Chapter 1: Introduction to Sharepoint 2010
What’s New in the SharePoint Platform and Tools
What’s New in Collaboration/Social Computing
What’s New in Search
What’s New in Enterprise Content Management
What’s New in Forms
What’s New in Groove (SharePoint Workspace)
What’s New in Cloud Services
Chapter 2: Developer Tools for Sharepoint 2010
OOB Developer Experience
Understanding SharePoint Designer 2010
Understanding Visual Studio 2010 Tools
Setting Up Your Development Environment
Troubleshooting with Debugging and Testing
Deploying and Maintaining Your Code
Upgrading Code from 2007
Chapter 3: It Pro Enhancements for the Developer
Performance Improvements
High-Availability Improvements
Security Improvements in SharePoint 2010
Management Improvements
Chapter 4: Sharepoint Platform
Platform Overview
New User Interface
List, View, and Event Enhancements
Overview of Data Technologies
Timer Service Applications
Sandbox Solutions
Mobile Solutions
Chapter 5: Collaboration and Social Computing
Social Networking and My Site
Blogs and Wiki Site Definitions
Chapter 6: Search
Search Options with SharePoint 2010
Search User Experience
Search Architecture and Topologies
Developing with Enterprise Search
Customizing the Search User Experience
Search Connectors and Searching LOB Systems
Working with Federation
Working with the Query OM
Social Search
Content Enhancement
Extending Search Using the Administrative OM
Combining Search with Other Workloads
Search and the Cloud
Chapter 7: Records Management
SharePoint 2010 Records Management Overview
Programming RM in SharePoint
Chapter 8: Web Content Management
The Content Lifecycle in Web Content Management
Foundations of Web Content Management
Site Variations
Site Columns
Content Types
Page Layouts
Master Pages
Content by Query Web Part
Content Conversion
Chapter 9: Electronic Forms
Introducing the Training Management Application
Customizing SharePoint List Forms
Designing InfoPath Form Templates
Tools for Form Developers
Building Web Parts Using InfoPath
Chapter 10: ECM: Document Management
A New Enterprise Content Mindset
Getting the Most Out of the Document Center
Content Routing
Using Document Libraries in the Document Center
Managed Metadata
Content Types
Document ID Service
Chapter 11: Introducing Business Connectivity Services
Introducing Business Connectivity Services
Understanding BCS Architecture
Working with BDC Metadata Models
Working with External Datasources
Creating Methods
Working with External Lists
Chapter 12: Advanced Business Connectivity Services
Creating .NET Assembly Connectors
Packaging Considerations
Enabling Search Support
Working with the BDC Server Runtime Object Model
Chapter 13: Workflow
Training Approval Workflow
Workflow Development Lifecycle
Building Workflows with Visual Studio 2010
Chapter 14: Business Intelligence
Challenges with Traditional Business Intelligence
Integration with SharePoint: The History
Highlights of Business Intelligence in SharePoint Server 2010
Important BI Terms and Concepts
Using the AdventureWorks Sample Databases
The Starting Point: Business Intelligence Center
Excel Services
PerformancePoint Services
Reporting Services 2008 R2
Reporting on SharePoint Data
Claims and BI Solutions
Chapter 15: Sharepoint Online
BPOS: SharePoint Online Overview
Developing in the Cloud
Example Cloud Scenarios
Office 365 Overview
Azure Overview
Windows Azure Virtual Network
Developer Tools for Windows Azure
SharePoint and Azure Integration Scenarios
Writing SharePoint Online Applications

Professional SharePoint 2010 Development, Second Edition
Published by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Copyright © 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
Published simultaneously in Canada
ISBN: 978-1-118-13168-8
ISBN: 978-1-118-22504-2 (ebk)
ISBN: 978-1-118-23868-4 (ebk)
ISBN: 978-1-118-26319-8 (ebk)
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I would like to dedicate this book to my very dear grandmother, S.Khatoon, who passed away as I was working on the second edition of this book. She will be loved and remembered.
—Reza Alirezaei
TOM RIZZO is a Senior Director in the Microsoft Office and Office 365 product management group. Previously, Tom was part of the SharePoint, SQL Server, and Exchange Server product management groups, where he focused on helping shape and grow those businesses and the solutions built on top of them. You can reach Tom at
REZA ALIREZAEI, MVP, MCP, MCPD, MCITP, AND MCTS for SharePoint 2010, is a SharePoint solution architect focused on designing custom applications with SharePoint, Office, and Microsoft Business Intelligence technologies. Reza is the founder and president of Development Horizon where he has helped many clients architect and build large-scale, mission-critical SharePoint applications. Reza also speaks in many local and international conferences. Reza achieved the status of Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for SharePoint in 2006, which he still is today. He has also co-authored several books, papers, and articles. Reza can be reached at
PAUL J. SWIDER is an international speaker, trainer, and freelance consultant. In addition, he is the founder of the Charleston SharePoint Users Group and an accomplished entrepreneur straight from a barrier island near Charleston, SC where Paul also chases the tides and winds as an avid boater and sailor. Paul is grateful he is able to escape the summer heat in Charleston and consults with some of the most successful companies in the world. Seventeen years of software consulting experience combined with many Microsoft certifications and speaking credentials has made Paul an authority in the SharePoint community. As an MCT, Paul has trained and consulted thousands of SharePoint administrators, developers, and architects.
KEN SCHAEFER is an independent developer and designer focusing on SharePoint and web-based solutions. Ken lives in the Chicago area with his daughter, Alexa. Ken can be reached at
JEFF FRIED began writing software at the tender age of 13 and has been hooked ever since. He has worked extensively with Enterprise Search, including roles as SVP Products for the semantic search startup LingoMotors and VP Advanced Solutions for FAST Search and Transfer. FAST’s acquisition landed him at Microsoft, where he was a senior technical product manager in the SharePoint group. Jeff is currently the CTO at BA Insight, focused on the development of search-based applications with SharePoint. Jeff is a frequent speaker and writer in the industry, holds 15 patents, has authored more than 50 technical papers, and has led the creation of pioneering offerings in next-generation search engines, networks, and contact centers. He is an amateur musician and lives with his lovely wife and three delicious children in Newton, Massachusetts.
SCOT HILLIER is an independent consultant and Microsoft SharePoint Most Valuable Professional focused on creating solutions for Information Workers with SharePoint, Office, and related .NET technologies. He is the author/coauthor of 15 books and DVDs on Microsoft technologies including Inside SharePoint 2010 and Professional Business Connectivity Services. Scot splits his time between consulting on SharePoint projects, speaking at SharePoint events like Tech Ed, and delivering training for SharePoint Developers. Scot is a former U. S. Navy submarine officer and graduate of the Virginia Military Institute. Scot can be reached at
RAHUL SONI started his career working with Visual Basic and went on to learn VB.NET after he moved to Bengaluru, India. After two years of being a dedicated software developer, he joined the Microsoft support team for ASP.NET. Later, he worked for the IIS + ASP.NET team as a Technical Lead at Microsoft for almost two years. Currently, he is a Senior Premier Field Engineer for Microsoft, working on multiple technologies including ASP.NET, AJAX, Silverlight, C#, VB.NET, ADO.NET, LINQ, SharePoint 2007 Administration, SharePoint Development, and SharePoint 2010. He blogs at
ELI ROBILLARD is an independent consultant specializing in large-scale SharePoint solutions, a Microsoft SharePoint Server MVP, a Wrox author, founder of the Toronto SharePoint Users Group, co-founder of the Toronto SharePoint Camp, and co-founder of the ASPInsiders. His clients have included leading energy companies, financial institutions, HR firms, and consulting companies. Eli lives in Toronto, Canada where he also plays music and goes on adventures with his wife Dawn, daughter Irina, and their dog Nukka.
Paul Reese
Adaobi Obi Tulton
Rock Solid Editing
Rahul Soni
Eli Robillard
Rebecca Anderson
Kezia Endsley
Mary Beth Wakefield
Rosemarie Graham
David Mayhew
Ashley Zurcher
Amy Knies
Tim Tate
Richard Swadley
Neil Edde
Jim Minatel
Katie Crocker
Jen Larsen, Word One New York
Robert Swanson
LeAndra Young
© iStock / Stephen Strathdee
THIS BOOK IS FOR ANYONE INTERESTED in developing applications on top of SharePoint 2010 or SharePoint Online in Office 365. Although some knowledge is assumed about SharePoint, you will find the examples comprehensive and easy to follow if you have previous knowledge of web development and development tools.
SharePoint 2010 is a big product and this book is a big, diverse book. So, before you dive into the book, we wanted to give you a little feel for what each chapter entails and what you can expect once you have read the chapter.
Introductory Chapters
The first couple of chapters provide an introduction to SharePoint 2010, since the 2010 release is a large release across all the many SharePoint workloads. In these chapters, you develop an understanding of the features that 2010 provides, from creating collaboration sites to managing your content.
From there, you will explore the new developer tools in Visual Studio 2010 for SharePoint. With the 2010 release of Visual Studio, Microsoft has invested in making Visual Studio a first-class SharePoint development tool with new development, debugging, and testing tools targeted specifically at SharePoint 2010.
Finally, you will see the IT professional improvements for developers. These improvements make deploying and debugging with your IT counterparts faster and easier.
Platform Services
The next section of the book is about the base platform services and APIs provided by SharePoint. This is a big section since SharePoint is a big product with a lot of platform services. This section also serves as a basis for the rest of the book when it comes to the APIs and protocols that you will use to develop with SharePoint.
Workload Chapters
The majority of the book focuses on the workload services and platform provided by SharePoint. This includes social networking, content management, search, forms, and business intelligence. This section of the book is where you can learn to build applications that extend the built-in workloads of SharePoint and shape them to perform the functionality you need to solve your business problems.
Online Services
The last section introduces you to moving your applications to Microsoft’s cloud services, called Microsoft Online Services. Through these cloud services, specifically Microsoft SharePoint Online, you can start hosting and sharing your application in the cloud with coworkers or business partners without having to run the IT infrastructure yourself. With Office 365, SharePoint 2010 comes to the cloud and allows you to integrate your SharePoint environment with other environments such as Windows Azure.
This book is structured to build logically on the skills you learn as you progress through it. After the initial introduction and base platform chapters, the book moves into the more advanced part of the platform. Each chapter builds on knowledge acquired from earlier in the book, so you will want to read through the chapters in succession or at the very least read the introduction and platform chapters before reading later chapters in the book.
First, you will need a copy of SharePoint 2010. The book is written to the public beta of SharePoint 2010, so you will want to download the beta. We have done our best to test against the released version of SharePoint, so please check the Wrox site regularly to see if there are updated code samples available.
Besides SharePoint 2010, you will need Visual Studio 2010 and Office 2010. The easiest way to get all these products is to download the pre-build virtual machine, which includes these products that Microsoft will release after the RTM of SharePoint 2010.
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