About the Book
Title Page
Warning! Think you know about dinosaurs?
Talking Dinosaur!
The Crew of the DSS Sauropod
Jurassic Quadrant Map
Chapter One: The Monster in the Dark
Chapter Two: The Meteorite Mystery
Chapter Three: The Secret of the Slodge
Chapter Four: Chased by Monsters!
Chapter Five: A Super-Quick Getaway!
Chapter Six: The Secret of the Sabre-Tooths
Chapter Seven: New Moon
Chapter Eight: The Wrecking Crew
Chapter Nine: The Leaving Present
Chapter Ten: Remote Out-of-Control!
About the Author
Also by Steve Cole
Read all the adventures of Teggs, Gipsy, Arx and Iggy!
#1 Riddle of the Raptors
#2 The Hatching Horror
#3 The Seas of Doom
#4 The Mind-Swap Menace
#5 The Skies of Fear
#6 The Space Ghosts
#7 Day of the Dino-Droids
#8 The Terror-Bird Trap
#9 The Planet of Peril
#10 The Star Pirates
#11 The Claws of Christmas
#12 The Sun-Snatchers
#13 Revenge of the Fang
#14 The Carnivore Curse
#15 The Dreams of Dread
#16 The Robot Raiders
#17 The Twist of Time
#18 The Sabre-Tooth Secret
#19 The Forest of Evil
#20 Earth Attack!
#21 The T. Rex Invasion
#22 The Castle of Frankensaur
Read all the adventures of Teggs, Blink and Dutch at the Astrosaurs Academy!
#1 Destination: Danger!
#2 Contest Carnage!
#3 Terror Underground!
#4 Jungle Horror!
#5 Deadly Drama!
#6 Christmas Crisis!
#7 Volcano Invaders!
#8 Space Kidnap!
Meet the time-travelling cows!
#1 The Ter-moo-nators
#2 The Moo-my’s Curse
#3 The Roman Moo-stery
#4 The Wild West Moo-nster
#5 World War Moo
#6 The Battle for Christmoos
#7 The Pirate Moo-tiny
#8 The Moo-gic of Merlin
#9 The Victorian Moo-ders
#10 The Moo-lympic Games
#11 First Cows on the Moon
#12 The Viking Emoo-gency
If you can’t take the slime, don’t do the crime!
#1 The Fearsome Fists
#2 The Toxic Teeth
#3 The Cyber-Poos
#4 The Supernatural Squid
#5 The Killer Socks
#6 The Last-Chance Chicken
#7 The Alligator Army
#8 The Conquering Conks
Visit for fun, games, jokes, to meet the characters and much, much more!
Meet Captain Teggs Stegosaur and the crew of the amazing spaceship DSS Sauropod as the Astrosaurs fight evil across the galaxy!
The world of Aggadon is a dangerous place. Meteors crash down from its skies and strange monsters prowl its dark forests. The triceratops trapped there call on Arx for help – and when the astrosaurs arrive they find old enemies at work . . .
Born in 1971, Steve Cole spent a happy childhood in rural Bedfordshire being loud and aspiring to amuse. He liked books, and so went to the University of East Anglia to read more of them. Later on he started writing them too, with titles ranging from pre-school poetry to Young Adult thrillers (with more TV and film tie-ins than he cares to admit to along the way). In other careers he has been the editor of Noddy magazine, and an editor of fiction and nonfiction book titles for various publishers. He is the author of the hugely successful Astrosaurs, Cows in Action and Astrosaurs Academy series.
AN RHCP DIGITAL EBOOK 978 1 448 17354 9
Published in Great Britain by RHCP Digital,
an imprint of Random House Children’s Publishers UK
A Random House Group Company
This ebook edition published 2013
Text copyright © Steve Cole, 2007
Cover illustration by Dynamo Design © Random House Children’s Books, 2010
Map visual © Charlie Fowkes, 2007
Illustrations by Woody Fox, copyright © Random House Children’s Books, 2007
First Published in Great Britain by Red Fox in 2007
The right of Steve Cole to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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For Christian Richards
The dinosaurs . . .
Big, stupid, lumbering reptiles. Right?
All they did was eat, sleep and roar a bit. Right?
Died out millions of years ago when a big meteor struck the Earth. Right?
The dinosaurs weren’t stupid. They may have had small brains, but they used them well. They had big thoughts and big dreams.
By the time the meteor hit, the last dinosaurs had already left Earth for ever. Some breeds had discovered how to travel through space as early as the Triassic period, and were already enjoying a new life among the stars. No one has found evidence of dinosaur technology yet. But the first fossil bones were only unearthed in 1822, and new finds are being made all the time.
The proof is out there, buried in the ground.
And the dinosaurs live on, way out in space, even now. They’ve settled down in a place they call the Jurassic Quadrant and over the last sixty-five million years they’ve gone on evolving.
The dinosaurs we’ll be meeting are part of a special group called the Dinosaur Space Service. Their job is to explore space, to go on exciting missions and to fight evil and protect the innocent!
These heroic herbivores are not just dinosaurs.
They are astrosaurs!
NOTE: The following story has been translated from secret Dinosaur Space Service records. Earthling dinosaur names are used throughout, although some changes have been made for easy reading. There’s even a guide to help you pronounce the dinosaur names on the next page.
IGUANODON – ig-WA-noh-don
HADROSAUR – HAD-roh-sore
“Next stop, planet Aggadon!” cried Captain Teggs Stegosaur as he bundled aboard his space shuttle. A new adventure was beginning, and he could hardly wait.
Teggs was the captain of the DSS Sauropod, the fastest ship in the Dinosaur Space Service. He and his crew had been sent to the Tri System, a colourful collection of worlds where millions of