Six Sigma For Dummies®, 2nd Edition
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Table of Contents
About This BookConventions Used in This BookWhat You’re Not to ReadFoolish AssumptionsHow This Book Is OrganizedPart I: Getting Acquainted with Six Sigma BasicsPart II: DMAIC: Defining and MeasuringPart III: DMAIC: AnalyzingPart IV: DMAIC: Improving and ControllingPart V: Looking at the Six Sigma Technology Tool LandscapePart VI: The Part of TensIcons Used in This BookWhere to Go from Here
Chapter 1: Better Business and Better Performance: Defining Six SigmaDiscovering What’s Behind the NameTackling Six Sigma from the Managerial PerspectiveBridging science and leadershipManagement system orientationChapter 2: Linking Quality and BusinessSpecifications: Listening to the Voice of the CustomerHow close is close enough? Understanding the need for specificationsDefining specificationsDo you do the RUMBA? Creating realistic specificationsExamining What Quality Truly IsDiscovering the cost of poor quality curve: Football and Taguchi’s loss functionAvoiding the hidden factoryLooking at How Quality Beliefs Determine BehaviorComparing belief systems side by sideJourneying from one to manyConnecting quality and variationCalculating Six Sigma qualityChapter 3: Examining the Principles and Language of Six SigmaStarting Out with One Simple Equation: Y = f(X) + εPrinciple 1: Recognizing DeterminismSeeking cause and effectCorrelation doesn’t imply causation: Resisting superstitious delusionsPrinciple 2: Reducing VariationUnderstanding variationCategorizing common cause versus special cause variationCoping with variationWe’re adrift: Peeking at short-term and long-term variationPrinciple 3: Measuring for SuccessMinding your Ys and XsSumming it up with dataPrinciple 4: Applying LeverageAppreciating the difference between the critical few and the trivial manySeparating and utilizing the critical fewPrinciple 5: Managing RiskChapter 4: Organizing for ImprovementDMAIC: Introducing Your Project StrategyVenturing to the Domains of ActivityThinking for breakthroughProcessing for breakthroughDesigning for breakthroughManaging for breakthroughFilling the Roles: Who You Need to KnowStarting at the topAssembling the core teamFocusing on functional representativesSpotting the deployment leaderMeeting the Six Sigma ChampionNumber-crunching karate: Black Belts and their brethrenFollowing the Five Stages of a Six Sigma InitiativeInitializing: Ready, aim . . .Deploying: Setting the infrastructure in motionImplementing: Forging first successesExpanding: Taking it everywhereSustaining: The self-healing culture
Chapter 5: Identifying and Right-Sizing ProjectsLaunching a Six Sigma ProjectScoping the perfect projectTransforming the problemKnowing your goals and needsDetermining project responsibilitiesWriting the Business CaseStarting with candidate business-case statementsSelecting the business caseWhen You’re Ready: Defining a Six Sigma ProjectFollowing the steps of the project definition processIdentifying the significant YUnderstanding how bad it actually isDeciding whether a project is worthwhileChapter 6: Launching a ProjectDescribing the Problem with a Problem StatementDeciding How Much Improvement Is EnoughAsking “How much am I entitled to?”Acknowledging that other hidden opportunities existGoing for breakthrough improvementSetting an Improvement Target with Your Objective StatementGetting a Project Approved and AssignedChapter 7: Mapping to Identify Possible FactorsBreaking Down Process FlowDrawing a process mapDefining and visualizing the process pointsAcknowledging the as-is stateDeveloping a SIPOCVSM: Charting the Value StreamIntroducing a stream of resources, information, and valueCreating a VSM for your processChapter 8: Diagramming to Identify Possible FactorsBreaking Down Brainstorming ToolsAffinity diagramsFishbone (Ishikawa) diagramsFocusing on Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA)Listing process stepsIdentifying requirements and recording potential failure modesSpelling out effects of failuresScoring the severity of the effectsListing causes of failure modesScoring the occurrence of the causeIdentifying current controlsScoring the detection of the controlsCalculating and reviewing RPN scoresDevising and assigning improvement actionsChapter 9: Describing Performance with NumbersRecognizing Different Types of DataIdentifying attribute (category) dataClassifying continuous (variable) dataUsing Statistics to Make Sense of DataBeginning with measurement 101: DistributionMeasuring distribution locationCalculating the width of variationThe Long and Short of VariationSizing up short-term variationShift happens: Looking at long-term variationBeing all you can be: Entitlement
Chapter 10: Depicting and Analyzing Data through Charts and GraphsChecking Out Dot Plots and HistogramsCreating your own dot plots and histogramsInterpreting dot plots and histogramsComparing Distributions in Box and Whisker PlotsMaking your own box and whisker plotMaking sense of box and whisker plotsMaking Connections with Scatter PlotsDeveloping a scatter plotDrawing correlations from a scatter plotHindsight Is 20/20: Observing Process Behavior ChartsCreating a characteristic or process behavior chartInterpreting characteristic or process behavior chartsChapter 11: Analyzing for ValueUnderstanding and Achieving Value: It’s Customer-DrivenAscertaining valueWaste not: Defining the seven forms of wasteKano’s framework: Hearing the voice of the customerAnalyzing Process Flow for Value: Introducing Take One, Make OneConsidering Cause-and-Effect (C and E) AnalysisLaying out the matrixAdding some weightFiguring the final scoreGo team! Appreciating group input when using C and ELeveraging Your Old Friend FMEA for ValueChapter 12: What’s Normal? Recognizing Normally-Shaped VariationDefining Normal: Bell-Shaped Variation and ProbabilityMeeting the model: The standard normal distributionWorking with nonstandard normal data: The Z transformationUsing Excel to calculate normal probabilitiesChecking How Well Data Follow a Normal Curve: Normal Probability PlotsConstructing a normal probability plotInterpreting your normal probability plotChapter 13: Assessing Capability: Comparing the Voices of the Customer and the ProcessWorking with Yield and Defect RatesMeasuring yieldMeasuring defect rateBrought to you by the number e: Linking yield and defect rateWhat’s Your Sigma, Baby? Deciphering Sigma (Z) ScoreBreaking down how many standard deviations can fitComparing short-term versus long-term sigma score calculationsLinking short-term capability to long-term performance with the 1.5-sigma shiftConsidering Capability IndicesShort-term capability index (C P)Adjusted short-term capability index (C PK)Long-term capability indices (P P and P PK)Prescribing a capability improvement planChapter 14: Gauging Gauges: Measurement System Analysis (MSA)Avoiding Illusion: Measurement System Capability AnalysisLooking at variation in a measurement systemSources of measurement system variationMeasuring Measurements: Measurement System Analysis (MSA)Audit measurement system studiesAttribute measurement system studiesGauge or continuous variable measurement system studiesChapter 15: Mining Data and Processes for InsightFilling the FunnelLet the data do the talkingCast a big netMining Data for InsightGo with what you have: Observational studiesDigging in: Identifying potential sources of variation through graphical analysisNearly Magical Multi-Vari Charts: Expertly Screening FactorsCategorizing the variationsPutting it all together: Creating a multi-vari sampling planConstructing a multi-vari chartInterpreting a multi-vari chartChecking out a Multi-Vari ExampleChapter 16: Making Confident DecisionsIntroducing Populations and SamplesParameter Distributions from Multiple Samples: Using the Central Limit TheoremCalculating Decision Risk: Confidence IntervalsConfidence intervals for meansConfidence intervals for standard deviationsFour out of five recommend: Confidence intervals for proportions
Chapter 17: Forecasting Future PerformanceSeeing the CorrelationGetting a Handle on Curve FittingFinding the line: Simple linear regressionDiscovering residuals and the fitted modelPracticing tools for fitting linesMoving on to multiple linear regressionChapter 18: Designing, Conducting, and Analyzing Experiments (DOE)Seeing the Improvement Power of Six Sigma ExperimentsAchieving better understanding through experimentsGetting schooled on the termsThe end game of Six Sigma experimentsLooking Before You Leap: Experimental ConsiderationsThe trial-and-error approachThe one-factor-at-a-time approachThe boil-the-ocean approachThe Six Sigma approach: Multitasking and progressingSetting up 2 k Factorial ExperimentsPlanning your experimentConducting your experimentAnalyzing your experimentYou’ve Only Just Begun: Looking at More Topics in ExperimentationChapter 19: Standardizing on ImprovementSatisfying the Need for Control PlanningThe process management summaryThe process control plan5S: Housekeeping for Sustained ImprovementMistake-Proofing with Poka-YokeLeveraging FMEA as a Control ToolSetting and Following StandardsChapter 20: Maintaining Gains through Statistical Process ControlGetting to Know Control ChartsMonitoring the processUnderstanding control limitsUsing control charts to keep processes on trackDetecting patterns, shifts, and driftsCollecting data for control chartsSetting Up Control Charts for Continuous DataIndividuals and moving range chart (I –)
Averages and ranges chart (– R chart)
Averages and standard deviation chart (– S)
Making Control Charts for Attribute DataThe p chart for attribute dataThe u chart for attribute data
Chapter 21: Eyeing Process Characterization and Optimization TechnologiesUnderstanding the Platforms and ProtocolsPaper and pencilLooking at desktops and laptopsUpgrading to smartphones and tabletsExpanding to enterprise-class optionsKnowing When Going Manual Makes Sense (And Doesn’t)Using Basic Desktop ToolsGetting a handle on the Office suiteProcess mapping with VisioPerusing Process Intelligence ToolsDiving into Desktop Process Mapping TechnologyExploring Enterprise-Class TechnologyChapter 22: Tools for Performing Six Sigma AnalysisTackling Technology for AnalyticsMaking room for manual computationsHolding out for hand-held calculatorsOpting for online calculatorsLooking at the local computerUsing Standard SpreadsheetsTaking on Bigger Projects with Specialized Statistical Analysis ToolsSampling spreadsheet add-onsPerusing dedicated statistics packagesMinitabJMPOther stats packagesChapter 23: Managing Six SigmaManaging Your Projects SkillfullyInvolving all the right peopleBeing in charge of your toolkitThrough the Looking Glass: Communicating Like a LeaderHelping Yourself to Project Management ToolsCapturing ideas with ideation toolsDefining the projectPick a winner! Selecting the projectTracking the projectJust the Facts, Ma’am: Intelligence ToolsGaining process intelligenceDealing with dashboardsKeeping a balanced scorecardCollaborating in Style: Knowledge Management
Chapter 24: Ten Top Do’s and Don’ts of Six SigmaDo Target Tangible ResultsDo Think Before You ActDo Put Your Faith in DataDo Align Projects with Key GoalsDo Unleash Everyone’s PotentialDo Leverage TechnologyDon’t Deploy Six Sigma without a LeaderDon’t Take Too Big a BiteDon’t Think, “But We’re Different”Don’t OvertrainChapter 25: Ten Ways to Gain Synergies with Lean and Six SigmaAdd Customer ValueMap the Value StreamStrive for Flow3-Gen: Go to GembaMuda-Mura-Muri: Expand Your Definition of Waste5S the WorkplaceKeep Simple Things SimpleRemember that Everyone Plays a PartView Improvement as a MindsetMake Sure Managers Improve, TooChapter 26: Ten Places to Go for HelpCourt Your ColleaguesWeb Searches and Social NetworksContact Six Sigma CorporationsJoin Associations and SocietiesAttend ConferencesRead The BooksTalk to Technology VendorsChat with ConsultantsSurvey the Six Sigma Trainers
Six Sigma For Dummies®, 2nd Edition
Six Sigma For Dummies®, 2nd Edition
Published by
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About the Authors of the Revised Edition
Craig Gygi began studying and applying the elements of Six Sigma and Lean before they were formalized into today’s renowned improvement methodologies. As a graduate student in Mechanical Engineering at Brigham Young University, he integrated these cutting-edge improvement techniques into his coaching of student product development teams. Upon beginning his career at Motorola, he was formally introduced to the emerging Six Sigma method. It resonated deeply with his previous findings. From that time, Craig has applied, taught, and led Six Sigma in all his endeavors, including technical, management, and executive capacities at Iomega, General Atomics, ES3, and Fiji Water.
Craig now serves as Executive VP of Global Operations for MasterControl. MasterControl produces software solutions that enable regulated companies to manage their critical quality procedures and get their products to market faster, while reducing overall costs and increasing internal efficiency.
A Master Black Belt, Craig has wielded Six Sigma and Lean techniques now for over 18 years, spanning projects from design to manufacturing to business process management, and at companies as varied as Abbott Labs, American Express, and the US Air Force. He is also an expert teacher, having instructed and mentored at all levels.
Craig lives in Utah with his wife and children, where they enjoy its varied landscape and outdoor activities.
Bruce David Williams has been fascinated with complex systems since the launch of Sputnik on his birthday. With degrees from the University of Colorado in physics and astrophysics, he embarked on a career in aerospace systems, where he first encountered Six Sigma after Motorola won the inaugural Baldridge Award in 1988. Later, with graduate degrees from Johns Hopkins and Colorado in computer science and technical management, and as a member of the Hubble Telescope development team, he became intrigued with how large system failures could result from the breakdown of small components. He entered the Six Sigma industry in the late-1990s when he co-founded a software company to develop products for life-cycle traceability.
Bruce has since been the co-founder of two Six Sigma research and technology firms, including the Six Sigma Management Institute. He was co-founder and CEO of Savvi International, a provider of solutions for business performance improvement. He joined webMethods in 2006 to integrate enterprise-class information technologies with business process management and now is the Vice President of Pegasystems, the world leader in business process management.
Bruce resides in the desert foothills of north Scottsdale, Arizona, with his wife and assortment of dogs, cats, birds, horses, and varied native wildlife.
Craig Gygi: To Esti, my unexpected joy.
Bruce Williams: To Hannah and Evan, my remarkable children, as they transition into independent adulthood and put the concept of variance reduction to practical use.
About the Co-Author of the First Edition
Neil John DeCarlo was a professional communicator in the continuous improvement, Lean, Six Sigma, sales and marketing, innovation, and corporate finance fields for nearly 25 years, beginning with his work at Florida Power & Light Company when it won the coveted Deming Prize for quality. Following that time, he authored, ghostwrote, or edited more than 150 articles and eight books in association with such companies as General Electric, DuPont, Bose Corporation, BMGI, McKinsey & Company, UPS, AT&T, the Six Sigma Academy, and many others. Neil also worked with several CEOs and consultants, including Japanese quality expert Dr. Noriaki Kano and the original co-architect of Six Sigma, Dr. Mikel Harry.
In addition to his writing accomplishments, Neil managed communication and publishing campaigns for a variety of companies, most notably BMGI, an international consulting firm that teaches and deploys Lean Six Sigma, innovation, and such other methods as Hoshin strategic planning. While not working, Neil enjoyed most all outdoor sports, reading, questioning everything, and practicing yoga. He lived in a small town called Fountain Hills, just outside Scottsdale, Arizona, with Jeannie — his lovely wife and best friend.
To Wanda Texon, who helped me believe in myself a long time ago, and who has been a constant source of support and intellectual stimulation for many years.
Authors’ Acknowledgments to the 2nd Edition
We’re grateful for those who contributed their efforts and support to this 2nd edition of Six Sigma For Dummies.
Our deepest gratitude and thanks to Dr. Stephen R. Covey for his foreword — but much more so for his profound life-long insights and contributions to the betterment of individual leadership. Only a few weeks before the printing of this 2nd edition, Dr. Covey passed away. His passing poignantly reminded us of the transcendent power of the individual — both in the example of his own life and his remarkable in# uence on the world — and in the similar potential he taught resides within each of us.
Thank you also to Natalie Sayer, co-author of both the 1st and 2nd editions of Lean For Dummies (Wiley), for her expert collaboration and assistance.
Publisher’s Acknowledgments
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. For other comments, please contact our Customer Care Department within the U.S. at 877-762-2974, outside the U.S. at 317-572-3993, or fax 317-572-4002.
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The world is on the verge of a new economic era. For the past century, the Industrial Age has been defined by tools and skills targeted at control, efficiency, specialization, delegation, scalability, and replicability. Accounting makes people an expense, a piece of equipment, an investment, and people are motivated by the great jackass theory of the carrot and stick. But although this paradigm has led to a 50-fold increase in productivity over the previous farming mindset, it has also led to a control paradigm, an entrenchment of a “leadership by position” mentality, with organizational hallmarks of lack of clarity regarding high priorities, lack of commitment or emotional connection by the workforce, lack of line-of-sight translation to specific action, disenabling systems and processes, no synergy — interpersonally and interdepartmentally — and a lack of accountability.
Studies show that the vast majority of employees possess far more talent, more intelligence, more capability, more creativity, and more ability than their jobs require or even allow. Their deep potential remains dormant, untapped, and unused. Today, the Industrial Age is ending, and the Information Age or Knowledge Worker Age is opening. This new, emerging age is defined by “leadership is a choice” with an empowerment or unleashing-potential mentality; choices guided by values in the light of unchanging principles. In the new paradigm, the greatest asset in any organization is its people — whole people — with their bodies, minds, hearts, and consciences all engaged and contributing, and all receiving benefit in the progress of the organization. A trim tab is a small rudder on a boat or airplane that, through its relatively small motion, allows the bigger rudder to achieve the greater effect and leverage. The leaders of the Information Age act as trim tabs within organizations. Their relatively small actions at the bottom or middle can effect a much greater change throughout an entire organization.
Six Sigma has become a key enabling skill of the new Knowledge Workers of the next generation of trim tabs. One of the great values I admire of Six Sigma is the science, the database — and the careful analytic thought processes of problem solving using that data. Six Sigma empowers and enables you to effect remarkable change, no matter your position in your organization. The maturing world has transformed the previously exclusive, academic knowledge of Six Sigma into must-have best practices for everyone wishing to advance and contribute. In a knowledge economy where 70 to 80 percent of the value added to goods and services comes from knowledge work, can you imagine the results flowing from having the entire workforce Six Sigma literate?
That’s why Six Sigma For Dummies is a book to be read by everyone.
Stephen R. Covey
Author, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The 8th Habit, and The Leader in Me: How Schools and Parents Around the World Are Inspiring Greatness, One Child at a Time
Six Sigma is the single most effective problem-solving methodology for improving business and organizational performance. There’s not a business, technical, or process challenge that Six Sigma can’t improve. The world’s top corporations have used it to increase their profits collectively by more than $100 billion over the past ten years. In certain corporations, indicating Six Sigma proficiency on your résumé is now a prerequisite to moving into a position in management.
If you’re part of a Fortune 500 company — particularly a manufacturing company — you’ve heard about Six Sigma. You may even have been through a training regimen and been part of a corporate initiative or an improvement project. If so, you know the capabilities of Six Sigma; you’ve witnessed its achievements firsthand.
But if, like many people, you’re outside of the upper echelons of big business, you may know Six Sigma by name only. It has been too expensive and complicated for small- and medium-sized businesses, public institutions, not-for-profit organizations, educational environments, and even aspiring individuals. Its potential has remained out of reach for the vast majority of professionals and organizations worldwide.
All this is changing. As the methods and tools of Six Sigma have spread, it has become easier to understand and more straightforward to implement. The mysteries of Six Sigma have been revealed.
Simply stated, Six Sigma is about applying a structured, scientific method to improve any aspect of a business, organization, process, or person. It’s about engaging in disciplined data collection and analysis to determine the best possible ways of meeting your customers’ needs while satisfying yours and minimizing wasted resources and maximizing profit in the process. Six Sigma For Dummies, 2nd Edition, helps you do just that.
About This Book
This book makes Six Sigma accessible to you. We wrote it because Six Sigma is applicable everywhere — not only in large and complex corporations but also in the less complex and more intimate worlds of professional performance and personal accomplishment.
We wrote this book for you, the individual. You may be a small business owner, an ambitious career person, a manager who wants to know what Six Sigma is and how to apply it, a college student, or an applicant who wants to have an edge on upcoming job interviews. For you, this book is the place to turn.
Six Sigma For Dummies, 2nd Edition, is more than an overview or survey of Six Sigma. It’s a comprehensive, actionable description of the methods and tools of Six Sigma. In this book, you find
A reference book that’s organized into parts, chapters, and sections so that you can flip right to what you need, when you need it
A comprehensive text that addresses both the statistics of Six Sigma and the improvement methodology
A description of how Six Sigma and Lean now combine to form the best of both improvement methodologies
A guide for leading a Six Sigma initiative, selecting and managing Six Sigma projects, and executing specific Six Sigma tools and analytical procedures
A step-by-step instruction manual for the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control phases of the Six Sigma process
A set of resources you can go to for additional help
Sure, Six Sigma is rigorous, technical, and analytical. But we’ve taken this difficult subject and made it understandable through examples, simple explanations, and visual aids.
Conventions Used in This Book
When a specialized word first appears in this book, we italicize it and provide a definition. For many terms and phrases that industry practitioners use as acronyms, we define the term first and then use it in its abbreviated form going forward. Additionally, we use bold text to highlight the steps you take in numbered lists and the keywords in bulleted lists. Websites appear in monofont
When we use the term data, we always mean it in the plural sense. Although statisticians debate about using data in both a plural and singular sense, we stick with the plural only because our editor told us we had to. Otherwise, datum is the singular form.
We do use some business management and statistical concepts and language. If you want to get extra smart, check out the latest editions of Managing For Dummies by Bob Nelson and Peter Economy and Statistics For Dummies by Deborah Rumsey (both published by Wiley).
What You’re Not to Read
We know you’re busy, so if you’re short on time, you can skip the text in the gray-shaded sidebars and anything flagged by a Technical Stuff icon. These tidbits are interesting but contain more historical or technical detail than you need to understand the basic topic at hand.
Foolish Assumptions
We assume you’ve heard about Six Sigma and are intrigued and compelled to find out more for any one or more of the following reasons:
You’re contemplating applying Six Sigma in your business, and you need to understand what you may be getting yourself into.
Your business is implementing Six Sigma, and you need to get up to speed. Perhaps you’ve even been tapped to participate as a Champion, Black Belt, Green Belt, or Yellow Belt.
You believe Six Sigma is a pathway to better performance in your job and can help you advance your career.
You’re considering a career or job change, and your opportunities require you to understand Six Sigma.
You’re a student in industrial engineering or business school and realize that Six Sigma is part of a path to success.
We also assume that you realize Six Sigma demands a rigorous and structured approach to problem-solving that calls for capturing data and applying statistical analysis to discover the true causes of the challenges you may be facing in manufacturing, service, healthcare, or even transactional environments. For that reason, several chapters of this book describe and define the statistical tools of Six Sigma.
How This Book Is Organized
We break this book into six separate parts. Each is written as a stand-alone section, permitting you to move about the book and delve into a given topic without necessarily having to read all the preceding material first. Anywhere we expound upon or extend other material, we reference the chapter or part of origin so that you can tie the discussions together.
Part I: Getting Acquainted with Six Sigma Basics
Part I is an overview of the Six Sigma methodology, the system of deployment, roles, and responsibilities. In this part, we address the key principles underlying the science of Six Sigma and its applications. Chapter 1 is a comprehensive overview of Six Sigma. Chapter 2 connects quality improvement to business performance. Chapter 3 introduces the key principles. Chapter 4 discusses roles and phases in the implementation of a Six Sigma deployment.
Part II: DMAIC: Defining and Measuring
Part II is where we begin digging into the depths and details of practicing Six Sigma by presenting the information in the context of Six Sigma’s DMAIC problem-solving road map. The first two phases, Define and Measure, enable you to properly scope and launch a project (Chapters 5 and 6) and then objectively identify all possible causes of problems (Chapters 7, 8, and 9).
Part III: DMAIC: Analyzing
In this part, we discuss the Analyze phase of Six Sigma’s DMAIC problem- solving road map. This phase is where you objectively eliminate trivial and non-important factors, zeroing in on the true root cause. Chapter 10 shows how you can use basic charts and graphs in this effort. Chapter 11 discusses value analysis, while Chapters 12 and 13 cover normal variation and analyzing for capability. In Chapter 14, you discover the important topic of analyzing your own measurements, and Chapter 15 discusses how to glean insight just from watching a process in operation. Chapter 16 concludes this part by showing you how to measure the risk and confidence in your analysis decisions.
Part IV: DMAIC: Improving and Controlling
Part IV wraps up the methods and tools used in the DMAIC problem-solving road map. The intent of the Improve and Control phases is to synthesize an improvement and then lock in the gains that you’ve achieved. Chapter 17 introduces the science of making predictions about future performance, and Chapter 18 gives you the lowdown on how to design, conduct, and analyze powerful experiments. In Chapter 19, we show you ways to make newly achieved improvements permanent. Chapter 20 covers the important topic of statistical process control.
Part V: Looking at the Six Sigma Technology Tool Landscape
In this part, we present a comprehensive listing of the technology tools and information systems Six Sigma practitioners use. Chapter 21 covers process characterization tools, Chapter 22 deals with analysis tools, and Chapter 23 discusses the important technology tools needed to manage local or enterprise-wide improvement.
Part VI: The Part of Tens
In the For Dummies tradition, this part is a compilation of key reference points. Chapter 24 discusses ten top do’s and don’ts for success. Chapter 25 addresses how to improve on improvement by integrating Lean with Six Sigma. In Chapter 26, we tell you about additional places you can go for help.
Icons Used in This Book
Throughout the book, we use small symbols called icons in the margins to highlight special types of information. Our goal is to help you better understand and apply the material. When you see any of the following icons, they mean the following:
Where to Go from Here
The beauty of a For Dummies book is that you don’t have to start at the beginning and slowly work your way through. Instead, each chapter is self-contained, which means you can start with whichever chapters interest you the most. You can use Six Sigma For Dummies, 2nd Edition, as a reference book, jumping in and out of certain parts, chapters, and sections as you want.
Here are some suggestions on where to start:
If you’re brand-new to Six Sigma, start at the beginning with Chapter 1.
Want to know all about those Belts you’re hearing about? Head to Chapter 4.
If you’re interested in how to launch a Six Sigma project, go to Chapter 6. To find out all about tools and technologies, check out Part V.
Want to know all the gritty statistical measurement and analysis of Six Sigma? Jump in at Chapter 9.
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Part I
Getting Acquainted with Six Sigma Basics
In this part . . .
Six Sigma is an applied methodology for improving business and organizational performance. But before you apply the Six Sigma methodology, you can benefit from knowing what it is, where it came from, why it works, and who uses it. This part provides all this information so you can understand the basics of Six Sigma.