Alemani ( Alameni , Allemani ), coat of arms .
on the two-piece disc two notches in the pole in the right field , two notches in the left two-piece disc in the upper field , two cannonballs and one in the lower field . in the gem about to the crowned helmet a lady with one laurel wreath on to the head and the other in the right hands .
story of coat of arms coat of arms Italian origin , after Poland brought by Dominik Alemani , Zimmermann out of Lublin . With to the Indigenous from 1556 approved coat of arms
Stadnicki of the Śreniawa coat of arms (vol. 8 p. 475-485)
Stadnicki of the coat of arms of Śreniawa , in the provinces of Kraków and Ruthenia . Marcin from Zmigrod (therefore the whole family always wrote Stadnicki , or if she later gave birth, they added, from Zmigroda de Lesko , de Lichin , de Dubiecko , de Łańcut ) the voivode of Kraków in 1289, according to Paproc . but at that time Piotr Śreniawa sat on this chair as I said in the first volume it was more or less but Wojciech and Zmigrod were voivodes of Sandomierz and apparently the same later voivodes of Kraków whose son Jakub Kämmerer von Sandomierski made in 1320 a combination with abbot Tyniec for the name Golesz , resulting from Władysław Łokietek , the king of Poland, in his letter, over the Szczygiel . in Tinec . fol . 167. The same seems to be Jakub Stadnicki , but already the castellan of Sanok Called Szumka , over the Biel. fol . 222. writes that he bravely stumbled with the Teutonic Knights in the village of Płowce in 1331 and died with other important people; however , his name is Kromer the castellan of Żarnow . According to Długosz , after the death of Wacław , the king of Poland, his father Wojciech helped the force restore Łokietkowi to the Polish throne in 1305. Anna of Zmigrod Świdyna lays the tombstone in Starowol . in Monum . [p. 476] released from Turobin , but the year is not there. Wladyslaw Jagiellonowicz , King of Poland and Hungary, Jakub of Zmigród In 1440 Stadnicki was awarded to the towns of Siechowo and Bukovina in the Biecki district for his loyal services . about which this letter from the king can be read at Paproc . The sign of the castellan from Sądecki , the same author, and Mikołaj, the courtier, read about the privileges of Kazimierz Jagiellonowicz in 1473 , and on the king list handed over to the city of Lviv in 1480, I read it already with the castellan from Przemyśl . N. had Barbara Mniszchowna behind her, a royal lady-in-waiting. Jędrzej had behind him Odrowążowna from Spowa , a Russian voivode, daughter of Jan, around 1515. Grodicius . Stanisław of Zmigrod , the castellan of Sądecki , left two daughters. N. Jakub Szarzyński , a wife, and Beata, who lived to her old age in her maiden state. In order. in Russian. pile. fol . 101. She is proud of her favors for the monastery of OO. Dominikanów Mościcki: also two sons, one of them was Adam, Voivode of Bełski , Przemyski , Stryjski , Kolski staroste , a big-hearted bachelor with whom he was shot dead with two bullets in the attack on Moscow near Pskov, with no less determination he stood when with Zygmunt III. He traveled with the king of Poland to Sweden, where he had all the dangers, and at times he seemed to despise him. He had some disputes with the House of Herburtówy , which they dealt with that both sides, supporting their demands of the army and the people to fight, even broke down; In 1607 this inner war had already appeared as a blood of Herburt and his life completely subdued: for this Adam had dissolved the greater part of his people; He fell asleep peacefully in Przemyśl Castle , and in the dead of night he was informed that it was the deceased's nephew or Feliks Herburt who stormed the castle. The frightened Stadnicki , who was castellan of Kalisz at that time, was awakened with this news, and knowing to himself that he did not have enough strength to withstand the unexpected opponent who followed him from a large crowd he fled thither to God for help, kneel down, the patron saints to whom he was most faithful in his life he will begin to call fervently . It is in this spectacle that S. Ignacy Lojola , founder of the Order of Soc . Jesus and she is talking to him. And why don't you let me grow up for help, don't you know? that I also treated a chivalrous? Adam was amazed at this, and for a long time he did n't know what to say, only when he regained consciousness did he say: My holy father, and now I ask you, and as long as I live I will always trust in yours Protection. So Saint Ignatius disappeared from his sight, and Stadnicki soon fell asleep, pondering what he saw in his house, where in a dream she appeared to the Holy of Holies. The mother covers the whole castle with her cloak, and above it [p. 477] with a lock, a square cap, hanging. He was roused from his sleep, and the other side was leaned against the castle and, added his heart, not only drove them away but so harassed the fugitives that Herburt himself captured their leader. Historian. coll. Jarösl . and instrument public notarii publici consistor . Premise . He was appointed commissioner by the Seym of 1611 to settle border disputes from Hungary. const . f. 7. and 1609. f. 897. He took leave of this world in 1615, leaving Hieronim, the voivode of Poznań, a daughter and two sons with Anna Gostomska . Silence. alloq . osecene . lib . 2. Cap. 13. His tombstone in Przemyśl . Starovol . in Monum . Nicholas Hieronim, the latter also in foreign lands and at the court of Sigismund III. After wiping out the king's youthful years, he moved to the camp, where he ended his 24th life in 1620, when he laid his best hand on the enemy's neck: what the tombstone in the church of Przemyśl and Starowol says. Second, Jan Kazimierz, a brave warrior of the Tatars near Bursztyn and elsewhere: he moved to the Eternal Peace in 1645. Grabsztyn speaks in Przemyśl , Izabela Kalinowska of General Podolski 's daughter, two only daughters, one of whom married Barbara Dziedoszycki ,
Stanisław, castellan of Przemyśl , Marshal of the Crown Tribunal in 1608. second son of Stanisław, castellan of Sądecki , full brother of Adam Woiwode Bełski , with this title from Sejm of 1609. Commissar at the border of Hungary, Constit . fol . 897. But the following year, in the camp at Smolensk, the life of Marsovemi , a husband loving his homeland, which he had forfeited a large sum in great need, commanded him to the Constitution of 1593 fol . 650. But also in God the Generous, with whom he shared his fortune, he became a benefactor of many of our houses, but especially of the Lemberg College, whose foundation, having united some of his goods, made it more splendid than he recognized this place as its founder before God; In 1595 he even sent earnest servants of God to various meetings against unbridled tongues. and at the time of Rokosz he defended, whose influence our law had experienced in his brother Adam, the voivode, and more than once. He was outraged by the hatred of the Crown Chancellor Jan Tomasz Drohojewski , which led to him attacking him with assault and cannon : as Łubien writes. in Vita Pstroconii ; [p. 478], after all, Stanisław had more intelligent moderation than he could contain these impulses with a gun. He twice concluded marriage contracts, the first time with Jadwiga from Pleszowice Fredrowna , Acta Terrestr . Leopol . 1604 for the second time with Helena of Obory Leśniowolski , who lived with Mikołaj Kiszka after his death , with her he left the son of a certain Jan Adam, the cupbearer of Kraków, he became a deputy of the Ruthenian Voivodeship for various parliamentary sessions, such as 1629 , from where he was enrolled in the Radom Tribunal was, const . f.12. and 1631. thence the commissioner for the borders of Hungary, const . f. 16 and 1633. on f. 31 and 1635, f. 6 and 1637. he had behind him Barbara Korycińska , the crown chancellor , ie the castellan of Sądecka . Jędrzej Samuel from Zmigrod in Lesko Stadnicki Kastellan von Lubaczowski , with this title see the Constitutions of 1670 and the Border Commissioner of Hungary, Konst . f 27. Appointed for this function by the Seym 1676. fol . 3I. his body was buried in Lesko in 1678 ; (He had a brother, Kazimierz, the scholastic Chełmski , the pastor of Leski , whom he will know; from the 1679 degrees dedicated to him in Jarosław ), he had two daughters from Ustrzycka , one of whom was married to Antoni Dzierzek , who Flag of Podolski , the other Katarzyna of Jan Sierakowski, coat of arms of Dołęga -Kastellan Belski and three sons. Jan Adam, the voivode of Volyn , read about him in the 1703 constitution; fol . On the 6th and 13th, Stadnicki had an heiress to a large fortune, from whom there were two sons, one of them Józef took Teresa Mniszchowna , the Grand Marshal of the Crown, the other Kazimierz, the Starostin of Libuski , Dorota Skrzyńska , from whom her daughter Teresa Ossolińska , the Starostin of Sandomierz . Antoni the cupbearer of Bełski , wife of Bełzeck , and Józef, first castellan of Lubaczowski , then Bełski , died in 1737. His wife Makowiecka , the starosta of Trembowel , from whom several sons remained, one of them married Głogowski , but he left this world young, 1737. the second under the interregnum resident at the Ottoman port, and two others, Alexander and Simon; Daughter after Jan Rej . Jędrzej is the third brother of Adam, Voivode Bełski and Stanisław, the castellan of Przemyśl , after his return from Moscow, where he became king Zygmunt III. was appointed. assisted at the marriage of the imaginary Tsar of Moscow to Mniszchowska , Voivode of Sandomierz ,
Józef Stadnicki , castellan of Bełski (as above) from Makowiecka , sons. a) Józef, ensign Grabowiecki , after the death of his third wife Dembińska elected the priesthood, the dean of Kraków, Imo , died voto with the Olszan chamberlain Łucka , had a daughter, but she left the world when she was young from Dembińska [p. 479] fathered a son, Michael and John. - Michał understood Starzyńska , Jan Poletyłowna . - b) Aleksander, son of the second castellan from Bełski , née Drohojewska , father of Józef. After the death of his first wife, he reunited with a Hungarian noble family, Shentiwani , with whom he lived without children: - He died. Ensign von Grabowiecki . - Józef son of Aleksander from his mother Drohojewska , Countess Katarzyna Krasicka , son of Archbishop of Gniezno , heir in Niemirów , Boratyn and Malkowice , etc. took his descendants. The daughters of Alexander, Antoni and Teofil, Teresa. - Krasicki .