If a politician tells me its daytime, Im going to walk outside and check
John Henry is an average American. He loves his family. Hes not rich or politically connected. Hes kept his nose clean, served in the military, votes and plays by the rules. He believes in this country and idolizes American heroes. He loves the American culture and freedom. He loves and respects those who have made the sacrifices for his freedoms. He believes in God and wishes the best for his fellow man. He respects the rights and privacy of all. He wonders what has happened to his country and the leaders we have previously elected. He wonders what has happened to the qualities of courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and indomitable spirit. He wonders why our political leaders have failed us. He wonders why the government has declared war on him. For the first time, hes decided to fight back and voice his opinions about many things concerning the American politician and federal government. Hes mad as hell and hes not going to take it any longer!