Frances Ridley Havergal

Coming to the King

Published by Good Press, 2019
EAN 4057664602770

Table of Contents

Our King
Led in Peace.
His Presence
Springs of Peace
The Welcome to the King
The King of Love.
God is Love and God is Light
Thine eyes shall see the King
I am Thine.
Is it for Me?
Going to Christ
My King and Master.
Under His Shadow

I came from very far to see
The King of Salem, for I had been told
Of glory and of wisdom manyfold,
And condescension infinite and free.
Now could I rest, when I had heard his fame,
In that dark lonely land of death, from whence I came?

I came (but not like Sheba's queen), alone!
No stately train, no costly gifts to bring;
No friend at court, save One the King!
I had requests to spread before His throne,