Beautiful Beasties
A Creative Guide to Modern Pet Photography
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About the Author
Born to an artist mom, in a family of animal lovers, one could argue that pet photographer Jamie Pflughoeft’s path was predestined. A self-professed dog fanatic, Jamie became passionate about photographing pets in 1999 after seeing never-ending camera-worthy moments happen in front of her while working as a dog walker and pet sitter. She attended the University of Washington as an adult student studying animal behavior as part of her psychology major, Jamie was able to take the knowledge she gleaned from her university classes and apply it to her photo shoots with animals. Jamie graduated shortly after September 11, 2001, into what was a poor job market in which she was competing against Ph.D. holders for entry-level positions, a friend recommended that she turn her pet photography hobby into a business. “Is that even a job?” Jamie asked. After a little bit of research, a six-week business training class, some homemade business cards, a $500 loan and a switch from a film camera to a digital camera, in July of 2003, Jamie’s business, Cowbelly Pet Photography, was born. Jamie established the business to meet a growing need of pet owners to have high quality photos captured of their pets for posterity.
Since the inception of Cowbelly Pet Photography, Jamie has worked with over 500 private clients and has provided commercial and editorial photography for several large companies and magazines. Editorial clients include The Bark Magazine, Modern Dog Magazine, Cesar’s Way Magazine, and CityDog Magazine. Some of her commercial clients include Purina, Wal-Mart, Nutro, PetSafe, ABC Studios, AAA, Signature DNA Unleashed, Pinnacle, and more.
Along with blogging on topics such as photography, digital editing, business, dog-friendly travel, and more, Jamie has taught 14 workshops to over 150 budding pet photographers in cities around the United States, with plans to teach internationally starting in 2013. Jamie has developed a large following on Twitter, Facebook, and the Cowbelly blog, and sold out a Master Class at WPPI in 2011. She is largely considered one of the foremost leaders in the pet-photography industry.
When not photographing dogs in Washington and California, you can find Jamie with her beloved Lab-mix pooch, Fergie, by her side, enjoying all that the Emerald City has to offer.
Like the dogs she photographs, Jamie believes life is best lived playing, sleeping, eating, loving, daydreaming, having regular adventures and being sure to feel plenty of joy every single day. “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Woofs”™!
You can connect with Jamie on Twitter at @cowbelly; on Facebook at her page for pet photographers,; or her website for pet photographers, You can see more of her work on her portfolio site at, which she tries to update as frequently as possible with photos of cute, funny animals just being awesome.
By the way, the name Pflughoeft (pronounced “flew-hoff”—you’re welcome) is of German origin. It is used as a nickname for farmers.
Jamie and her dog, Fergie.
I would like to thank Bill and Nat of Photo Lab Pet Photography for providing input on the cover design as well as the information about twentieth-century photographers who captured pets. A big thank you to Moira McLaughlin of Dog Art Today for also providing information on twentieth-century photographers who trained their lenses on animals.
To Courtney Allen, my editor at Wiley, for believing in me enough to take on this project, inviting me to write for you, and for being so patient with me during the process. Thank you for understanding my bizarre notions about human energy fields affecting electronics. (I’m still waiting to hear the story about the Mexican food and the microwave!)
Thank you Alan Hess, my technical editor, for understanding and sympathizing with my ongoing software and computer issues, and for challenging me to be a better, more technical photographer. I learned a lot while writing this book, and it was largely because of you! To Bob Russell, of Octal Publishing, Inc., who copyedited the book, thanks for straightening out the fragments and untwisting some of the more abstract language! Thank you to Dianne Russell (also at Octal) for making me bust out loud laughing in the middle of the night many times during our review phase. Your comments had me cracking up, and it was such a nice reprieve from my software issues.
Thank you to the many Cowbelly Pet Photography clients with whom I’ve worked over the years, for entrusting me with the honor of creating memories of your beloved animals. Working with you and your pets is the best part of my job, and I wouldn’t have a business were it not for you.
To my many fans and colleagues on the Cowbelly blog, Facebook fan page, and beyond, thank you for entrusting me as your guide and teacher. I will always feel humbled that you look up to me as a leader, because the way I see it, “I’m just a girl.”
To Denis and Robin’s late pooch, Scout, thank you for being my muse for this book, and reminding me during the most challenging time in the process of just why I do what I do. The photo of you in your booties and red vest with your mom holding you touched my heart right at the moment it needed touching the most, and you made me realize a profound purpose behind writing this book.
To my mom, who I felt was looking down over me during the process, saying “you can do it kid,” and who always believed in me, no matter what I did. I know you never got to finish your own book before you left us, but hopefully, now you can enjoy being a published author vicariously through me. I love you and miss you, and I hope I made you proud.
Thank you to my incredible father, Larry, for coming over every weekend to mow my lawn, bring me food, and check on me to make sure I was still alive. You are the best Papabear any girl could ever wish for.
Thank you to my super-sweet sister Michelle, for listening to me drone on and on about work and book stuff; for smiling and nodding your head politely when I knew you had stopped listening long ago. Those epic chats were like food for my soul, and your support of me during the process was invaluable.
And last, but certainly not least, to my furry girl, Fergie. I have no words to express the impact you have had on my life. You are the true love of my life, and every day I get to spend with you is an absolute gift. I love you with everything I have and everything I am.
This book is dedicated to my mother, without whom I would not be an animal lover, an artist, a teacher, a nature lover, a business owner, a photographer, a writer, a student, an adventurer, or a compassionate and loving person who finds pure joy in the simple things in life. Thank you immensely for all of these gifts that you gave me, for your unwavering support of me and my business, and for always accepting and loving me for who I am. I love you with everything I have and I miss you every day.
This book is for you, Mom.