XSLT For Dummies®


by Richard Wagner




About the Author

Richard Wagner is vice president of Development Tools at Nombas, a JavaScript tools provider, and author of numerous books, including JavaScript Unleashed. He also invented and architected the award-winning NetObjects ScriptBuilder and served as editor for the XML-based ECMAScript Components standard. In his free time, he enjoys writing on his nontech Web site called digitalwalk.net (www.digitalwalk.net). Rich lives with his wife and three boys in Princeton, Massachusetts. He can be reached at rich@digitalwalk.net.



To the intrepid J-boys — Jordan, Jared, and Justus. In all things, “to the hilt . . .”


Author’s Acknowledgments

In writing this book, I was blessed with an unbeatable editorial team at Hungry Minds. My deepest thanks go to Christine Berman for her flawless management of this project from start to finish. Thanks to Becky Huehls for her keen editing eye and helpful suggestions, driving me to be clearer and more concise in my writing. Thanks also to Bob Dominy for his technical insights that made a strong impact on the book’s overall quality and coverage. I talk about the X-Team in this book, but I’d say the book’s X-Factor is Christine, Becky, and Bob. For without them, XSLT For Dummies would have been far less of a book.

I’d also like to express thanks to Steven Hayes at Hungry Minds for his involvement early on in the project, as well as thank my agent, Chris Van Buren.

Finally, I’d like to express earnest gratitude to my wife, Kimberly, and our three boys, the J-team, for their patience and grace throughout the entire project.


Publisher’s Acknowledgments

We’re proud of this book; please send us your comments through our Hungry Minds Online Registration Form located at www.dummies.com.

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What I Assume About You

How This Book Is Organized

Conventions Used in This Book

Icons Used in This Book

Part I : Getting Started with XSLT

Chapter 1: Introducing the X-Team

XML: Storing Your Data

XSL: Presenting XML Data

XSLT: Transforming Your XML Data

XPath: Seeking Out Your Data

The X-Team through HTML Eyes

Chapter 2: Writing Your First XSLT Stylesheet

Preparing Your XSLT Working Environment

Creating a Simple XML Document

Knowing the End Result

Writing an XSLT Stylesheet

Processing the Stylesheet

Viewing the Results

Part II : Becoming an XSLT Transformer

Chapter 3: Transforming with Style (Stylesheets, That Is)

Structure of a Stylesheet

Constructing Your XSLT Stylesheet

What’s in a Name(space)?

Documents as Trees

Chapter 4: Templates Rule!

A Glorified Mail Merge

Basics of a Template Rule

Common Action Instructions

Built-In Template Rules

Matchmaker, Make Me a Match

Working with Attribute Value Templates

Working with Named Templates

Chapter 5: XPath Espresso

XPath, The X-Team’s Commando

Dancing the Location Step

Defining Relationships with Axes

Matching Nodes with Node Tests

Using Predicates to Get Specific

Take a Walk on the Absolute Side

Putting It All Together

Chapter 6: We Want Results!

XSLT, Like Skinning a Cat

XML Source

Copying an Element

Copying All Elements

Adding a New Element

Adding a Calculated Value

Renaming an Element

Removing an Element

Removing an Attribute

Reordering Elements

Merging Elements

Adding Attributes

Moving an Attribute

Converting Elements into Attributes

Converting Attributes into Elements

Part III : Prime Time XSLT

Chapter 7: Adding Programming Logic Isn’t Just for Propheads

Conditional and Looping Statements

If and Only If

Testing Expressions with Logical Operators

Why Choosy People Choose xsl:choose

Going Loopy with xsl:for-each

Chapter 8: Variables in XSLT: A Breed Apart

What Is a Variable?

Setting Variables

Uses of Variables

Think Globally, Act Locally

Working with Parameters

Chapter 9: Tweaking the Results to Get What You Want

Sorting Elements in the Results Tree

Adding Automatic Numbering

Chapter 10: To HTML and Beyond!


Outputting to HTML

Creating an HTML Table

Linking an XSLT Stylesheet with an XML Document

Browser Support of XSLT

To Infinity and Beyond (Into Other Formats)

Chapter 11: XPath Data Types and Functions

Playing ‘Heart and Soul’ with Nodes

Working with Strings

Numerically Speaking

Booleans: To Be or Not to Be

General Purpose Functions

Part IV : eXtreme XSLT

Chapter 12: Combining XSLT Stylesheets

Comparing xsl:include and xsl:import

Practical Use of xsl:import

Chapter 13: “Gimme Some Space” and Other Output Issues

Gimme Some Space

Indenting Your Result Document

Adding Comments

Adding Processing Instructions

Chapter 14: Keys and Cross-Referencing

Keys to the Kingdom

Using Keys with Multiple Source Documents

Chapter 15: Namespaces Revisited

Speaking the Namespace Lingo

Adding a Namespace to the Result Document

Working with Multiple Namespaces

Chapter 16: Extending XSLT

Going Beyond the Basics

Using an Extension Element

Using an Extension Function

Ensuring Portability of Your Stylesheets

Chapter 17: Debugging XSLT Transformations

Conditionally Halting Execution

Adding a Conditional Debug Mode

Tracing through Your Code

More Powerful Debugging

Part V : The Part of Tens

Chapter 18: Ten Most Confusing Things About XSLT

Built-In Template: The Man Behind the Screen

Thar’s Trees in Them Documents

Getting to the Root of the Issue

Why the Selected Node Is Not the Same as the Current Node

Those //@.}* Abbreviations

To Apply or Copy, That Is the Question

Walk This Way

Expressions, Paths, and Steps

Those Cute Little Curly Braces

Whitespace, the Final Frontier

Chapter 19: Ten All-Pro XSLT Resources on the Web


W3C XSLT Recommendation

W3C XPath Recommendation

Dave Pawson’s XSLT FAQ

W3School’s XSL School

MSDN’s XML Center


Jeni’s XSLT Pages

TopXML: XSLT Reference

Nic Miloslav’s XSLT Tutorial

Chapter 20: Ten XSLT Processors Available Online













Everyone seems to be talking about Extensible Markup Language (XML) these days. You know how mothers are — I can’t even visit my relatives over the holidays without my mom broaching the topic of XML at Thanksgiving dinner. Yes, XML has become quite a buzzword, but Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) is the power that takes all this XML and turns it into something useful and flexible.

XSLT is a language used to transform XML documents into something new. It can take one XML document and output that document’s information into a completely different structure or turn XML into an HTML document for viewing on the Web. XSLT isn’t a general-purpose programming language, such as Java or Visual Basic; its focus is solely on transforming XML.

Before I get any farther along, I have to point out the “elephant in the room” — XSLT’s long-winded name. Who came up with that name anyway? I think the people responsible should be forced to say, “Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations,” aloud ten times and hope their tongues don’t fall off! XSLT’s full name may be a mouthful, but this book carves up each piece of XSLT into manageable, chewable morsels.

XSLT can be confusing if you don’t have a solid understanding of its syntax, quirky abbreviations, and the esoteric terminology it sometimes uses. But XSLT For Dummies can help you write XSLT stylesheets and, just as important, grasp why and how transformations work. In addition, see www.dummies.com/extras/xsltfd for code examples as well as a helpful editing tool of my own creation which I call the X-Factor.

Above all, you can use XSLT For Dummies as your guide for quickly developing the know-how of XSLT — without drowning in technical gobbledygook.

What I Assume About You

XSLT For Dummies starts from the bottom and works its way up: It doesn’t assume that you have any previous knowledge of XSLT or XML. If you have some know-how of HTML or programming, I think you can grasp some of the concepts of XSLT quicker than a beginner, but I don’t expect you to know HTML or anything about programming beforehand.

How This Book Is Organized

My aim is to help you find out how to become productive with XSLT quickly so that you can transform XML documents into virtually any kind of output imaginable. With that goal in mind, XSLT For Dummies is divided into five parts, each of which builds upon the previous ones.

Part I: Getting Started with XSLT

Part I kicks off your journey. You start by finding out about the core concepts of XSLT and how it fits in with HTML and all the other X technologies out there, such as XML, XSL, and XPath. You get your feet wet by writing your first XSLT stylesheet and transforming an XML document.

After you finish that, you can say XSLT to your buddies at work and actually have a grasp of what you’re talking about when you throw around those X terms.

Part II: Becoming an XSLT Transformer

This part takes you into the belly of the beast: stylesheets, template rules, and XPath expressions. But don’t worry — you won’t lose your appetite. You begin by looking at stylesheets and find out, in everyday terms, the often-confusing subject of document trees and recursion. From there, you start pulling information out of XML documents and outputting it into various forms.

By the time you’re done with this part, you’ll be able to say, “Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations,” without stumbling over any of the twelve syllables.

Part III: Prime Time XSLT

In this part, you dive deeper into the thick of things. You find out how XSLT handles programming concepts such as if/then statements, loops, and variables, and how to include them in stylesheets. Don’t worry if you’ve never programmed before; these concepts become clear as you read through the chapters. You also find out about how to take advantage of the more advanced capabilities of XSLT and XPath to create more powerful transformations.

I predict that after you finish this part, at least once you’ll have unintentionally ordered an XSLT sandwich on rye at your local deli.

Part IV: eXtreme XSLT

As you read through Part IV, you can begin to call yourself a bona fide XSLT Transformer. You find out how to create effective XSLT stylesheets and apply them under various conditions. You find out about how to combine stylesheets and even add your own extensions. You also get the inside scoop on debugging transformations.

A word of warning: By now, all this XSLT will be swimming around in your head. You may find yourself mingling at a social event and leading with the line: “Apply any good templates lately?”

Part V: The Part Of Tens

In this part, I guide you through some practical tips and information that can make your life easier when you work with XSLT. I start out by demystifying the ten most confusing things about XSLT. Then I detail what I consider to be the ten best XSLT resources on the Web. I conclude by giving you the details on ten XSLT processors that you can download online.

Conventions Used in This Book

Snippets of XSLT code are scattered throughout the book and are often used to introduce you to a feature of the markup language. They appear in the chapters like this:

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=”http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform” version=”1.0”> 

  <xsl:template match=”id”> 





If you type these stylesheets by hand, pay close attention and type the text exactly as shown to ensure that the stylesheet transforms properly. Generally, spaces don’t matter much, although depending on where they are, they could change the look of the output from a transformation. However, case sensitivity is important for any XML or XSLT element. I use lowercase text in all the examples, so I recommend getting used to typing lowercase to avoid confusion or problems down the line.

If XSLT element names or instructions appear within the regular text, they look like this.

Icons Used in This Book


Tips draw attention to key points that can save you time and effort.


Pay close attention to this icon; it highlights something that’s important to your understanding of XSLT or how to use it.


Heed the Warning icon because it can save you from the pitfalls of XSLT pain and agony.


Technical Stuff is the techno-mumbo-jumbo that’s interesting but probably only for geeks. So, reading these sections can provide useful information, but feel free to skip them.

Part I

Getting Started with XSLT

In this part . . .

Y ou watched the X-Files and then you saw X-Men on the big screen, but these were only warm-ups for the real deal — the X-Team. In this part, you find out all about the X-Team members, including XML, XSL, XSLT, and XPath, and how they work together. You also get your feet wet by transforming your first XML document using XSLT.