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©2020 Susanne Edelmann
Herstellung und Verlag: BoD – Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt
ISBN: 9783749427819

  1. Introduction
  2. The energy-based realm of the Elves
  3. Wealth
  4. What the realm of the elves can bring in this time of upheaval
  5. Your personal wealth
  6. Assumptions
  7. Additional gifts
1. Introduction

We may repeat ourselves, but at the same time we cannot emphasize it enough: This series of books, and with it this book, is not a general passing on information. Rather, it is aimed, consciously, at people who know that they need the content for themselves and their next task. People who have a certain high level of development, a certain high level of awareness and thus a certain high level of integrity. People who are able to receive information in a pure and clear manner and to deal with it with integrity.

This book is deliberately written in an energy-based way and is therefore also subject to its laws. The content of the book opens up according to the natural size and thus the natural integrity of the respective reader. What is written is meant for you personally. For you and your own development. The words speak into your very own situation and if you should also know that you belong to those people who prepare, promote and strengthen intercultural cooperation on this planet, you will also find appropriate, helpful information. Seen from the outside, humans have many strange behaviors and if you want to consciously meet other inhabitants of this planet, it helps you a lot if you are not only aware of these behaviors, but ideally also know how to avoid them.

At the same time, both human society and each individual energy-based realm has its own culture and manners. And that is what we would like to point out in this book. If you feel in yourself that one of your future tasks will be intercultural mediation, we assume that you have spent at least one, usually several of your lives in one or all of the energy-based realms of the earth. Something that will support you immensely in your future task, do you, of course, have your own wealth of knowledge and experience with regard to this one or all of the energy-based realms of the earth. The present book, like all the others in this book series, is intended to consciously support those people who have already lived in the energy-based realms to consciously have their knowledge and experience at their disposal again.

The energy-based realm of the elves is one of the most vulnerable realms on earth and this book is accordingly carefully written. Sophisticated readers of integrity will receive a variety of necessary and helpful information. To all others, the written words will appear banal and the corresponding exercises will close to them. This is done very deliberately to protect everyone involved.

"We" are in this book:

Susanne Edelmann, current human embodiment of the Ascended Master Lady Nayla Og-Min and writing author.

Lady Nayla Og-Min, Ascended Master, embodied several times as human and embodied several times in the energy-based realm of the elves. Elves have a very human-like appearance. Albeit completely energy-based. And if you are yourself, a highly developed being and are now beginning to expand your consciousness and to increase your own fundamental frequency, you will involuntarily come back into contact with the energy-based level. Something that will make you come home a little way.

If your own basic oscillation frequency then increases even more, at some point your human body changes mode and switches from a purely material-based human body to a purely light-based human body. Outwardly it still looks the same as it used to. Outwardly, it still behaves exactly as it did before. At the same time you feel yourself, very clearly, that your body has changed. It is lighter now. Purer. Softer. It increasingly feels like what an astral body feels and thus how an elf's body feels. And if you have already lived some lives in the energy-based realm of the elves, you suddenly feel drawn to the elves intuitively. Involuntarily. You may not necessarily be able to put it into words. But you are drawn to them. Your lives then begin to open up.

Another possible reason you were drawn to this book. And this aspect should be adequately taken into account in the following lines.

Lord St. Germain, Ascended Master and one of those Ascended Masters whose name is currently, probably the most abused, by some people. He, too, is currently embodied in a human manner and is able to speak or write himself in principle if he wishes. He therefore does not need any “human mouthpieces”. Like all other Ascended Masters or Archangels, never needed this and yet, like so many others, is currently involved in multiple, unsightly, human fantasies.

At the same time, there are also several thousands of highly developed people of integrity. People who at best would never call themselves that and still are. People who are able to actually be pure and clear. Those who still have to go through a few cleaning processes at the moment, because they often, have experienced some unsightly things in their current life. However, their fundamental frequency is now increasing at a rapid pace and they are thus getting increasingly conscious access to the energy-based level and their former energy-based lives. These people are the current and future elite of this planet. Exactly them, who would probably least of all call themselves that. And at the same time also (very deeply hidden) know that they (would) belong exactly there. And if you are one of those people, this book will support and enrich you in many ways.

Ovid, is in the personal development of an Ascended Master but has never lived as a human. He is currently embodied as an Arcturian and resides on the Arcturian mother ship on which the books of the team around Susanne and Nayla have created.

Since we all have a level of personal development that the average person cannot imagine, it is possible for us even in a human embodiment to write a book together in an energy-based way at any time. Susanne then translates the content into human words and does this in such a way that on the one hand the human mind of the reading person understands and grasps it, but at the same time the written lines are also underlay with additional information based on energy. Information that your divine self can make accessible and then consciously convey to you at the appropriate time. Susanne can do this because she is the embodiment of an Ascended Master and therefore has the appropriate skills. Skills you don't have to imagine. Honestly, you can't either. At the same time, we would like to emphasize at this point that our books have no points of contact and in no way have any similarities with so-called “channeled” books. Susanne is not a "normal person", even if she looks and behaves that way, in human society.

May the book serve you. You personally!

Warm regards

Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla Og-Min, Lord St. Germain, Ovid, Norian, Lord Ben Josef

2. The energy-based realm of the Elves

We have started to write a series of books "Old Times" parallel to this series of books. Because, the planet earth has a history, mankind has a history and, every energy-based realm on earth has its history. A history that is naturally (also) always part of the here and now. A history that represents a valuable and important wealth of experience. However, if the negative experiences contained therein are not consciously dealt with, one's own or social history inevitably becomes a lasting burden.

Since you were drawn to this book and it is very consciously subject to the law of resonance, we assume that you yourself have a high level of development of your own and thus most likely also have a wealth of experience in diverse lives. Lives, in the ancient times of the planet, but also lives in the various energy-based realms of the earth. And so if we write about the history (s), it is not just a planetary matter, but very often an individual one. You too lived then.

Each empire has its own history and each of these histories contains deep hurts of their own. It is no different with the realm of the elves. And every being that lived back then usually still carries these (old!) Injuries (unconsciously) within itself. Therefore, each of them who is now conscious of it again and thus, consciously and sustainably dissolves it, contributes to one sustainable resolution of this history (s). This too, an important and valuable part of the book at hand.

Elves live in the fifth, energy-based dimension of planet earth. Their body is a human-like, purely energy-based body, which can be compared with your very personal astral body.

2.1 Excursus astral body

Every human has an astral body. An energy-based imprint of your own human body. This energy-based body is a little wider than the human one and (naturally) does not contain any organs.

When a person is conceived, a being incarnates after a few weeks in the human fetus and consciously connects with this human body during the course of pregnancy. At the same time, however, the respective being also receives the information contained in the mother's energy field and thus lives, consciously already during pregnancy, in a human life and its customs. It does this based on the mother's knowledge, skills, and experience. If thus the mother is a highly developed being who has a variety of human incarnations, but also a variety of incarnations in the energy-based realms of the earth, the new being receives an immeasurable wealth on its way. A wealth that is stored in the constantly developing energy field of the new citizen during pregnancy.

A (highly developed) mother is thus an extremely precious being. And this is still far too little recognized and appreciated among people at the moment. Highly evolved beings who live as humans are extremely precious. And this, too, is still far too little recognized and appreciated among people.

Therefore, when a baby is born, he not only has a materially based human body, but also an energy-based version of this one body. An astral body or often called a subtle body. This astral body also represents its energy field at the beginning of its human life and this energy field contains not only all of his own knowledge and his entire wealth of experience from all his previous lives, but also his injuries that have not yet been worked through in all his previous lives.

A human infant is therefore not what people currently, as a rule, still make of it. Rather, he is himself. Even if he is in the first years of his life in a highly fragile human body and in an extremely high relationship of dependency. Already at birth, a person has himself in his natural size with him and he has both a material-based and an energy-based body. Both aspects generously equip him for a diverse life on the planet. At the same time, however, this has been largely forgotten among humans.

The material based body is intended for the material based plane of the planet. The astral body for the energy-based level. People are currently trying, mostly still, to understand and explain the energy-based level from the material-based dimension and its framework of thought. Something that gives rise to extremely grotesque realities, purely factual, viewed from the outside.

Of course, the energy-based level can also be perceived a bit out of the material-based dimension. However, if you really want to move there, you do this with your astral body.

What happens now, however, sometimes is the following: A person experiences, as a rule, various traumas in the course of his life. Events that cause him excessive pain, but in which he can neither fight successfully nor escape successfully and so is completely helpless at the mercy of the respective event. A terrible experience. An experience that can sometimes lead to parts of the affected person's astral body splitting off.

They are still connected, but no longer fully inserted. This state, in turn, can cause the affected person to become “clairvoyant” and feel strongly connected to the “spiritual world”.

However, he makes this experience completely from his materially based body and thus completely from the materially based plane.

Something that greatly alienates his experiences, purely factual, viewed from the outside.