Fast Arrow Speaks

The Forgotten Ones

Diana Dörr

About the Author and Fast Arrow

Diana Dörr is an alternative practitioner and Trance Medium with many years of her own practice in Bad Homburg (Germany). In 2011 she published her first novel „Der Steg nach Tatarka“ at Paracelsus Verlag in Salzburg/ Austria. In her books, the author combines her connection with nature with her professional interests, the healing of people and Mother Earth.

The book "Fast Arrow Speaks" was developed during her Home Circle in trance control. It repeats the messages of her spirit guides concerning the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The spokesman for this spirit guide group is the North American Indian "Fast Arrow", who is also the author's Spirit Control. He also works in trance control through the author in her healing practice and in her mediumship circles.

You can find out more about the author here:

Other books by the author:

Der Steg nach Tatarka

Aurora in geheimer Mission

Erdheilung kinderleicht gemacht

Aurora und der Wächter des Wassers

Auroras Heilquellenführer

Fast Arrow Speaks

The Forgotten Ones

Diana Dörr



About Fast Arrow and the Forgotten Ones

How it Began

The Forgotten Ones Speak

Reports of the Participants of this Circle

Find Your Truth

Observations of the Participants

The Space Between

Colors and Vibrations

Reports of the Participants.

Balloon of Wishes

Find Your Roots

Spread Your Wings

The Message of the Virus

Report of a Participant about the Past Circles

The Circle of Life

Perceptions in the Circle Room

Be What You Are

The Weather is out of Control

Live Your Vision

Report of a Participant about the Past Circles



My first contact with other worlds was during a near-death experience in a car accident more than 20 years ago. Since then I have realized that there is more than what we can perceive with our normal senses, and that life is not over with death. It was then that for the first time I was able to see my guardian angel, who brought me back to this Earth plane. I believe he is still part of my spirit guide team.

This was followed by more touching experiences with the spiritual world, which I recorded in my first book “Der Steg nach Tatarka”.

During the time in which I wrote the novel „Der Steg nach Tatarka“ and experienced what is described in it myself, I also had first experiences in automatic writing and further encounters with the spiritual world. But I did not trust myself and the spiritual world for a long time and did not know how to deal with these gifts.

In 2008, during a trip to Hawaii, I was unexpectedly told by a medium and Kahuna that I was also a full trance medium and had a job to do with this.

At this time, however, I did not understand what this meant, and how I could train and use this ability.

Without my being aware of it at the time, this ability first flowed into my shamanic work, my Earth healing books and Earth healing circles.

For many years I attended various advanced training courses for mediums from Germany, England and the USA in order not only to develop my medium skills, but also to understand them. The so-called mental mediumship to get in touch with the deceased I learned during this time was not what I was looking for and put too much pressure on me. Parallel to this training, I sat in closed and open development circles in silence for many years, at least one hour a week, often in two circles a week. This was my greatest apprenticeship and brought me to a point in my medium development where I became aware of what it meant to be a trance medium and what the word trance really meant. Trance mediumship cannot be learned in a weekend course, and trance control is hardly known in Germany. It has nothing to do with „channeling“. During this development circle I knew intuitively that I would no longer get any further in my development alone, and that I needed good teachers for my development.

During the Covid-19 pandemic I used the quiet lockdown time to continue my education in trance control, and today I see it as a lucky coincidence for my medium path.

It was especially through Steven Upton, a teacher of The Spiritualists’ National Union, that I became aware that I am a trance control medium and learned how to deepen this skill further. On his advice, I founded a Home Circle in autumn 2020 and found people who were willing to sit as sitters for me.

Many of the following messages and the healing energies that were transmitted were intended for these participants. But the messages affect far more people during this time as I quickly realized.

At the request of many of the participants in the Home Circle I have now put the messages of my spirit guides together on paper, as not so many participants were possible due to the Covid-19 pandemic distance rules, and I had to refuse many sitters. In this way I would like to make the messages of the spirits, who call themselves the “Forgotten Ones”, accessible to even more people. May the words of the “Forgotten Ones“ touch many hearts and help them get through these special times.

My spirit guides, teachers and philosophers certainly had a good reason to speak English in this Home Circle, so I have decided to leave these messages as they are and to publish the original in English.

As a result, the words of the „Forgotten Ones“ can not only reach more people, but will also pass on the original vibration of the words, which feels very different from the translation. Nevertheless, I surely will translate the words of my spirit guides into German for another book.

About Fast Arrow and the Forgotten Ones

This book represents the messages of my Home Circle during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.

A trance control medium has several guides or teachers who speak or heal through him. These spirit guides come in groups, but the medium normally does not recognize all of them, because that would hinder the work of the medium in a trance. There is usually one speaker in every group who gives the messages of the whole spirit group.

My spirit guide team supports me in my work as a healing medium, and as a trance speaker, but also with Earth healing. I assume they also inspire me when I write books.

I perceive these energies of my spirit helper team during a session as a group in the form of warmth, changes in my body, or through the messages I receive. My sitters can see the different guides during my trance.

In this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, there were especially Native Americans, philosophers, and/ or healers on my side to share their wisdom and healing power.

My Indian spirit guide team calls itself a clan. The members of this clan once lived on this Earth when everything was still in harmony and peace. They love Mother Earth and take notice of what people in our generation do to her.

The Forgotten Ones want to help us on our way through these rough times, but they also want to help Mother Earth to protect our nature and environment and to make this Earth a better place. To find a way back to more harmony, empathy and humanity.

In my Wednesday Home Circle two Indians introduced themselves by name. They were new guides for me, or I first noticed them for the first time consciously in a trance. The first one was “Fast Arrow“. He was an American Indian with a feather headdress. I guess I saw him before in my shamanic work, but not so clearly as in my first trance sitting. Fast Arrow painted an Indian arrow with my left hand during my trance speaking audibly to show clearly what he wanted to communicate. This was in body trance control with the hand I never write or paint.

The next spirit guide to show up was also a North American Indian. He called himself “White Feather“. This was very touching for me, as I had some special experiences with white feathers in my life, and for me these were always messages of my deficiency in protection. But maybe it was already a sign and greeting from my guide White Feather.

I had a special feather experience about 15 years ago during a hike in the Taunus mountains in Germany. I was walking in a valley at the edge of the forest when suddenly and quickly a heavy storm came up. I knew that the way along the forest to the car was too far, and that I couldn’t get there in time.

I continued my way in the direction of the parking lot, which led to fenced allotments, which were as deserted as the hiking trail. Suddenly a little white feather was floating in front of me. It did not float to the ground, but flew on and on in front of me, the way I went. Then suddenly this feather landed very gently on the trail. This made me look around, because to me it was a sign from my angels. And so I found that the feather had landed right in front of a garden gate with a sign attached. This sign said that this was a private path into the village that you could walk at your own risk. So I was able to walk straight through these allotments and get to the car without any detours. The moment I got into the car, the storm started with lightning and thunder, and heavy rain poured onto the valley and the car.

I got goose pimples and was immensely grateful to my spiritual support team for showing me this shortcut.

Further experiences followed with white feathers.

There were also touching feather experiences during the first time of the Wednesday Home Circle. In the early days of the Home Circle feathers showed up or sometimes even materialized in different places. The first quill was suddenly in my waiting room under a participant’s chair. A short time later she informed me that she could not attend the meeting that evening. At that time she was very grieved personally and only a few days later wrote to me that a feather had appeared in her house as if out of nowhere. She found this feather in a room that was locked all week.

Our guides do not always show us so clearly that they are around, supporting and inspiring us. I am all the more grateful to my spiritual team that they have made themselves visible so often in my life, even in human form, so that I could not ignore them. They opened my eyes so often to other realities.

I understood that it is now up to me to do something for these guides and carry their messages out into the world on this path. May these words, received in trance control, touch many human hearts and open them to our Mother Earth.

I wish that one day humanity will once again live in harmony and peace with the Earth and with one another, as it was everyday life for the Fast Arrow Clan. Let us be inspired by their words and let us thus be carried through the storms of our time.