

103 ways to find out



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Version 1.0

Epub ISBN 9781409034063

First published in Great Britain in 2005

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Text © Tim Collins, 2005
Photographs © Tim Collins, 2005

Tim Collins has asserted his right to be identified as the author of this work under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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You always read the imprint pages of books      image    1 point


Cover Page

Title Page

Copyright Page






Social Life








Communication Skills

The Certificates





Thanks to Collette, Mike Hughes, Jim Derwent, Joe Cornish,
Jake Lingwood, Claire Kingston and everyone at Ebury


It’s difficult to say exactly when it happened.

Maybe it was when everyone started getting web access at home. Maybe it was when The Lord of the Rings went to number one at the box office. Maybe it was when iPods became a fashion accessory.

I don’t know exactly when, but at some point over the past few years, we all became a bit geekier.

It became alright for people in their twenties and thirties to buy console games. It became alright for adults to read children’s books on trains. It became alright to email rather than phone.

But how do we know when we’ve gone too far with all of this?

How do we know when we’ve crossed the line from casual dabbler to genuine geek?

This book can help you find out.

Just tick the boxes that apply to you as you read this book, add up your score, and fill out the appropriate certificate. Then cut it out and show it to your friends. If you have any.

If this book makes you realise that you’re geekier than you thought, please don’t try to hide it. Don’t become one of those contact lens wearers who hide their consoles in drawers and sneak off to the toilet for covert Tolkien breaks. You’ll be much happier if you accept your true nature and come out of the geek closet right away.


Tim Collins
London, 2005


I’m already pretty sure that I’m a geek.
Is it still worth taking this test?

Yes. In fact, if you think you’ve achieved an especially high score, email me at and I’ll tell you where you rank on the nationwide scoreboard. But cheats beware – I might come round to your house to check that you’ve answered each section honestly. Except the ‘Sex’ section.

I’m a girl. Can I take the test?

Yes. I’m well aware that, contrary to popular myth, many geeks these days are female. So, to make things fair, I’ve included a female version of the ‘Sex’ section. Although you might have to stick to the male ‘Sex’ section if you’re a lesbian who has feelings about Gillian Anderson and Sarah Michelle Gellar.

I want to take the test but I don’t want to deface my new book.
What should I do?

The best thing to do is buy two copies of the book – one to use and one to keep in mint condition. However, if you’re a proper geek, you probably do this with every book you buy.

What’s TARDIS an acronym for?

The ‘FYI’ section at the back of the book should give you the answers to any such questions that occur while you’re taking the test. ‘FYI’ is an acronym for ‘For Your Information’ in case you didn’t know. And ‘FAQs’ stands for ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ in case you didn’t even know that.



You live on your own. image 1 point
You live with your mum. image 2 points
…and you’re over thirty. image 3 points
…and she still makes your meals, wakes you up in the morning and checks your appearance before you leave the house. image 5 points
You can’t eat without watching TV at the same time. image 1 point
You can’t go to the toilet without taking something to read with you. image 1 point
You’ve got out of bed in the middle of the night because you couldn’t resist checking your email. image 2 points
While emptying your bin, you’ve spotted litter that dated back more than 30 days. image 1 point


Bonus Points

You have the following posters on your wall:

Data from Star Trek image 1 point
Buffy image 1 point
An Escher artwork image 1 point
A map of the world image 1 point
A magic eye picture image 1 point


Bonus Points

Your personal smell can best be described as:

Lynx image 1 point
Tesco’s own brand deodorant image 2 points
Savlon image 3 points
TCP image 4 points
A mixture of stale washing, second-hand books and piss image 5 points
If your computer goes wrong, you fix it straight away, but if your washing machine breaks, you leave it for a while. image 2 points
The last time you changed your sheets was over a month ago. image 3 points
You’ve put aside an afternoon specifically to rearrange your CD collection. image 3 points
You’ve put an aside an evening specifically to watch the special features of a DVD. image 3 points
You had a pizza delivered last night. image 1 point
…and ate the cold remains of it for lunch today. image 3 points
You’ve completed a take-away loyalty card in the last couple of weeks. image 3 points
You often drink so much coffee or cola that you can’t sleep at night. image 2 points
When you can’t sleep, you find yourself jotting down ideas for brilliant new inventions that make no sense in the morning. image 3 points
You spend more on eBay than at your local supermarket. image 3 points
Look at the ‘call list’ menu on your mobile and write down the last ten numbers you called.


1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Award yourself one point for every food delivery number you called. image points
Award yourself two points for every sex line you called. image points
Award yourself five bonus points if you haven’t called ten numbers yet. image 5 points
You’ve drunk a soft drink straight from a 1.5 litre bottle to avoid washing a glass. image 3 points
At the weekend, you always log in to your email before brushing your teeth. image 1 point


Bonus Points

You’ve actually done the following slapstick jokes in real life:

Walking into a lamppost because you were distracted by something image 1 point
Slipping on a banana skin image 2 points
Looking at your watch while holding a drink, and spilling it down yourself image 3 points
Turning around suddenly while carrying a ladder, and hitting someone with it image 4 points
Falling down an open manhole image 5 points
You’ve watched an entire episode of Watercolour Challenge because you couldn’t be bothered to reach for the remote control. image 1 point
You’ve had an argument with a flatmate about whose turn it was to wash up. image 1 point
You’ve had an argument with a flatmate about whose turn it was to phone for pizza. image 3 points
You have a child. image —1 point
…but you spend more on toys and computer games than they do. image 2 points
…and you’ve forced them to watch Spirited Away instead of the latest Disney animation. image 3 points
You can drive. image —1 point
…but you call your car ‘The Enterprise’. image 3 points
…and you say ‘engage’ when turning the ignition key. image 5 points
…and you’ve given someone a detailed description of the engine. image 5 points

Bonus Points

You’ve arranged your CDs in the following order:

Alphabetical image 1 point
Chronological (the order they were made) image 2 points
Autobiographical (the order you bought them in) image 3 points
In order of the colour of their spines, to create a spectrum effect image 4 points
In order of record label image 5 points
You’ve used a computer today. image 1 point
…and it’s the weekend. image 3 points
If your mouse breaks, you feel like you’ve had a limb amputated. image 2 points
When your computer asks ‘Are you sure you want to shut down?’ you actually think about it, and feel a bit guilty. image 2 points
You’ve clicked on the option that tells you how long you’ve been playing a certain computer game for, and it was more than a week. image 4 points
Before eating a tube of Smarties, you pour them out onto the table in front of you and arrange them according to colour. image 3 points
You actually quite enjoy the sensation of being addicted to a game and unable to put the joypad down. image 3 points


You often think of ways to complete day-to-day tasks slightly quicker, like adding milk to coffee while you’re waiting for the water to boil, or flushing the toilet while you’re still urinating. image 1 point
You’ve considered moving to a larger property for the sake of a collection. image 2 points
You feel strange if you go for longer than an hour without checking news headlines online, on your phone, or on TV. image 1 point
When doing your monthly budget, you put aside less than £5 for clothes and toiletries, and over £100 for entertainment and technology. image 3 points
You actually do a monthly budget. image 5 points
You’ve bought a Happy Meal or box of cereal because it had a promotional gift licensed from a sci-fi blockbuster. image 1 point
You’ve bought something purely for its ironic value. image 1 point
…which cost more than £30. image 3 points
You’ve listed your religion as ‘Jedi’ when filling in a form. image 1 point
You’ve eaten some Kendal Mint Cake. image 1 point

Bonus Points


The bag you carry with you all the time is…

…an unbranded rucksack worn by both straps image 1 point
…the same Head bag you’ve had since school and have never washed image 3 points
…a plastic bag from a comic shop on which the handles are about to break image 5 points
You’ve changed an eating plan after being unable to open a screw-topped jar. image 1 point
You’ve decided to stay in after being unable to find one of your shoes. image 1 point
You celebrate Halloween more than your own birthday. image 3 points
You’ve taken a lift to travel one floor, which took longer than walking would have done. image 1 point
You’ve gone into Rymans, Halfords or a key-cutting shop just to browse. image 3 points
You’ve been to a midnight opening of a shop when a book, DVD or game was released. image 1 point
You’ve set up your computer so that you can watch TV at the same time as playing games. image 1 point
There are more TVs than rooms in your house. image 1 point
…and you keep all of them on all the time. image 3 points
When watching TV, you close the curtains, turn the lights off, and sit about three inches away from the screen. image 3 points
You feel powerless when someone else in the room is holding the remote control. image 1 point
In winter, you often get that horrible feeling when it goes dark outside and you realise you haven’t left the house yet. image 1 point

Bonus Points

You’ve tripped over the following things:

A high kerb image 1 point
A loose paving stone image 3 points
Your own feet image 5 points