity magazine. To load the rifle—
(1) Point the weapon in a safe direction.
(2) Ensure the safety is in the "S" position.
(3) Raise the bolt handle. Then pull the bolt handle all the way back.
(4) Push five cartridges of 7.62-mm special ball ammunition one at a time through the ejection port into the magazine. Ensure the bullet end of the cartridges is aligned toward the chamber.
(5) To ensure proper functioning, cartridges should be set fully rearward in the magazine.
(6) Use a finger to push the cartridges into the magazine and all the way down. Slowly slide the bolt forward so that the bolt slides over the top of the cartridges in the magazine.
(7) Push the bolt handle down. The magazine is now loaded.
(8) To chamber a cartridge, raise the bolt and pull it back until it stops.
(9) Push the bolt forward. The bolt removes a cartridge from the magazine and pushes it into the chamber.
(10) Push the bolt handle down.
(11) To fire, place the safety in the "F" position and squeeze the trigger.
b. Unloading. To unload the M24 SWS-
(1) Point the muzzle in a safe direction.
(2) Ensure the safety is in the "S" position.
(3) Raise the bolt handle.
(4) Put one hand over the top ejection port. Slowly pull the bolt handle back with the other hand to remove the cartridge from the chamber.
(5) Remove the cartridge from the rifle.
(6) Put a hand under the floor plate.
(7) Push the floor plate latch to release the floor plate (Figure 2-17, page 2-18). The magazine spring and follower will be released from the magazine.
(8) Remove the released cartridges.
(9) Push in the magazine follower, then close the floor plate.
Figure 2-17. Floor plate latch.
The M24 SWS should be stored as follows:
a. Hang the weapon in an upside down position by the rear sling swivel.
b. Close the bolt and squeeze the trigger.
c. Open the lens caps to prevent gathering of moisture.
d. Place all other items in the system case.
e. Protect the weapon at all times during tactical movement. (See Chapter 4.)
The sniper uses the 7.62-mm special ball (M118) ammunition with the sniper weapon system. The sniper must rezero the weapon each time he fires a different type or lot of ammunition. This information should be maintained in the sniper data book.
The types and characteristics of sniper ammunition are described in this paragraph.
a. M118 Special Ball Bullet. The 7.62-mm special ball (M118) bullet consists of a gilding metal jacket and a lead antimony slug. It is a boat-tailed bullet (rear of bullet is tapered) and weighs 173 grains. The tip of the bullet is not colored. The base of the cartridge is stamped with the year of manufacture and a circle that has vertical and horizontal lines, sectioning it into quarters. Its spread (accuracy standard) for a 10-shot group is no more than 12 inches at 550 meters (fired from an accuracy barrel in a test cradle).
b. M82 Blank Ammunition. The 7.62-mm M82 blank ammunition is used during sniper field training. It provides the muzzle blast and flash that can be detected by trainers during the exercises that evaluate the sniper's ability to conceal himself while firing his weapon.
NOTE: Regular 7.62-mm ball ammunition should be used only in an emergency situation. No damage will occur to the barrel when firing regular 7.62-mm ball ammunition. The M3A scope's bullet drop compensator is designed for M118 special ball, and there will be a significant change in zero. Therefore the rifle will not be as accurate when firing regular 7.62-mm ball ammunition. The 7.62-mm ball ammunition should be test fired and the ballistic data recorded in the data book.
The sniper maintains a log of the number of cartridge fired through the M24 SWS. It is imperative to accurately maintain the round-count book as the barrel should be replaced after 5,000 rounds of firing. The round-count book is issued and maintained in the arms room.
Table 2-1 does not reflect all malfunctions that can occur, or all causes and corrective actions. If a malfunction is not correctable, the complete weapon system must be turned in to the proper maintenance/supply channel for return to the contractor (see shipment, TM 9-1005-306-10).
Table 2-1. M24 malfunctions and corrections.
Table 2-1. M24 malfunctions and corrections (continued).
The sniper has two sighting devices: the M3A scope and iron sights. The M3A scope allows the sniper to see the cross hairs and the image of the target with identical sharpness. It can be easily removed and replaced with less than 1/2 minute of angle change in zero. However, the M3A scope should be left on the rifle. Iron sights are used only as a backup sighting system and can be quickly installed.
The M3A scope is an optical instrument that the sniper uses to improve his ability to see his target clearly in most situations. Usually, the M3A scope presents the target at an increased size (as governed by scope magnification), relative to the same target at the same distance without a scope. The M3A scope helps the sniper to identify recognize the target. His increased sighting ability also helps him to successfully engage the target.
NOTE: The adjustment dials are under the adjustment dust cover.
a. M3A Scope Adjustments. The sniper must use the following adjustment procedures on the M3A scope:
(1) Focus adjustment dial. The focus adjustment dial (Figure 2-18) is on the left side of the scope barrel. This dial has limiting stops with the two extreme positions shown by the infinity mark and the largest dot. The focus adjustment dial keeps the target in focus. If the target is close, the dial is set at a position near the largest dot.
NOTE: Each minute of angle is an angular unit of measure.
(2) Elevation adjustment dial. The elevation adjustment dial (Figure 2-18) is on top of the scope barrel. This dial has calibrated index markings from 1 to 10. These markings represent the elevation setting adjustments needed at varying distances: 1 = 100 meters, 3 = 300 meters, 7 = 700 meters, and so on. Each click of the elevation dial equals 1 minute of angle.
(3) Windage adjustment dial. The windage adjustment dial (Figure 2-18) is on the right side of the scope barrel. This dial is used to make lateral adjustments to the scope. Turning the dial in the indicated direction moves the point of impact in that direction. Each click on the windage dial equals .5 minute or angle.
Figure 2-18. Focus, elevation, and windage adjustment dials.
(4) Eyepiece adjustment. The eyepiece (Figure 2-19) is adjusted by turning it in or out of the barrel until the reticle appears crisp and clear. Focusing the eyepiece should be done after mounting the scope. The sniper grasps the eyepiece and backs it away from the lock ring. He does not attempt to loosen the lock ring first; it loosens automatically when he backs away from the eyepiece (no tools needed). The eyepiece is turned several turns to move it at least 1/8 inch. It takes this much change to achieve any measurable effect on the focus. The sniper looks through the scope at the sky or a blank wall and checks to see if the reticle appears sharp and crisp. He locks the lock ring after achieving reticle clarity.
Figure 2-19. Eyepiece adjustment.
b. M3A Scope Mount. The M3A scope mount has a baseplate with four screws; a pair of scope rings with eight ring screws, each with an upper and lower ring half with eight ring screws and two ring mounting bolts with nuts (Figure 2-20). The baseplate is mounted to the rifle by screwing the four baseplate screws through the plate and into the top of the receiver. The screws must not protrude into the receiver and interrupt the functioning of the bolt. After the baseplate is mounted, the scope rings are mounted.
NOTE: The M3A scope has two sets of mounting slots. The sniper selects the set of slots that provides proper eye relief (the distance that the eye is positioned behind the telescopic sight). The average distance is 2 to 3 inches. The sniper adjusts eye relief to obtain a full field of view.
Figure 2-20. Scope mount.
(1) Before mounting the M3A scope, lubricate the threads of each mounting ring nut.
(2) Ensure smooth movement of each mounting ring nut and mount claw.
(3) Inspect for burrs and foreign matter between each mounting ring nut and mount claw. Remove burrs or foreign matter before mounting.
(4) Mount the sight and rings to the base.
NOTE: Once a set of slots is chosen, the same set should always be used in order for the SWS to retain zero.
(5) Ensure the mounting surface is free of dirt, oil, or grease.
(6) Set each ring bolt spline into the selected slot.
(7) Slide the rear mount claw against the base and finger-tighten the mounting ring nut.
(8) If the scope needs to be adjusted loosen the mounting ring nuts and align the ring bolts with the other set of slots on the base Repeat this process.
(9) Slide the front mount claw against the base, and finger-tighten the mounting ring nut.
(10) Use the T-handle torque wrench, which is preset to 65inch-pounds, to tighten the rear mounting ring nut.
c. Care and Maintenance of the M3A Scope. Dirt, rough handling, or abuse of optical equipment will result in inaccuracy and malfunction. When not in use, the rifle and scope should be cased, and the lens should be capped.
(1) Lens. The lens are coated with a special magnesium fluoride reflection-reducing material. This coat is thin and great care is required to prevent damage to it.
(a) To remove dust, lint, or other foreign matter from the lens, lightly brush the lens with a clean camel's-hair brush.
(b) To remove oil or grease from the optical surfaces, apply a drop of lens cleaning fluid or robbing alcohol on a lens tissue. Carefully wipe off the surface of the lens in circular motions (from the center to the outside edge). Dry off the lens with a clean lens tissue. In the field, if the proper supplies are not available, breathe heavily on the glass and wipe with a soft, clean cloth.
(2) Scope. The scope is a delicate instrument and must be handled with care. The following precautions will prevent damage
(a) Check and tighten all mounting screws periodically and always before an operation. Be careful not to change the coarse windage adjustment.
(b) Keep the lens free from oil and grease and never touch them with the fingers. Body grease and perspiration can injure them. Keep the cap on the lens.
(c) Do not force the elevation and windage screws or knobs.
(d) Do not allow the scope to remain in direct sunlight, and avoid letting the sun's rays shine through the lens. The lens magnify and concentrate sunlight into a pinpoint of intense heat, which is focused on the mil-scale reticle. This may melt the mil dots and damage the scope internally. Keep the lens covered and the entire scope covered when not in use.
(e) Avoid dropping the scope or striking it with another object. This could permanently damage the telescope as well as change the zero.
(f) To avoid damage to the scope or any other piece of sniper equipment, snipers or armorers should be the only personnel handling the equipment. Anyone who does not know how to use this equipment could cause damage.
(3) Climate conditions. Climate conditions play an important part in taking care of optical equipment.
(a) Cold climates