About the Book
What is the difference between cant and jargon, or assume and presume? What is a fandango? What’s the new name for Calcutta? How do you spell supersede? Boutros Boutros-Ghali? Is it hippy or hippie?
These questions really matter to Bill Bryson, ever since his days as a rookie subeditor on The Times back in the 1970s; and they matter to anyone who cares about the English language. Originally published as The Penguin Dictionary for Writers and Editors, Bryson’s Dictionary for Writers and Editors has now been completely revised and updated for the twenty-first century by Bill Bryson himself.
Here is a very personal selection of spellings and usages, covering such head-scratchers as capitalization, plurals, abbreviations and foreign names and phrases. Bryson also gives us the difference between British and American usages, and miscellaneous pieces of essential information you never knew you needed, like the names of all the Oxford colleges, or the new name for the Department of Trade and Industry – or the correct spelling of Brobdingnag.
An indispensable companion to all those who write, work with the written word, or just enjoy getting things right, it gives rulings that are both authoritative and commonsense, all in Bryson’s own inimitably good-humoured way.
About the Author
Bill Bryson’s acclaimed A Short History of Nearly Everything won the Aventis Prize for Science Books and the Descartes Science Communication Prize. He is much loved for his bestselling travel books, from The Lost Continent to Notes from a Small Island and Down Under, and he has also written books about language and Shakespeare. His latest bestsellers are a memoir, The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid, and At Home: A Short History of Private Life.
Also by Bill Bryson
The Lost Continent
Mother Tongue
Troublesome Words
Neither Here Nor There
Made in America
Notes from a Small Island
Notes from a Big Country
Down Under
African Diary
A Short History of Nearly Everything
The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid
Shakespeare (Eminent Lives Series)
At Home
61–63 Uxbridge Road, London W5 5SA
A Random House Group Company
A BLACK SWAN BOOK: 9780552773539
Version 1.0 Epub ISBN: 9781407094397
First published in Great Britain in 1991 by Viking, as
The Penguin Dictionary for Writers and Editors
This revised edition first published in 2008 by Doubleday
a division of Transworld Publishers
Black Swan edition published 2008
Copyright © Bill Bryson 1991, 1994, 2008
Bill Bryson has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.
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About the Book
Title Page
Words ending in –able and –ible
Major airports
Temperature conversion table
Distance conversion table
Metric prefixes
Monarchs of England
Main units of currency
About the Author
Also by Bill Bryson
This book is intended as a quick, concise guide to the problems of English spelling and usage most commonly encountered by writers and editors. How do you spell supersede and broccoli and accessible? Do I write archaeology or archeology? What’s the difference between a cardinal number and an ordinal number? Is it Capital Reef National Park or Capitol Reef National Park? What did Belize use to be called? Doesn’t Calcutta have a new name now? (It does – Kolkata.) What do we now call the Chinese river that I knew in my schooldays as the Hwang-Ho? In short, what are the answers to all those points of written usage that you kind of know or ought to know but can’t quite remember?
It is a personal collection, built up over thirty years as a writer and editor in two countries, and so inevitably – inescapably – it reflects my own interests, experiences and blind spots. You may not need, as I do, to be reminded that it is Anjelica Huston but Whitney Houston, or have occasion at any point in your life to write the name of the district of Sydney known gloriously and unimprovably as Woolloomooloo. But I very much hope that what follows is broad enough and general enough to be frequently useful to nearly everyone.
To keep it simple, I have freely resorted to certain short cuts. Pronunciations have been simplified. I have scorned the International Phonetic Alphabet, with its dogged reliance on symbols such as θ, i: and on the grounds that hardly anyone readily comprehends them and instead have attempted to convert tricky pronunciations into straightforward phonetic equivalents. Often these are intended as no more than rough guides – anyone who has ever heard the throat-clearing noise that is a Dutchman pronouncing ‘’s-Gravenhage’ (the formal name of The Hague) will realize what a feebly approximate thing my suggested version is – and I unhesitatingly apologize for any shortcomings in this respect. Where pronunciation guidance is given – for instance, for the Spanish poet Vicente Aleixandre – the stress mark (´) appears after the stressed syllable: ah-lay-hahn´-dray.
I have also been forced on occasion to be arbitrary over spelling. Dictionaries are sometimes remarkably out of step with the rest of the world on certain matters of usage and orthography – in this respect I can cite no better example than the Oxford English Dictionary’s interesting but lonely insistence that Shakespeare should be spelled Shakspere – but there is usually a rough consensus, which I have sought to follow, though I try always to note alternatives when they are freely accepted.
I have tried also to keep cross-references to a minimum. In my view one of the more grating irritants of research is to hunt through several pages looking for ‘Khayyám, Omar’ only to be told: ‘See Omar Khayyám’. So I have frequently put such information not only where it should be but also where a hurried reader might mistakenly look for it. The price for this is a certain repetition, for which I additionally apologize.
Some issues of style – whether you should write shopkeeper or shop-keeper, for instance – have been deliberately excluded. Such matters often are so overwhelmingly a question of preference, house style or fashion that my choices would be simply that: my choices. I would suggest that in such instances you should choose what seems most sensible, and strive to be consistent.
In the updating and typing of this new edition, I am hugely indebted to Meghan Bryson and Felicity Bryson Gould, respectively my daughter-in-law and daughter, for their unstinting and good-natured help. I am also much indebted to my editors Marianne Velmans and Deborah Adams for a thousand improvements to the text and countless errors caught. As always, my most special thanks to my dear wife, Cynthia, for her patience and support throughout.
a, an Errors involving the indefinite articles a and an are almost certainly more often a consequence of haste and carelessness than of ignorance. They are especially common when numbers are involved, as here: ‘Cox will contribute 10 per cent of the equity needed to build a £80 million cable system’ or ‘He was assisted initially by two officers from the sheriff’s department and a FBI agent.’ When the first letter of an abbreviation is pronounced as a vowel, as in ‘FBI’, the preceding article should be an, not a.
Aachen, Germany in French, Aix-la-Chapelle
Aalto, Alvar (1898–1976) Finnish architect and designer
Aarhus city in Denmark. In Danish, Århus
abacus, pl. abacuses
abaft towards the stern, or rear, of a ship
Abbas, Mahmoud (1935– ) President of Palestinian National Authority 2005–
Abbot’s Salford, Warwickshire
ABC American Broadcasting Companies (note plural), though the full title is no longer spelled out. It is now part of the Walt Disney Company. The television network is ABC-TV.
abdomen, but abdominal
Abdulaziz International Airport, King, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Aberdonian of or from Aberdeen
Aberfan coal-mining village in Mid-Glamorgan, scene of 1966 landslide in which 144 people died
Abergavenny, Gwent pronounced ab-er-guh-ven´-nee for the town, but ab-er-ghen´-nee for the Marquess of Abergavenny
aberrant departing from the normal standard; the noun is aberration
Aberystwyth, Ceredigion
Abidjan capital of Côte d’Ivoire
ab incunabulis (Lat.) from the cradle
abiogenesis the concept that living matter can arise from non-living matter; spontaneous generation
abjure solemnly renounce. See also ADJURE.
-able In adding this suffix to a verb, the general rule is to drop a silent e (livable, lovable) except after a soft g (manageable) or sibilant c (peaceable). When a verb ends with a consonant and a y (justify, indemnify) change the y to i before adding -able (justifiable, indemnifiable). Verbs ending in -ate drop that syllable before adding -able (appreciable, demonstrable).
-able/-ible There are no reliable rules for knowing when a word ends in -able and when in -ible; see the Appendix for a list of some of the more frequently confused spellings.
ab origine (Lat.) from the beginning
abrogate to abolish, do away with
Absalom in the Old Testament, third son of David
Absalom, Absalom! novel by William Faulkner (1936)
Absaroka Range, Rocky Mountains, North America
abseil to descend a rockface by means of a rope; the North American term is rappel
absinthe an aniseed-flavoured liqueur
absquatulate (mock Lat.) to depart in haste
Abu Dhabi capital city of and state in the United Arab Emirates
Abuja capital of Nigeria
Abu Simbel, Egypt site of temples built by Rameses II
abyss, abyssal, but abysmal
Abyssinia former name of Ethiopia
Académie française French literary society whose 40 members act as guardians of the French language; in English contexts, Française is usually capitalized
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences institution responsible for the Oscars
a cappella singing without instrumental accompaniment
Acapulco, Mexico officially, Acapulco de Juárez
ACAS Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (UK)
Accademia della Crusca Italian literary academy
acciaccatura grace note in music
accidentally, not -tly
accommodate very often misspelled: note -cc-, -mm-
accompanist, not -iest
accoutrement (US accouterment)
Accra capital of Ghana
Accrington, Lancashire
Acheson, Dean (1893–1971) American diplomat and politician, Secretary of State 1949–53
Achilles King of the Myrmidons, most famous of the Greek heroes of the Trojan War
Achilles heel, Achilles tendon
Achnashellach Station, Highland
acidulous, assiduous Acidulous means tart or acid; assiduous means diligent.
Acland, Sir Antony (1930– ) British diplomat
acolyte, not -ite
Aconcagua, Cerro mountain in the Andes in Argentina, highest peak (at 22,835 feet/6,960 metres) in the western hemisphere
Açores Portuguese spelling of Azores
acoustics As a science, the word is singular (‘Acoustics was his line of work’). As a collection of properties, it is plural (‘The acoustics in the auditorium were not good’).
acquiesce, acquiescence
acquit, acquittal, acquitted
acre a unit of land measuring 43,560 square feet, 4,840 square yards; equivalent to 4,047 square metres, 0.405 hectare
acronym is a word formed from the initial letter or letters of a group of words, as in NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization).
acrostic writing in which the first, and sometimes the last, letter of each line spells a word when read vertically; a type of word game based on the same principle
Actaeon in Greek mythology, a hunter who is turned into a stag by Artemis (the Roman Diana) after he spies her bathing
activity often a sign of prolixity, as here: ‘The warnings followed a week of earthquake activity throughout the region.’ Just make it ‘a week of earthquakes’.
acute, chronic These two are sometimes confused, which is a little odd as their meanings are sharply opposed. Chronic pertains to lingering conditions, ones that are not easily overcome. Acute refers to those that come to a sudden crisis and require immediate attention. People in the Third World may suffer from a chronic shortage of food. In a bad year, their plight may become acute.
AD anno domini (Lat.) ‘the year of the Lord’. AD should be written before the year (AD 25) but after the century (4th century AD) and is usually set in small caps. See also ANNO DOMINI and BC.
adage Even the most careful users of English frequently, but unnecessarily, refer to an ‘old adage’. An adage is by definition old.
adagio slowly; slow movement; pl. adagios
adapter, adaptor The first is one who adapts, e.g., a book for theatrical presentation; the second is the device for making appliances work abroad and so on.
Addams, Charles (1912–88) American cartoonist, long associated with the New Yorker
Addams, Jane (1860–1935) American social activist and reformer; Nobel Peace Prize 1931
Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge
addendum, pl. addenda
Addis Ababa capital of Ethiopia
adduceable capable of being proved
Adenauer, Konrad (1876–1967) West German Chancellor 1949–63
adenoid, adenoidal
ad hoc (Lat.) towards this, for a particular purpose
ad infinitum (Lat.) without limit, to infinity
Adirondack Mountains, US
adjure solemnly urge. See also ABJURE.
ad lib., ad libitum (Lat.) ‘at will’. Note full stop after lib. To adlib is to speak in public without preparing in advance.
ad loc., ad locum (Lat.) ‘at the place’. Note full stop after loc.
administer not administrate
Admiral’s Cup series of yachting races held every two years
admissible, but admittable
admit to is nearly always wrong. You admit a misdeed, you do not admit to it.
ad nauseam (Lat.) not -um; to the point of nausea
ado, without further a cliché; best avoided
adrenalin is the preferred spelling, but adrenaline is accepted.
advance planning is common but always redundant. All planning must be done in advance.
adverse, averse Averse means reluctant or disinclined (think of aversion). Adverse means hostile and antagonistic (think of adversary).
adviser, but advisory
advocaat a liqueur
Aeaea in Greek mythology, the island inhabited by Circe
Aegean Sea area of the Mediterranean between Greece, Turkey and Crete
Aegina town and island off the south-eastern coast of Greece
Aeneid epic poem by Virgil
Aeolian Islands group of islands off north-eastern Sicily; also called Lipari Islands
Aeolus Greek god of winds
aeon (US eon)
Aer Lingus Irish airline
Aerolíneas Argentinas
Aérospatiale French aviation company
aerosphere one of the lower levels of the atmosphere
Aeschylus (c. 525–c. 450 BC) Greek playwright
Aesculapius (Lat.)/Asclepius (Grk) Roman and Greek god of medicine
aesthetic is normally the preferred spelling, though esthetic is acceptable in the US.
Afars and Issas, French Territory of former name of Djibouti
affaire de coeur (Fr.) love affair
affaire d’honneur (Fr.) a duel
affect, effect As a verb, affect means to influence (‘Smoking may affect your health’) or to adopt a pose or manner (‘He affected ignorance’). Effect as a verb means to accomplish (‘The prisoners effected an escape’). As a noun, the word needed is almost always effect (as in ‘personal effects’ or ‘the damaging effects of war’). Affect as a noun has a narrow psychological meaning to do with emotional states (by way of which it is related to affection).
affenpinscher breed of dog
affettuoso in music, play with feeling
affinity denotes a mutual relationship. Strictly, one should not speak of someone or something having an affinity for another, but rather with or between.
affrettando in music, speeding up
affright Note -ff-.
aficionado, pl. aficionados
AFL-CIO American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations
à fond (Fr.) thoroughly
a fortiori (Lat.) with even stronger reason, all the more so
Afrikaans, Afrikaners The first is a language; the second a group of people.
Afwerki, Issaias (or Isaias) (1946– ) President of Eritrea 1993–
Ag argentum (Lat.) chemical symbol for silver
AG, Aktiengesellschaft (Ger.) roughly equivalent to Inc.
Agamemnon in Greek mythology, king of Argos and commander of the Greek army in the Trojan War; also the title of a play by Aeschylus, the first part of the Oresteia trilogy
Agassiz, (Jean) Louis (Rodolphe) (1807–73) Swiss-born American naturalist
à gauche (Fr.) to the left
agent provocateur, pl. agents provocateurs
aggravate, strictly, means to make a bad situation worse. If you walk on a broken leg, you may aggravate the injury. People can never be aggravated, only circumstances.
aggression, aggressiveness Aggression always denotes hostility. Aggressiveness can denote hostility or merely boldness.
Agincourt, Battle of (1415)
agoraphobia fear of open spaces
AGR advanced gas-cooled reactor, a type of nuclear power station
Agra, India site of Taj Mahal
Aguascalientes city and state in central Mexico
Aguilera, Christina (1980– ) American singer
Agusta, not Aug-; formally, Gruppo Agusta; Italian helicopter company
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud (1956– ) President of Iran 2005–
à huis clos (Fr.) behind closed doors
Ah, Wilderness! comedy by Eugene O’Neill (1933)
aid and abet A tautological gift from the legal profession. The two words together tell us nothing that either doesn’t say on its own. The only distinction is that abet is normally reserved for contexts involving criminal intent. Thus it would be careless to speak of a benefactor abetting the construction of a church or youth club.
aide-de-camp, pl. aides-de-camp
AIDS is not correctly described as a disease. It is a medical condition. The term is short for acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
aiguillette ornamental braid worn on the shoulder of a uniform
Ailesbury, Marquess of, but the town in Buckinghamshire is Aylesbury
Aintree, Merseyside site of the Grand National racecourse
Airbus Industrie European aircraft manufacturer, now called Airbus SAS; it is a subsidiary of EADS NV
Airedale (cap.) a breed of terrier, named after the valley in Yorkshire
Air France-KLM Franco-Dutch airline formed from merger of two national carriers in 2004
Air Line Pilots Association for the group that looks after the interests of American commercial pilots. BALPA performs the same function in the UK.
Airy, George Biddell (1801–92) English astronomer
Aix-en-Provence (hyphens), France
Aix-la-Chapelle (hyphens) French name for Aachen, Germany
Aix-les-Bains (hyphens), France
Ajaccio capital of Corsica and birthplace of Napoleon
AK postal abbr. of Alaska
AL postal abbr. of Alabama
à la The adjectival forms of proper nouns in French do not take capital letters after à la: à la française, à la russe, à la lyonnaise.
Alamein, El Egyptian village that gave its name to two battles of the Second World War
Alamogordo, New Mexico site of first atomic bomb explosion
Alanbrooke, Alan Francis Brooke, Viscount (1883–1963) British field marshal
A la recherche du temps perdu novel by Marcel Proust, published in English as Remembrance of Things Past
‘Alas! poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio,’ is the correct version of the quotation from Hamlet
Alaska Airlines, not Alaskan
Albigenses, Albigensians religious sect during 11th to 13th centuries, also known as Cathars
Albright, Madeleine (1937– ) Czech-born American diplomat and academic
albumen, albumin Albumen is the white of an egg; albumin is a protein within the albumen.
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Alcaeus (fl.c. 600 BC) Greek poet
Alcatraz island, former prison, in San Francisco Bay
Alcibiades (c. 450–404 BC) Athenian statesman and general
Alcock, Sir John William (1892–1919) British aviator who with Sir Arthur Whitten Brown (1886–1948) was the first to fly non-stop across the Atlantic (1919)
Alcott, Louisa May (1833–88) American writer
Aleixandre, Vicente (1898–1984) Spanish poet, awarded Nobel Prize for Literature 1977; pronounced ah-lay-hahn´-dray.
Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Alfa-Romeo for the Italian make of automobile
Al-Fatah Palestinian political organization. Drop Al- when it is preceded by an article (‘a Fatah spokesman’, ‘the Fatah organization’).
Alfredsson, Daniel (1972– ) Swedish ice hockey player
Alfredsson, Helen (1965– ) Swedish professional golfer
alfresco (one word)
algae is plural; a single organism is an alga.
Algonquin Hotel, New York; Algonquin Indians
Ali, Muhammad (1942– ) born Cassius Marcellus Clay; American heavyweight boxer, three times world champion
à l’italienne (Fr., no caps) ‘in the Italian style’
alkali, pl. alkalis, alkalies
al-Khwarizmi, Muhammad ibn-Musa (c. 780–850) Arab mathematician, often called the father of algebra
Allahabad city in Uttar Pradesh, India
allege, allegedly, allegation
Allegheny Mountains and Allegheny River, but Alleghany Corporation and Allegany for the town, county, Indian reservation and state park in New York. The plural of the mountains is Alleghenies. In short, there is huge variation in the spelling from place to place, so double-check.
Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman, Viscount (1861–1936) British general
Allende, Salvador (1908–73) President of Chile 1970–3
All God’s Chillun Got Wings play by Eugene O’Neill (1924)
Allhallowmass (one word) alternative name for All Saints’ Day, 1 November
Allhallows, Kent
all intents and purposes is a tautology; use just ‘to all intents’.
All Nippon Airways, not -lines
allophone in Canadian usage, someone who does not speak French
allot, allotted, allotting, allottable
all right, not alright
All Saints’ Day 1 November
All Souls College, University of Oxford
All Souls’ Day 2 November
all time Many authorities object to this expression in constructions such as ‘She was almost certainly the greatest female sailor of all time’ (Daily Telegraph) on the grounds that all time extends to the future as well as the past and we cannot possibly know what lies ahead. A no less pertinent consideration is that such assessments, as in the example just cited, are bound to be hopelessly subjective and therefore have no place in any measured argument. (There is a similar problem with futurity in the use of ‘ever’.)
allusion ‘When the speaker happened to name Mr Gladstone, the allusion was received with loud cheers’ (cited by Fowler). The word is not, as many suppose, a more impressive synonym for reference. When you allude to something, you do not specifically mention it, but leave it to the reader to deduce the subject. Thus it would be correct to write, ‘In an allusion to the President, he said: “Some people make better oil men than politicians.”’ The word is closer in meaning to implication or suggestion.
Allyson, June (1917–2006) American film actress, real name Ella Geisman
Al Manāmah/Al Manama capital of Bahrain
Almaty largest city in Kazakhstan. The capital is Astana.
Almodóvar, Pedro (1949– ) Spanish film-maker
Alnwick, Northumberland pronounced ann´-ick
Alpes-de-Haute-Provence département of France
Al Qaeda (from the Arabic al-qā’ida) is the most common spelling in English for the terrorist group, but there are many variants, including commonly Al Qaida, al-Qaeda and al-Qaida.
Al Qahirah/El Qahira Arabic name for Cairo
alright is never correct; make it all right.
ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, muscle-wasting disease. Also known as motor neurone disease. In the US it is called Lou Gehrig’s disease, after the baseball player who suffered from it.
Alsatian (cap.) common UK name for breed of dog officially called German Shepherd
altar, alter The first is a table used in worship, the second means to change.
altercation is a heated exchange of words. If blows are traded or shoving is involved, it is not properly an altercation.
Althing parliament of Iceland
although, though The two are interchangeable except as an adverb placed after the verb, where only though is correct, and in the expressions as though and even though, where idiom precludes although.
altocumulus, altostratus (one word) for types of cloud
aluminium (US aluminum)
alumnae, alumni Alumni is the masculine plural for a collection of college graduates. In the context of an all-female institution, the correct word is alumnae. The singular forms are alumna (fem.) and alumnus (masc.).
alyssum border plant
Alzheimer’s disease, but in formal medical contexts the non-possessive form Alzheimer disease is increasingly used instead
a.m./AM, ante meridiem (Lat.) before midday
Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen residence of the Danish royal family
amanuensis one who takes dictation; pl. amanuenses
amaretto liqueur; pl. amarettos
Amarillo, Texas
amaryllis plant with trumpet-shaped flowers
Ambassadors Theatre, London (no apos.)
ambergris substance used in the manufacture of perfumes
ambidextrous, not -erous
ambiguous, equivocal Both mean vague and open to more than one interpretation. But whereas an ambiguous statement may be vague by accident or by intent, an equivocal one is calculatedly unclear.
Amenhotep name of four kings in the 18th dynasty of ancient Egypt
America’s Cup yacht races
americium (not cap.) chemical element
AmeriCorps voluntary service organization
AmerisourceBergen (one word) US pharmaceutical supply company
Améthyste, Côte d’, France
Amharic Semitic language; official tongue of Ethiopia
amicus curiae (Lat.) ‘friend of the court’; pl. amici curiae
amid, among Among applies to things that can be separated and counted, amid to things that cannot. Rescuers might search among survivors, but amid wreckage.
amniocentesis the withdrawing of amniotic fluid from a pregnant woman’s uterus
amoeba, pl. amoebas/amoebae (US ameba, pl. amebas/ amebae)
à moitié (Fr.) in part, halfway
amok is generally the preferred spelling, but amuck is an accepted alternative.
among, between A few authorities insist that among applies to more than two things and between to only two. But by this logic you would have to say that St Louis is among California, New York and Michigan, not between them. In so far as the two words can be distinguished, among should be applied to collective arrangements (trade talks among the members of the European Union) and between to reciprocal arrangements (a treaty between the UK, the US and Canada).
amoral, immoral Amoral describes matters in which questions of morality do not arise or are disregarded; immoral applies to things that are evil.
amour-propre (Fr.) self-respect
Ampère, André Marie (1775–1836) French physicist; the unit of electricity named after him is the ampere (no cap., no accent)
amphibian, amphibious
Amphitryon In Greek mythology, a Mycenaean king whose wife, Alcmene, gave birth to Hercules after Zeus tricked her into sleeping with him
amphora, pl. amphorae (or amphoras)
ampoule is the preferred spelling; ampule is also accepted.
Amtrak American passenger railway company. The company’s formal designation is the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, but this is almost never used, even on first reference.
Amundsen, Roald (1872–1928) Norwegian explorer, first person to reach the South Pole (1911)
Anacreon (c. 563–c. 478 BC) Greek poet
anaesthesia, anaesthetic (US anesthesia, anesthetic) The doctor who administers anaesthetics is an anaesthetist in the UK, an anesthesiologist in the US.
analogous comparable in some way
analyse (US analyze)
anathema, pl. anathemas
Anaxagoras (c. 500–428 BC) Greek philosopher
Anaximander (c. 611–c. 547 BC) Greek philosopher
ancien régime (Fr.) the old order
Andalusia region of Spain. In Spanish, Andalucía
Andersen, Hans Christian (1805–75) Danish writer of children’s tales. Not -son
Anderson, Marian (1897–1993) celebrated contralto
Andhra Pradesh Indian state
Andorra is a principality; the capital is Andorra la Vella.
Andrejewski, Jerzy (1909–83) Polish novelist
Andretti, Mario (1940– ) American racing driver
Andrewes, Lancelot (1555–1626) English scholar and prelate, one of the principal translators of the King James Bible
Andrews Air Force Base (no apos.), Maryland
androgenous, androgynous The first applies to the production of male offspring; the second means having both male and female characteristics.
Andromache in Greek mythology, the wife of Hector
Androscoggin county, river and lake in Maine, US
Anfinsen, Christian B. (for Boehmer) (1916–95) American biochemist, awarded Nobel Prize for Chemistry 1972
anfractuosity having many turns
Angelico, Fra (1387–1455) Florentine painter, also known as Fra Giovanni da Fiesole
Angkor complex of ruins in Cambodia. Angkor Wat is a single temple within the compound.
Angleterre French for England
anglicize (lower case)
Anglo American PLC South African mining conglomerate now based in London; Anglo American is spelled as two words, no hyphen
angora, Angora The first is a type of wool; the second is the former name of Ankara, Turkey.
Angostura bitters
angstrom/ångström abbr. Å; unit used to measure wavelengths of light, and equal to one ten-billionth of a metre; named for Anders Ångström (1814–74), Swedish physicist
Anheuser-Busch US brewery
Anhui Chinese province, formerly spelled Anhwei
Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve, Alaska
animus, but animosity Both mean hostility, but animosity is stronger than animus.
aniseed a flavourful seed
anisette a drink flavoured with aniseed
Ankara capital of Turkey
Annabessacook, Lake, Maine
Annapolis capital of Maryland
Annapurna a cluster of mountains in the Himalayas, of which the highest peak is Annapurna I (26,545 feet/8,091 metres)
Ann Arbor, Michigan home of the University of Michigan
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Anne of Cleves (1515–57) fourth wife of Henry VIII
annex, annexe In the UK, the first is the verb and the second the noun. In the US, both noun and verb are spelled annex.
Annieopsquotch Mountains, Newfoundland, Canada
Ann-Margret (1941– ) American actress, born Ann-Margret Olsson; note hyphen and irregular spelling Margret
anno domini (Lat.) ‘the year of the Lord’; see also AD
annus mirabilis (Lat.) remarkable year
anomaly, anomalous
anonymous, anonymity
Anouilh, Jean (1910–87) French playwright; pronounced an’-oo-ee
Anschluss (Ger.) a union; particularly applied to that of Germany and Austria in 1938
Antananarivo capital of Madagascar
Antassawamock Neck, Massachusetts
ante bellum (Lat.) ‘before the war’; especially applied to the period before the American Civil War
antecedence, antecedents Antecedence means precedence; antecedents are ancestors or other things that have gone before.
antediluvian antiquated, primitive
ante meridiem (Lat.) ‘before midday’, abbr. a.m./AM; not to be confused with antemeridian (one word), meaning of or taking part in the morning
antennae, antennas Either is correct as the plural of antenna, but generally antennae is preferred for living organisms (‘a beetle’s antennae’) and antennas for man-made objects (‘radio antennas made possible the discovery of quarks’).
anticipate To anticipate something is to look ahead to it and prepare for it, not to make a reasonable estimate. A tennis player who anticipates his opponent’s next shot doesn’t just guess where it is going to go, he is there to meet it.
Anti-Defamation League
Antigone in Greek mythology, the daughter of Oedipus; also the title of a play by Sophocles
Antigua and Barbuda Caribbean state; capital St John’s
antipasto (It.) appetizer, hors-d’oeuvre; pl. antipasti
Antipodean of Australia or New Zealand
antirrhinum note -rr-; a flower, also known as snapdragon
Antofagasta, Chile
Antonioni, Michelangelo (1912–2007) Italian film director
Antony and Cleopatra, not Anthony play by Shakespeare (c. 1606)
Antwerpen the Flemish name for Antwerp, Belgium; the French name is Anvers
anxious Since anxious comes from anxiety, it should contain some connotation of being worried or fearful and not merely eager or expectant.
any A tricky word at times, as here: ‘This paper isn’t very good, but neither is any of the others.’ A simple and useful principle is to make the verb always correspond to the complement. Thus: ‘neither is any other’ or ‘neither are any of the others’.
anybody, anyone, anything, anywhere Anything and anywhere are always one word. The others are normally one word except when the emphasis is on the second element (e.g., ‘He received three job offers, but any one would have suited him’). Anybody and anyone are singular and should be followed by singular pronouns and verbs. A common fault – so common, in fact, that some no longer consider it a fault – is seen here: ‘Anyone can relax so long as they don’t care whether they or anyone else ever actually gets anything done.’ The problem, clearly, is that a plural pronoun (‘they’) is being attached to a singular verb (‘gets’). Such constructions may in fact be fully defensible, at least some of the time, though you should at least know why you are breaking a rule when you break it.
any more, any time Both are always two words.
ANZAC Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
ANZUS Pact 1951 security treaty between Australia, New Zealand and the United States
AONB area of outstanding natural beauty (UK)
à outrance (Fr.), not à l’outrance; to the very last, to the death
Apalachicola Florida river
Apeldoorn, Netherlands
Apennines for the Italian mountain range. Note -nn- in middle. In Italian, Appennini
aperitif, pl. aperitifs
Apfelstrudel (Ger.) apple strudel
apocalypse, apocalyptic
apogee the highest or most distant point, usually in reference to orbiting bodies. Its opposite is perigee.
Apollinaire, Guillaume (1880–1918) born Wilhelm Apollinaris de Kostrowitzky; French writer and critic
Apollo Greek god of light, son of Zeus
‘Apologie for Poetrie, An’ title of an essay by Sir Philip Sidney, also published as ‘The Defence of Poesie’ (1595)
aposiopesis, pl. aposiopeses the sudden breaking off of a thought or statement
apostasy, pl. apostasies the abandoning of one’s faith
apostatize renounce a belief
a posteriori (Lat.) ‘from what is after’; in logic, moving from effect to cause, reasoning from experience
apothegm a witty or pithy maxim; the g is silent
apotheosis, pl. apotheoses deification (generally used figuratively)
Appalachian Mountains, eastern US
Appaloosa breed of horse
apparatchik party functionary, especially of the Communist Party
appellant, appellate The first is a person who appeals against a court ruling; the second describes a court at which appeals are heard.
appendices, appendixes Either is correct.
Apple Mac
appoggiatura in music, an accented non-harmonized note that precedes a harmonized note
Appomattox town in Virginia where the Confederacy surrendered to the Union to end the American Civil War (9 April 1865)
appraise, apprise Appraise means to assess or evaluate. Apprise means to inform. An insurance assessor appraises damage and apprises owners.
appreciate has a slightly more specific meaning than writers sometimes give it. If you appreciate something, you value it (‘I appreciate your concern’) or you understand it sympathetically (‘I appreciate your predicament’). But when there is no sense of sympathy or value (as in ‘I appreciate what you are saying, but I don’t agree with it’) understand or recognize or the like would be better.
après-midi (Fr.) afternoon
après-ski (Fr., hyphen) the period after a day’s skiing
April Fool’s Day (UK)/April Fools’ Day (US)
a principio (Lat.) from the beginning
a priori (Lat.) from what is before; in logic, an argument proceeding from cause to effect
apropos in French, à propos
Apuleius, Lucius (fl. 2nd c. AD) Roman satirist
Apulia region of Italy known in Italian as Puglia
Aqaba, Gulf of an arm of the Red Sea. Aqaba is also the name of a town in Jordan.
aqua vitae (Lat.) water of life; used to describe whiskies and other alcoholic spirits
aqueduct, but aquifer The first is a bridge carrying water across a valley, the second a mass of rock capable of holding water.
aquiline like an eagle
Aquinas, St Thomas (1225–74) Italian theologian, canonized 1323
à quoi bon? (Fr.) what for? what’s the point?
AR postal abbr. of Arkansas; not Arizona, which is AZ
arabic numerals (no cap.)
Arafat, Yasser (1929–2004) born Mohammed Abdel-Raouf Arafat; leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization 1969–2004, awarded Nobel Peace Prize 1994
Aramaic Semitic language
Aran Island and Aran Islands (Ireland) but Isle of Arran (Scotland) The sweater is spelled Aran.
Arc de Triomphe, Paris officially, Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile
arc-en-ciel (Fr.) rainbow; pl. arcs-en-ciel
archaea type of unicellular organisms
archaeology is normally preferred, but archeology is accepted (and is standard in the US).
archaic, archaism
Archilochus of Paros (c. 714–c. 676 BC) Greek poet
Archimedes (c. 287–212 BC) Greek mathematician and engineer
archipelago, pl. archipelagos
Arctic Circle, Arctic Ocean, but arctic fox (no cap.)
Ardennes wooded plateau in southern Belgium, north-eastern France and Luxembourg
Ardizzone, Edward Jeffrey Irving (1900–79) British illustrator
Arezzo, Italy
Århus (Dan.)/Aarhus city in Denmark
Aristides (c. 530–c. 468 BC) Athenian statesman
Aristophanes (c. 448–c. 380 BC) Greek dramatist
armadillo, pl. armadillos
Armenia formerly part of Soviet Union, capital Yerevan
armour (US armor)
aroma applies only to agreeable smells; there is no such thing as a bad aroma.
Aroostook River, Maine and New Brunswick
Arran, Isle of Scotland. See also ARAN ISLAND.
arrière-pensée (Fr.) ulterior motive, mental reservation
arrivederci (It.) goodbye
arriviste disagreeably ambitious person
Arrol-Johnston British automobile of early 1900s
arrondissement principal division of French départements and some larger cities
Arrows of the Chace, not Chase letters by John Ruskin (1881)
artefact (US artifact) The word should be applied only to things fashioned by humans, not to animal bones, fossils or other naturally occurring objects.
Artemis Greek goddess of the moon, associated with hunting. The Roman equivalent is Diana.
Arthur Andersen, not -son accountancy firm
Aruba Caribbean island, a self-governing dependency of the Netherlands; capital Oranjestad
Asahi Shimbun Japanese newspaper
as … as ‘A government study concludes that for trips of 500 miles or less … automotive travel is as fast or faster than air travel, door to door’ (George Will, syndicated columnist). The problem here is what is termed an incomplete alternative comparison. If we remove the ‘or faster than’ phrase from the sentence, the problem becomes immediately evident: ‘A government study concludes that for trips of 500 miles or less … automotive travel is as fast air travel, door to door.’ The writer has left the ‘as fast’ phrase dangling uncompleted. The sentence should say ‘as fast as or faster than air travel’.
ascendancy, ascendant
ASCII short for American Standard Code for Information Interchange; computer terminology
Asclepius Use Aesculapius.
Asea Brown Boveri Swedish-Swiss electrical equipment company, now ABB
ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations, formed 1967; members are Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar/Burma, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam
as far as is commonly misused, as here: ‘As far as next season, it is too early to make forecasts’ (Baltimore Sun). The error here has been exercising authorities since at least Fowler’s heyday and shows no sign of abating, either as a problem or as something that exercises authorities. The trouble is that ‘as far as’ serves as a conjunction and as such requires a following verb. The solution is either to remove the conjunction (‘As for next season, it is too early to make forecasts’) or to supply the needed verb (‘As far as next season goes, it is too early to make forecasts’).
Ashbery, John (1927– ) American poet and critic
Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire (no hyphens)
Asheville, North Carolina
Ashgabat capital of Turkmenistan; also sometimes spelled Ashkhabad
Ashkenazi an East or Central European Jew; pl. Ashkenazim
Ashkenazy, Vladimir (1937– ) Russian-born Icelandic pianist and conductor
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Ashuapmuchuan River, Quebec, Canada
Asimov, Isaac (1920–92) American biochemist and prolific science-fiction writer
ASLEF Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, a UK trade union
Asmara (formerly Asmera) capital of Eritrea
Assad, Bashar (1965– ) President of Syria 2000– ; succeeded his father, Hafez Assad (1928–2000)
assagai, assegai Either spelling is correct for the African spear.
Assateague Island, Maryland and Virginia
assault, battery They are not the same in law. Assault is a threat of violence; battery is actual violence.
asseverate to declare
Assiniboine River, Manitoba, Canada
assiduous, acidulous Assiduous means diligent; acidulous means tart or acid.
Assisi town in Umbria, birthplace of St Francis
assonance words that rhyme in consonants but not vowels (e.g., cat and kit) or in vowels but not consonants (e.g., bun and sponge)
assuage, assuaging
assume, presume The two words are often so close in meaning as to be indistinguishable, but in some contexts they do allow a fine distinction to be made. Assume, in the sense of ‘to suppose’, normally means to put forth a realistic hypothesis, something that can be taken as probable (‘I assume we will arrive by midnight’). Presume has more of an air of sticking one’s neck out, of making an assertion that may be arguable or wrong (‘I presume we have met before?’). But in most instances the two words can be used interchangeably.
as to whether Whether alone is sufficient.
AstraZeneca pharmaceutical company
AstroTurf (one word) is a trademark.
Asunción capital of Paraguay
asymmetry, asymmetric, asymmetrical
Atatürk, Mustapha Kemal (1881–1938) Turkish leader and President 1923–38
Atchafalaya Louisiana river and bay
Athenaeum London club and other British contexts, but Atheneum for the US publisher
Athene Greek goddess of wisdom
Athinai Greek spelling of Athens
ATM automated teller machine
à tout prix (Fr.) at any price
Attawapiskat Canadian river
Attenborough, Richard, Lord (1923– ) British film actor and director; brother of Sir David Attenborough (1926– ), zoologist and TV presenter
Attila (c. 405–53) king of the Huns
Attlee, Clement (1883–1967) British Prime Minister 1945–51; later appointed Earl Attlee
attorney-general, pl. attorneys-general
Atwater, (Harvey) Lee (1951–91) US Republican political adviser
Atwood, Margaret (1939– ) Canadian novelist
Au aurum (Lat.) chemical symbol for gold
aubergine (US eggplant)
au besoin (Fr.) if need be
aubrietia flowering plant named after Claude Aubriet (1655–1742), French painter
Auchincloss, Louis (Stanton) (1917– ) American novelist
Auchinleck family name of James Boswell; pronounced aff-leck
Auden, W. H. (for Wystan Hugh) (1907–73) Anglo-American poet
Audubon, John James (1785–1851) American artist and naturalist
au fait (Fr.) to be in the know
au fond (Fr.) basically, at the bottom
auf Wiedersehen (Ger.) goodbye, until we meet again
auger, augur An auger is a tool for boring holes in wood or soil; an augur is a prophet or soothsayer. The two words are not related.
‘Auld Lang Syne’ (Scot.) literally ‘old long since’; traditional end-of-year song with words by Robert Burns
Auld Reekie (Scot.) Old Smoky; nickname for Edinburgh
Aumann, Robert J. (1930– ) Israeli-American academic; awarded Nobel Prize for Economics 2005
au mieux (Fr.) for the best, at best
au naturel (Fr.) in the natural state
Ausable River, Ausable Chasm, New York State
Au Sable River, Au Sable Point, Michigan
Auschwitz German concentration camp in Poland during the Second World War. In Polish, Oświęcim
au secours (Fr.) a cry for help
Ausländer (Ger.) foreigner
auspicious does not mean simply special or memorable. It means propitious, promising, of good omen.
Austral (adj.) of or relating to Australia or Australasia
austral (adj.) southern
austral (noun) former currency of Argentina, pl. australes
Australia, Commonwealth of, is divided into six states (New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia) and two territories (Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory). The latter two should not be referred to as states.
autarchy, autarky The first means absolute power, an autocracy; the second denotes self-sufficiency. However, neither word is well known, and in almost every instance an English synonym would bring an improvement in comprehension, if not in elegance.
Auteuil, Daniel (1950– ) prolific French actor
autobahn (Ger.) express motorway. The English plural is autobahns; the German is Autobahnen.
auto-da-fé execution of heretics during the Inquisition; pl. autos-da-fé
autostrada (It.) express motorway; pl. autostrade
Auvergne region of France
auxiliary, not -ll-
avenge, revenge Generally, avenge indicates the settling of a score or the redressing of an injustice. It is more dispassionate than revenge, which indicates retaliation taken largely for the sake of personal satisfaction.
Avenue of the Americas, New York City. Often still referred to as Sixth Avenue, its former name
avocado, pl. avocados
avocation work done for personal satisfaction rather than need, usually in addition to a normal job
avoirdupois weights the system of weights traditionally used throughout the English-speaking world, based on one pound equalling 16 ounces
Avon former county of England, abolished 1996; also the name of several rivers in England, and the title of the former Prime Minister Anthony Eden (Earl of Avon)
à votre santé (Fr.) to your health
a while, awhile To write ‘for awhile’ is wrong because the idea of ‘for’ is implicit in ‘awhile’. Write either ‘I will stay here for a while’ (two words) or ‘I will stay here awhile’ (one word).
awoke, awaked, awakened Two common problems are worth noting:
1. Awoken, though much used, is generally considered not standard. Thus this sentence from an Agatha Christie novel (cited by Partridge) is wrong: ‘I was awoken by that rather flashy young woman.’ Make it awakened.
2. As a past participle, awaked is preferable to awoke. Thus, ‘He had awaked at midnight’ and not ‘He had awoke at midnight.’ But if ever in doubt about the past tense, you will never be wrong if you use awakened.
axel, axle An axel is a jump in ice skating; an axle is a rod connecting two wheels.
Axelrod, George (1922–2003) American screenwriter and film director
ayatollah Shiite Muslim religious leader
Ayckbourn, Sir Alan (1939– ) prolific British playwright
Ayer, Sir Alfred Jules (1910–89) English philosopher
Ayers Rock (no apostrophe) for the Australian eminence. However, the formal and now usual name is Uluru.
Aykroyd, Dan (1952– ) Canadian-born actor and screen-writer
Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, but the Marquess of Ailesbury
Ayres, Gillian (1930– ) British artist
AZ postal abbr. of Arizona; the traditional abbreviation is Ariz
Azerbaijan former republic of the Soviet Union; capital Baku