

List of Tables and Figures

List of Contributors



Part I The New Pragmatism

Part II Landscapes, Spaces, and Natures

1 The Temporality of the Landscape
Tim Ingold




Temporalizing the Landscape



2 Identifying Ancient Sacred Landscapes in Australia: From Physical to Social
Paul S. C. Ta¸con


Sacred Landscapes, Sacred Sites

Dreaming Tracks

The Oldest Surviving Rock Art

Landscapes, Art, and Meaning


3 Landscapes of Punishment and Resistance: A Female Convict Settlement in Tasmania, Australia
Eleanor Conlin Casella


The Administration of Female Convicts in Van Diemen’s Land

The Ross Female Factory

Doing Trade: A Landscape of Resistance

Subversion: The Convict Landscape



4 Amazonia: The Historical Ecology of a Domesticated Landscape
Clark L. Erickson



Historical Ecology

The New Ecology


Amazonia: Wilderness or Cultural Landscape?

Amazonia: A Counterfeit Paradise or Anthropogenic Cornucopia?

Native Amazonian People: With or Against Nature?

Amazonian People: Adaptation to or Creation of Environments?

Elements of a Domesticated Landscape

Conclusions: Lessons from the Past?


Part III Agency, Meaning, and Practice

5 Practice and History in Archaeology: An Emerging Paradigm
Timothy R. Pauketat

Neo-Darwinism, Cognitive Processualism, and Agency Theory

Shell Temper, Cahokia, and Historical Processes

Toward a New Paradigm



6 Technology’s Links and Chaˆınes: The Processual Unfolding of Technique and Technician
Marcia-Anne Dobres

The Chaîne Opératoire and What’s Hidden in Black Boxes

The Dialectics of Gender and Technology

Politics, Identity, and Technology in the Communal Mode of Production

The Politics of Social Agency in Prehistoric Technology: Two Archaeological Examples




7 Structure and Practice in the Archaic Southeast
Kenneth E. Sassaman

Assertions of Identity

Shell Mound Archaic

Mound Complexes in the Lower Mississippi Valley

Coastal Shell Rings

Circular Village Plaza Complexes

Genesis of the “Powerless”

Discussion and Conclusion


8 Daily Practice and Material Culture in Pluralistic Social Settings: An Archaeological Study of Culture Change and Persistence from Fort Ross, California
Kent G. Lightfoot, Antoinette Martinez, and Ann M. Schiff

Study of Culture Change and Persistence

Daily Practices and Material Culture

Interethnic Households at Fort Ross

Archaeological Study of Social Identities at Fort Ross

Daily Practices of Interethnic Households




Part IV Sexuality, Embodiment, and Personhood

9 Good Science, Bad Science, or Science as Usual? Feminist Critiques of Science
Alison Wylie


What is Feminism?

So Why Are (Some) Feminists Concerned about Science?

Equity Issues in Science

Implications for Science: Content Critiques




10 On Personhood: An Anthropological Perspective from Africa
John L. Comaroff and Jean Comaroff


Personhood and Society in the Interiors of South Africa

Conclusion: The Dialectics of Encounter



11 Girling the Girl and Boying the Boy: The Production of Adulthood in Ancient Mesoamerica
Rosemary A. Joyce


Aztec Sources and Their Limits

The Existential Status of Aztec Children

Making Aztec Adults

Bodily Discipline and the Achievement of Adult Status



12 Domesticating Imperialism: Sexual Politics and the Archaeology of Empire
Barbara L. Voss

The Household in Archaeologies of Empire

Intermarriage and Cultural Brokers

Sexuality beyond the Household

Case Study: El Presidio de San Francisco



Part V Race, Class, and Ethnicity

13 The Politics of Ethnicity in Prehistoric Korea
Sarah M. Nelson

I The Siberian Connection

II The Chinese Connection

III The Japanese Connection

IV Conclusion


14 Historical Categories and the Praxis of Identity: The Interpretation of Ethnicity in Historical Archaeology
Siaˆn Jones

The Problem: The Interplay of Text and Material Culture in the Interpretation of Ethnic Groups

Historical Archaeology: ‘Handservant’ of History or Objective Science?

A Theoretical Approach to Ethnicity

Practice and Representation



15 Beyond Racism: Some Opinions about Racialism and American Archaeology
Roger Echo-Hawk and Larry J. Zimmerman

A Dialogue on Race and American Archaeology

The Quagmire of Race

The Epic Battlegrounds of Race

Race Is Dead; Long Live Race?


16 A Class All Its Own: Explorations of Class Formation and Conflict
LouAnn Wurst


Class as a Thing: Various Approaches

Class as a Formation: The Rhetoric of Social Relations

Class as Relations in Historical Archaeology

The One of Class


Part VI Materiality, Memory, and Historical Silence

17 Money Is No Object: Materiality, Desire, and Modernity in an Indonesian Society
Webb Keane

Meaning and the Motion of Things

Ambiguous Attachments

Enter Money

The Value of Renunciation



The State of Desire



18 Remembering while Forgetting: Depositional Practices and Social Memory at Chaco
Barbara J. Mills

Forgetting as Part of Memory Work

Depositional Practices and Social Memory at Chaco

Dedicating and Dressing the House

The Memorialization of People and Places

Remembering while Forgetting in the Pueblo World



19 Public Memory and the Search for Power in American Historical Archaeology
Paul A. Shackel

An Exclusionary Past

Case Study: The Remaking of the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial

Commemoration and the Making of a Patriotic Past

Case Study: The Civil War Centennial and the Battle at Manassas

Nostalgia and the Legitimation of American Heritage

Case Study: The Heyward Shepherd Memorial



20 Re-Representing African Pasts through Historical Archaeology
Peter R. Schmidt and Jonathan R. Walz

Inclusive or Exclusive Historical Archaeologies?

Addressing Questions that Count

Reflections and Conclusions



Part VII Colonialism, Empire, and Nationalism

21 Archaeology and Nationalism in Spain
Margarita D´ıaz-Andreu

I Spanish Nationalism and Archacology

II Catalan Nationalism and Archaeology

III Basque Nationalism and Archaeology

IV Galician Nationalism and Archaeology

V Conclusions



22 Echoes of Empire: Vijayanagara and Historical Memory, Vijayanagara as Historical Memory
Carla M. Sinopoli


Vijayanagara and Historical Memory

Vijayanagara as Memory



23 Conjuring Mesopotamia: Imaginative Geography and a World Past
Zainab Bahrani


Space and Despotic Time

Name and Being

Time of the Despots

The Extraterrestrial Orient



24 Confronting Colonialism: The Mahican and Schaghticoke Peoples and Us
Russell G. Handsman and Trudie Lamb Richmond

“And We’re Going to Get Our Bibles Back”

“After the Chuh-ko-thuk, or White People, Settled Amongst Them”

Illuminating the Hidden Histories of Homelands

“According to Our Law and Custom”

“That’s why it Means so Much to be a Part of Schaghticoke”



Part VIII Heritage, Patrimony, and Social Justice

25 The Globalization of Archaeology and Heritage
A Discussion with Arjun Appadurai



26 Sites of Violence: Terrorism, Tourism, and Heritage in the Archaeological Present
Lynn Meskell

Heritage and Modernity in Ethical Context

Touring Places and the Spaces of Resistance

Dead Subjects and Living Communities

Tourism and Terrorism on the West Bank

Performing Ancient Egypt



27 An Ethical Epistemology of Publicly Engaged Biocultural Research
Michael L. Blakey

Critical Theory

Public Engagement

Multiple Data Sets

Diasporic Scope

Final Comment


28 Cultures of Contact, Cultures of Conflict? Identity Construction, Colonialist Discourse, and the Ethics of Archaeological Practice in Northern Ireland
Audrey Horning



Ireland as Postcolonial?

Education, Memory, and Multiple Histories

Towards Ethical Engagement in Uncomfortable Histories

Postcolonialism and the Presentation of Heritage in the Republic of Ireland

Heritage as Social Action in Northern Ireland



Part IX Media, Museums, and Publics

29 No Sense of the Struggle: Creating a Context for Survivance at the NMAI
Sonya Atalay

The NMAI’s Mission

Agency and Victimization

Guns and Bibles

Context for Survivance

Public Audiences


30 The Past as Commodity: Archaeological Images in Modern Advertising
Lauren E. Talalay


The Origins of Advertising

Advertising, Social Identity and Visual Communication

Advertising and the Identities of Ancient Culture

Past and Present in Archaeoadverts

Some Implications of Modern Advertising for Archaeology




31 The Past as Passion and Play: C¸ atalho¨yu¨k as a Site of Conflict in the Construction of Multiple Pasts
Ian Hodder


The Archaeological Discourse

The Global and the Local

A Reflexive Moment



32 Copyrighting the Past? Emerging Intellectual Property Rights Issues in Archaeology
George P. Nicholas and Kelly P. Bannister

The Products of Archaeological Research and Their Protection

Archaeological Research Products as Cultural and Intellectual Property

Appropriation and Commodification of the Past

Who Owns the Future?





For Leslie and Ammie

List of Tables and Figures


3.1Ross Factory Archaeology Project
3.2Distribution and frequency of button assemblage
3.3Distribution of illicit objects
18.1Contents of niches in Chetro Ketl Great Kiva II
18.2Ritual deposits in Chacoan great kivas
18.3Objects from Kiva Q (great kiva) at Pueblo Bonito
18.4Ritual deposits in great kivas
18.5Contents of offerings in pilasters, Kiva C (great kiva), Pueblo del Arroyo


1.1The Harvesters (1565) by Pieter Bruegel the Elder
2.1Cupule, Jinmium, Northern Territory
2.2Map of Australia showing places mentioned in the text
2.3Rainbow Valley, central Australia
2.4Waterfall, Kakadu National Park
2.5Geological feature said to mark the spot where a Rainbow Serpent turned to stone, near Mann River
2.6Meredith Wilson records rock paintings at a site that has magnificent panoramic views
2.7Tiwi burial grounds
2.8Thompson Yulidjirri painting Yingarna, the most powerful Rainbow Serpent, in her human female form
2.9The main Jinmium, N.T., cupule panels
2.10Rock painting site, Kakadu National Park
3.1Site surface plan of the Ross Female Factory, Van Diemen’s Land
4.1Savanna management using fire in the Bolivian Amazon. Baures in 1999
4.2Amazonian house, clearing, work areas, and house garden. Fatima in 2006
4.3The Amazonian settlement and adjacent landscape of gardens, fields, agroforestry, roads, paths, orchards, garbage middens, and forest regrowth at various stages
4.4Forest island in the savanna, Machupo River, in 2006
4.5Pre-Columbian ring ditch site
4.6An octagon-shaped ring ditch site in the Bolivian Amazon
4.7Pre-Columbian raised fields, canals, and causeways in the Bolivian Amazon
4.8Four pre-Columbian causeways and canals connecting forest islands in the Bolivian Amazon
4.9A network of pre-Columbian fish weirs in the Bolivian Amazon
4.10Pre-Columbian domesticated landscape of settlements, mounds, forest islands, raised fields, causeways, canals, and agroforestry
4.11Pre-Columbian raised fields under forest
7.1Examples of typical Dalton points and oversized Dalton and Sloan points from the Sloan site in Arkansas
7.2Examples of Southern Ovate and Notched Southern Ovate bannerstones, including several preforms, the largest from Stallings Island
7.3Topographic maps of the three known Archaic mound complexes and a sketch map of one suspected Archaic mound complex (Insley) in northeast Louisiana, with inset map showing locations of mound complexes in relation to Poverty Point
7.4Plan drawings of Late Archaic coastal shell rings and related sites in the southeastern United States
7.5Topographic map of the Fig Island shell-ring complex, Charleston County, South Carolina
7.6Plan schematic of the 1929 block excavation of Stallings Island, showing locations of pit features, burials, and projected domestic structures arrayed in circular fashion around a central plaza
8.1Spatial Layout of Fort Ross, including the Ross Stockade, the Russian Village, the Native Californian Neighborhood, the Ross Cemetery, and the Native Alaskan Neighborhood
8.2The Native Alaskan Village Site and Fort Ross Beach site, illustrating surface features and excavated structures (East Central Pit feature, South Pit feature, and Bathhouse)
8.3Excavation plan and profile of the East Central Bone Bed and East Central Pit feature
8.4Excavation plan and profile of the South Bone Bed, South Pit feature, Abalone Dump, rock rubble, and redwood fence line
12.1Alta California presidio districts
12.2Spanish-colonial settlements in the San Francisco Bay region
12.3Schematic diagram showing relationship between El Presidio de San Francisco’s earlier quadrangle (ca. 1792) and the later quadrangle expansion (ca. 1815)
13.1Northeast Asia and the Korean peninsula
18.1Chaco Canyon sites
18.2Great Kiva II (below Great Kiva I), Chetro Ketl
18.3Contents of wall niches, Great Kiva II
18.4Contents of niche in Kiva Q, a great kiva at Pueblo Bonito
18.5Wooden sticks from Room 32, Pueblo Bonito
18.6Cache of cylinder jars in Room 28, Pueblo Bonito
20.1Map of sites associated with Cwezi oral traditions: Rugomora Mahe (Katuruka) in Tanzania; Bigo and Mubende [Hill] in Uganda
20.2Map of Africa: countries discussed in the text are shaded
22.1Vijayanagara urban core and key locations in the region’s sacred geography
22.2The Ramachandra temple
22.3Hanuman sculpture in Vijayanagara metropolitan region
22.4Sixteenth-century temple gopuram (Kalahasti, Tamil Nadu)
22.5Vijayanagara courtly architecture: Pavilion in the Royal Center
24.1Some of the traditional Native American homelands along the upper Housatonic River
24.2Early nineteenth-century wood-splint baskets made by Jacob Mauwee, Schaghticoke, and Molly Hatchet, a Paugussett from farther south on the Housatonic River
24.3Eunice Mauwee, Schaghticoke (1756–1860)
26.1The Luxor area, showing the location of the 1997 attack
26.2Ancient agricultural enactment from the Pharaonic Village, Cairo
26.3Tour guide with tourists and performer at the Pharaonic Village, Cairo
28.1Deserted Village, Slievemore, Achill Island, Co. Mayo
28.2Loyalist graffiti (Ulster Volunteer Force, a paramilitary organization) on a gatehouse door lintel of the 17th-century Castle Caulfield, Co. Tyrone
28.3Rag tree and holy well at Dungiven Priory and Bawn, Co. Derry/Londonderry
29.1Guns display in the Our Peoples gallery
29.2Showing t-shirts, “Homeland Security: Fighting Terrorism since 1492”
29.3Religion case in the Our Peoples gallery
30.1Palmolive – Colgate Palmolive ad (1910)
30.2Johnnie Walker and Son ad (1985)
32.1Reconstructed pit house, Secwepemc Museum and Heritage Park, Kamloops, B.C.
32.2Example of stylized pit house used as the logo of the Secwepemc Museum, Kamloops, B.C.

List of Contributors

Arjun Appadurai is Goddard Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University, NY

Sonya Atalay is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN

Zainab Bahrani is the Edith Porada Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Art and Archaeology at Columbia University, New York

Kelly P. Bannister is Assistant Professor in the School of Environmental Studies at the University of Victoria, BC

Michael L. Blakey is Professor of Anthropology and American Studies at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA

Eleanor Conlin Casella is Lecturer in the School of Arts, Histories, and Cultures at the University of Manchester, UK

Jean Comaroff is Bernard E. and Ellen C. Sunny Distinguished Service Professor of Anthropology at the University of Chicago, IL

John L. Comaroff is Harold H. Swift Distinguished Service Professor of Anthropology at the University of Chicago, IL

Margarita Díaz-Andreu is a Reader in the Department of Archaeology at Durham University, UK

Marcia-Anne Dobres is Adjunct Faculty in Anthropology at the University of Maine at Orono, ME

Roger Echo-Hawk is a historian, writer, and composer based in Longmont, CO

Clark L. Erickson is Associate Professor of Anthropology and Associate Curator of South America at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Russell G. Handsman is Project Consulant at the Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center, Mashantucket, CT

Ian Hodder is the Dunlevie Family Professor of Anthropology at Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA

Audrey Horning is a Reader in Historical Archaeology in the School of Archaeology and Ancient History at the University of Leicester, UK

Tim Ingold is Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Aberdeen, UK

Siân Jones is Senior Lecturer in the School of Arts, Histories and Cultures at the University of Manchester, UK

Rosemary A. Joyce is Professor of Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley, CA

Webb Keane is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Trudie Lamb Richmond is Director of Public Programs at the Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center, Mashantucket, CT

Kent G. Lightfoot Professor of Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley, CA

Antoinette Martinez is Assistant Professor of Anthropology, California State University, Chico, CA

Lynn Meskell is Professor of Anthropology at Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA

Barbara J. Mills is Director of the School of Anthropology and Professor of American Indian Studies at the University of Arizona and Curator of Archaeology at the Arizona State Museum, Tucson, AZ

Sarah M. Nelson is Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of Denver, CO

George P. Nicholas is Associate Professor of Archaeology and Anthropology at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC

Timothy R. Pauketat is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL

Kenneth E. Sassaman is Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Ann M. Schiff is a retired member of the Archaeological Research Facility, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, CA

Peter R. Schmidt is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Paul A. Shackel is Director of the Center for Heritage Resource Studies and Professor of Anthropology at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Carla M. Sinopoli is Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Museum of Anthropology at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Paul S. C. Tac¸on is Professor of Anthropology and Archaeology in the School of Arts at Griffith University, Queensland, Australia

Lauren E. Talalay is Curator of Education at the Kelsey Museum at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Barbara L. Voss is Associate Professor of Anthropology at Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA

Jonathan R. Walz is a Lecturer in the Honors Program at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

LouAnn Wurst is Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Western Michigan at Kalamazoo, MI

Alison Wylie is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Larry J. Zimmerman is Professor of Anthropology and Museum Studies at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, IN


If edited books are collaborative projects, edited Readers are even more so. Throughout the process of organizing and writing this Reader, we have explored our own deeply held commitments and challenged each other to broaden our horizons. Given our backgrounds in prehistoric and historical archaeologies, we were particularly intrigued by the idea of breaking down these categories and exploring the implications of deep time and the search for a deeper history. In addition, we both have considerable experience working with Native American communities and are strong advocates of indigenous archaeologies. We are both committed to increasing the numbers of Native American archaeologists as well as transforming our profession in ways that acknowledge the rights and interests of Native American peoples. In many ways, our collaboration has been and continues to be a transformative process. We would be remiss, however, if we didn’t thank the person who brought us together, namely Craig Cipolla. Craig was a Masters student with Steve at the University of Massachusetts at Boston and is currently a doctoral candidate with Bob at the University of Pennsylvania. Craig’s interest and enthusiasm for all things theoretical helped to spark discussions between us that led to our collaboration on this book.

We are especially grateful to the individual authors who have agreed to allow their publications to be reprinted in our book. They have been extremely supportive and generous without any knowledge of exactly how we would represent their work. We have chosen to use their writings to provide a context for exploring the articulation of different theories and their real-world applications and consequences. But, in the end, these chapters must stand on their own. They were not produced for this Reader, but rather for different contexts – a specific book, a given journal article, a particular interview. We have extracted them for our purposes and used them to make specific points about what we are calling “the new pragmatism,” the increasing professional commitment to the practice of socially relevant archaeology. But because of their preexistence, they retain the ability to “talk back” and actively resist the interpretations we offer. This quality can be understood as their partial objectivity.

We thank Rosalie Roberston at Wiley-Blackwell for her strong commitment to this project. Rosalie has been extremely patient, and always understanding with several unavoidable delays. We thank Julia Kirk for skillfully steering us through the various stages of the production process. Finally, we thank Justin Dyer, our copy-editor, for his superb attention to detail.

Each of us has had a deep interest in theoretical questions during the course of our careers. Throughout that journey we have been influenced by our peers, our students, and our mentors. Each of us has incurred special debts we would like to acknowledge. Bob would like to thank Asif

Agha, Herman Agoyo, Woody Aguilar, Wendy Ashmore, Ofer Bar-Yosef, Alex Bauer, Alexis Boutin, K. C. Chang, Christopher Chippindale, Craig Cipolla, Meg Conkey, Linda Cordell, Ann Dapice, Terry Deacon, Harold Dibble, Tim Earle, Roger Echo-Hawk, Clark Erickson, T. J. Ferguson, Kathy Fine-Dare, Richard Ford, John Fritz, Yosef Garfinkle, Pamela Geller, Joan Gero, Chris Gosden, Richard Grounds, Suzan Harjo, Julie Hendon, Michael Herzfeld, Jim Hill, Ian Hodder, Mark Johnson, Matthew Johnson, Rosemary Joyce, Sergei Kan, Webb Keane, Mark Leone, Richard Leventhal, Matt Liebmann, Randy McGuire, Desirée Martinez, Randy Mason, Frank Matero, Lynn Meskell, Barbara Mills, Koji Mizoguchi, Melissa Murphy, Simon Ortiz, Tom Patterson, Tim Pauketat, Robert Paynter, Steve Pendery, Bernie Perley, Colin Renfrew, Uzma Rizvi, Diego Romero, Mateo Romero, David Rudner, Jeremy Sabloff, Dean Saitta, Bob Schuyler, Rus Sheptak, Tad Shurr, Michael Silverstein, Daniel Smail, Monica Smith, Laurajane Smith, James Snead, Edward Soja, Matthew Spriggs, Miranda Stockett, Joseph Suina, Greg Urban, Joe Watkins, Mike Wilcox, Gordon Willey, Lucy Williams, Alison Wylie, and Larry Zimmerman.

Steve wishes to thank Ping-Ann Addo, Susan Alcock, Douglas Armstrong, Christa Baranek, Mary Beaudry, William Beeman, Douglas Bolender, Joanne Bowen, Kathleen Bragdon, Marley Brown, Eleanor Casella, Craig Cipolla, Meg Conkey, Christopher DeCorse, Jim Deetz, James Delle, Amy Den Ouden, Roger Echo-Hawk, Arturo Escobar, Maria Franklin, Jack Gary, Rae Gould, Richard Gould, Martin Hall, David Harvey, Kat Hayes, Ian Hodder, Audrey Horning, Dan Hicks, Matthew Johnson, Martin Jones, Rosemary Joyce, Kenneth Kvamme, David Landon, Heather Law, Henri Lefebvre, Mark Leone, Kent Lightfoot, Lynn Meskell, Barbara Little, Kevin McBride, Thomas McGovern, Randy McGuire, Richard McNeish, Jose Martinez-Reyes, Christopher Matthews, Kathleen Morrison, Daniel Mouer, Paul Mullins, Michael Nassaney, Charles Orser, Marilyn Palmer, Gisli Palsson, Tom Patterson, Tim Pauketat, Robert Paynter, Guido Pezzarossi, Virginia Popper, Colon Renfrew, Krysta Ryzewski, Dean Saitta, Ken Sassman, Peter Schmidt, Bob Schuyler, Paul Shackel, Stephen Silliman, Theresa Singleton, James Snead, Edward Soja, John Steinberg, Christopher Tilley, Heather Trigg, Bruce Trigger, Diana Wall, Joe Watkins, Michael Way, Laurie Wilkie, Christopher Witmore, LouAnn Wurst, and Judith Zeitlin.

As our work on this book has unfolded, the individuals we have turned to most often for advice and feedback were our spouses. Leslie Atik and Anne Lang Mrozowski have provided invaluable editorial input as well as forthright critiques that have been instrumental in maintaining the project’s momentum and direction. As a small measure of our appreciation for their enthusiastic encouragement and unfailing support, we dedicate this book to them.


The editors and publisher gratefully acknowledge the permission granted to reproduce the copyright material in this book:

Chapter 1: Tim Ingold, “The Temporality of the Landscape,” pp. 152–74 from World Archaeology 25:2 (1993). Reprinted with permission of Taylor & Francis Group and the author.

Chapter 2: Paul S. C. Ta¸on, “Identifying Ancient Sacred Landscapes in Australia: From Physical to Social,” pp. 33–57 from Archaeologies of Landscapes: Contemporary Perspectives, ed. Wendy Ashmore and A. Bernard Knapp (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1999). Reprinted with permission of Blackwell Publishers.

Chapter 3: Eleanor Conlin Casella, “Landscapes of Punishment and Resistance: A Female Convict Settlement in Tasmania, Australia,” pp. 103–30 from Contested Landscapes of Movement and Exile, ed. Barbara Bender and Margot Winer (Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2001). Reprinted with permission of Berg Publishers Oxford via A C Black.

Chapter 4: Clark L. Erickson, “Amazonia: The Historical Ecology of a Domesticated Landscape,” pp. 157– 83 in The Handbook of South American Archaeology, ed. Helaine Silverman and William Isbell (New York: Springer, 2008). Reprinted with permission of Springer.

Chapter 5: Timothy R. Pauketat, “Practice and History in Archaeology: An Emerging Paradigm,” pp. 73–98 from Anthropological Theory 1 (2001). Reprinted with permission of Sage.

Chapter 6: Marcia-Anne Dobres, “Technology’s Links and Chaînes: The Processual Unfolding of Technique and Technician,” pp. 124–45 from Marcia-Anne Dobres and Christopher R. Hoffman (eds) The Social Dynamics of Technology: Practice, Politics, and Worldviews (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1999). Copyright © Marcia-Anne Dobres, 1999. Reprinted with permission of the author.

Chapter 7: Kenneth E. Sassaman, “Structure and Practice in the Archaic Southeast,” pp. 79–107 from Timothy R. Pauketat and Diana DiPaolo Loren (eds) North American Archaeology (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2005). Reprinted with permission.

Chapter 8: Kent G. Lightfoot, Antoinette Martinez, and Ann M. Schiff, “Daily Practice and Material Culture in Pluralistic Social Settings: An Archaeological Study of Culture Change and Persistence from Fort Ross, California,” pp. 199–222 from American Antiquity 63:2 (1998). Reprinted with permission of the Society for American Archaeology and the author.

Chapter 9: Alison Wylie, “Good Science, Bad Science, or Science as Usual? Feminist Critiques of Science,” pp. 29–55 from Lori D. Hager (ed.) Women in Human Evolution (London: Routledge, 1997). Reprinted with permission of Taylor & Francis Books UK.

Chapter 10: John L. Comaroff and Jean Comaroff, “On Personhood: An Anthropological Perspective from Africa,” pp. 267–83 from Social Identities 7:2 (2001). Reprinted with permission of the publisher (Taylor and Francis Group

Chapter 11: Rosemary Joyce “Girling the Girl and Boying the Boy: The Production of Adulthood in Ancient Mesoamerica,” pp. 473–83 from World Archaeology 31 (2000). Reprinted with permission of the publisher (Taylor and Francis Group

Chapter 12: Barbara L. Voss, “Domesticating Imperialism: Sexual Politics and the Archaeology of Empire,” pp. 191–203 from American Anthropologist 110:2 (2008). Reprinted with permission of the American Anthropological Association and the author.

Chapter 13: Sarah M. Nelson, “The Politics of Ethnicity in Prehistoric Korea,” pp. 218–31 from Philip L. Kohl and Clare Fawcett (eds) Nationalism, Politics, and the Practice of Archaeology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995). Reprinted with permission of Cambridge University Press and the author.

Chapter 14: Siân Jones, “Historical Categories and the Praxis of Identity: The Interpretation of Ethnicity in Historical Archaeology,” pp. 219–32 from Pedro Paulo A. Funari, Martin Hall, and Siaân Jones (eds) Historical Archaeology: Back from the Edge (London: Routledge, 1999). Reprinted with permission.

Chapter 15: Roger Echo-Hawk and Larry J. Zimmerman, “Beyond Race: Some Opinions about Racialism and American Archaeology,” pp. 461–85 from The American Indian Quarterly 30:3–4 (2006). Reprinted with permission of the University of Nebraska Press.

Chapter 16: LouAnn Wurst, “A Class All Its Own: Explorations of Class Formation and Conflict,” pp. 190–206 from Martin Hall and Stephen Silliman (eds) Historical Archaeology (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2006). Reprinted with permission.

Chapter 17: Webb Keane, “Money Is No Object: Materiality, Desire, and Modernity in an Indonesian Society,” pp. 65–90 from Fred Myers (ed.) The Empire of Things: Regimes of Value and Material Culture (Santa Fe: School of American Research Press, 2001). Reprinted with permission of SAR Press.

Chapter 18: Barbara Mills, “Remembering while Forgetting: Depositional Practices and Social Memory at Chaco,” pp. 81–108 from Barbara J. Mills and William Walker (eds) Memory Work: Archaeologies of Material Practices (Santa Fe: School of American Research Press, 2008). Reprinted with permission of SAR Press.

Chapter 19: Paul A. Shackel, “Public Memory and the Search for Power in American Historical Archaeology,” pp. 655–70 from American Anthropologist 103:3 (2001). Reprinted with permission of the American Anthropological Association and the author.

Chapter 20: Peter R. Schmidt and Jonathan R. Walz, “Re-Representing African Pasts through Historical Archaeology’’, pp. 53–70 from American Antiquity 72:1 (2007). Copyright © 2007 by the Society for American Archaeology. Reprinted with permission of the Society for American Archaeology and the authors.

Chapter 21: Margarita Dı´az-Andreu, “Archaeology and Nationalism in Spain,” pp. 39–56 from Philip L. Kohl and Clare Fawcett (eds) Nationalism, Politics, and the Practice of Archaeology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995). Reprinted with permission of Cambridge University Press.

Chapter 22: Carla M. Sinopoli, “Echoes of Empire: Vijayanagara and Historical Memory, Vijayanagara as Historical Memory,” pp. 17–33 in Ruth M. Van Dyke and Susan E. Alcock (eds) Archaeologies of Memory (Oxford: Blackwell, 2003). Reprinted with permission.

Chapter 23: Zainab Bahrani, “Conjuring Mesopotamia: Imaginative Geography and a World Past,” pp. 159–74 from Lynn Meskell (ed.) Archaeology under Fire: Nationalism, Politics and Heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (London: Routledge, 1998). Reprinted with permission of Taylor and Francis (UK) Books.

Chapter 24: Russell G. Handsman and Trudie Lamb Richmond, “Confronting Colonialism: The Mahican and Schaghticoke Peoples and Us,” pp. 87–118 from Peter R. Schmidt and Thomas C. Patterson (eds) Making Alternative Histories: The Practice of Archaeology and History in Non-Western Settings (Santa Fe: School of American Research Press, 1995). Reprinted with permission of SAR Press.

Chapter 25: Arjun Appadurai, “The Globalization of Archaeology and Heritage: A Discussion with Arjun Appadurai,” pp. 35–49 from Journal of Social Archaeology 1 (2002). Reprinted with permission of Sage.

Chapter 26: Lynn Meskell, “Sites of Violence: Terrorism, Tourism, and Heritage in the Archaeological Present,” pp. 123–46 from Lynn Meskell and Peter Pels (eds) Embedding Ethics (OxfSevalord: Berg, 2005). Reprinted with permission of Berg Publishers c/o A C Black.

Chapter 27: Michael L. Blakey, “An Ethical Epistemology of Publicly Engaged Biocultural Research,” pp. 17–28 from Junko Habu, Clare Fawcett, and John M. Matsunaga (eds) Evaluating Multiple Narratives: Beyond Nationalist, Colonialist, Imperialist Archaeologies (New York: Springer, 2008). Reprinted with permission.

Chapter 28: Audrey Horning, “Cultures of Contact, Cultures of Conflict? Identity Construction, Colonialist Discourse, and the Ethics of Archaeological Practice in Northern Ireland,” pp. 107–33 from Stanford Journal of Archaeology 5 (2007). Copyright © Audrey Horning 2007. Reprinted with the kind permission of the author.

Chapter 29: Sonya Atalay, “No Sense of the Struggle: Creating a Context for Survivance at the NMAI,” pp. 597–618 from The American Indian Quarterly 30:3–4 (2006). Reprinted with permission of the University of Nebraska Press.

Chapter 30: Lauren Talalay, “The Past as Commodity: Archaeological Images in Modern Advertising,” pp. 205–216 from Public Archaeology 3 (2004). Reprinted with permission of Maney Publishing.

Chapter 31: Ian Hodder, “The Past as Passion and Play: Çatalhöyük as a Site of Conflict in the Construction of Multiple Pasts,” pp. 124–39 from Lynn Meskell (ed.) Archaeology under Fire: Nationalism, Politics and Heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (London: Routledge, 1998). Reprinted with permission of Taylor and Francis UK.

Chapter 32: George P. Nicholas and Kelly P. Bannister, “Copyrighting the Past? Emerging Intellectual Property Rights Issues in Archaeology,” pp. 327–50 from Current Anthropology 45:3 (2004). Reprinted with permission of the University of Chicago Press.