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© 2019 Hartmut von Czapski
Production and publishing: BoD – Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt
These exercises are based on the theories and exercise series of Dr. Zhang Guilan (18 Taiji Qi Gong positions), Prof. Li Ding, Bambang Sutomo (28 Taiji Qi Gong positions) and Dr. Jiang Hao-Quan (the 8 basic Tai Chi positions).
The exercise series can be divided into 2 sections. Exercise 1-10 and 11-21. Exercise 1-3 should always be practiced together. Exercise 22 is the final exercise “opening and closing”. It should be practiced at the end of each exercise session.
The most difficult exercises (10 and 21) I put at the end of each section. It takes a long time of practice to be carried out harmoniously fluently and yet correctly. Depending on your needs, you can also choose individual exercises in your daily program. The exercises that are hardest to do should be practiced to remove blockages. With all Qi Gong exercises one should consider his physical limits and slowly expand. As a beginner, it is advisable to practice body movements first and then add breathing. Breathing moves the energy in the body.
Qi Gong without correct breathing is called "empty Qi Gong". It is then nothing more than gymnastics. The internal energy control usually takes longer to practice.
When moving your hands, you should concentrate on the Laogong points in the palms.
The effects of Taiji Qigong are diverse: (Example exercises in brackets)
The increased oxygen uptake and increased blood flow affects all cells of the body, especially the brain and thus the memory. (9, 10, 15)