Routine Leads to Success

“Swing!” This is easier said than done. In the space of two seconds, several hundred muscles have to be coordinated, weight shift, rotation, fine alignment and velocity have to be precisely attuned. Troublesome thoughts have to be denied and the correct mixture of slight excitation and fighting spirit has to be found. Finally, body and mind must be synchronized and aligned on the target. And nobody plays a round of golf with just one single club. This means a constant switching of shot techniques and game strategies, the transition from putter to driver and so on and so forth ... and all in such a short space of time. Purely routine? We should be so lucky!

Become an Old-Hand!

Start to get a little routine into your game. Perfectly attune the processes, mentally and physically, with tried-and-tested methods. Your goal is to enter your own mental and physical peak performance zone and to play rounds in a state of flow.

“A routine is not a routine if you have to think about it.” Davis Love Jr.


The Pre-Shot Routine

“As simple as possible and always the same” is the basic rule when it comes to the pre-shot routine. This sounds easy enough but for the average golfer this premise is not necessarily easy to follow, especially in stressful situations. The practice swing was perfect but a few minutes later, this time with a ball, the movement is hectic, jerky and often much too fast.