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About the Book

About the Author

Also by Ray Monk

List of Illustrations

Title Page

Preface and Acknowledgements

Part I: 1904–1926

1. ‘Amerika, du hast es besser’: Oppenheimer’s German Jewish Background

2. Childhood

3. First Love: New Mexico

4. Harvard

5. Cambridge

Part II: 1926–1941

6. Göttingen

7. Postdoctoral Fellow

8. An American School of Theoretical Physics

9. Unstable Cores

10. Fission

Part III: 1941–1945

11. In on the Secret

12. Los Alamos 1: Security

13. Los Alamos 2: Implosion

14. Los Alamos 3: Heavy with Misgiving

Part IV: 1945–1967

15. The Insider Scientist

16. The Booming Years

17. Massive Retaliation

18. Falsus in uno

19. An Open Book?

Picture Section

Notes and References




About the Book

J. Robert Oppenheimer is among the most contentious and important figures of the twentieth century. As head of the Los Alamos Laboratory, he oversaw the successful effort to beat the Nazis to develop the first atomic bomb – a breakthrough which was to have eternal ramifications for mankind, and made Oppenheimer the ‘father of the Bomb’.

Oppenheimer was a man of diverse interests and phenomenal intellectual attributes. His talent and drive allowed him, as a young scientist, to enter a community peopled by the great names of twentieth-century physics – men such as Bohr, Born, Dirac and Einstein – and to play a role in the laboratories and classrooms where the world was being changed forever.

But Oppenheimer’s was not a simple story of assimilation, scientific success and world fame. A complicated and fragile personality, the implications of the discoveries at Los Alamos were to weigh heavily upon him. Having formed suspicious connections in the 1930s, in the wake of the Allied victory in World War Two, Oppenheimer’s attempts to resist the escalation of the Cold War arms race would lead many to question his loyalties – and set him on a collision course with Senator Joseph McCarthy and his witch hunters.

As with Ray Monk’s peerless biographies of Wittgenstein and Bertrand Russell, Inside the Centre is a work of towering scholarship. A story of discovery, secrecy, impossible choices and unimaginable destruction, it goes deeper than any previous work in revealing the motivations and complexities of this most brilliant and divisive of men.

About the Author

Ray Monk is the author of Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius for which he won the Mail on Sunday/John Llewellyn Rhys Prize and the Duff Cooper Award, and Bertrand Russell: The Spirit of Solitude. He is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Southampton.

Also by Ray Monk

Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius

Bertrand Russell: The Spirit of Solitude

Bertrand Russell: The Ghost of Madness


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