Arthritis and rheumatism
Asthma and bronchitis
Back and neck problems
Bladder weakness and bedwetting
Blood pressure
Candida albicans
Circulation problems
Colds and congestion
Ear problems
Eye problems
Foot problems
Gallbladder problems
Gum disease
Hair and scalp problems
Hay fever
Heart problems
Hiatus hernia
Immune system
Insomnia and sleep disorders
Irritable bowel syndrome
Kidney disorders
Liver disorders
Lymph glands
Motor neurone disease
Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Muscle pain
Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)
Nail problems
Nervous complaints and disorders
Prostate problems
Restless legs
Shingles (Herpes zoster)
Skin disorders
Thyroid problems
Varicose veins
Water questions
Weight problems
Books available from the same author:
By Appointment Only series
Arthritis, Rheumatism and Psoriasis
Asthma and Bronchitis
Cancer and Leukaemia
Heart and Blood Circulatory Problems
Migraine and Epilepsy
The Miracle of Life
Multiple Sclerosis
Neck and Back Problems
Realistic Weight Control
Skin Diseases
Stomach and Bowel Disorders
Stress and Nervous Disorders
Traditional Home and Herbal Remedies
Viruses, Allergies and the Immune System
Nature’s Gift series
Air – The Breath of Life
Body Energy
Water – Healer or Poison?
Well Woman series
Menstrual and Pre-Menstrual Tension
Pregnancy and Childbirth
The Jan de Vries Healthcare series
Questions and Answers on Family Health
How to Live a Healthy Life
Also available from the same author
Life Without Arthritis – The Maori Way
Who’s Next?
The Alternative Approach
Foreword by Dr Alfred Vogel
Jan de Vries
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Epub ISBN: 9781780570914
Version 1.0
Copyright © Jan de Vries, 1994
All rights reserved
The moral right of the author has been asserted
First published in Great Britain in 1994 by
7 Albany Street
Edinburgh EH1 3UG
ISBN 1 85158 586 9 (cloth)
ISBN 1 85158 587 7 (paper)
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for insertion in a magazine, newspaper or broadcast
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
It was a fortunate occasion when I met Jan de Vries in January 1959 in the Netherlands. I spoke to him with pleasure and conviction about my 40 years’ experience in the field of herbal medicine and my views on diet and nourishment. I soon realised that I had an extremely interested listener who fully appreciated my knowledge of the whole sphere of medical science.
Jan de Vries was not only interested to learn everything about my experiences of when, where and how to collect herbs, he also insisted on taking part in the actual process of extracting their beneficial ingredients. As he was a trained and qualified pharmacist, he was already familiar with the world of plants and herbs and had considerable knowledge in this field. He accepted an invitation to join our firm, which gave us the chance to establish a working relationship which has lasted for many years. He was one of my best pupils, if not the very best, and he grasped the opportunity to further develop his talents in the field of natural medicine.
I was very happy to share with him my enthusiasm for Nature and the world of plants. He was also prepared to accept my principle that herbal medicine should always have priority in the treatment of illness.
As a result of our experiences we both agreed that, when properly used, natural methods and herbal remedies could improve one’s health and keep illnesses at bay. Nature itself is capable of healing. Jan de Vries shared my conviction that herbal medicine in combination with a natural diet could create positive responses in the body in order to ward off ailments. By creating the right conditions for the body and supplying it with the correct nourishment, we are able to activate the body’s own regeneration system. In this way it is possible to overcome, as well as cure, ailments. Natural practitioners are becoming increasingly aware that we don’t just have an important role to play in the curing of illnesses, but also in the prevention of medical disturbances. This requires us to put greater emphasis on preventive medicine. Prevention is always better than cure. This principle plays a major role in my own approach. In an effort to clarify this to patients and the public at large, I have written several books, such as The Nature Doctor, The Liver as the Regulator of our Health, and Nature, Your Guide to Healthier Living.
Jan de Vries was immediately prepared to share my experiences with his friends and later with his patients and he recommended these books for their information. He is, I am pleased to repeat, my most successful ‘pupil’. His success, from which many patients have benefited is not, however, attributable solely to his talents; it is also thanks to the Creator who has supplied so many plants with healing powers.
I am very pleased that Jan de Vries is able to share his knowledge and experiences with us on paper. His books are written in simple language that can be readily understood by both patients and laymen alike. In these books he deals with natural methods using herbal remedies to overcome ailments and illnesses.
It is important to look beyond merely curing the obvious symptoms, as conventional medicine might teach us. We must look for the cause of the illness in order to continue the treatment and find a cure for the source. Very little benefit is obtained by clearing up an ache or easing a sensitivity if we are not able to eliminate the cause. In order to do this we should study the whole person and attempt to recognise which factors have contributed to the condition. There could be many reasons, for example, a breathing difficulty, a movement disorder, or a shortage of oxygen, rest or sleep. There can be many causes of a biological imbalance.
Jan de Vries has developed an extensive knowledge in this area. With perseverance he builds up an overall picture of total health, never failing to take into account the physical and mental condition of the patient.
I am convinced that in this book he will show many people the right way to recovery in plain and simple language. It is an excellent complement to my own books, as we have both sincerely attempted to serve our fellow men and share with them the knowledge we have acquired from our understanding and experience of the bounty of nature.
Dr Alfred Vogel
Questions and Answers on Family Health is the handbook for every household and has been published in direct response to public demand. During the hundreds of lectures that I have given throughout the world over the years, at conferences and public meetings, I often asked for the questions to be written down so that I could answer them from the platform. I kept many of these questions with the intention at the back of my mind of possibly collating them at a later time into a compilation for the interested reader. The infinite variety of topics covered by these questions gives a fair impression of the public’s interest in and approach towards Alternative Medicine. Some interesting questions from the many radio and television broadcasts I have participated in, especially the well-known Gloria Hunniford BBC Radio 2 series, have also been incorporated in this book.
It often seems that books on similar subjects contradict each other, and the questions from meetings and lectures are a good indicator of what the public wants to know and learn about. These questions may be so diverse as to cover varicose veins, the use of vitamin E, headaches, verrucas, ME, Candida, or cancer. The health problems and concerns experienced by people today are so numerous that it is impossible to assemble them all into one publication. However, this handbook presents a variety of easily used methods and I have tried to keep the contents as useful and varied as possible.
It is my sincere wish that this book will be of help to a great many people and that its readers will find the answers to some of their own questions in this book.
The reader should bear in mind that any advice, remedy or method mentioned in this book, is suggested as a guideline only. I would always recommend that people consult a qualified practitioner for specific advice.
How can I avoid an abscess recurring?
An abscess can be an extremely uncomfortable and often painful affliction. It is generally regarded as an accumulation of internal and external toxic material and indicates a high level of toxicity in the body. Although the lymphatic system collects and disposes of most of the body’s waste material, sometimes it may not be able to cope with excessive demands. Excessive toxicity in the body is often the result of an unbalanced or unsuitable diet, exacerbated by alcohol and/or nicotine.
I would recommend Echinaforce (15 drops in some water before meals, taken twice daily), Petaforce (ten drops in a little water before meals, taken twice daily) and two tablets of Hepar sulph. 4x before going to bed.
I suffer from recurring abscesses for which my doctor prescribes antibiotics. I would like to know if there is a homoeopathic alternative?
In the case of recurring abscesses one should first of all look at the diet. Do not eat fatty foods and ban all pork and pork derivatives e.g. pork chops, bacon, ham, etc. Avoid spices, alcohol and nicotine. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Take ten drops of Petaforce in half a cup of water twice a day. You would also be well advised to use garlic or a garlic-based product. For centuries garlic has been used as a dietary constituent and it is a common ingredient of Mediterranean dishes. In Britain alone, in excess of one hundred million garlic capsules are purchased every year. Researchers are now beginning to accept that it possesses remarkable effective powers: apart from its benefits to the digestive system, natural garlic may help to maintain normal cholesterol levels in the blood, when used as part of a healthy low-fat diet.
What is the cause of acne?
There are two common kinds of acne: acne vulgaris and acne rosacea. As the name indicates, the first is more common, and it is also easier to treat. Acne vulgaris is an inflammatory condition of the sebaceous glands in the skin, mostly affecting the face, neck, chest and back. The exact cause of acne cannot be determined, but it is often thought to result from a hormonal imbalance, which is why teenagers in particular tend to experience this problem. Hereditary influences can also play a role and certain foods have been known to aggravate the condition. Therefore the first rule in treating acne vulgaris is to adopt a healthy diet.
Acne rosacea, however, presents a much bigger problem as it is generally more difficult to control. This is a chronic skin condition affecting the fleshy areas of the face, the nose, cheeks, chin and forehead, which affects both sexes, usually in middle age. This condition is thought to be caused by neurovascular instability, endocrine disorders, allergies and various other factors. The first requirement, once again, is a healthy diet.
The following remedies are recommended for both types of acne: Echinaforce, Viola tricolor, Petaforce, vitamin E and Oil of Evening Primrose.
What diet, juices and herbs do you recommend for persistent acne? I have tried almost everything.
Drink plenty of beetroot and carrot juice and take Dr Vogel’s Violaforce. Also follow this general diet:
Diet for acne sufferers
Vogel’s Breakfast Muesli mixed with the juice of a grated apple or half a banana or other fruit (no citrus fruits).
One or two pieces of Ryvita or wholemeal bread spread with natural vegetable magarine (sunflower or corn-oil margarine).
One cup of tea after the meal, preferably peppermint, rosehip or camomile tea. Bambu coffee may be used as an alternative.
One plate of fresh vegetables, especially carrots and beetroot. Some other raw or cooked vegetables. Dress the fresh vegetables with olive or sunflower oil mixed with a little lemon juice or celery juice.
Baked or steamed potatoes in their jackets may be taken with the vegetables.
For dessert, take natural unflavoured yogurt, sweetened with honey if desired.
Vegetable soup made with fresh, organically grown vegetables. The water used to prepare the soup can be enriched with a little Plantaforce; this is a delicious vegetable concentrate from the Vogel range and is very easily digested. Use salt sparingly in this soup – a little Herbamare is more beneficial.
Fresh fruit salad may be taken for dessert, although if you are prone to indigestion, do not combine these two.
General advice
Animal fat is prohibited. Use eggs sparingly. No white flour or white sugar (or products made with them). No pork, sausages, bacon or ham. Cut down as much as possible on coffee, nicotine and sweets. Take plenty of exercise in the fresh air.
Please advise on treatment for acne in a teenage boy.
Give the boy one capsule of AkneZyme twice daily.
My daughter has acne. She took antibiotics for six months and it went away. She stopped taking the antibiotics and it came back. The doctor recently again prescribed antibiotics: Minocrin MR, which was accompanied by a warning about possible side-effects. For the first few weeks my daughter was all right, but during the last two weeks she has had very severe (thumping) headaches and sometimes cannot bear to see bright lights. My daughter wants to go back to her GP, but I would like to ask you if you have a safe way of treating acne?
In short, my answer is yes! This problem can be approached from several different angles and therefore I would suggest that you and your daughter read my book Skin Disorders, which gives details on various treatment approaches.
Can homoeopathic medicine help acne sufferers?
It most certainly can. Please read my book Skin Disorders for advice on a wide variety of alternative treatment methods for acne, and also for other skin complaints.
I have suffered from acne since I was a teenager. I am now 37. I have tried nearly all the treatments available on NHS. Can you help?
Read up on the dietary advice you can find in this section. You may like to consider acupuncture treatment, which is often helpful.
How do I overcome anaemia?
Anaemia is a condition characterised by a reduced number of red blood corpuscles or of haemoglobin in the bloodstream, which in turn reduces the blood’s effectiveness in transporting oxygen throughout the body. It identifies itself by the patient’s lack of energy and general listlessness, and is caused by a lack of iron.
Pernicious anaemia is a specific form of anaemia and, fortunately, less common than the type described above. This condition is characterised by lesions of the spinal cord, weakness, diarrhoea, a sore tongue and numbness in the limbs. It is usually associated with an inadequate absorption of vitamin B’12. In addition to the recommended medication, diet is very important. Supplement a balanced diet three times a week with a dessert of four dried pears (sulphur-free) soaked in red grape juice or port wine. Eat plenty of fresh green vegetables and a raw egg, beaten with red grape juice about three times a week. Use Alfavena tablets, Ferrum phos. 6x and Kalium phos. 6x.
In our society it is considered socially acceptable to ‘have a drink’. I can put it more strongly, the person who does not take a drink is, often derogatively, labelled a ‘teetotaller’. Yet, what is mostly seen as a pleasant social custom too often gets out of hand and ends in abuse. Acupuncture can help to overcome alcohol dependence, in combination with the following remedies: brewers’ yeast (4-6 tablets per day) and vitamin C (up to 2 g daily).
Not so long ago it was considered socially acceptable to smoke wherever one liked. Fortunately, this attitude has now reversed and not before time. Today, smokers complain that they are treated as outcasts, but they should remember that indulgence pollutes the surrounding atmosphere. Non-smokers are forced to breathe in stale air and therefore have to partake in a habit which is far from conducive to their health. As with alcohol addiction, this habit is equally difficult to break, but again acupuncture treatment can be helpful together with a homoeopathic nicotine substitute, Tabacum 4x. Five drops should be taken twice daily in a little water.
This addiction not only causes the obvious weight problems, but it also affects the condition of the skin. Gradually reducing the sugar intake is the best approach, in order to avoid a shock to the system and this can be helped with Oil of Evening Primrose (three capsules taken last thing at night) and ginseng.
Why are there so many allergies?
An allergy is an abnormal sensitivity to a specific substance. Not only is it possible to become allergic to certain foods, but also to atmospheric influences, pollutants or pollen for example. If our reserves were strong enough and if we paid more attention to leading a life according to the laws of Nature and investing sensibly in our health, there would be fewer allergies. An allergy only becomes obvious when a person’s immune system allows it to do so. A developing allergic trend is, in effect, no more than an alarm bell, an early warning that the immune system is struggling to protect the body against outside influences and is becoming less effective. Pay attention to these alarm signals and remember that the root cause should be treated, rather than the symptom. Concentrate on revitalising the immune system and often the allergy will disappear of its own accord.
What causes allergies? Too often the recommended treatment seems to be aimed at relieving the symptoms and I wonder if they can be overcome by restoring positive and negative harmony?
This can only be achieved by boosting and re-building the immune system.
My sister was stung by a wasp last Thursday. She fainted and woke up in hospital, where she was kept under observation for two days. Is there anything you can suggest so that this does not happen again?
Your sister should use Harpagophytum and also follow a good blood-cleansing programme. Read my book Viruses, Allergies and the Immune System for further advice.
I would like to find out what foods I am allergic to, but this seems to be an insurmountable problem if the allergies are likely to vary, even within short periods of time.
We must remember that if our diet is balanced and healthy, our immune system will be stronger. If our diet is inadequate, we must take dietary supplements such as vitamins, minerals and trace elements to reduce the chance of allergic reactions.
Can an allergy to dairy products induce hyperactivity in a three-year-old who was allergic to dairy produce as a baby?
This is most unusual, as at that age it is more likely that hyperactivity is caused by excessive sugar intake.
Can one become allergic to Echinacea or Echinaforce?
In my experience this is most unlikely as Echinacea and Echinaforce are remedies that help to restore the immune system.
My friend was prescribed two homoeopathic remedies – Harpagophytum and Echinaforce (she is an artist and has a paint allergy which causes her to cough a lot). For how long should she take these remedies and when can she expect to notice an improvement?
Your friend would be well advised to continue with these remedies for a period of at least three months. The improvement in her condition will be gradual, as these remedies are designed to strengthen the immune system.
My wife has many environmental sensitivities and is now trying to detoxify her system. Does this carry any risk?
No, this is a very sensible approach. A very good detoxification programme is Dr Vogel’s Detox Box Programme.
My son is allergic to fish and therefore eats a lot of meat. Is his diet incomplete?
I must point out that soya is also a good substitute for meat. Also ensure that his diet contains plenty of vegetables, fruit and nuts.
I suffer from a total allergy to all antibiotics and painkillers. What do you recommend I do for self-help?
There are alternative remedies that you can use and I would suggest that you seek the help of a qualified naturopath or homoeopath for the correct remedies for specific purposes.
What can be done for a child who is affected by ‘E’ colouring/additives in food?
No other measures are necessary than to avoid any products which contain ‘E’ colouring additives. Read the labels when shopping.
I am 62 years old and weigh approximately 10 stones. I drink raw garlic and fresh raspberry tea with a little Epsom salts. I also take garlic pills and cayenne pepper. I eat as many vegetables and fruit as possible, whole grains, etc. I am bothered with allergies in summer. What would you advise?
Although the remedies you take are good, they are not actually effective as an anti-allergy measure. Try 15 drops of Harpagophytum in a little water and two tablets of Imuno-Strength, both twice daily.
Could you comment on the relationship between inflammatory pain and wheat? The Homoeopathic Hospital believes that a wheat-free diet helps, but I am unconvinced.
In cases of a genuine wheat allergy, this substance can certainly cause inflammatory pains. You should try a wheat-free diet to see if the pains subside, but you must persevere for at least three months before you decide whether it is worthwhile.
I have chronic catarrh and I think it is because of an allergy. Can you suggest how I can remedy this?
Only too often I have seen this symptom caused by a dairy food allergy. This usually results in bad congestion. Try eliminating dairy food from your diet.
If one is allergic to something, could it be something that one enjoys especially?
Unfortunately, this is very often the case.
Can you suggest a simple method of testing for allergies?
Probably muscle-testing, known as Kinesiology.
Our mouths are full of metal fillings. What can we do to replace them? What substance should be used to fill our dental cavities?
The best idea is to gradually have all amalgam fillings removed and replaced with composite fillings, but during this period you and your family should take 20 drops of Echinaforce in a little water twice a day.
Could you explain how to detect an allergy to a certain food?
Allergy testing can done at home and in many cases people have been successful by following a food-elimination programme.
My daughter is allergic to homoeopathic tablets because of the lactose in them. She also seems to be allergic to the tincture. Is there another form these remedies can be taken in?
Usually, a fresh plant extract is best. If allergic to alcohol, put the remedy in hot water so that the alcohol evaporates.
What is the best natural anti-allergy medicine?
For the majority of cases I would suggest taking twenty drops of Harpagophytum twice daily in half a cup of water.
What would you recommend for a hay fever allergy?
This is an allergy to pollen. Dr Vogel’s Pollinosan is generally beneficial. As far as diet is concerned, try to cut out all dairy foods and salt. Eat plenty of honey.
What does the body attempt to accomplish by sneezing?
Unusually frequent or excessive sneezing is the body’s reaction to an allergic condition. Seek professional help.
How can I find out which food or drink triggers IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)?
In my experience the most common causes are coffee, stress or nerves, or a combination of these.
My son is extremely allergic to milk and eggs, which we discovered when he was weaned from the breast at the age of seven months. At 18 months old he was hospitalised for four days with asthma. He takes medication daily for asthma and allergies. Also, at the age of six he still has occasional incontinence. What can help him?
Most allergies do not occur until the baby is weaned and given cow’s milk. The latter contains nine times more protein that mother’s milk and the baby’s digestive system cannot always cope. Infantile eczema and asthmatic attacks often occur then. For more detailed advice I suggest you read my book Viruses, Allergies and the Immune System.
I think I have allergies because my symptoms are congestion, a sore throat, ear infections, fatigue, body aches and ulcers. What can I do?
The best advice I could give you is to make an appointment with a homoeopath or naturopath. If preferred, follow a sensible detoxification programme such as The Detox Box Programme. Cleansing Course.
Is there something to be done for the dark rings under my eyes? I know that I have allergies.
You may have an allergy, but this is not necessarily the cause of your problem. It might also be a sign of kidney problems. Speak to your GP or see a naturopath.
What can someone do who is allergic to all medication?
Follow a desensitising programme.
Is it true that you can crave foods or other substances that you are allergic to?
Yes! Look at a migraine sufferer who is allergic to chocolate. He or she will always indulge when free of migraine.
Do mercury dental fillings cause disorders and, if so, can this be reversed?
Apart from gradually replacing these fillings, I would suggest that you follow a total detoxification programme.
How safe are mercury fillings?
It depends on the immune system. Preferably I would advise to have them replaced with composite fillings.
Can a severe allergy to peanut butter (such as my grandson has) be cured by your methods? The doctor has said that he could die within minutes of eating peanuts.
It all depends on what substance in peanut butter he is allergic to. First of all he needs a very thorough allergy test and based on the results of this a suitable treatment method can be selected.
Can you give some advice on how to overcome anorexia?
Twice a day take ten drops of Centaurium umbellatum in a little water before meals. Supplementary zinc and Nature’s Best’s Health Insurance Plus can be helpful too.
Can you give us any ideas on how we can help and support our daughter, who has anorexia?
Please read my book Stress and Nervous Disorders, where I have written about this illness in detail.
Can you recommend a cure for anxiety?
Take, twice daily, ten drops of the Dr Vogel remedy Crataegus in a little water. Also take Arsenicun album 4x and Strophanthus hispidus 4x. For further help read my book Stress and Nervous Disorders.
Could you help a person who suffers from anxiety and nervous problems, e.g. fear of meeting people, and who also has difficulty in relaxing?
Take 15 drops of Avena sativa and two Jayvee tablets, both twice daily.
Can you give an explanation of arthritis or rheumatism?
This cannot be done in a few lines and as these are such common disorders I will go into more detail. Swollen fingers, enlarged and twisted knuckles, swelling of the knees with fluid, a stiffened neck and spine – these conditions paint a terrible picture. Yet they are a familiar sight all around us. Severe and prolonged periods of pain make movement, sitting and sleeping difficult, and the only general relief is some pain-killing drug, which after a while has less and less effect. Cortisone is often prescribed, but does it produce a cure? No, because once such treatment commences, it is generally necessary ‘for life’. Despite the large sums of money spent on research, there is still no cure available.
In the field of alternative medicine, however, more success is being achieved. The application of homoeopathic or herbal therapies is producing some remarkable results. These, along with the serious study of the relationship between diet and these illnesses, have shown that it is possible to bring considerable relief to those who suffer from these depressing symptoms. It is now generally accepted that although some people may inherit tendencies towards certain ailments, faulty diet greatly contributes towards producing illnesses like arthritis and rheumatism. In his book The Nature Doctor Dr Alfred Vogel says that ‘The diet for arthritis and rheumatism should be absolutely natural. It should exclude acid-forming foods, in particular pork and processed meats.’ He continues: ‘It must be our faulty way of eating and living that accounts for the problems that we bring upon ourselves, because these diseases do not exist among the more primitive people.’
Additionally, acupuncture has proved valuable in stimulating the body functions, helping the body to remove the underlying causes of arthritis and rheumatism. It is therefore well worth everyone who suffers from these and related problems to seriously consider ‘alternative’ therapies.
We use the terms arthritis and rheumatism, but pain and limitation are what people actually experience. What are the events in our bodies that lead to such conditions developing? One factor that acts as a trigger is stress, that is anything and everything that threatens or damages us – fear, a heavy workload, the kind of food we eat. Although some stress is avoidable (for example we can stop smoking), we must all learn to cope with it in some form.
We can learn to live with stress. Physically, we must learn to replace the resources that we use. Our nutrition therefore has to be very good. There is a tiny gland at the base of the brain called the pituitary gland. At any sign of stress, this gland releases a hormone which sounds the alarm. The hormone travels in the blood until it reaches two small glands that sit on our kidneys in the middle of the back – the adrenals. When the adrenals pick up this hormone they too release different hormones. The better known of these is called cortisol (we know it as cortisone). Messages will have reached the adrenals from the nervous system too, and the hormone adrenalin is also released. The presence of these adrenal hormones in the blood tells the whole body that it is under threat.
The reaction is dramatic. Sugar reserves pour into the blood to provide immediate fuel. Proteins and fats are broken down to give more energy. Calcium is taken from our bones for use by the nerves and muscles. Pain, stiffness and inflammation seem to miraculously disappear. Blood pressure rises so that oxygen, sugar and calcium travel more quickly to the tissues.
The stress reaction is highly protective. Normally, the threat ends and the above reactions are gradually reversed. Proteins are rebuilt and the cells are repaired. Calcium is replaced in our bones. Blood pressure drops to its normal level and all our familiar aches and pains reappear. The body’s reserves will have been used and even more will be needed for repair. More vitamins, minerals, protein, fats and carbohydrates will be needed than usual. When our nutrition is inadequate, or when the stress situation does not come to an end, our body will come under further threat. By robbing Peter to pay Paul, it will do the best it can for as long as it can. But sooner or later we will find we have no more reserves, we stop manufacturing adrenal hormones, and we have no further resistance. Disease is the result.
The removal of calcium from the bones when under stress is clearly one feature of the arthritic process. Normally, calcium moves continuously between blood and bone to maintain a balance. A hormone from the parathyroid gland in the neck triggers the removal of calcium from the bones when the blood level drops. Calcitonin, a hormone from the thyroid gland, encourages calcium back to the bone. Vitamins are needed for us to absorb calcium from our food and also to help the bone to mineralise. The balance of calcium is very delicate. If the blood levels drop, our muscles may go into spasms and convulsions. If our bones are continuously leached, they may bend or break. If the level of calcium in the blood stays high, as in a stressful condition, then calcium may be deposited in the arteries, tissues, muscles and joints. This depositing tendency appears to be an error resulting from prolonged stress without adequate nutrition, a parathyroid imbalance or vitamin deficiency.
The adrenals produce cortisol from the hormone deoxycortisol (known as DOC for short). This hormone has a remarkable action. It helps the body to fight infection and damage by setting up inflammation around bacteria or toxins and sealing them off, as in boils for example. Swelling, pain and fever may result but the body is being protected nonetheless. Normally, sufficient DOC will be converted to cortisol to remove the pain and swelling once the intruder has been dealt with.
When a diet does not supply the vitamins needed by the enzymes that make and maintain the balance of these hormones, the DOC may fail to be converted to cortisol and the areas of pain and swelling may become permanent and collect calcium. Cortisone treatment is not the easy solution because our own DOC production is inhibiting resistance. Our bones become further demineralised and other mineral reactions may cause water retention (moon face). Moreover, the constant robbing of proteins may eat away our stomach cells and cause ulcers.
The whole vitamin spectrum must be used when the nutrition pattern has broken down so severely. Other aspects of our diets must also be changed. When we eat sugar our blood sugar level rises rapidly and we feel full of energy, which is why we like it. Another gland, the pancreas, is alerted and insulin is released to absorb the sugar and store it. When we eat sugar frequently, our pancreas becomes trigger-happy and takes out too much at a time. We then develop low blood sugar, or hyperglycaemia. The adrenals are alerted and we go into a stress reaction. Calcium is taken from our bones. So, when we eat sugar we can make holes in our bones, not just in our teeth.
Moreover, few of us realise we are addicted to salt. Salt is a stimulant: it hits the adrenals and once again we go into a stress reaction. Most of us eat ten times too much salt in a day because we like the ‘high’ it provides. The blood is naturally 80 per cent alkaline. The alkaline-forming foods are mainly fruit and vegetables, yogurt and seeds. If we eat an all-acid meal such as an egg on toast with coffee, the body’s reserves of calcium and other minerals are drawn upon in order to restore the alkaline balance. As it is difficult to heal arthritis or rheumatism with an acid body, our food intake therefore should be 80 per cent alkaline and 20 per cent acid. Calcium must be added to the diet during the healing programme. The bones will only remineralise when there is sufficient in the diet.
Calcium enters into solution in an acid medium and is precipitated and deposited in an alkaline medium. This simple but profound statement provides the key to unlock the mystery of arthritis. To reverse this process – one of solubility – we must employ a secondary agent. This agent is potassium.
Rich sources of potassium are potatoes, molasses, bananas, cider vinegar, dates, apricots, figs and raisins. The enemies of potassium include alcohol, laxatives, coffee, sugar, salt and stress.
When treating every type of arthritis or rheumatism, the patient’s diet has to be altered from a poor sub-nutritive diet to a rich energy-producing diet that is particularly rich in potassium. Potassium deficiency can produce rapid calcification of the arteries, teeth, muscles and joints. A diet low in potassium causes types of arthritis which are preceded by rheumatic disorders – aching muscles first and fixed joints afterwards. Finally, herbs are traditional cleansers and healers. As well as providing many vitamins and minerals themselves, the herbs used to treat these conditions work on all levels to help bring the body, mind and emotions back into healing alignment.
Can rheumatism and arthritis be successfully treated at home? The answer is Yes and a very good start may be achieved by keeping to the instructions outlined below. The treatment would be better still with the help and guidance of a qualified practitioner.
Programme for arthritis and rheumatism
Forbidden foods
Pork, (including sausages, bacon, ham and gammon), white flour, white sugar, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, tomatoes, vinegar, mayonnaise, rhubarb, butter, cream and spices.
Reduce your daily intake of tea and coffee. Use salt very sparingly; better still, use Dr Vogel’s Herbamare in its place.
Recommended foods
Plenty of raw and cooked vegetables, a salad every day, fruit, nuts, honey, cottage cheese, brown rice and yogurt.
Use of herbal and mineral therapy
- Each evening scald one tablespoon of kidney tea with a pint of boiling water in an earthenware pot or jug (do not use aluminium). The following day drink one cupful to which you have added ten drops of Imperthritica.
- Take two Alfavena tablets (which are very rich in potassium) and one Kelpasan tablet (which contains Pacific seaweed) before meals three times daily.
- Take 1,000–2,000 mg of natural Vitamin C each day.
- Make sure you are not constipated.
My wife suffers from arthritis in her big toes. She has had X-rays and one toe is really bad, while the other is slightly less affected. The only option the doctors have suggested is an operation. Have you any suggestions for this problem?
To my way of thinking an operation is always only ever the last and final resort. Try alternatives first. There are many other ways. For further advice read my book Arthritis, Rheumatism and Psoriasis.
My mother’s left foot is swollen from arthritis. She is taking codliver oil but wants to know if there is anything else she can take to bring the swelling down?
A swollen foot is a miserable thing because it restricts all movement. The codliver oil is good, but she should also follow my dietary instructions as well as taking a nightly footbath containing bicarbonate of soda.
For years I have had arthritis in the neck and spine. Three months ago my doctor put me on a herbal weight-control programme and within two weeks the pain had gone. Why did this happen and what is in the programme to get rid of the pain?
Probably the diet had a positive influence and the herbal remedies would have helped to relieve pain.
My brother has rheumatoid arthritis. He has had acupuncture and has listened to relaxation tapes. He now feels better but the swellings are still there. Why is this, as he feels so much better?
Relaxation is very helpful and soothing for the body. Visualisation is also of great benefit and will positively influence the condition. However, a good diet and some herbal or homoeopathic remedies may help to speed up the recovery by reducing the inflammation in the joints.
My sister’s husband has been taking Propolis for his stiff joints. What are your thoughts about this supplement?
Propolis, which is a derivative of royal jelly, is a marvellous remedy for many complaints and a number of arthritis patients have told me how they have benefited from its use.
I have been taking green-lipped mussel extract for arthritis and would like to hear your views on this.
I am very much in favour of this remedy because most people have reported excellent results. For your interest, my book Life Without Arthritis – The Maori Way is based completely on this remedy.
While playing with my dog I pulled my shoulder. I now feel as if arthritis has set in and would like to know what to take to prevent this taking a further hold?
Arthritis is often caused by a trauma, i.e. a fall, knock or other injury. When this happens and a swelling appears, take immediate action. Follow an acid-free diet and a good programme such as Dr Vogel’s Detox Box Programme.
I am 59 years old and crippled with arthritis. I have been told that I also have Sjogren’s syndrome, connected with this.
I take three kinds of medicine for my eyes, but there is no relief. My surgeon now wants to sew up the tear ducts, but I want to know if I could obtain any help from homoeopathic remedies?
This is a sad story and I sympathise with you. Firstly, look for treatment for the cause of your arthritis. Sjogren’s syndrome is, fortunately, a fairly rare auto-immune disease which causes dry eyes, a dry mouth, painful joints, and sometimes also respiratory infections.
Certainly homoeopathic and herbal remedies can help, but in view of the severity of your condition please make an appointment with a homoeopathic or alternative practitioner in order to discuss the best course of treatment.
My grandmother is remarkably healthy for her age – 87 years old. At Christmas her knee gave way and she is now in great pain. She has been told that it is arthritis. Can you help?
For a period of three weeks she should place a cabbage leaf poultice on her knee every night before going to bed and leave this in place until the morning. When removing the leaf in the morning rub the joint with Po-Ho ointment.
I have been diagnosed as having psoriatic arthritis in my feet and hands. Specially made shoes have, fortunately, made walking easier, but I would like some advice on diet and exercise.
Several therapies will ease your problems: reflexology, aromatherapy and/or acupuncture. Follow the advice given in my book Arthritis, Rheumatism and Psoriasis.
What exactly is osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis is a skeletal and muscular condition thought to be primarily caused by ageing. It is also often considered to be a form of menopausal syndrome, triggered by endocrine disturbances, or a traumatic degenerative joint disease. It can indeed be very painful, especially when hard bony swellings have formed.
I am 48 years old and have osteoarthritis in the joints of my big toes. What are the chances of this spreading to other areas?
The early arthritic symptoms are often first detected in toe and finger joints. Take immediate action to try and undo the damage. Usually a balanced diet and Dr Vogel’s Detox Box Programme is a good start.
I am 65 years old and have been prescribed zyloric acid. For the last three or four years I have suffered from gout and suspect that this is brought on by alcohol and shellfish. I do not want to be on drugs for the rest of my life.
Zyloric acid is always prescribed for gout. As a rule gout is brought on by rich food, alcohol and acid rich products. Apart from making changes to your diet you can obtain great relief from the remedy Imperthritica, as well as from homoeopuncture, reflexology or aromatherapy.
For some time now I have been having gold injections for rheumatoid arthritis. Whenever I am given more than 20 mg I react very strongly and have now been told to stop the treatment.
In your case I would definitely suggest trying alternative therapies. See a homoeopath or naturopath for more detailed instructions.
I would like to know if aloe vera juice is helpful for arthritis? I am worried because I have been told that it can be dangerous to drink.
I am not aware of any side-effects to aloe vera. Remember, however, that it is also very helpful to use aloe vera cream for rubbing into the joints and this may put your mind at rest.
Recently I had a pain in my hand and it went black like a bruise. This has now cleared up, but the doctor said that it was a form of arthritis. Could this possibly be due to the fact that I have taken Propolis tablets for a long time?
I don’t think that this can be ascribed to taking Propolis. It sounds more like a deficiency of vitamin C. Take at least 2,000 mg per day.
My neighbour is 72 years old and has had arthritis for 30 years. She has had a hip replacement operation to get her out of a wheelchair. She does not eat oranges or lemons because she believes they cause acidity. Neither does she take coffee or chocolate. However, she takes Complan every night, which is rich in vitamins. Do you think that this helps?
Indeed, Complan is good, but it is not sufficient. Tell your neighbour that she should also take extra calcium, selenium and zinc. Further advice can be found in my book Arthritis, Rheumatism and Psoriasis.
I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis in my hands and arms (all my joints). I also have Raynaud’s disease, which affects my hands and feet. What is your recommendation?
Firstly you need treatment for your circulatory system. Follow Dr Vogel’s Detox Box Programme. Then, for 15 days, take twice daily two 500 IU capsules of vitamin E and 15 drops of Venosan in a little water. Next, for 30 days, take 15 drops of Imperthritica in a little water, together with four Urticalcin tablets, both twice daily.
What are your thoughts on hydrogen peroxide treatment for arthritis?
It is essential that this treatment is only undertaken under the guidance of a qualified practitioner, because it can be harmful when administered incorrectly. It is better to use hydrogen peroxide only for a gargle, and never stronger than 1.5 per cent.
I take my neighbour’s black labrador for a walk twice a day, but the vet has advised that the dog should be given less exercise because of its arthritis.
Give the dog a Seatone capsule twice a day and add a spoonful of codliver oil to its food. Continue to exercise him.
Two years ago my husband had polymialgia rheumatica and it was treated with steroids. Now it is returning and we wonder if it can be treated without the use of steroids?
Polymialgia rheumatica is an inflammatory condition affecting the connective tissue in and around the muscles. It mostly affects the shoulders and pelvic areas, causing pain, stiffness and tenderness. Details of alternative treatment methods can be found in my book Arthritis, Rheumatism and Psoriasis.
I have had polymyalgia rheumatica for three years and take 5 mg cortisone daily. What would you suggest as an alternative?
Also take three 500 mg capsules of Oil of Evening Primrose daily before going to bed at night and take one GS500 capsule twice daily.
I follow a diet for osteoarthritis. I would like to know what you would recommend as an anti-inflammatory remedy?
Twice daily before meals take 15 drops of Imperthritica and twice daily after meals take 15 drops of Harpagophytum.
To aid the treatment of rheumatism, what proportion of codliver oil to Oil of Evening Primrose do you recommend?
Take one tablespoon of codliver oil and three 500 mg capsules of Oil of Evening Primrose before going to bed.
Please tell me what can be taken for arthritis in the thumb (the joints are swollen)?
Twice daily take 15 drops of Imperthritica in a little water before a meal, and also twice daily four Urticalcin tablets.
I have arthritis of the spine. Sometimes when I make a sudden turn or twist I pass out for a few minutes. What causes this?
This is a definite sign that you need manipulative treatment of the neck. Please find yourself a good osteopath and ask him or her for advice.
I am very fond of fruit, but I have heard that it is bad for arthritis. Is this true?
This is not totally true. Most fruits can be eaten without any detrimental effects, with the exception of citrus fruits and unripe tomatoes.
For 50 years I have suffered from osteoarthritis in the knees and for 20 years I have had osteoporosis in the spine. I am 69 years old and, fortunately, I can still walk. I use no medication, but wonder if you can give me advice on how to help the pain?