Cover Page



Half Title page

Title page

Copyright page


Problem 1

Problem 2

Problem 3

Problem 4

Problem 5

Problem 6

Problem 7

Problem 8

Problem 9

Problem 10

Problem 11

Problem 12

Problem 13

Problem 14

Problem 15

Problem 16

Problem 17

Problem 18

Problem 19

Problem 20

Problem 21

Problem 22

Problem 23

Problem 24

Problem 25

Problem 26

Problem 27

Problem 28

Problem 29

Problem 30

Problem 31

Problem 32

Problem 33

Problem 34

Problem 35

Problem 36

Problem 37

Problem 38

Problem 39

Problem 40

Problem 41

Problem 42

Problem 43

Problem 44

Problem 45

Problem 46

Problem 47

Problem 48

Problem 49

Problem 50

Problem 51

Problem 52

Problem 53

Problem 54

Problem 55

Problem 56

Problem 57

Problem 58

Problem 59

Problem 60

Problem 61

Problem 62

Problem 63

Problem 64

Problem 65

Problem 66

Instructor’s Guide and Solutions Manual to Organic Structures from 2D NMR Spectra

Title Page

The right of the author to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.


This book is the Instructor’s Guide and Solutions Manual to the problems contained in the text Organic Structures from 2D NMR Spectra.

The aim of this book is to teach students to solve structural problems in organic chemistry using NMR spectroscopy and in particular 2D NMR spectroscopy. The basic philosophy of the book is that learning to identify organic structures using spectroscopy is best done by working through examples. This book contains a series of about 60 graded examples ranging from very elementary problems through to very challenging problems at the end of the collection.

We have assumed a working knowledge of basic structural organic chemistry and common functional groups. We also assume a working knowledge of the rudimentary spectroscopic methods which would be applied routinely in characterising and identifying organic compounds including infrared spectroscopy and basic 1D 13C and 1H NMR spectroscopy.

The Instructor’s Guide contains a worked solution to each of the problems contained in Organic Structures from 2D NMR Spectra. At the outset, it should be emphasised that there are always many paths to the correct answer – there is no single process to arrive at the correct solution to any of the problems. We do not recommend a mechanical attitude to problem solving – intuition, which comes with experience, has a very important place in solving structures from spectra; however, students often find the following approach useful:

(i) Extract as much information as possible from the basic characterisation data which is provided:
(a) Note the molecular formula and any restrictions this places on the functional groups that may be contained in the molecule.
(b) From the molecular formula, determine the degree of unsaturation. The degree of unsaturation can be calculated from the molecular formula for all compounds containing C, H, N, O, S and the halogens using the following three basic steps:
1. Take the molecular formula and replace all halogens by hydrogens.
2. Omit all of the sulfur and/or oxygen atoms.
3. For each nitrogen, omit the nitrogen and omit one hydrogen.
After these three steps, the molecular formula is reduced to CnHm, and the degree of unsaturation is given by:


The degree of unsaturation indicates the number of π bonds and/or rings that the compound contains. For example, if the degree of unsaturation is 1, the molecule can only contain one double bond or one ring. If the degree of unsaturation is 4, the molecule must contain four rings or multiple bonds. An aromatic ring accounts for four degrees of unsaturation (the equivalent of three double bonds and a ring). An alkyne or a C≡N accounts for two degrees of unsaturation (the equivalent of two π bonds).
(c) Analyse the 1D 1H NMR spectrum if one is provided and note the relative numbers of protons in different environments and any obvious information contained in the coupling patterns. Note the presence of aromatic protons, exchangeable protons, and/or vinylic protons, all of which provide valuable information on the functional groups which may be present.
(d) Analyse the 1D 13C NMR spectrum if one is provided and note the number of carbons in different environments. Note also any resonances that would be characteristic of specific functional groups, e.g. the presence or absence of a ketone, aldehyde, ester or carboxylic acid carbonyl resonance.
(e) Analyse any infrared data and note whether there are absorptions characteristic of specific functional groups, e.g. C=O or –-OH groups.
(ii) Extract basic information from the 2D COSY, TOCSY and/or C–H correlation spectra.
(a) The COSY will provide obvious coupling partners. If there is one identifiable starting point in a spin system, the COSY will allow the successive identification (i.e. the sequence) of all nuclei in the spin system. The COSY cannot jump across breaks in the spin system (such as where there is a heteroatom or a carbonyl group that isolates one spin system from another).
(b) The TOCSY identifies all groups of protons that are in the same spin system.
(c) The C–H correlation links the carbon signals with their attached protons and also identifies how many –CH–, –CH2-, –CH3 and quaternary carbons are in the molecule.
(iii) Analyse the INADEQUATE spectrum if one is provided, because this can sequentially provide the whole carbon skeleton of the molecule. Choose one signal as a starting point and sequentially work through the INADEQUATE spectrum to determine which carbons are connected to which.
(iv) Analyse the HMBC spectrum. This is perhaps the most useful technique to pull together all of the fragments of a molecule because it gives long-range connectivity.
(v) Analyse the NOESY spectrum to assign any stereochemistry in the structure.
(vi) Continually update the list of structural elements or fragments that have been conclusively identified at each step and start to pull together reasonable possible structures. Be careful not to jump to possible solutions before the evidence is conclusive. Keep assessing and re-assessing all of the options.
(vii) When you have a final solution which you believe is correct, go back and confirm that all of the spectroscopic data are consistent with the final structure and that every peak in every spectrum can be properly rationalised in terms of the structure that you have proposed.

L. D. Field
H. L. Li
A. M. Magill
January 2015

Problem 1


The 1H and 13C{1H} NMR spectra of 1-iodopropane (C3H7I) recorded in CDCl3 solution at 298 K and 400 MHz are given below.

The 1H NMR spectrum has signals at δ 0.99 (H3), 1.84 (H2) and 3.18 (H1) ppm.

The 13C{1H} NMR spectrum has signals at δ 9.6 (C1), 15.3 (C3) and 26.9 (C2) ppm.

Also given on the following pages are the 1H–1H COSY, 1H–13C me-HSQC, 1H–13C HMBC and INADEQUATE spectra. For each 2D spectrum, indicate which correlation gives rise to each cross-peak by placing an appropriate label in the box provided (e.g. H1 → H2, H1 → C1).


1. 1H–1H COSY spectra show which pairs of protons are coupled to each other. The COSY spectrum is always symmetrical about a diagonal. In the COSY spectrum, there are two 3JH–H correlations above the diagonal (H1 → H2 and H2 → H3). There are no long-range correlations.
2. The 1H–13C me-HSQC spectrum shows direct (one-bond) correlations between proton and carbon nuclei, so there will be cross-peaks between H1 and C1, H2 and C2 and also between H3 and C3. As the spectrum is multiplicity edited, the cross-peaks corresponding to CH2 groups are shown in red and are of opposite phase to those for CH3 groups.
3. In HMBC spectra, remember that, for alkyl systems, both two- and three-bond C–H coupling can give rise to strong cross-peaks.
4. H1 correlates to C2 and C3. H2 correlates to C1 and C3. H3 correlates to C1 and C2.
5. The INADEQUATE spectrum shows one-bond 13C–13C connectivity. There are correlations between C1 and C2, and C2 and C3.

Problem 2


The 1H and 13C{1H} NMR spectra of 2-butanone (C4H8O) recorded in CDCl3 solution at 298 K and 400 MHz are given below.

The 1H NMR spectrum has signals at δ 1.05 (H4), 2.14 (H1) and 2.47 (H3) ppm.

The 13C{1H} NMR spectrum has signals at δ 7.2 (C4), 28.8 (C1), 36.2 (C3) and 208.8 (C2) ppm.

Also given on the following pages are the 1H–1H COSY, 1H–13C me-HSQC, 1H–13C HMBC and INADEQUATE spectra. For each 2D spectrum, indicate which correlation gives rise to each cross-peak by placing an appropriate label in the box provided (e.g. H1 → H2, H1 → C1).


1. 1H–1H COSY spectra show which pairs of protons are coupled to each other. The COSY spectrum is always symmetrical about a diagonal. In the COSY spectrum, there is only one 3JH–H correlation above the diagonal (H3 → H4). There are no long-range correlations.
2. The 1H–13C me-HSQC spectrum shows direct (one-bond) correlations between proton and carbon nuclei, so there will be cross-peaks between H1 and C1, H3 and also between C3 and H4 and C4. As the spectrum is multiplicity edited, the cross-peaks corresponding to CH2 groups are shown in red and are of opposite phase to those for CH3 groups.
3. In HMBC spectra, remember that, for alkyl systems, both two- and three-bond coupling can give rise to strong cross-peaks. There are no one-bond C–H correlations.
4. H1 correlates to C2 and C3. H3 correlates to C1, C2 and C4. H4 correlates to C2 and C3.
5. The INADEQUATE spectrum shows one-bond 13C–13C connectivity. There are correlations between C1 and C2, C2 and C3 and C3 and C4.

Problem 3


Identify the following compound.

Molecular Formula: C6H12O

IR: 1718 cm−1


1. The molecular formula is C6H12O. Calculate the degree of unsaturation from the molecular formula: ignore the O atom to give an effective molecular formula of C6H12 (CnHm) which gives the degree of unsaturation as (nm/2 + 1) = 6 − 6 + 1 = 1. The compound contains one ring or one functional group containing a double bond.
2. The 13C{1H} spectrum establishes that the compound contains a ketone (13C resonance at 209.3 ppm). There can be no other double bonds or rings in the molecule because the C=O accounts for the single degree of unsaturation.
3. 1D NMR spectra establish the presence of three CH2 groups and two CH3 groups. The multiplicities of the signals can be verified using the me-HSQC spectrum.
4. The COSY spectrum shows a single spin system –H3 → H4, H4 → H5 and H5 → H6 for a –CH2CH2CH2CH3 fragment.
5. H1 does not couple to any of the other protons in the molecule and therefore does not show any correlations in the COSY spectrum.
5. The 1H–13C me-HSQC spectrum easily identifies the protonated carbon resonances: C6 at 13.9, C5 at 22.4, C4 at 26.0, C1 at 29.9 and C3 at 43.5 ppm.
6. The HMBC spectrum confirms the structure with correlations from H1 and H3 to C2 indicating that the ketone group is located between C1 and C3. All other correlations are consistent with the structure.

Problem 4


The 1H and 13C{1H} NMR spectra of ethyl propionate (C5H10O2) recorded in CDCl3 solution at 298 K and 300 MHz are given below.

The 1H NMR spectrum has signals at δ 1.14 (H1), 1.26 (H5), 2.31 (H2) and 4.12 (H4) ppm.

The 13C{1H} NMR spectrum has signals at δ 9.2 (C1), 14.3 (C5), 27.7 (C2), 60.3 (C4) and 174.5 (C3) ppm.

Use this information to produce schematic diagrams of the COSY, HSQC and HMBC spectra, showing where all of the cross-peaks and diagonal peaks would be.


1. The molecule contains two independent spin systems – one for each CH2CH3 fragment. Each spin system is made up of two unique spins – one CH2 and one CH3.
2. The COSY spectrum has peaks on the diagonal for each unique spin, so the spectrum will contain four diagonal peaks.
3. COSY spectra show cross-peaks (off-diagonal peaks) at positions where a proton whose resonance appears on the horizontal axis is directly coupled to another whose resonance appears on the vertical axis.
4. For ethyl propionate, the CH2 of each spin system will couple to the CH3 of the same spin system, so two cross-peaks would be expected – one between H4 and H5, and another between H1 and H2.
5. Remember that a COSY spectrum is symmetrical about the diagonal, so the two peaks above the diagonal must also be reflected below the diagonal.
6. The HSQC spectrum contains cross-peaks at positions where a proton whose resonance appears on the horizontal axis is directly bound to a carbon atom whose resonance appears on the vertical axis. There are four cross-peaks in the HSQC spectrum.
7. The HMBC spectrum contains cross-peaks at positions where a proton whose resonance appears on the horizontal axis is separated by two or three bonds from a carbon atom whose resonance appears on the vertical axis.

Problem 5


The 1H and 13C{1H} NMR spectra of ethyl 3-ethoxypropionate (C7H14O3) recorded in CDCl3 solution at 298 K and 600 MHz are given below.

The 1H NMR spectrum has signals at δ 1.18 (H1), 1.26 (H7), 2.56 (H4), 3.50 (H2), 3.70 (H3) and 4.15 (H6) ppm.

The 13C{1H} NMR spectrum has signals at δ 14.2 (C7), 15.1 (C1), 35.3 (C4), 60.4 (C6), 65.9 (C3), 66.4 (C2) and 171.7 (C5) ppm.

Also given on the following pages are the 1H–1H COSY, 1H–13C me-HSQC and 1H–13C HMBC spectra. For each 2D spectrum, indicate which correlation gives rise to each cross-peak by placing an appropriate label in the box provided (e.g. H1 → H2, H1 → C1).


1. 1H–1H COSY spectra show which pairs of protons are coupled to each other. The COSY spectrum is always symmetrical about a diagonal. In the COSY spectrum, there are three 3JH–H correlations above the diagonal (H2 → H1, H3 → H4 and H6 → H7). There are no long-range correlations.
2. The 1H–13C me-HSQC spectrum shows direct (one-bond) correlations between proton and carbon nuclei, so there will be cross-peaks between H1 and C1, H2 and C2, H3 and C3, H4 and C4, H6 and C6 and H7 and C7. As the spectrum is multiplicity edited, the cross-peaks corresponding to CH2 groups are shown in red and are of opposite phase to those for CH3 groups.
3. In HMBC spectra, remember that, for alkyl systems, both two- and three-bond couplings can give rise to strong cross-peaks.
4. H1 correlates to C2 only. H2 correlates to C1 and C3. H3 correlates to C2, C4 and C5. H4 correlates to C3 and C5. H6 correlates to C5 and C7. H7 correlates to C6 only.

Problem 6


The 1H and 13C{1H} NMR spectra of 4-acetylbutyric acid (C6H10O3) recorded in CDCl3 solution at 298 K and 600 MHz are given below.

The 1H NMR spectrum has signals at δ 1.81, 2.08, 2.31, 2.47 and 10.5 ppm.

The 13C{1H} NMR spectrum has signals at δ 18.5, 29.8, 32.9, 42.2, 178.8 and 208.6 ppm.

The 2D me-1H–13C HSQC and 1H–13C HMBC spectra are given on the following pages. Use these spectra to assign the 1H and 13C{1H} resonances for this compound.


1. The methyl group (H6, singlet at 2.08 ppm) and the –OH proton (10.5 ppm, exchangeable) may be easily identified from the 1H NMR spectrum. The triplet resonances (at 2.31 and 2.47 ppm) correspond to H2 and H4 but cannot be assigned by inspection. The more complex resonance at 1.81 ppm must correspond to H3 since the multiplet structure shows it has more than two neighbouring protons.
2. The signals corresponding to the ketone (C5, 208.6 ppm) and the carboxylic acid (C1, 178.8 ppm) in the 13C{1H} NMR spectrum can be assigned by inspection.
3. The 1H–13C me-HSQC spectrum easily identifies the protonated carbon resonances: C3 at 18.5, and C6 at 29.8 ppm. The proton resonance at 2.31 ppm correlates to the 13C resonance at 32.9 ppm, and the 1H resonance at 2.47 ppm correlates to the 13C resonance at 42.2 ppm.
4. Remember that, in HMBC spectra, two- and three-bond correlations are generally strongest in aliphatic systems.
5. In the 1H–13C HMBC spectrum, H6 correlates to the ketone carbon (C5, a two-bond correlation), as well as the resonance at 42.2 ppm. This correlation must be the three-bond correlation to C4, and so we can assign the resonances at 2.47 and 42.2 ppm to H4 and C4, respectively. The newly assigned H4 shows a strong correlation to C5, confirming its assignment.
6. H2 must therefore be the resonance at 2.31 ppm, and C2 the resonance at 32.9 ppm.
7. In the HMBC spectrum, H2 correlates strongly to C1, confirming its assignment.

Problem 7


Identify the following compound.

Molecular Formula: C5H9ClO2
