Table of Contents
About This Book
How to Use This Book
And What about You?
How This Book Is Organized
Part I: Windows 7 Stuff Everybody Thinks You Already Know
Part II: Working with Programs and Files
Part III: Getting Things Done on the Internet
Part IV: Customizing and Upgrading Windows 7
Part V: Music, Movies, Memories (And Photos, Too)
Part VI: Help!
Part VII: The Part of Tens
Icons Used in This Book
Where to Go from Here
Part I: Windows 7 Stuff Everybody Thinks You Already Know
Chapter 1: What Is Windows 7?
What Is Windows 7, and Why Are You Using It?
Should I Bother Switching to Windows 7?
Why Vista owners will like Windows 7
Why Windows XP owners should switch to Windows 7
Can My PC Still Run Windows 7?
The Seven Flavors of Windows 7
Chapter 2: The Desktop, Start Menu, Taskbar, Gadgets, and Other Windows 7 Mysteries
Being Welcomed to the World of Windows 7
Fiddling around with user accounts
Keeping your account private with a password
Working on the Desktop
Cleaning up a messy desktop
Jazzing up the desktop’s background
Dumpster diving in the Recycle Bin
The Start Button’s Reason to Live
The Start menu’s buttons
Starting a program from the Start menu
Customizing the Start menu
Bellying Up to the Taskbar
Shrinking windows to the taskbar and retrieving them
Switching to different tasks from the taskbar’s Jump Lists
Clicking the taskbar’s sensitive areas
Customizing the taskbar
The taskbar’s crazy toolbars
A Gaggle of Gadgets
Logging Off from Windows
Chapter 3: Basic Windows Mechanics
Dissecting a Typical Window
Tugging on a window’s title bar
Navigating folders with a window’s Address Bar
Finding the hidden menu bar
Choosing the right button for the job
Quick shortcuts with the Navigation Pane
Working with the Details Pane
Moving inside a window with its scroll bar
Boring borders
Filling Out Bothersome Dialog Boxes
Poking the correct command button
Choosing between option buttons
Typing into text boxes
Choosing options from list boxes
Drop-down list boxes
Check boxes
Sliding controls
Maneuvering Windows Around the Desktop
Moving a window to the top of the pile
Moving a window from here to there
Making a window fill the whole screen
Closing a window
Making a window bigger or smaller
Placing two windows side by side
Making windows open to the same darn size
Chapter 4: Flipping Through Files, Folders, Flash Drives, Libraries, and CDs
Browsing Your Computer’s File Cabinets
Getting the Lowdown on Folders and Libraries
Peering into Your Drives, Folders, and Libraries
Seeing the files on a disk drive
Seeing what’s inside folders
Managing a library’s folders
Creating a New Folder
Renaming a File or Folder
Selecting Bunches of Files or Folders
Getting Rid of a File or Folder
Copying or Moving Files and Folders
Seeing More Information about Files and Folders
Writing to CDs and DVDs
Buying the right kind of blank CDs and DVDs for burning
Copying files from or to a CD or DVD
Working with Flash Drives and Memory Cards
Part II: Working with Programs and Files
Chapter 5: Playing with Programs and Documents
Starting a Program
Opening a Document
Saving a Document
Choosing Which Program Opens a File
The wrong program loads my file!
No program will open my file!
Taking the Lazy Way with a Shortcut
The Absolutely Essential Guide to Cutting, Copying, and Pasting
The quick ’n’ dirty guide to cut ’n’ paste
Selecting things to cut or copy
Cutting or copying your selected goods
Pasting information to another place
Windows 7’s Free Programs!
Writing letters with WordPad
Converting, adding, and balancing with Calculator
Finding symbols like © with Character Map
Chapter 6: Briefly Lost, but Quickly Found
Finding Lost Windows on the Desktop
Locating a Missing Program, E-Mail, Song, Document, or Other File
Finding a Missing File inside a Folder
Arranging and Grouping Files
Finding Lost Photos
Finding Other Computers on a Network
Finding Information on the Internet
Saving Your Searches
Chapter 7: Printing Your Work
Printing Your Masterpiece
Adjusting how your work fits on the page
Adjusting your printer’s settings
Canceling a print job
Printing a Web page
Troubleshooting your printer
Part III: Getting Things Done on the Internet
Chapter 8: Cruising the Web
What Is the Internet?
What’s an ISP, and Why Do I Need One?
Setting Up Internet Explorer the First Time
Navigating the Web with Internet Explorer 8
Moving from Web page to Web page
Revisit favorite places
Finding things on the Internet
The Web Page Says It Needs a Weird Plug-In Thing!
Saving Information from the Internet
Saving a Web page
Saving text
Saving a picture
Downloading a program, song, or other type of file
It Doesn’t Work!
Removing Unneeded Plug-Ins
The Pages Won’t All Fit on My Screen
Internet Explorer Now Fills My Entire Screen!
Chapter 9: Sending and Receiving E-Mail
Understanding E-Mail Options in Windows 7
Web-based e-mail
PC-based e-mail programs
Installing Windows Live Mail
Setting Up Windows Live Mail
Sending and Receiving E-Mail in Windows Live Mail
Composing and sending an e-mail
Reading a received e-mail
Sending and Receiving Files through E-Mail
Attaching a file or files to an e-mail
Saving an attached file
Embedding photos in an e-mail
Saving embedded photos
Managing Your Contacts
Reducing Your Spam
Chapter 10: Safe Computing
Understanding Those Annoying Permission Messages
Assessing Your Safety in the Action Center
Changing the firewall settings
Changing Windows Update settings
Avoiding viruses
Staying Safe on the Internet
Avoiding evil add-ons and hijackers
Avoiding phishing scams
Avoiding and removing spyware and parasites with Windows Defender
Setting Up Parental Controls
Part IV: Customizing and Upgrading Windows 7
Chapter 11: Customizing Windows 7 with the Control Panel
Finding the Right Switch in the Control Panel
System and Security
User Accounts and Family Safety
Network and Internet
Changing Windows 7’s Appearance (Appearance and Personalization)
Changing the desktop background
Choosing a screen saver
Changing the computer’s theme
Changing the screen resolution
Hardware and Sound
Adjusting volume and sounds
Installing or setting up speakers
Adding a printer
Installing or adjusting other computer parts
Clock, Language, and Region
Adding or Removing Programs
Removing or changing programs
Adding new programs
Add/remove parts of Windows 7
Modifying Windows 7 for the Physically Challenged
Chapter 12: Keeping Windows from Breaking
Creating a Restore Point
Tuning Up Windows 7 with Built-In Maintenance Tools
Backing up your computer
Finding technical information about your computer
Freeing up space on your hard drive
Empowering your power button
Setting up devices that don’t work (fiddling with drivers)
Cleaning Your Mouse
Chapter 13: Sharing One Computer with Several People
Understanding User Accounts
Setting Up or Changing User Accounts
Switching Quickly between Users
Sharing Files among Account Holders
Changing a User Account’s Picture
Setting Up Passwords and Security
Chapter 14: Connecting Computers with a Network
Understanding a Network’s Parts
Setting Up a Small Network
Buying parts for a network
Installing a wired network
Connecting Wirelessly
Setting up a wireless router or access point
Setting up Windows 7 to connect to a wireless network
Setting Up a Homegroup
Sharing Files within a Homegroup
Choosing what items to share in a Homegroup
Accessing what others have shared
Connecting to and Sharing Files with Windows XP and Windows Vista PCs
Letting older PCs notice your Windows 7 PCs
Accessing a Windows 7 PC’s shared files from an older PC
Accessing a Windows XP or Vista PC’s shared files from your Windows 7 PC
Sharing a Printer on the Network
Troubleshooting a Network
Part V: Music, Movies, Memories (And Photos, Too)
Chapter 15: Playing and Copying Music in Media Player
Stocking Media Player’s Library
Browsing Media Player’s Libraries
Controlling Your Now Playing Items
Playing CDs
Playing DVDs
Playing Videos and TV Shows
Playing Music Files (MP3s and WMAs)
Creating, Saving, and Editing Playlists
Ripping (Copying) CDs to Your PC
Burning (Creating) Music CDs
Copying Songs to Your Portable Player
Working with Media Center
Browsing Media Center’s menus
Getting the most out of Media Center
Chapter 16: Fiddling with Photos and Movies
Using Your Computer as a Digital Shoebox
Dumping the camera’s photos into your computer
Browsing your photos in the Pictures library
Viewing a slide show
Copying digital photos to a CD or DVD
E-mailing photos
Printing pictures
Fixing photos with Windows Live Photo Gallery
Creating a DVD Movie or Slide Show with Windows DVD Maker
Creating, Editing, and Viewing Digital Movies
Step 1: Import video, pictures, and music
Step 2: Edit your movie
Step 3: Save your edited movie
Part VI: Help!
Chapter 17: The Case of the Broken Window
Windows 7 Keeps Asking Me for Permission
I Need System Restore to Fix My PC
I Need to Retrieve Deleted or Damaged Files
Undeleting accidentally deleted files
Retrieving previous versions of files and folders
My Settings Are Messed Up
I Forgot My Password
My Folder (Or Desktop) Doesn’t Show All My Files
My Mouse Doesn’t Work Right
My Double-Clicks Are Now Single Clicks
I Can’t Run Older Programs under Windows 7
I Can’t Find the Folder Menus
My Computer Is Frozen Up Solid
Chapter 18: Strange Messages: What You Did Does Not Compute
Activate Windows Now
Could Not Perform This Operation Because the Default Mail Client Is Not Properly Installed
Device Driver Software Was Not Successfully Installed
Do You Trust This Printer?
Do You Want to Allow the Following Program to Make Changes to This Computer?
Do You Want to Install (Or Run) This Software?
Do You Want to Save Changes?
Do You Want to Turn AutoComplete On?
Find an Antivirus Program Online
Installing Device Driver Software
Set Up Windows Internet Explorer 8
View Important Messages
Windows Can’t Open This File
You Don’t Currently Have Permission to Access This Folder
Chapter 19: Moving from an Old Computer to a New Windows 7 PC
Preparing to Move into Your New PC
Choosing how to transfer your old information
Installing your old PC’s programs onto your new PC
Transferring Information Between Two PCs with Windows Easy Transfer
Transferring through an Easy Transfer cable
Transferring through a network
Transferring through a portable hard drive or flash drive
Picking and choosing the files, folders, and accounts to transfer
Disposing of Your Old Computer
Chapter 20: Help on the Windows 7 Help System
Consulting a Program’s Built-In Computer Guru
Finding the Information You Need in Windows Help and Support Center
Summoning the Windows 7 Troubleshooters
Part VII: The Part of Tens
Chapter 21: Ten or So Things You’ll Hate about Windows 7 (And How to Fix Them)
I Can’t Stand Those Nagging Permission Screens
I Can’t Copy Music to My iPod
The Menus All Disappeared
The “Glass” Effects Slow Down My PC or Laptop
My Quick Launch Toolbar Is Gone!
Windows Makes Me Log On All the Time
The Taskbar Keeps Disappearing
I Can’t Keep Track of Open Windows
I Can’t Line Up Two Windows on the Screen
It Won’t Let Me Do Something Unless I’m an Administrator!
I Don’t Know What Version of Windows I Have
My Print Screen Key Doesn’t Work
I Can’t Upgrade to Windows 7 from Windows XP!
Chapter 22: Ten or So Tips for Laptop Owners
Adjusting Your Laptop’s Settings Quickly
Choosing What Happens When You Close Your Laptop’s Lid
Adjusting to Different Locations
Changing your time zone
Connecting to a wireless Internet hotspot
Dialing a modem from a new location
Backing Up Your Laptop Before Traveling
Appendix A: Upgrading to Windows 7
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Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books.
He wrote articles for various techie publications before moving to computer books in 1992. He’s written the Windows For Dummies series, Upgrading and Fixing PCs For Dummies, TiVo For Dummies, PCs: The Missing Manual, and many other computer books.
Today, he has more than 15 million copies of his books in print, and they’ve been translated into more than 30 languages. You can reach Andy at his Web site,
Special thanks to Dan Gookin, Matt Wagner, Tina Rathbone, Steve Hayes, Nicole Sholly, Virginia Sanders, and James Kelly.
Thanks also to all the folks I never meet in editorial, sales, marketing, proofreading, layout, graphics, and manufacturing who work hard to bring you this book.
We’re proud of this book; please send us your comments at For other comments, please contact our Customer Care Department within the U.S. at 877-762-2974, outside the U.S. at 317-572-3993, or fax 317-572-4002.
Welcome to Windows 7 For Dummies, the world’s best-selling book about Windows 7!
This book’s popularity probably boils down to this simple fact: Some people want to be Windows whizzes. They love interacting with dialog boxes. Some randomly press keys in the hope of discovering hidden, undocumented features. A few memorize long strings of computer commands while washing their hair.
And you? Well, you’re no dummy, that’s for sure. But when it comes to Windows and computers, the fascination just isn’t there. You want to get your work done, stop, and move on to something more important. You have no intention of changing, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
That’s where this book comes in handy. Instead of making you a whiz at Windows, it merely dishes out chunks of useful computing information when you need them. Instead of becoming a Windows 7 expert, you’ll know just enough to get by quickly, cleanly, and with a minimum of pain so that you can move on to the more pleasant things in life.
About This Book
Don’t try to read this book in one sitting; there’s no need. Instead, treat this book like a dictionary or an encyclopedia. Turn to the page with the information you need and say, “Ah, so that’s what they’re talking about.” Then put down the book and move on.
Don’t bother trying to memorize all the Windows 7 jargon, such as Select the Menu Item from the Drop-Down List Box. Leave that stuff for the computer enthusiasts. In fact, if anything technical comes up in a chapter, a road sign warns you well in advance. Depending on your mood, you can either slow down to read it or speed on around it.
Instead of fancy computer jargon, this book covers subjects like these, all discussed in plain English:
Keeping your computer safe and secure
Finding, starting, and closing programs
Locating the file you saved or downloaded yesterday
Setting up a computer for the whole family to use
Copying information to and from a CD or DVD
Working with your digital camera’s photos and making slide shows
Printing your work
Creating a network between PCs to share an Internet connection or printer
Fixing Windows 7 when it’s misbehaving
There’s nothing to memorize and nothing to learn. Just turn to the right page, read the brief explanation, and get back to work. Unlike other books, this one enables you to bypass the technical hoopla and still get your work done.
How to Use This Book
Something in Windows 7 will eventually leave you scratching your head. No other program brings so many buttons, bars, and babble to the screen. When something in Windows 7 leaves you stumped, use this book as a reference. Look for the troublesome topic in this book’s table of contents or index. The table of contents lists chapter and section titles and page numbers. The index lists topics and page numbers. Page through the table of contents or index to the spot that deals with that particular bit of computer obscurity, read only what you have to, close the book, and apply what you’ve read.
If you’re feeling spunky and want to find out more, read a little further in the bulleted items below each section. You can find a few completely voluntary extra details, tips, or cross-references to check out. There’s no pressure, though. You aren’t forced to discover anything that you don’t want to or that you simply don’t have time for.
If you have to type something into the computer, you’ll see easy-to-follow bold text like this:
Type Media Player into the Search box.
In the preceding example, you type the words Media Player and then press the keyboard’s Enter key. Typing words into a computer can be confusing, so a description follows that explains what you should be seeing on the screen.
This book doesn’t wimp out by saying, “For further information, consult your manual.” Windows 7 doesn’t even come with a manual. This book also doesn’t contain information about running specific Windows software packages, such as Microsoft Office. Windows 7 is complicated enough on its own! Luckily, other For Dummies books mercifully explain most popular software packages.
Don’t feel abandoned, though. This book covers Windows in plenty of detail for you to get the job done. Plus, if you have questions or comments about Windows 7 For Dummies, feel free to drop me a line on my Web site at
Finally, keep in mind that this book is a reference. It’s not designed to teach you how to use Windows 7 like an expert, heaven forbid. Instead, this book dishes out enough bite-sized chunks of information so that you don’t have to learn Windows.
And What about You?
Chances are good that you already own Windows 7 or are thinking about upgrading. You know what you want to do with your computer. The problem lies in making the computer do what you want it to do. You’ve gotten by one way or another, perhaps with the help of a computer guru — either a friend at the office, somebody down the street, or your fourth-grader.
But when your computer guru isn’t around, this book can be a substitute during your times of need. (Keep a doughnut nearby in case you need a quick bribe.)
How This Book Is Organized
The information in this book has been well sifted. This book contains seven parts, and I divide each part into chapters relating to the part’s theme. With an even finer knife, I divide each chapter into short sections to help you figure out a bit of Windows 7 weirdness. Sometimes, you may find what you’re looking for in a small, boxed sidebar. Other times, you may need to cruise through an entire section or chapter. It’s up to you and the particular task at hand.
Here are the categories (the envelope, please).
Part I: Windows 7 Stuff Everybody Thinks You Already Know
This part dissects Windows 7’s backbone: its opening screen and username buttons, the mammoth Start button menu that fetches all your important stuff, and your computer’s desktop — the background where all your programs live. It explains how to move windows around, for example, and click the right buttons at the right time. It explains the Windows 7 stuff that everybody thinks that you already know.
Part II: Working with Programs and Files
Windows 7 comes with bunches of free programs. Finding and starting the programs, however, often proves to be a chore. This part of the book shows you how to prod programs into action. If an important file or program has vanished from the radar, you discover how to make Windows 7 dredge your computer’s crowded cupboards and bring it back.
Part III: Getting Things Done on the Internet
Turn here for a crash course in today’s computing playground, the Internet. This part explains how to send e-mail and globetrot across Web sites. Best yet, an entire chapter explains how to do it all safely, without viruses, spyware, and annoying pop-up ads.
A section explains Internet Explorer’s built-in security tools. They stop evil phishing sites from tricking you and keep Web parasites from attaching themselves to your board as you Web surf.
Part IV: Customizing and Upgrading Windows 7
When Windows 7 needs a jolt, fix it by flipping one of the switches hidden in its Control Panel, described here. Another chapter explains computer maintenance you can easily perform yourself, reducing your repair bills. You discover how to share your computer with several people in your family or in a shared apartment — without letting anybody peek into anybody else’s information.
And when you’re ready to add a second computer, head to the networking chapter for quick instructions on linking computers to share an Internet connection, files, and a printer, as well.
Part V: Music, Movies, Memories (And Photos, Too)
Turn here for information on playing music CDs, DVDs, digital music, and movies. Buy some cheap CDs and create your own greatest hits CDs from your favorite tunes. (Or just copy a CD so that your favorite one doesn’t get scratched in the car.)
Digital camera owners should visit the chapter on transferring pictures from your camera to your computer, organizing the pictures, and e-mailing them to friends. Bought a camcorder? Head to the section that explains how to edit out the dopey parts with the Windows Live Movie Maker program and save your completed masterwork onto a DVD the relatives will enjoy for a change.
Part VI: Help!
Although glass doesn’t shatter when Windows crashes, it still hurts. In this part, you find some soothing salves for the most painful irritations. Plus, you find ways to unleash the Windows 7 program’s team of troubleshooters.
Stuck with the problem of moving your files from an old computer to a new one? You can find help here, as well. (If you’re ready to upgrade your Windows XP or Vista computer to Windows 7, check out the appendix, too, which holds complete instructions.)
Part VII: The Part of Tens
Everybody loves lists (except during tax time). This part contains lists of Windows-related trivia, such as ten aggravating things about Windows 7 (and how to fix them). As a bonus for the laptoppers, I’ve collected Windows 7’s most useful laptop tips and placed them into one chapter, complete with step-by-step instructions for the most frequently used laptopping tasks.
Icons Used in This Book
It just takes a glance at Windows 7 to notice its icons, which are little push-button pictures for starting various programs. The icons in this book fit right in. They’re even a little easier to figure out.
Watch out! This signpost warns you that pointless technical information is coming around the bend. Swerve away from this icon to stay safe from awful technical drivel.
This icon alerts you about juicy information that makes computing easier: a tried-and-true method for keeping the cat from sleeping on top of the monitor, for example.
Don’t forget to remember these important points. (Or at least dog-ear the pages so that you can look them up again a few days later.)
The computer won’t explode while you’re performing the delicate operations associated with this icon. Still, wearing gloves and proceeding with caution is a good idea.
Are you moving to Windows 7 from Windows Vista? This icon alerts you to areas where 7 works significantly differently from its predecessor.
More than a few folks skipped Windows Vista altogether. If you’re a Vista skipper, this XP icon alerts you to the many places where Windows 7 works significantly differently from Windows XP. (Keep an eye out for the New in Windows 7 icon, too, because you’ve missed quite a few changes.)
Where to Go from Here
Now, you’re ready for action. Give the pages a quick flip and scan a section or two that you know you’ll need later. Please remember, this is your book — your weapon against the computer nerds who’ve inflicted this whole complicated computer concept on you. Please circle any paragraphs you find useful, highlight key concepts, add your own sticky notes, and doodle in the margins next to the complicated stuff.
The more you mark up your book, the easier it will be for you to find all the good stuff again.
Chapter 1
What Is Windows 7?
In This Chapter
Getting to know Windows 7
Discovering the new features in Windows 7
Understanding how Windows 7 affects your old programs
Figuring out whether your PC is powerful enough to run Windows 7
Knowing which version of Windows 7 you need
Chances are good that you’ve heard about Windows: the boxes and windows and mouse pointer that greet you whenever you turn on your computer. In fact, millions of people all over the world are puzzling over it as you read this book. Almost every new computer sold today comes with a copy of Windows preinstalled — cheerfully greeting you when first turned on.
This chapter helps you understand why Windows lives inside your computer and introduces Microsoft’s latest Windows version, called Windows 7. I explain how Windows 7 differs from previous Windows versions, whether you should upgrade to Windows 7, and how well your faithful old PC will weather the upgrade.
What Is Windows 7, and Why Are You Using It?
Created and sold by a company called Microsoft, Windows isn’t like your usual software that lets you write term papers or send angry e-mails to mail-order companies. No, Windows is an operating system, meaning it controls the way you work with your computer. It’s been around for more than 20 years, and the latest whiz-bang version is called Windows 7, shown in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1: Windows 7, the newest version of Microsoft Windows, comes preinstalled on most new PCs today.
Windows gets its name from all the cute little windows it places on your monitor. Each window shows information, such as a picture, a program that you’re running, or a baffling technical reprimand. You can put several windows on-screen at the same time and jump from window to window, visiting different programs. You can also enlarge a window to fill the entire screen.
Like the mother with the whistle in the lunch court, Windows controls every window and each part of your computer. When you turn on your computer, Windows jumps onto the screen and supervises any running programs. Throughout all this action, Windows keeps things running smoothly, even if the programs start throwing food at each other.
In addition to controlling your computer and bossing around your programs, Windows 7 comes with a bunch of free programs. Although your computer can run without these programs, they’re nice to have. These programs let you do different things, like write and print letters, browse the Internet, play music, and even create a slide show from your vacation photos and burn it to a DVD — automatically.
And why are you using Windows 7? If you’re like most people, you didn’t have much choice. Nearly every computer sold since October 22, 2009 comes with Windows 7 preinstalled. A few people escaped Windows by buying Apple computers (those nicer-looking computers that cost a lot more). But chances are good that you, your neighbors, your boss, your kids at school, and millions of other people around the world are using Windows.
Microsoft took pains (and several years of work) to make Windows 7 the most secure version of Windows yet. (Just ask people who upgraded from previous versions.)
Windows makes it easy for several people to share a single computer. Each person receives his or her own user account. When users click their name at the Windows opening screen, they see their own work — just the way they left it. Windows 7 includes controls for parents to limit the time their kids spend on the PC, as well as what programs they can open.
Windows includes a new backup program that makes it easier to do what you should have been doing all along: Make copies of your important files every night, a task I describe in Chapter 12.
The powerful new search program and library system in Windows 7 mean that you can forget about where you’ve stored your files. To find a missing file, just click the Start menu and type what that file contained: a few words in a document, the name of the band singing the song, or even the year your favorite jazz albums were released.
Should I Bother Switching to Windows 7?
Microsoft hopes everybody will immediately switch to Windows 7. Because people buying new PCs automatically already receive Windows 7 preinstalled on their PC, Microsoft is targeting two other groups: people using Windows XP and people using Windows Vista.
The next two sections describe what Windows 7 offers to Windows Vista owners, and to those holdouts still running Windows XP.
Why Vista owners will like Windows 7
Vista owners will rejoice at Windows 7, with many folks calling the new operating system “What Windows Vista should have been.” Windows 7 certainly isn’t perfect, but it’s a welcome relief for Windows Vista owners. Here’s why:
Easy upgrade path: As a perk for suffering through Vista, you can upgrade to Windows 7 simply by slipping in a Windows 7 Upgrade DVD. Your programs, printer, and nearly everything else that worked with Vista work fine with Windows 7. Windows XP owners face a dirty chore: They must erase their hard drives and install Windows 7 from scratch.
No more nag screens: Easily the most loudly cursed feature of Windows Vista, User Account Control (UAC) perpetually popped up messages asking if you’re sure you want to do something. Windows 7 comes with a toned-down version that merely warns you if something drastic might happen. You can even adjust UAC’s warning level to match your comfort level, from paranoid to relaxed.
Streamlined controls: Vista demanded many keystrokes and clicks to accomplish what Windows 7 does in a few. In Vista, for example, trying to turn off a PC brought up two shortcut icons and an arrow that fetches a seven-option menu. Windows 7’s single-click “Shut Down” key does what most folks want: Saves work, closes programs, and turns off the PC.
Better backup: In an effort to simplify backing up your PC, Vista made backup copies of everything, even if you wanted to back up only a few files or folders. Windows 7, by contrast, lets you back up everything, but it also offers an option for selecting only a few things to back up.
Runs better on laptops: Vista’s sloth-like performance upset many laptop owners. Many new netbooks — ultralight laptops built for on-the-road Internet access and word processing — couldn’t even run Vista, forcing Microsoft to extend the Windows XP expiration deadline twice.
Why Windows XP owners should switch to Windows 7
Microsoft releases a new version of Windows every few years. If you bought your PC between 2001 and 2006, you’ve probably grown accustomed to the mechanics of Windows XP. That leaves the nagging question, why bother upgrading to Windows 7 when Windows XP works just fine?
Actually, if Windows XP is running just fine, you may not need Windows 7. But because your PC could be almost six years old — an antique in the tech world — Microsoft hopes the following improvements in Windows 7 will push your hand toward your credit card:
DVD burning: More than five years after DVD burners hit the market, Windows can finally take advantage of them without third-party software. Windows 7 can copy files and movies to DVDs as well as to CDs. Its DVD Maker program gathers your vacation photos and burns a slick slide show onto a DVD, ready for passing out to every yoga retreat attendee.
Easier file searches: Windows XP really drags its feet when searching for files. Searching for a filename takes several minutes on a crowded hard drive, and if you’re searching your files for a particular word or phrase, you’re in for a long weekend. Windows 7, by contrast, spends its idle time fine-tuning an index of every word on your hard drive. Type a word from a file’s name or contents into the Start menu’s Search box, and Windows 7 quickly finds the goods.
New Internet Explorer: Windows 7’s new Internet Explorer 8 lets you surf the Web more easily and securely. It has the old standbys — tabbed browsing, RSS feeds, and a filter alerting you to potential fraudulent Web sites — and other new features I cover in Chapter 8.
Media Center: This entertainment center not only plays DVDs and music but also lets you watch TV on your PC and even record shows onto your hard drive for later viewing. Recording TV shows requires a PC with a TV Tuner in your PC, an upgrade I cover in one of my other books, Upgrading and Fixing PCs For Dummies, published by Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Taskbar: Microsoft spent some time building on Vista’s three-dimensional look. The new taskbar in Windows 7 adds pop-up thumbnails, shown in Figure 1-2, that help you find a lost window. Or, right-click a taskbar icon to see more information about it — your recent history of browsed Web sites, for example, is shown in Figure 1-3.
Figure 1-2: The new taskbar in Windows 7 offers pop-up thumbnail previews of every open window on your desktop.
Figure 1-3: Right-click an icon on Windows 7’s new taskbar to see more information, including a list of recently viewed Web sites in Internet Explorer.
Can My PC Still Run Windows 7?
If your PC already runs Windows Vista, it will probably run Windows 7. In fact, Windows 7 runs better on some PCs, mostly laptops, than Windows Vista does.
If your PC already runs Windows XP well, it will probably run Windows 7, but perhaps not at its best. Upgrading your PC with a few things will help Windows 7 run better, a job I tackle in Upgrading and Fixing PCs For Dummies, 8th Edition. Here’s the shopping list:
Video: Windows 7 requires powerful graphics for its fanciest 3-D features. Upgraded video cards cost around $50, and they’re not available for laptops. But if your PC’s video lacks the muscle and your wallet lacks the cash, don’t despair. Windows 7 simply slips into more casual clothes, letting your PC run without the 3-D views.
Memory: Windows 7 loves memory. For best results, your PC should have 1GB of memory or more. Memory’s easy to install and relatively cheap, so don’t skimp here.
DVD drive: Unlike Windows XP, which comes on a CD, Windows 7 (like Windows Vista) comes on a DVD. That means your PC needs a working DVD drive to install it. That probably won’t rule out many PCs these days, but it may rule out some older laptops and netbooks.
Windows 7 can run nearly any program that runs on Windows Vista, and it can run a great number of Windows XP programs. Some older programs, however, won’t work, including most security-based programs, such as antivirus, firewall, and security programs. You’ll need to contact the program’s manufacturer to see whether it’ll give you a free upgrade.
Shopping for a new PC to run Windows 7? To see how well a particular showroom PC will handle Windows 7, click the PC’s Start button, choose Control Panel, and open the System and Security category. In the System area, choose Check the Windows Experience Index. Windows tests the PC and gives it a grade ranging from 1 (terrible) to 7.9 (extraordinary).
Not sure what version of Windows your PC has? Right-click Computer from the Start menu and choose Properties. The screen that appears states your Windows version.
The Seven Flavors of Windows 7
Windows XP came in two easy-to-understand versions: one for home and one for business. Windows Vista split into five different versions, each with a different price tag, and a confusing array of features. Windows 7 ups the confusion level with seven versions, but the versions are much easier to figure out.
The vast majority of consumers will choose Windows 7 Home Premium, and most businesses will choose Windows 7 Professional. Still, to clear up the confusion, I describe all seven versions in Table 1-1.
Table 1-1 The Seven Flavors of Windows 7
The Version of Windows 7
What It Does
Windows 7 Starter
This stripped-down version of Windows 7 runs mostly on netbooks — tiny PCs that lack the power for much more than Web browsing and simple word processing.
Windows 7 Home Basic
Designed for developing countries, this version contains everything from the Starter edition and tosses in better graphics, Internet connection sharing, and settings for more powerful laptops.
Windows 7 Home Premium
Built to fill most consumers’ needs, this version includes programs to let people watch and record TV on their PC, as well as create DVDs from their camcorder footage.
Windows 7 Professional
Aimed at the business market, this features everything from Home Premium, as well as tools used by small businesses: extra networking features, for example, and similar business tools.
Windows 7 Enterprise
Microsoft sells this large business version in bulk to large businesses.
Windows 7 Ultimate
This version aims at the wallets of information technology specialists who spend much of their lives in front of their keyboards. If you’re reading this book, you don’t need this version.
Windows 7 “E”
Visit for more information about this proposed browserless version aimed at European markets.
Although seven versions may seem complicated, choosing the one you need isn’t that difficult. And because Microsoft stuffed all the versions on your Windows 7 DVD, you can upgrade at any time simply by whipping out the credit card and unlocking the features in a different version.
Unlike with Vista, each version contains all the features of the version below it. Windows 7 Professional contains everything found in Windows 7 Home Premium.
Here are some guidelines for choosing the version you need:
If you’ll be using your PC at home, pick up Windows 7 Home Premium.
If you need to connect to a domain through a work network — and you’ll know if you’re doing it — you want Windows 7 Professional.
If you’re a computer industry professional, you should get your hands on Windows 7 Ultimate because it includes everything found in the other versions.
If you’re a computer tech who works for businesses, go ahead and argue with your boss over whether you need Windows 7 Professional or Windows 7 Enterprise. The boss will make the decision based on whether its a small company (Windows Professional) or a large company (Windows Enterprise).
If you own a netbook — a tiny laptop — that runs Windows 7, you can upgrade to a more powerful version right from the Start menu.
That inexpensive Windows 7 Home Basic version isn’t sold in the United States. It’s sold at reduced prices in developing nations like Malaysia. (It’s not really a goodwill gesture as much as it’s an attempt to reduce software piracy.)