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Eleventh Edition
This edition first published 2017 © 2017 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Previous editions: 2011 by RAC Graham-Brown and DA Burns
1965, 1969, 1973, 1977, 1983, 1990, 1996, 2002, 2007 by Blackwell Science Ltd.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Graham-Brown, R. A. C. (Robin A. C.), author. | Harman, Karen, author. | Johnston, Graham, 1968– , author.
Title: Lecture notes. Dermatology / Robin Graham-Brown, Karen Harman, Graham Johnston ; with contribution from Matthew Graham-Brown.
Other titles: Dermatology
Description: Eleventh edition. | Chichester, West Sussex ; Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2017. | Includes index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2015047737 | ISBN 9781118887776 (pbk.)
Subjects: | MESH: Skin Diseases
Classification: LCC RL74 | NLM WR 140 | DDC 616.5–dc23
LC record available at
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Cover image: © Robin Graham-Brown, Karen Harman, and Graham Johnston
In this, the 11th edition of Dermatology Lecture Notes, we have further updated the text, focusing on recent advances in the knowledge of skin diseases and their treatment. We have been joined once again by a doctor working at the sharp end in the University Hospitals of Leicester to help us with the chapter on emergency dermatology.
Numerous tables of salient points provide ready reference, but, as in previous editions, we have attempted to create a ‘user-friendly’ readability.
We hope that the book will be of value not only to medical students, but also to general practitioners and nurses involved in the care of dermatology patients. We also hope that exposure to Dermatology Lecture Notes will stimulate a deeper interest in this important medical specialty.
Professor Graham-Brown remains deeply indebted to the late Dr Imrich Sarkany and Professor Charles Calnan, under whose guidance he learned his dermatology, and to Dr Tony Burns, an outstanding clinician and teacher, for so long a close friend, a wonderful colleague and co-author of previous editions of Dermatology Lecture Notes. We are especially grateful to him for allowing us to use many of his illustrations and large sections of his wonderful text.
Dr Harman is grateful to the many dermatologists she trained with at the St John’s Institute of Dermatology and King’s College Hospital, London, which provided a stimulating and inspiring environment in which to learn dermatology. In particular, Professor Martin Black and Dr Anthony de Vivier were wonderful mentors and clinicians, and their example of collecting good clinical images has proved invaluable in the update of this 11th edition of Dermatology Lecture Notes.
Dr Johnston would like to thank Dr Robin Graham-Brown and Dr Tony Burns whose encyclopaedic knowledge, astute clinical skills and sense of humour produced a unique environment in which to learn a fascinating speciality.
We all thank our colleagues in the Dermatology Department in Leicester: Drs Anton Alexandroff, Ian Anderson and Robert Burd, Professor Richard Camp and Drs Ingrid Helbling, Peter Hutchinson, Alex Milligan and Joy Osborne, as well as numerous junior colleagues, for creating and sustaining such a stimulating environment in which to work.
We are delighted that Dr Matthew Graham-Brown has agreed to help us update the chapter on emergency dermatology.
We would also like to thank the following colleagues, who have very kindly provided the following illustrations:
We are especially grateful to all the medical students who, over many years, have reminded us of the importance of clarity in communication, and that teaching should be a stimulating and enjoyable experience for everyone concerned.
Finally, we thank the staff at Wiley-Blackwell, who have helped us through the editing and production stages.
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