

ONE OF THE BIGGEST CHALLENGES any business leader faces is generating consistent, profitable growth. But stalled growth is the rule, not the exception, even for the best-managed companies. That's especially true in today's tumultuous economic environment.

When Growth Stalls is a practical, hands-on guide for executives, managers, and entrepreneurs who are struggling with stalled growth as well as for those who hope to prevent it. In this book, marketing expert Steve McKee presents fascinating evidence that demonstrates that sluggish growth is usually produced not by mismanagement or strategic blundering, but by natural market forces and destructive internal dynamics that are widespread—and often unrecognized.

All companies struggle with external forces such as economic upheavals, changing industry dynamics, and increased competition. When Growth Stalls explores how these forces conspire to take companies down. But the book also looks beyond these natural market forces and explains how four subtle and highly destructive internal factors conspire to keep companies down: a lack of consensus among the management team, a loss of nerve, a loss of focus, and marketing inconsistency. Conquering these, McKee's research shows, is the real key to overcoming stalled growth.

When Growth Stalls demonstrates that no matter what's going on outside an enterprise, it's what's inside that counts. Public or private, for-profit or not-for-profit, consumer-focused or business-to-business—organizations of every size and shape are subject to the same challenges. Throughout this groundbreaking book, McKee explains how to turn things around, offering proven and practical advice for rekindling growth.

  • Formate: pdf
  • ISBN: 9780470451960
  • Verlag: WILEY
  • Autor: Steve McKee
  • EAN: 9780470451960
  • Buchtyp: E-book
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM
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When Growth Stalls
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