Golf Formats
For Societies & Game Secretaries
© Allin Golf Society 2012
Casa do Vale Sitio do Cebolar Apartado 2057
Gil Eanes Portimao Portugal 8501-902
An M-Y Books eBook
Individual Game Formats
2 Ball Team Game Formats
3 Ball Team Game Formats
4 Ball Team Tournament Formats
4 Ball Tournament Fun Formats
Tournament Formats for mixed 3 & 4 Ball Teams
1. Medal Strokeplay – Record all strokes taken, then take off the individuals allowed strokes (handicap) this is their Medal score, lowest score wins
2. Medal Stableford – Highest Stableford score wins.
3. Chicago – All players play off scratch (no shots allowed) and score normal Stableford points. Players final score is total Stableford score + their handicap (rounded to nearest whole number .5 goes up) – 39. Highest score wins. E.g Player with handicap of 10 scores 30 points off scratch = 30+10–39=+1
4. Medway – All players start with 45 points. They then score normally under Stableford points system. They take this score from 45 and lowest score wins.
5. Skins – A Skin is when 1 player wins the hole outright. The Player with the most skins at the end of the round wins. If no one wins the hole outright then that skin can be carried over, so the next holes is worth 2 skins to an outright winner.
1. Matchplay – The player who wins most holes wins (see definition of Matchplay)
2. Chairman – Played under Matchplay rules but with the following modification. Once a player has won a hole then & only then can they score a point by winning the next hole. The player with the most points wins.
3. Modified Chairman – Each round of golf can be split into the following – front nine, back nine, overall 18 holes (3 mini games in 1) or could be split by par 3’s, par 4’s, par 5’s and overall 18 eighteen holes (4 mini games in 1).
4. Skins – A Skin is when 1 player wins the hole outright. The Player with the most skins at the end of the round wins. If no one wins the hole outright then that skin can be carried over, so the next holes is worth 2 skins to an outright winner.
1. Any of the Individual 2 ball games can be played in 3 ball format.
2. Sixes – In this game there are 6 points available on each hole 4pts for outright win 2pts for clear 2nd place or 3pts for a hole halved by 2 of the 3 players or 2pts each if hole is shared equally by all 3 players. Generally played under handicap Matchplay rules.
3. Eclectic Stroke Play – each player pairs up the front nine holes with the back nine i.e. hole 1 with hole 10, hole 2 with hole 11 etc. They then take their best score from each pairing, (if a player scores better on hole 10 than on hole 1 they record their hole 10 score otherwise they score their hole 1 score. The team with the best combined pairing scores (9 scores each) wins. This can be with or without Handicap allowances.
4. Skins – A Skin is when 1 player wins the hole outright. The Player with the most skins at the end of the round wins. If no one wins the hole outright then that skin can be carried over, so the next holes is worth 2 skins to an outright winner.
1. Any of the individual, 2 or 3 ball games can be played in 4 ball format.
2. Eights – Similar to Sixes. In this game there are eight points available at each hole. 6 points for outright win, 4 pts for hole halved with 1 other, 2pts for hole halved with 2 others or 2pts for clear 2nd place.
3. Skins – A Skin is when 1 player wins the hole outright. The Player with the most skins at the end of the round wins. If no one wins the hole outright then that skin can be carried over, so the next holes is worth 2 skins to an outright winner.
Can be played within individual 4 balls or within 4 ball tournaments
1. Betterball Matchplay